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Chapter 114 The advantages of a young team

"Very good, it seems that they chose to break out from the North City Gate. Order, some troops from each direction will be left to continue the interception, and all other mobile forces will move towards the North City Gate. We have to attack them all at once.

Cross the southern Wu army and completely eliminate them." As the commander-in-chief here, Nakamura Wuer issued an order to mobilize troops for combat.

And on this night, the shouts of killing continued all night long outside Fuzhou Prefecture. It was not until daybreak that Nakamura Wuer led his army to surround General Chu Yi's army.

After a night of fighting, the soldiers around Chu Yi were dead and scattered. Now there are less than a thousand people standing around him, and almost all of them are injured.

"You haven't seen the king?" At this point, Chu Yi still didn't know the fact that he had been abandoned by Mu Heng. He thought that the new King of Southern Wu had broken out from the north with him.

"I didn't see it, maybe they have already..." General Youbu lowered his head and said the result he imagined in his mind.

"No, General Zhan Xiaobai is also a brave man, and he might have killed them before letting them go. Haha, no matter what, we also killed a lot of Japanese Japanese ghosts tonight, and it was worth it." A look appeared on his face.

Chu Yi, who smiled bitterly, was still encouraging the generals below at this time.

When he was guarding the city of Shaoxing, he was the one who deserved death if the city was lost. But the king did not blame him, but let him live until now. He thought he had earned it.

But he didn't know that he had always been the one who was abandoned, even if he died, he would die in confusion and without understanding. This was the general in ancient times. Many people were just blindly loyal, just for the so-called good fortune.

Because of their kindness, they never ask why they do things. Many times they become executioners invisibly, and at critical moments, they are also abandoned.

Still for the so-called foolish loyalty, Chu Yi led the last thousand soldiers to launch a decisive battle with the Japanese army. In the end, he was stabbed to death several times. And he claimed to have killed many Japanese ghosts in one night, but in fact he killed all the Japanese.

Just a slave soldier.

And after the defeat of this battle, the Japanese army captured hundreds of thousands of Nanwu soldiers, and these people eventually became members of the slave army, which not only made up for the losses of the Japanese army that night, but also many

The remainder once again strengthened the enemy's strength and cost many lives.

The only good thing was that Mu Heng escaped. He took 10,000 elites and paid the price of 2,000 people before escaping southward, entering the mountains at the border of Fuzhou and Guangdong, and hid in hibernation.

After Nakamura Wuer solved the Fuzhou problem, he led his army straight to the nearby Ganzhou, met with Xiong Meicheng who had already entered here, and made preparations to enter Xiangzhou. In Xiangzhou, the Dahua Army

The fact that the main force appeared in Huashan, Shaanzhou was also spread, and General Liu Cao, who was outside Zhangcheng, knew why the Chinese army had only occasionally fired a few cannons these days, but never took the initiative to attack.

Thinking that since the main force of the Great Chinese Army was not within Zhangcheng, he had a lucky mentality and took the initiative to attack for a while, maybe he could defeat the Great Chinese Army on the opposite side. This was a great achievement.

The generals were summoned to discuss the matter of attacking the Chinese army on the opposite side early tomorrow morning. As expected, they got the support of many people. Then the generals returned to the camp and made various preparations. And here the Xishu military camp changed

It will become lively, and the news will soon be discovered by the birds in the sky and spread to the Dahua Army camp.

The main tent of the Dahua Army military camp.

Shen Ping'an, commander of the 1st Firearms Brigade, Zhou Qian, division commander of the 1st Field Army, Li You, chief of staff; Lei Ming, division commander of the 4th Field Army, Liu Chen, chief of staff, and others looked at Wei Chao, deputy chief of the general staff, pointing and doing battles in front of the sand table. previous deployment work.

Tang Ao left quietly, and when he left, he also took the 4th Wild Wolf Brigade of the Shanshan Guard with him, which was equivalent to taking away the strongest mobile force. But before leaving, he also made arrangements. The arrangement was that once the fighting intention was exposed, After that, what should we do if the Western Shu Army takes the initiative to attack?

It's not that the Dahua Army is incapable of capturing Zhangcheng, it's just that there is no need to capture it.

Once you really break into Zhangcheng, the next thing you have to face is a battle to defend the city. By then, it is very likely that the city will be surrounded by groups. The result is that things from the outside cannot be transported in, and people inside cannot get out. , so you can only fall into passivity.

On the contrary, if the army stops outside Zhangcheng, it means that it has more room and space for activities. And as long as sufficient preparations are made, even in the wild, it may not be more difficult to defend than in the city. On the contrary, it will be more difficult. You will have more free space, and you will be able to fight with greater ease.

