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Chapter 1006 A murderous heart

The Emperor of Great China has already formed a shadow in the hearts of some people over the years. He seems to represent invincibility, seems to represent invincibility, and seems to represent invincibility.

At least until now, I haven't heard of any army that can take advantage of the Emperor of China on the frontal battlefield. But now, this army appeared in front of him, and Ling Duogu began to panic for no reason.

It's like a 1.7-meter young man who was showing off his power just now, but then a two-meter-tall, two-hundred-pound strong man appeared in front of him. With his body and weight completely out of contrast, the former had something in his heart.

Being panicked is completely normal.

"General, what should we do? Otherwise, let's withdraw." The soldiers around him also felt scared and tried to make suggestions.

"Retreat!" Ling Duogu smiled bitterly and shook his head. The clan elder was still watching him from behind. It can be said that whether he won or not represented the guarantee of Qiao's survival. If he retreats now, then

There is no need for others, the clan leader will take his own life in public to maintain military discipline.

At that time, not only would he die, but he would also become the sinner of the Qiao family and the shame of the Qiao family. For a general, this was something that he could not accept even if he died.

Even if we can't retreat, the only thing left is to fight. "It doesn't matter, the opponent only has a few hundred cavalry, and our number is several times his. Come on, leave some people to entangle these Dahua infantry, and the others

Follow this general to deal with the Emperor of Dahua. This is a good opportunity to make great achievements."

Unable to retreat or retreat, Ling Duogu decided to fight and spoke words of encouragement to his men.

As soon as these words were said, excitement appeared in the eyes of some warlike people. Yes, the one who came was the Emperor of Dahua. If he could be captured, wouldn't it mean that all the ten states of Dahua could be left to their own devices?

Have you gone for a ride?

This is definitely a great achievement. Once they achieve it, they will not only be the heroes of the Qiao family, they will also be the heroes of the entire Xiongnu and the heroes of Dadi in the future.

There was such a big piece of fat right in front of them, and many people were tempted. But under the strong temptation, they seemed to have forgotten their own abilities. Are they really capable of defeating the Emperor of Dahua? Anyway, what they saw

It is a huge credit and their superior numerical advantage.

"Let's go, kill Emperor Hua!"

I don't know who shouted this, and more and more Huns cavalry gave up on attacking the Dahua Army infantry in front of them. Instead, they leaped on their horses and whipped their whips, heading straight towards Tang Ao who was rushing towards them.

Come rushing.

"Tangle the Hun cavalry as much as possible to reduce the pressure on Your Majesty." Wu Hu and Yu Guangjue naturally saw the intention of the Hun cavalry. When they saw more and more enemy cavalry passing by, they also

Get anxious.

They can die in battle, and even for victory, the entire third brigade, and even the entire second field army can die in battle, but as the emperor of Dahua, Tang Ao must not let anything happen. Otherwise, the consequences will be

No one dares to imagine it, and no one can afford it.

In this way, the remaining 5,000 soldiers of the third brigade tried their best to intercept the Huns cavalry. For this reason, at least 1,000 people were killed in a short period of time, but they were still like moths rushing to the flame, without any trace of

The meaning of stopping. In the hearts of these warriors, even if they can stop a Hun cavalry, His Majesty will have less pressure from an enemy cavalry, and everything will be worth it.

Tang Ao, who was riding on the snow jade white dragon, was leaning on the horse, reducing wind resistance while increasing his speed.

What is visible to the eye is that the soldiers of the third brigade are killing the enemy with their lives, and some are even using their lives to slow down the progress of the enemy cavalry. From time to time, there will be blood splashing, and every breath seems to have its own

When the soldier fell to the ground, covered in blood, Tang Ao was really angry.

In front of themselves, they dare to slaughter their own soldiers like this. Do they really think that they don't exist?

Tang Ao, who was filled with anger, flew towards the center of the battlefield on his snow-stepping jade white dragon. At the same time, he hung the Changkong Zhangba on the side of the horse and took out a long bow wrapped with gold threads on the other side.

The whole body of the bow is golden, and it seems that this is the only way to be worthy of Tang Ao's status. However, despite its bright and beautiful appearance, the inside is also specially made. It can be said that it was specially built for Tang Ao's giant sky.

Tang Ao once used this bow to draw a force of four stones (a bucket of millet is 50 kilograms, a stone is 500 kilograms), which was a force of two thousand kilograms, but Tang Ao did not use his full strength.

With the intermediate level of Grandmaster cultivation and the power of twin veins, if Tang Ao is really serious, his arms can reach nearly three thousand kilograms of strength, but it will only consume more.

But pulling up the power of the four stones is not stressful at all. Once the power of the four stones is released, it can easily be shot to 600 meters away, that is, a distance of 400 steps. Of course, this must be equipped with good arrows.

