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Chapter 1055: The Huns arrive

The Shen Dao was one foot longer than the ordinary foreign cavalry saber. It was this length of distance that made many warriors uncomfortable at first.

They were so accustomed to the original length of their sabers that after replacing them with longer, thinner and sharper sabers, some of them could no longer even draw their sabers. Maybe it was because they were one foot longer. Every time they drew their sabers, It seems a little laborious when doing it.

How can an army go to the battlefield if it can't even adapt to its weapons? For this matter, Li Chuxiang gave all the six regiment commanders below orders, which is just one word - practice.

As long as one cannot practice to death, one cannot stop.

You can sleep when you are tired, eat when you are hungry, and drink when you are thirsty. All aspects of logistical support are in place. The General Staff has already informed the soldiers in various cities in Liaozhou, asking them to do their best to support and cooperate. Troop training operations of Canglang Camp.

While ensuring that you eat well, drink well, and sleep well, Li Chuxiang’s request is that when training on the battlefield, you must look like you are training. If anyone dares to be lazy or not use all his strength, then I’m sorry, Canglang can’t nourish you. Dear Buddha, just go back to where you came from, or go back to the reserve to further your studies.

Li Chuxiang kept his word. After arriving in Jicheng from Dianzhou, he had already driven more than 400 people out of the Canglang Camp. Among them were some officers and even old men in the camp. These were all disobedient. ,egotistical.

For this reason, these people even went to the General Staff to complain. But who is Li Chuxiang?

Needless to say, Tang Qinglan put in a lot of effort behind the scenes. She had a very good relationship with Concubine Zhao. After arriving in Jicheng, she went to pay homage to the big boss Aoxue at the dock and became relatives. In this way , Unless Tang Ao directly interferes, it is simply impossible for others to touch Tang Qinglan or her protector Li Chuxiang.

But the question is, will Tang Ao interfere?

Tang Ao has always advocated strict management of the army. What Li Chuxiang did was the most correct thing and it was too late for him to protect him, let alone cause any trouble.

More than 400 people were captured, and some were thrown back into the reserves to be reinstated, while others went directly to other places, without even being regarded as government soldiers, and became common people working as farmers. In this way, everyone finally became obedient. , I know that if you want to gain a foothold in the military, achieve good results, and enjoy the excellent treatment of soldiers, you can only train well and perform well.

With no one stabbing anymore, the military discipline of Canglang Camp will be better, and the combat effectiveness of the army will also start to rise linearly.

After returning to the temporary camp, Li Chuxiang took a mouthful of hot egg soup and poured it into his mouth. After shouting that he was comfortable, he sat on a thick blanket that had been spread on the ground and looked at the Jiushe Group not far away. The chief waved.

Jiu She, the commander of the second regiment, quickly came over in a few steps and called out "Brigadier."

Jiu She is a capable person, and Tang Ao also likes him very much. He first let him go to Longyuan Military Class for further study, and after graduation, he was given several options, but in the end he decided to come to Canglang Camp and work in the Canglang Camp. Work hard here.

Among the other choices Tang Ao gave him, he had the position of brigade commander and could lead between 15,000 and 30,000 troops, but he didn't agree to it. Instead, he came to Canglang Camp, just because he saw that this was a This is an army that His Majesty will reuse, a strong army that will surely shine in the future.

Jiu She believed that only after he got here could he better utilize his abilities, so even though he could only lead 5,000 people as a regiment leader, he still had to come and became the leader second only to the original Li Chuxiang. His deputy, Lu Tian, ​​was the second commander after the first commander.

"How's it going? You should be used to using the Shen Dao. If it faces the scimitar you used before, which one is more powerful?" Li Chuxiang vacated a position to the side and waited for Jiu She's seat. After taking it off, he asked with a smile.

Jiu She is a famous general in Beidi and has used scimitars for many years. He knows the performance of these two weapons best, so asking him is the right person to ask.

"Brigadier, the sinking knife is really a good thing. Not only is it one foot longer than the scimitar, but the blade is thinner, lighter, and sharper. Especially its surface is smooth. Once it touches the scimitar, it will Then you can slide down smoothly and release most of your strength while achieving the effect of drawing the sword to kill the enemy." Jiu She talked with some excitement in his eyes.

"Yes. Just that one foot of growth is your advantage in killing the enemy. Think about it, before the enemy's scimitar comes to you, our sinking knife has already been inserted into the opponent's body. , Haha, how can you not win? What's more, the surface of the scimitar is extremely smooth. When the two knives are intertwined, the scimitar can't even find a landing point. Once it slips, it will change the opponent's attack direction and orientation. , it is really useful to make the opponent lose accuracy. Oh, by the way, are there any disadvantages?"

You can't just look at the good side of a thing, you should also think of the bad side. Only in this way can you continuously improve and strengthen yourself.

