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Chapter 1071 Living is beautiful

"The heavy cavalry is left on the battlefield. The cavalry regiment of the Third Field Army is responsible for assisting. The Shanshan Guards of the other four regiments continue to attack!" Feng Xun looked at the battlefield and knew that the victory was determined, so he set his sights on the final goal.

The target is the Huns’ general.

Twenty thousand Shanshan Guards charged up and headed straight for the Chinese army camp. All they encountered along the way were sporadic resistance, but under the impact of the Shanshan Guards, there was not even a single wave.

Can't turn it over.

The Shanshan Guards appeared so quickly, catching all the Xiongnu generals off guard. Just now they had sent out ten thousand cavalry to resist and delay the Shanshan Guards' attack, but how could they let the Shanshan Guards go after so long?

Did they call again?

"You, you, stay and lead the troops to block the enemy, while the others protect the clan elders and evacuate." Huang Jili casually pointed at the two captains and asked them to stay behind the enemy. Then he protected Landaotu and abandoned everything.

Baggage, gold, silver, food, grass, and even family members, and then the group of people quickly ran towards the rear.

Shortly afterwards, the Shanshan Guards appeared here and fought with more than 3,000 Huns cavalry who stayed here. With a nearly seven-fold advantage in numbers and high morale, it didn't take long to finish off these Huns.

Of the cavalry, a third was killed, a third was wounded, and a third was captured.

Later, they also learned from the prisoners' mouths that the person who had just escaped was Landao Tu, the clan leader of the Landao clan of the Xiongnu. He also learned that the other party only took away fifteen thousand cavalry when they left.

After hearing this number, Feng Xun decided to continue the pursuit. He left one regiment of Shanshan Guards to clean up the place and treat his own wounded. Then the other three regiments of fifteen thousand Shanshan Guards flew away.

, and chased him in the direction where Landautu escaped.

In general, the war progressed very smoothly. In just one night, the Xiongnu camp was destroyed. The hundreds of thousands of enemies were beaten by more than 30,000 cavalry, leaving them with no armor and armor. They could not be abandoned as an army.


But there is also a regret, that is, the Huns did escape. This was also because Feng Xun's cavalry was really limited and could not completely encircle it. But even if the troops were insufficient, Feng Xun decided to pursue it. He knew very well that although only one of the Huns escaped,

There are 5,000 Huns cavalry, but if they cannot be eliminated, these people will be like thunder and may explode at any time, which will cause unknown consequences.

Even if we leave them alone, it may not be long before another slave army numbering tens of thousands or even more will become the enemy of the Chinese army.

Cut the weeds without removing the roots, but they will grow again when the spring breeze blows!

Feng Xun did not allow any shortcomings or regrets to be left behind in this perfect battle.

With high morale, the 15,000 Shanshan Guards pursued the Hun cavalry in the direction in which they fled.

At this time, everyone in the Huns cavalry was downcast and listless. Although it was already getting brighter, no one came to appreciate the beautiful scenery of the sun rising in the east and feel the joy of surviving in this world.


After working so hard for so long, everything I grabbed in Daqiannan was just lost.

Among them are beauties, children who have just learned to speak or even cannot speak yet, countless gold and silver, etc. This is their second life.

Losing these is equivalent to losing a second life. Who can be willing to do so? Who can let go? But there is no way, the overall situation has been decided. Now the camp behind has become a mess, and the victorious Chinese army will definitely be very...

I'm so happy, so excited that I can't even close my mouth to smile.

The army walked slowly and leisurely, and there was no trace of anger on anyone's face.

"Report! There are a large number of cavalry from the Chinese Army chasing behind us." Just when everyone was feeling chilled to death, a shout came from Ye Fushou, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"What? There are also Dahua Army cavalry. How dare they chase after them? How many of them are there?" When Landaotu heard this, his face was naturally angry.

I have left all my property behind. Isn't the Chinese army still satisfied? They still want to pursue me. What do they want to do? Is there any end to it?

"You can't see clearly. There are too many people coming. They are all black-armored cavalry, flying the black dragon's four-claw flag!" Ye Buzuo, who came to report, answered urgently.

"Black dragon four-claw flag? That's the Mountain-Shaking Guard. That's it!" Huang Jili felt much relieved when he heard the flag raised by the other party and nodded.

"What's the black dragon four-claw flag? Is it very powerful? If they are so powerful, why didn't they attack before and let our Huns army pass by on both sides of Pingcheng? According to my elders, they are clearly just pulling the flag to pull the skin of the tiger.

There is nothing to be afraid of. In this way, we still have 15,000 cavalry warriors here. If we all go back to fight, can we defeat these Shanshan Guards, can we fight back to the camp, and recover everything we have lost?

How about grabbing them all back?"

Landaotu said with a look of reluctance. At this time, what he was thinking about was the wealth he had just lost.