Just fine.

As the emperor of Great China, how could Tang Ao be short of good arrows?

Just like the arrow kettle hanging on the snow-stepping jade white dragon, every arrow is not made of fine steel. Not only is it strong enough to fly hundreds of steps without losing balance, but the body of each arrow

The appearance was also painted with fine gold paint to represent Tang Ao's identity.

He casually stretched out his hand, and a golden arrow was taken into his hand. Then, with a golden bow, the golden light flashed across like a stream of light, and shot straight towards a Hun cavalry who was charging more than 300 steps away.

Other people's arrows would only make a whooshing sound, but when it was placed in Tang Ao's place, it was lifeless. This was because he deliberately used his cultivation to suppress all behaviors, making them more fluent and smooth at the same time.

It can achieve the effect of taking human life without rebirth.

A golden light suddenly shot out, and the Hun cavalry who was rushing in front seemed to see something, but because the speed of the arrow was too fast, he could not completely capture it. He only told him based on experience that more than three hundred steps

, no arrow in the world can reach this distance, he should be safe.

What it shouldn't mean is that, on the contrary, there is still a lot of uncertainty.

This trace of uncertainty finally made the Hun cavalry bear all the bitter consequences. With one arrow coming, he just saw something flashing past his eyes, and then a heartbreaking pain spread throughout his body.

, at that moment, he felt that all the strength in his body was drained out at this moment, and his hands were no longer able to hold the horse's reins. His vision went dark, and he fell from the horse.

An arrow shot through the heart!

Just pass!

The arrow did not stop on the unlucky Hun cavalry because it hit the target. Instead, it continued to rush forward with its strong inertia, and then shot into another Hun who was coming from behind, and hit the target again.

After touching his chest, he stopped. Then another Hun cavalry fell down.

This is truly killing two birds with one stone!

When the second man fell down, the second and third golden arrows also came from far and near, without any intention of stopping, and shot at a Hun cavalry who was charging forward, killing him.

One by one, the enemy cavalry was shot down from their horses.

From a distance of more than 300 steps to 50 steps, Tang Ao shot a total of ten arrows and took a total of fourteen lives. Only then did he hang up the golden bow and hold it in the sky.

He also sat on the horse and straightened his body.

It sounds like a dozen cavalrymen were shot and killed by arrows. This is a normal thing in a cavalry battle. But when all this is done by one person, it gives people a completely different feeling.

It also made some people look at Tang Ao, who was wearing black armor and a black mask, and whose face could not be seen clearly. They already felt a sense of fear before they even came in front of them.

Is this still a human being? Taking more than 300 steps to kill a human is like picking out an object from a bag, and the arrows are not missed, and can often pierce two people with one arrow? Who is this? How can such a person be so easy to capture?


While his thoughts were still swirling in his mind, Tang Ao had already rushed to the side of the Huns cavalry. The tigers and tigers were dancing in the sky, as if they had found its battlefield. They swung forward and swept back, slashing left and right.

In a short period of time, all the Huns cavalry who fought with them did not even see clearly the moves they made, and fell off their horses one by one.

Moreover, all the people who fell died immediately, and not even an injured person was found.

The angry Tang Ao showed no mercy in his attacks. Each of the first moves used hundreds of kilograms of force to ensure that the bodies of these Huns cavalry could not bear it, and to ensure that every blow would kill the enemy instead of killing the enemy.

Injure the enemy.

With the continuous enrichment of battle experience, especially after receiving the guidance from his mother, Tang Ao became more comfortable with the use of power. It was no longer like before, where he could only use brute force and consume a lot of power in vain.


Tang Ao came to the battlefield with a murderous intention, and soon there was a ground full of ownerless horses behind him. A cursory glance showed that there were already more than thirty horses.

In such a short period of time, one person killed more than thirty Hun cavalry in a row. This result really shocked many people. Some Hun cavalry began to hesitate. No matter how great the military exploits were in front of them,

You have to have the ability to get it. If you still rush in despite knowing that you will die, isn't that just asking for death?

But not everyone has the mentality of going to the mountains with tigers despite knowing that there are tigers in the mountains.

Many Xiongnu cavalrymen actually wanted to stop moving forward, which was seen by Ling Duogu who followed them.

Unlike ordinary people, Ling Duogu could already tell that this outstanding person was probably Tang Ao, the emperor of Great China. For no other reason than the white horse, the golden arrows, the unparalleled horsemanship, and the

Take the sky as far as eight miles.

I had long heard that Tang Ao was powerful, especially Landaotu, who had returned from Pingcheng's defeat and had said more than once how powerful Emperor Huati was.

This chapter has been completed!
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