"Yes." Jiu She nodded and said: "The Shen Dao is one foot longer, so when we draw it, we can't draw it as happily as a scimitar. We were not used to it when we used it before. But then someone I tried the method of lifting the crotch to pull out the knife, and I found that I can pull out the sinking knife very quickly. But this process still needs to be developed into a habit. As long as the habit becomes natural, nothing will be a problem."

"Yes, lifting the crotch and drawing the sword is a good method, and it must be implemented." Li Chuxiang nodded, and after sighing that people's wisdom is indeed omnipotent, his expression suddenly became serious and said: "Jiu She Commander, you should know the mission of our trip. I heard that the Huns have more than 100,000 cavalry and hundreds of thousands of slave soldiers. In your opinion, what is their combat effectiveness? With 30,000 of us, Can we hit them hard?"

Speaking of military missions, Jiu She's expression became much more solemn and he said: "Brigadier, if it is a head-on confrontation, I really dare not say. The strength of the Xiongnu and Beidi is actually comparable, and even if it must be compared, , their ferocity is even better than that of Beidi. If we really launch a frontal attack with 30,000 people, there is almost no chance of victory. But the general has also read the order from the staff headquarters. If we follow their suggested attack method, we will have no chance of winning. There is still a chance of winning.”

"How do you say it?" Li Chuxiang asked with interest.

"You see, brigade commander, the strong walls and clear fields in the area can ensure that they cannot get any supplies, so in such cold weather, their life will not be easy. Of course, compared to the people in the south, they have already It is true that they have adapted to such a cold climate, but it does not mean that they are not afraid of the cold. They are just more frost-resistant than others. But if they do not have a warm place to rest for a long time, they will not be able to bear it. At that time, we only need to Such and such, such and such, I guarantee that they will..."



When the time entered October of the first year of the Hua Kingdom, the weather became increasingly cold, and the originally excavated trenches for the city protection finally froze and could be used by men and horses to walk on them.

It snowed heavily all night last night, and it slowly stopped until dawn, as if the whole earth was covered with a layer of white quilt.

In the morning, after Feng Xun led everyone up to the city tower, everyone's faces, red from the cold hair, became more and more serious. Opposite them, the Huns' 700,000-strong army had already spread out.

They formed a battle formation and made a pretense of attacking the city and launching a general attack.

In fact, Feng Xun and the others had a premonition of this moment as early as January.

Before the Xiongnu army came to Pingcheng, they only made a tentative attack and then stopped, neither moving nor attacking, as if they were waiting for something.

We are all smart people, and there are so many staff officers in the Dahua Army. How could we not see the meaning of the Xiongnu Army? They just want to wait until the cold winter really comes before launching an attack, so that the so-called water-filled trenches will not be in place.

Becoming a stumbling block.

The water-filled trench was to prevent the Huns and anyone from passing by Pingcheng without the permission of the Dahua Army. It was originally very effective. After all, it would take time for anyone to cross the several-foot-long trench.

With the attacks of artillery and the harassment of bows and arrows, it became impossible to cross safely.

But now, the water-filled trench has become an ice surface, and people can easily walk across it as if walking on flat ground, so it has lost its defensive significance, and it is naturally time for the Huns army to launch a general attack.

The Xiongnu army below the city is ready to move, and it looks like it will attack the city at any time and the army will press forward at any time.

Standing on the tower, Feng Xun sighed helplessly and said: "Order the soldiers guarding both sides to retreat into the city."

"Commander, if this is the case, the Huns army will be able to pass by from both sides." As soon as he heard that the passage for the enemy to advance was to be cleared, a general below immediately said worriedly.

"What else?" Feng Xun seemed to be in a bad mood and said, "Should we let our soldiers guard the sides of Pingcheng, which is completely undefendable, and fight a war of attrition with the enemy? There are hundreds of thousands of soldiers here.

The slave soldiers, the Huns will not feel sorry for their death, but we, the soldiers are all treasures under strict training, such a meaningless war of attrition will not be our choice."

"Commander, what if the Huns cross Pingcheng from both sides?" A general still asked worriedly.

"We've crossed over, we've crossed over, our rear has long been fortified and clear. There's a vast area there that can be used as a battlefield. Then it's time to ride on horseback and participate in the encirclement and killing. Okay, execute the order and let the soldiers on both sides return.

Come to Pingcheng, take out all the bows and arrows in the city, and equip them with them. Even if they want to pass, we must kill them as much as possible."

Although Feng Xun didn't want to adopt such a so-called strategy of hiding in the city, he had no choice. Fortunately, the General Staff had already anticipated everything that happened today and made some arrangements.

It's not like he has no power to fight back.

Then let the other party be happy first. When the Xiongnu army passes through Pingcheng, no matter whether he wants to enter Liaozhou or Guzhou, he will have his good fruits to eat. Then it is time to close the door and beat the dogs.


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