"Don't do it, clan leader." Huang Jili was trembling when he heard that they wanted to fight again. Now their cavalry's morale is low, and it is basically impossible to win the battle with them. Moreover, the number of enemy troops is unknown.

, what if it were the main force of the Shanshan Guards, wouldn't they be throwing themselves into a trap by rushing forward like this?

After finally evacuating, and now we are fighting back, what's the point of evacuating before?

Huang Jili did not agree with fighting this war, so he expressed his thoughts. Landaotu's face turned blue and purple.

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He glanced at the army around him and saw that the morale of the army was really low. Some people even left in such a hurry that they didn't even take their arrow pots with them. They didn't have all the weapons. Why should they be enemies with the elite Shanshan Guards?

"Hey, that's it. Even if it's like this, let's retreat quickly." After thinking about it, his own life was still at stake in the end, so Landaotu gave up the idea of ​​counterattack.

"Elder of the clan, I'm afraid that if we just retreat like this, we have to leave some people behind to block the pursuers. Otherwise, we will be bitten too tightly by them and we won't be able to escape." After Huang Jili said this, he deliberately turned his gaze.

Sweep the Huns army.

When Landaotu glanced at Huang Jili, he was so angry that he almost cursed out loud. Because he could see that the Hun cavalry who followed him all had bulging bodies, and even many of them were

The war horse was also carrying bags one after another.

Without even opening it to look, Landaotu knew what was inside. It must be gold and silver, and these were extremely heavy, so no wonder they couldn't run fast.

Thinking that these people were just like him, who wanted money rather than their lives, Landautu didn't know whether to praise them or scold them. But one thing he knew clearly, if he ordered these people to throw away gold and silver,

On the ground, they will never agree, and might even start a mutiny.

The only feasible solution is to leave some people behind to block the pursuers behind them, creating more time for the main force to leave.

"Okay, leave an army to block the pursuers, and let General Huang arrange this matter." Landaotu accepted his fate, spoke, then rode forward and rode out.

Huang Jili replied with a word of promise, then pointed to a captain of two thousand who usually did not deal with him and said: "You should stay, for the sake of our Landao clan to survive, I hope you can delay it for a while with your best efforts."

"Fuck!" The captain of the 2,000 men who was named wanted to curse loudly and disobey the military orders, but he did not dare to say such words. He only had 2,000 men, so he might not listen to him.

There are still 13,000 Huns cavalry nearby. If he really disobeys the military order, he will definitely die.

With a face of reluctance, he agreed, and then he stayed in place with two thousand cavalry. What is worth mentioning is that even though they knew that staying would mean a narrow escape from death, none of the cavalry carried the gold on them.

Hand over the money and give it to someone else.

In the eyes of these Huns cavalry, even if they died in the battle and these things became the trophies of the Shanshan Guards, they would never leave them to other Huns. Who would let them see that they were about to be left behind?

He didn't even say a word for himself.

After leaving behind two thousand cavalry, the Huns army continued to move forward. Soon after, Feng Xun arrived here with three regiments of Shanshan Guard cavalry.

"Kill the enemy with bows and arrows!" Seeing the Hun cavalry on the opposite side forming a long snake formation, looking as if they were going to block their way. Feng Xun's eyes flashed with disdain. There were only two thousand Hun cavalry, and there were only two thousand Hun cavalry.

It is really a fool's errand to think that the 15,000 people who block him are still the most powerful mountain-shaking guards.

After the military order was given, each of the 15,000 Shanshan Guards took out their long ox-horn bows, and when they were within a stone's throw, they began to shoot long-distance bows.

Relying on the numerical advantage, thousands of bows and arrows were shot at one time, falling on two thousand Huns cavalry, causing many people to fall off their horses after being hit by arrows.

The Huns cavalry also wanted to use bows and arrows to fight back. But they didn't bring many bows and arrows, and some even didn't bring arrow pots. How to fight back?

Secondly, even if they counterattack, the range of their bows and arrows is limited, which is far inferior to the horn long bow that can kill enemies from a long distance.

Thirdly, their military strength is at a disadvantage, and even the number of casualties they can inflict with bows and arrows is limited.

On an unequal battlefield, in the end the Huns cavalry could only launch a desperate attack. But before they could reach the Shanshan Guards, more than half of them had already fallen, and in the end, less than 800 cavalry were left to rush over.

Fifteen thousand versus eight hundred, or eight hundred Hun soldiers with low morale. When the Shanshan Guards swarmed up, it was often several or even a dozen cavalry against one Hun cavalry, facing the bright silver spear points coming from all directions.

A Hun cavalryman fell off his horse with holes all over his body.

When he died, he laid his eyes on the earth and looked at the rising sun. Only then did he realize that living is such a beautiful thing.

This chapter has been completed!
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