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Chapter 121 Target Tang Qingshan

After being a literati for a long time, apart from being able to move their mouths and write and curse, they can no longer do anything else. How can this be done? A truly capable minister must be good at both civil and military affairs. The identity of this observation group now is to let them experience the killing on the battlefield.

atmosphere, so that those at the rear can only talk big words and fail to appreciate the hardship and dedication of the frontline soldiers.

It was precisely with Tang Ao's decree in hand that Ji Jinkai summoned everyone and played such a trick to remove all the disobedient officials from power. This way, Heizhou could unify any orders in the future.

Executed. You must know that there is no limit to the number of observers. If you are a good official and want to go to the battlefield, you can join at any time. With this example, you will not have to worry about disobedience.

Of course, Ji Jinkai also played some tricks. He did not take out the imperial edict first, but waited for someone from Song Dade to jump out before showing the edict. In order to kill the chicken and show it to the monkeys, if it was taken out too early,

, everyone is afraid, and the effect will not be as good as it is now.

If Song Dade and others had known that Tang Ao's intention was there, it's a matter of time and again whether they would have jumped out. But now, it's too late to say anything. They don't even have official status now, although they are not punished.

Although they are not allowed to go to the observation group, for these powerless scholars, it is really more uncomfortable than killing them.

After the imperial edict was read out, a group of government soldiers escorted Song Dade and others out. It is worth mentioning that one of the officials actually oozed yellow soup all over the floor because of fear. He really made a big mistake.

Such a person and his psychological quality make people doubt whether he will have the courage and backbone to resist if he really encounters an enemy.

The other thirteen officials who were left behind were all breaking out in cold sweat. They were glad that they had made the choice just now and not made enemies of Zhizhou. Otherwise, they would have been stripped of their official status and joined that fatal observation group.


The disobedient ones were all cleaned up, leaving only the obedient ones. Ji Jinkai spoke, "Everyone, next you have to arrest all the Huns in the rule and people related to the Huns, and bring them together.

Then ask them to write letters to their relatives who are still in the Huns army, asking them to turn back. At the same time, you also need to tell the Huns under your rule that if their relatives dare to continue to arrest people and kill the people,

Then don’t blame us for treating others the way we treat them."

"We must make it clear to them that it was not our country, Great China, that harmed them, but their own Xiongnu army. It was they who first affected the people, and we are just copying others' wisdom and following suit. Do you have any doubts?"

"No, no." The thirteen officials who stayed shook their heads, saying that they would definitely do this well. They also said that part of the fields originally allocated by the Huns would be given to the Chinese people, and part of them would be used for other purposes.

Come and invite more Chinese from other places to come to Heizhou and develop and expand this place.

"Very good." Seeing that the effect was achieved, Ji Jinkai finally had a smile on his face, and then said: "That being the case, you go down and prepare. Remember, let those Huns write more letters and look for them later.

Some scholars may make more copies. In short, the more copies the better, this is His Majesty’s will.”

"No, I understand." The remaining thirteen officials said in an unusually honest manner. This really corresponds to the sentence. Some people are just mean. If you don't deal with them, they will always forget their last name.

After Ji Jinkai master caught this matter, the Huns in Heizhou were unlucky. When many Huns were still caught in the fields, they all cried out that they were wronged.

Some of these Huns do want to change their evil ways. In the past, they had to work hard because they had to eat one meal without another. But now, with their own fields, the Great China Kingdom also provides them with livestock to use as farm land. When the crops turned green, they had already seen the hope of life. But at this time, the appearance of soldiers from the government disrupted their seemingly fresh dream.

"We are not guilty, we are all our own people, why should we be arrested?" the Huns shouted unwillingly.

"You are not guilty, but your people are guilty. If you want to atone for your sins, write more letters. As long as your Xiongnu army admits defeat and will no longer use it to harm the people, you will naturally regain your freedom and return to China. I will allocate fields to you again so that you can live a life without worries about food and clothing." Facing the Huns, the soldiers said softly and hard.

"Ah! What if the Huns don't listen to our advice?" A smart man heard the other meaning of these words and said worriedly.

"Haha, then you can only be buried with your clan members, which only means that your life is not good. Now you should know how to write a letter."

The voices of the soldiers reached the ears of the Huns. Some of them were sitting on the ground and could only drag them away.