Tang Ao left. Since he left, Deputy Commander Wei Chao has been preparing for a possible attack by the enemy. This enemy may be the Western Shu Army in Zhangcheng, or it may be the South Vietnamese Army from afar, or even It's the Xiongnu army, the Japanese army, etc.

Having been prepared for a long time, Wei Chao and the others have not been idle these days. The preparation work has not stopped for a moment. More logistics materials are constantly being delivered. They made complete defensive preparations three days ago. A meeting is nothing more than checking for deficiencies and making the work more detailed.

What Wei Chao said was not even the first time, but the generals still listened very seriously. Every time they mentioned something, they would also imagine the defensive aspects in their minds. Various details, until Wei Chao finally stopped and looked at everyone inquiringly, everyone nodded in unison and said: "Secretary Commander Wei, everything is well prepared, there is no problem."

"Very good, everyone is confident that this is a good thing. But I would like to emphasize that the mission given to us by His Majesty must be nailed here like a nail, attracting the Western Shu Army, the South Vietnamese Army and possibly the The entire attention of the Japanese army that appeared was to do auxiliary work for the main force to severely damage or even eliminate the Huns. Therefore, we must not make any mistakes here. Once something goes wrong, the overall situation will fall into passivity. At that time, Wei I and you all may become the sinners of the entire Dahua."

Wei Chao once again emphasized the importance of this military operation, in order to tell everyone that although our place is not the main battlefield, the location is equally important, and there must be no mistakes.

Speaking of which, Wei Chao was under a lot of pressure when he was ordered this time. After all, his task was very heavy, but the number of troops at his disposal was not very large. There were only more than 100,000 troops in total. But the good thing is that these ten Among the more than ten thousand people, there is the First Firearms Brigade. With this long-range strike force, as long as the enemy is not allowed to get close to their backs, they have more initiative. They can hurt the enemy, but the enemy will not be hurt. to your own purpose.

Coupled with the firearms and supplies recently delivered by logistics, this gave Wei Chao greater confidence in defending this place.

But fighting a war is not just a matter of one person having confidence, it also requires the support of more people, and even more people having confidence. This requires Wei Chao to unify everyone's opinions.

Dahua Kingdom has been established for a short time, less than a year now. Because of this, it is a young team, organization and army. Everyone is very confident in doing things, which actually makes Wei Chao less worried. .

Facing Wei Chao's inquiry, Shen Pingan and others stood at attention and said in an extremely serious tone: "Secretary Wei, please rest assured, and your Majesty, please rest assured. As long as we are still here, our position will not be lost. The mission will be completed very well, and His Majesty and everyone in Great China will not be disappointed."

"Very good, remember what you are saying now. Well, information has been sent from Longya. The Western Shu Army may take action tomorrow. Of course, this is not what we really care about. The South Vietnamese Army will appear soon. , the war will really begin. Everyone, remember what His Majesty often said, destroy the enemy while better preserving yourself, and never act recklessly. If someone is impulsive and causes losses to the troops, even if you win the battle, you may Those who have been punished." After reaffirming military discipline, Wei Chao waved his hand and asked everyone to leave. He also needs a good rest. Once a war breaks out, he needs to have a better mental and physical strength.

The Xishu Army camp outside Zhangcheng also fell into silence.

The attack will be launched early tomorrow morning, and orders have been sent from above, asking all soldiers to eat well, sleep well, and maintain enough energy.

As the general, Liu Cao went to his tent to rest early. Even in his sleep, his face would show an excited smile from time to time.

This time he was ordered to come to Zhangcheng, and he was under great pressure. Facing the Chinese army with the most powerful firearms in the world, everyone knew that defending the city was the most unwise, and also the easiest to be captured and broken through.

For this reason, Liu Cao was already prepared to die when he came, and his family's future generations had even been arranged. However, he never expected that he just listened to General Qu Yang's suggestion and placed the main force of the army ten miles outside the city. , which is tantamount to strangling the lifeblood of the Dahua Army, preventing them from advancing at all.

Defending Zhang's city was a great achievement. Xiangzhou Commander-in-Chief Xu Kun had already sent news that after this battle, his promotion was a certainty, and he himself began to drift off.

Everyone has endless desires, and few can satisfy the current situation. Liu Cao is also such a person!

When he learned that the main force of the Dahua Army had severely damaged the Xiongnu Army at the foot of Huashan Mountain in Shaanzhou, and that the Dahua Army in front of him had no more cavalry teams and much less maneuverability, his ambitions became inflated. When he got up, he could no longer be satisfied with the victory he only gained after defending the city.

This chapter has been completed!
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