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Chapter 1079 Waiting for the rabbit

But regarding these aspects, the General Staff has already made a decision. With their usual authority, even if it is announced in public, it is the final decision. Under normal circumstances, it will not be changed, even if Tang Ao does not have sufficient reasons.


This somewhat deprives Tang Ao of some of his power, but he thinks this is a good thing. After all, he cannot guarantee that every decision he makes is correct. Not to mention, the day he is gone, his

There is no guarantee for future generations. By strengthening the power of the general staff headquarters and encouraging everyone to make suggestions, mistakes can be avoided to the greatest extent.

"The Beauty of the Sun and the Moon"

Deputy Commander Ye Fan read out the combat order at the meeting. The two heavy cavalrymen of the Tiger Brigade served as the vanguard. After the battle started, they turned on the direct charging mode and rushed straight towards the enemy, opening a bloody path. Next, Tang Dynasty

Headed by Ao, he personally led 500 Han generals, 5,000 men from the 3rd Cavalry Regiment of the Tiger Brigade, and 3 regiments of the 6th Flying Dragon Brigade, a total of 20,000 people, as the center forward, moving forward quickly along this bloody road, regardless of anything else.

Go straight to the South Vietnamese Chinese Army camp, disrupt all the opponent's arrangements, and strive to make the opponent's position chaotic. It is best to directly force Qiu Suisui back!

The three regiments of the 4th Wild Wolf Brigade of Shanshan Guard, plus the two cavalry regiments of the 1st and 4th Field Army, are responsible for cooperating with the two heavy cavalry regiments to intersperse and encircle the battlefield, cutting the enemy apart as much as possible so that they cannot see each other from head to tail.


Finally, the Fourth Field Army began to attack the battlefield, capture prisoners, and determine the overall situation.

As for the last task, Zhou Qian, the commander of the First Field Army, originally wanted to fight for it. After all, he is also a veteran, and he once saved the life of the Minister of Military Aircraft Shen Yunyi. If he has any requirements, the staff department needs to focus on it.


But this time the mission was not to fight the enemy, but more to capture prisoners. There was no one more suitable for this mission than the Fourth Field Army.

Who doesn't know that when Tang Ao ordered the brigade to be promoted to a division, he had to think of ways to expand the number of people. After he was only responsible for paying the troops, the 4th Brigade at that time was the first to rush out and was promoted to a division in a very short time.

To make a division full of personnel. Even now, the other three field armies have followed suit and everyone has been promoted to divisional units. But as the division commander of the fourth field army, Lei Ming has six soldiers under his command.

Ten thousand people, far more than other divisions.

With the same policy, only the Fourth Division has accomplished the best, which is enough to show that they have unrivaled abilities in capturing prisoners and persuading them. Even so, of course, the capture of prisoners must be left to Lei Ming.


Before that, the staff department called the two division commanders over and greeted them in advance. Lei Ming naturally wanted to seize this task. After this period of development, their fourth division was working on how to persuade the captives.

Several detailed summaries have been made on the issue, and a large number of talents have emerged. He Yuan, who was originally a member of the slave army and has now become the backbone, is the best example.

It was precisely because he had more experience and sufficient personnel that Lei Ming believed that this task belonged to their fourth division. But he also respected Zhou Qian in his heart. Not only was this person highly qualified, but he was also very talented.

ability, so he found Zhou Qian privately and discussed the mission with him.

Zhou Qian saw Lei Ming take the initiative to find him, and was very polite. However, the two sides got into a heated exchange of words during the ensuing conversation, and they were talking about personnel quotas for no other reason.

This time the South Vietnamese Army has 250,000 slave soldiers. Even if there is a big discount and only one-tenth is available, that is at least 25,000 excellent soldiers. And how to divide this number between the two armies?

How much each can get is a matter for discussion between the two of them.

Zhou Qian opened his mouth first and asked for thirty thousand, but Lei Ming immediately blocked everything he wanted to say.

"Master Zhou, although there are many slave soldiers in the South Vietnamese Army, their treatment is extremely poor. The number of those who are truly physically qualified is only about 10%. Now you are about to go to 10% of them. Just to satisfy you."

Even if you ask for something, you may not be able to do it. This is not possible." Lei Ming shook his head.

He respected Zhou Qian, but that didn't mean he could make unlimited concessions, especially when it involved official business or an issue between two divisions.

Zhou Qian also knew that the number of 30,000 was too shocking. He just wanted to test Lei Ming to show that his request was not very low. Now that he saw the other party directly rejecting it, he could only settle for the next best thing.

Said: "Twenty thousand people, this number cannot be lower."

"Commander Zhou, your figures are not low. In the end, most of the soldiers may be yours." Lei Ming still shook his head.