There are also some people who are constantly cursing. Of course, they are not cursing the Great China, although they will also have hatred in their hearts. But what they hate more at this moment is their Huns army. When the two armies are fighting, why should the people be implicated? Woolen cloth?

It's fine now, people are treating people the same way they were treated. They will also suffer the consequences in the end.

In the final analysis, this is similar to sanctions. If your country shuts down our companies, don't blame us for shutting down your companies. The difference is that the companies are replaced by ordinary people, and you are the ones taking advantage of our people. , then we can only follow the same example and take advantage of your people.


Ji Jinkai acted quickly. Five days later, the first batch of 100,000 letters, either written by the Huns themselves or dictated by them, were airlifted to the front line of Huashan by the Bird Brigade.

Among these 100,000 letters, some contents were repeated. But Tang Ao was very happy to have such efficiency. When he saw what Ji Jinkai's memorial said, Song Dade and others were being sent to Huashan in a prison car. At the time, he didn't express anything.

Thanks to Tang Ao's efforts, the people of Great China have many privileges, and they feel particularly proud. However, some people are just born to be cheap. They don't want to give up on the benefits. They insist on making everyone equal, and they don't even care about their own people. Even if they are seeking profit and always want to kneel down and lick foreigners, such people should be taught a lesson.

At that moment, Tang Ao took out a red-letter pen specially used for reviewing memorials and wrote down a precise word, which was considered to have sentenced Song Dade and others to their fate. In the future, unless they sincerely repented and performed special meritorious deeds, , it is basically impossible to become an official again.

"Come on, airdrop these letters over the Xiongnu army. Let every one of them see these letters and see the contents above. In addition, tell the Xiongnu army that every time they attack in the future, I will kill thousands of people." The Xiongnu's life serves as a warning." Tang Ao said this with great anger.

"No." Shi Lei agreed, and then went to make arrangements. The other generals were left behind, all with excited expressions on their faces. But some people were not happy, for example, they were bringing 100,000 reserves. The soldiers were rushing towards the Huashan Army. When they were still on the way, they heard that the Xiongnu Army had stopped sending slave troops to attack, and an order had been sent from above to stop them in Pingcheng for training. There was no need to do so without an order. Moving forward.

Yes, the Ganren civilian slave soldiers under the Xiongnu army stopped attacking.

When the letters like snowflakes fell from the sky, even if the wind was stronger and some would be blown away, most of them still landed on the Huns' camp.

The letter fell to the ground and was picked up by more Huns. After seeing the contents recorded above, many Huns were moved.

Many people even saw their names in the letters, which were called to them by their relatives who were still in Hutu City.

The Huns were very hateful, but they were only cruel to the Dagan people, and they were very kind to their own people. Now that we know that they will continue to use their slave armies to attack, the Emperor of China will use the same method to deal with their relatives. After the Xiongnu people, they were really afraid.

An attack would cost the lives of thousands of Xiongnu people. Others would not say this, and even if they did, the Huns would not believe it. But when it came to Tang Ao, the emperor of the Great Chinese Army, they did not dare to let it happen. People don't believe it.

Even now, the tens of thousands of Xiongnu people at the foot of Huashan Mountain are still there. Although due to the hot weather, the original appearance of those people can no longer be seen, but everyone knows that those are the heads of their Huns. .

The effect of this tit-for-tat policy was far beyond Tang Ao's imagination. Even after seeing those letters, King Huyengai of the Huns gave up the idea of ​​using the slave army to kill the people as an enemy of the Chinese army.

Hu Yangai didn't want to be questioned by his former tribesmen after his death. For the Huns who always believed in hell, heaven, and afterlife, this was a fatal threat that they did not dare to ignore. threats.

Wei Qian'er's plan to use the slave army to consume the strength and resources of the Great China Army failed again, but there was no sign of anger on her face. Because she had more important things to do now, and that was to meet Happy young man.

This young master Xiaoyao, who had been used by her but failed to complete the mission, was finally found after Wei Qianer activated Night Owl and used many methods. When she offered a benefit of five million taels of silver After that, the other party finally agreed to cooperate again.

Of course, after the failure of the last attack on Tang Ao, if Tang Ao is still targeted, Young Master Xiaoyao will never agree. Wei Qian'er also knows that Tang Ao is no longer what he used to be, and it will be extremely difficult to deal with him. Difficult. So this time the target is not Tang Ao, but his father - Emperor Qianwen Tang Qingshan.

This chapter has been completed!
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