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Chapter 131 The siege of Xiaoxing Village

After hearing the truth, Long Ya at the meeting felt that the situation was huge and did not dare to stay for a moment before returning to Xu Hun, and gave a truthful report on the situation he had just learned.

"What?" Xu Hun suddenly stood up from his chair, his eyes widening.

Tang Qingshan was killed, which did not shock him. Since someone wanted to deal with him, if the protection was not good, something would happen sooner or later. But someone wanted to pour this dirty water on his Majesty, which is why he must not

It's allowed.

Xu Hun has learned a lot from following Tang Ao over the years, and he can naturally see what kind of huge harm this big hat will cause to his majesty once he is confirmed.

"No, we must prevent this from happening. Come, please immediately mobilize all the dragon teeth in the city, and then go communicate with the people in Anxiang. We need to borrow people, the more the better." Xu Hun stood up and paced around a few times.

After taking the first step, a decision was quickly made.

"Nuo." After receiving the order, a dragon tooth turned around and left.

"Go and contact the people from Jinjiawei. Mr. Shen of the Military Aircraft Department gave us a list last time. We will search according to the names on the list to find the people who know the truth. It is best to be the people who participated in the palace operation tonight.

Then convince them to work for us. If we ask for money, give us money, if we ask for power, we will tell them that this is an opportunity to make great achievements. If they miss this time, they will not have such a good opportunity again."

After thinking about it, Xu Hun pointed to one of his subordinates, Captain Long Ya, and arranged an important matter.

After these people left, Xu Hun wrote a memorial, reporting what happened in Daliang City, including some of the measures he had taken, and then ordered someone to immediately use a bird to inform Tang Ao.

As soon as these things were done, his subordinates came to report that the brothers had gathered together and that all the operational personnel from Anya had also been seconded.

"Very good, how many are there approximately?" Xu Hun asked aloud.

"Report No. 2, everyone has gathered together. There are about 600 people, including many good people." The person answered.

Six hundred people versus one thousand two hundred people, and five hundred of them are nearly half of the wounded soldiers. There should be no problem." Xu Hun muttered to himself, and then added: "Tell these people to leave from the south city gate.

Leave the city. Also contact our people at the South City Gate and ask him to prepare to open the city gate."

"No. 2, if you do this, our people may be exposed." After hearing this, the team leader said with some worry.

"It doesn't matter, if you expose it, you will expose it. The matter in front of you is the most important. Go and make arrangements."

"No." Seeing that Xu Hun said so firmly, the team leader quickly agreed and turned around to do it. But in the middle of the night, about 600 intelligence officers rushed out from the south gate of Daliang.

Intelligence officers are all treasures, and it is often impossible to train a qualified intelligence officer out of a hundred infantry. According to Tang Ao's request, these people are not allowed to go to the battlefield and be used as ordinary soldiers. But this time,

The matter was so important that Xu Hun couldn't care less.

After leaving the city, he took 600 intelligence personnel and rushed straight to a place called Xiaoxing Village. Thanks to Xu Hun's previous arrangements, some birds had been watching the Huns cavalry leaving Daliang City, trying to

It's not difficult to find them.

Gao Chu, after leaving the city with 1,200 Huns cavalry, came to Xiaoxing Village for a short rest.

Before the operation yesterday, they first visited Xiaoxing Village and massacred all the people here. Then they prepared some drinking water and food. After entering the palace and completing the task, they returned here. .

A night of fighting exhausted their physical strength. After entering Xiaoxing Village, some people were left to take charge of daily vigilance, while the others looked for food and water to replenish their physical strength, and then prepared to go to sleep first. Sleep.

So far, with the mission going so smoothly, Gao Chu naturally didn't think anyone would threaten him.

The new emperor of Daqian is about to ascend the throne. There are many things to do. How can he have the energy to take care of them?

As for other forces, this is Daqian's territory. Even if they want to harm themselves, they must have such ability and ability.

Perhaps the mission went so smoothly that Gao Chu became careless. After arriving at Xiaoxing Village, he ate something and fell asleep on a big bed. But he didn't know that Xu Hun The people are coming here, and the target is them.

Xu Hun's idea is very simple, that is, to clear his Majesty's name. To do this, finding the culprit is undoubtedly the best way, which makes him take risks, and even risk the intelligence personnel. The serious consequences of great losses came over.