"What should we do? Otherwise, our First Field Army will go out on our own. There must be no problem in finding these suitable soldiers." Zhou Qian pretended to be angry, but actually wanted to give Lei Ming a try.


"It shouldn't be a problem to find a total of 20,000 soldiers, but we can't let the First Army eat meat. Our Fourth Army will watch from the sidelines." Lei Ming replied. His meaning was also obvious, that is, the benefits cannot be allowed to the Third Army.

One field army was occupied by itself. Even if it is not the fourth field army that goes to the battlefield to capture prisoners this time, but your first field army, can you really watch yourself eat meat without giving others some soup?

Tang Aoke is right here.

If Zhou Qian dares to do such disunity, no matter how senior he is, if it causes His Majesty's displeasure, then he will not be far away from standing aside.

Listening to Lei Ming's reminder, Zhou Qian had no choice but to take a step back and said: "That's fifteen thousand people. This number can't be lower, and we ask to select soldiers first, how about that?"

Taking 15,000 prisoners from the prisoners to join the First Field Army was already Zhou Qian's bottom line. As for selecting soldiers first, he was afraid that all the good soldiers would be taken away by the Fourth Field Army, leaving those with average abilities.

, here comes a man who is a villain first and then a gentleman.

"This..." Lei Ming did not refuse immediately, but seemed to be thinking about something.

Seeing that Lei Ming didn't object, Zhou Qian felt that there was something going on, and then he stretched out his arms to take Lei Ming's hand and said: "Okay, a man, if something happens, you don't want your mother-in-law to deal with it. It's settled. Let's go together."

The deputy chief, let them be a witness for us."

"Witness, this is a matter between our Fourth Field Army and your First Field Army. It's enough for the two of us to agree, and there's no need to bear witness." After hearing this, Lei Ming said with a look of conflict on his face.

The more Lei Ming acted like this, the more Zhou Qian had to be a witness. In his opinion, among the 250,000 slave soldiers, only about 30,000 were physically qualified. He asked for half of them, and he also had priority in selection.

Quan has already taken a huge advantage. What if there are very few qualified soldiers, less than 30,000?

For the sake of safety, he had to find someone to be a witness. It was not good to bother Tang Ao about this matter, but there was no problem in finding the two deputy chiefs to be a witness. This was also to put villains first and then gentlemen.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qian became more and more sure of his idea, then took Lei Ming's hand and walked straight to the large conference room of the General Staff regardless of whether the other party objected.

Zhou Qian found Wei Chao and Ye Fan and expressed his intention to come. After hearing this, the two deputy commanders also said with some laughter and tears, "Two senior commanders, it is not necessary to witness, as long as everyone abides by their promise."

"Yes, yes, we don't know the situation on the battlefield right now." Lei Ming immediately said in agreement.

"Hey? How can this be done? If you say you want to witness, you will bear witness. In this way, you have to bother the two deputy chiefs to write a document and sign their names with Mr. Lei. No one can go back on it afterwards." Zhou Qian looked determined.

He said. Especially after hearing Lei Ming say that the situation on the battlefield was unclear, he became even more determined to get the paperwork.

It's hard to tell if something happens. But it's different with documents. This is ironclad evidence. When the lawsuit comes to Tang Ao, he won't be afraid anymore.

Wei Chao and Ye Fan couldn't refuse Zhou Qian's request, so they had no choice but to agree to the matter. Where was Lei Ming? With a look of helplessness, he signed his name half-heartedly, and then the document was made in triplicate, one for the staff officer.

Keep one copy for the headquarters and one copy each for the First and Fourth Field Army.

After receiving the document, Zhou Qian laughed with satisfaction when he saw the black and white words on it and the signatures of four people. Then he put the thing into his arms as if he had found a treasure.

Looking at Lei Ming, the bitter look on his face had long since disappeared, and he had also changed into a laughing look. This made the other three people a little confused. In the end, they just thought that the other party was laughing out of anger and did not want to lose face.


Little did he know that Lei Ming had already done some research. He found Captain Longya, who was in charge of South Vietnamese Army intelligence, and then the two of them drank heavily and finally got what they wanted to know, which was this.

Many slave soldiers in the South Vietnamese army were captured in the mountains and forests near Xiangzhou.

This Qiu Suisui is not a loser, otherwise, he would not have been given the position of general. Considering that the last time he was defeated by the Chinese army in a surprise attack, he attributed the defeat to the incompetence of the slave soldiers below.

This time, he wanted to find some powerful slave soldiers to strengthen his own combat power. So, he took out the military rations he snatched from the dignitaries of the places he passed, and put them in piles where bandits often haunted them.

The place.

Waiting and waiting may be a stupid method in the eyes of some people, but it is also an effective method.

After waiting for a period of time, bandits actually ran out because of food problems and became surrounded by the South Vietnamese cavalry. After being captured, they were forced to join the slave army.

This chapter has been completed!
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