On the outskirts of Daliang City, Xu Hun had already arranged some carriages outside. This was prepared to take some people out of the city. Now it has become a tool for the six hundred of them to travel. Naturally, they cannot pull them all, but it doesn't matter. Everyone changed seats, some were running along, and some were sitting on the carriage to rest.

In this way, they hurriedly and slowly arrived at the outskirts of Xiaoxing Village before dawn.

Six hundred well-trained intelligence personnel began to assemble, and then, under the leadership of each captain, each holding a Shen family's small company in hand, they surrounded the small village from all directions.

Tang Ao has always been very willing to spend money on intelligence personnel, and he also knows the importance of this organization. Therefore, each team member is equipped with complete equipment. For example, the Shen's Small Repeater Crossbow is only standard equipment. They all carry steel knives and even some grenades, giving Xu Hun more confidence.

With the help of Shen's Xiaoliannu, and the fact that everyone was a good reconnaissance expert, they were able to eliminate the patrols Gao Chu had left on the outside in no time. There were forty people in total, ten on each side of the village, and that was it. They were shot one by one without any movement.

After dealing with the enemies on the periphery, Xu Hun issued an order to capture him alive as much as possible. After all, someone has to clarify things. If they are all dead, who can speak up to prove Tang Ao's innocence?

Bottles of hemp powder were opened and smeared on the arrows. Then six hundred people came towards the center of the village in four different directions.

A Hun cavalryman who drank too much water suddenly emerged from a private house. When he saw the Longya team members approaching in the distance, he instinctively shouted "enemy attack", and then he was greeted by several arrows. , followed by a feeling of numbness, as if the person's hands and feet were no longer in control. After struggling on the spot for a few more times, the person finally fell to the ground with a plop like a coma.

As this man fell, more and more Huns cavalry rushed out from various houses, and an inevitable close-quarters battle began.

There were also some Huns cavalry living near the stables. As soon as the accident happened, they ran straight towards the horses. But before they could get close, they were greeted by grenades one after another, followed by a rumbling sound. , while blowing up big craters, they also sent the nearby Huns soldiers to the west.

Cries of killing, clashes of weapons, and explosions were heard everywhere. Gao Chu rushed out with a machete in hand, with a look of panic on his face. He couldn't understand why someone would be looking for him here. Trouble. Haven’t the Xiongnu already formed an alliance with Daqian?

Since they are all allies, why would they cause trouble for themselves?

Could it be said that other forces intervened? But who has such strength? This time he has more than a thousand Hun cavalry around him, and they are still the most elite. If he is an ordinary person, he will not be able to embarrass himself. ah.

Countless questions arose in his mind. Gao Chu rushed out of the house and met two reconnaissance team members. Then there was a flurry of sword attacks. After a lot of effort, Gao Chu killed the two of them. His heart immediately became wary.

The kung fu of these two men was good, at least much better than ordinary soldiers. Even the elite Huns he led would be difficult to win one on one without the help of war horses.

Two random people have such strength, so who are the people who attacked him this time?

With countless doubts in his mind, Gao Chu quickly gathered a large number of Huns soldiers and rushed out of the village. Regardless of whether he understood the situation or not, rushing out was always the most important thing.

Just outside Xiaoxing Village, Xu Hunqin was waiting with two hundred Longya team members. They were divided into four groups of fifty people to ensure that no matter which direction the enemy broke through, they would be intercepted.

When Gao Chu trotted out with hundreds of Huns soldiers, their actions were quickly learned. After learning the number of the opponent, the four groups of Longya quickly began to gather, forming a joint force to block Gao Chu. On the way out for the first time.

"Grenade ready!"

Facing so many enemies coming, Xu Hun no longer thinks about taking prisoners. Again, he will only consider other things if he can ensure his own safety. If it is absolutely necessary, You must first kill more enemies.

Hundreds of grenades were held in the hands of the Longya team members. As Xu Hun threw his words, they flew out like flying rocks, falling into the camp of the rushing Hun soldiers and their surroundings, completely destroying them. covers this area.

It is true that Gao Chu was a general with extremely strong personal force in the Huns army, especially his bow shooting skills that few others could match. But without a war horse, when faced with a grenade that could explode dozens to twenty fragments , his little ability is of little use.

Amidst the rumbling explosion, he didn't even see the appearance of his opponent clearly, and was surrounded by smoke and dust. In the chaos, he was hit by several shrapnel, one of which was directly inserted into his ribs, making him Every time I took a breath, I felt a lot of pain.

This chapter has been completed!
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