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Chapter 108: Explaining the Confusion to the Awakened Master

While everyone was still doubting, the Empress Dowager had already given an answer that everyone could not deny. "Yes, yes, they are all right. Now the Ai family can see everything in front of them clearly. Haha, good, that's great. .”

"What? Can you see it clearly? Mother, please see how many fingers I have extended." Prince Zhong spoke and extended three fingers at the same time.

In the past, at this distance, the Empress Dowager could only see Prince Zhong extending his fingers. As for how many fingers he had, it was absolutely impossible to see clearly. But with the help of reading glasses, it was completely different. She quickly The answer was given, "Three fingers."

"Oh my God!"

At this time, it was King Zhong who sighed. He had already known about his mother's eyesight problem and had thought of ways to do it. As far as he knew, his brother Emperor Qianwen had even thought of many ways, but basically None of the above had any effect. I didn’t expect that a small object that Lord Zhongguo took out at random could have such an effect. This is really unbelievable.

"Mother, can you see clearly? Look at how many fingers my son is stretching out." Emperor Qianwen also joined in. After he stood up, he deliberately stepped back a few steps and stretched out his fingers while keeping a further distance. Two fingers.

"Two, haha, Aijia can see it clearly." The Queen Mother's face was filled with joy, and she was smiling when she spoke.

Both the Emperor and Prince Zhong have verified it. So far, no one will doubt the efficacy of Shen Ao's gift. For a while, many people were curious about what this little thing was made of and why it was like this. What about the effect?

It's just that today, no one would ask stupid questions.

The Empress Dowager was very happy, and she couldn't bear to take off her glasses. After all, when you can see clearly, who would go back to the era when you couldn't see clearly?

The Empress Dowager was still happy there. Master Awakening, who was standing not far from her, had already set his sights on Shen Ao. Seeing that the Empress Dowager seemed to have forgotten her own affairs because of her happiness, he decided to Ask him. After all, with his status, even if he says something wrong, no one will blame him.

"Are you Duke Zhongguo, the one who presented the Prajna Heart Sutra?" Master Awakening spoke, his voice booming, allowing every word to be clearly heard in everyone's ears.

"Exactly. But I don't know if the master is..." Shen Ao didn't know Xingxing, and was curious about how a monk could stand up in such a scene and ignore others like this.

"I woke up. I have some questions about Buddhism and Zen that I would like to ask Duke Zhongguo." He put his hands in front of his body, and after lightly pronouncing the Buddha's name, he woke up and asked aloud.

"It turns out he is Master Awakening. You are so polite here." Shen Ao also clasped his fists towards Awakening. Although he had never seen this person before, it did not prevent him from hearing the name Awakening. This person is famously known as an eminent monk. , deeply respected by the Empress Dowager, it is naturally worthy of his respect.

While saying hello, Shen Ao was also thinking of countermeasures in his mind.

He is definitely not good at talking about Zen. Although he has done some research, it is just out of curiosity. If it comes to professional knowledge, he must be a layman. If he wakes up and asks some simple questions, he will not be able to answer them. If so, wouldn't that reveal the truth? If he were to ask himself where he got the Prajna Heart Sutra, how would he answer?

Obviously there is no answer.

Even so, Shen Ao decided to strike preemptively. He could not wait for the other party to ask him a question, he had to ask the question first. "Master Awakening, I have admired you for a long time. It is really a blessing to meet you today. I heard that Master Awakening's Dharma is profound, and I have a question. I want to ask, but I wonder if Master can give me an answer?"

When he woke up, he originally wanted to ask a question to test Shen Ao's skill. Unexpectedly, the other party wanted to ask the question first, so he smiled and said, "That's alright. Since Mr. Zhongguo has some research on Buddhism, I just want to listen."

Awakening is still very confident in Buddhism. After studying it all his life, how can his experience be compared to that of ordinary people? Even if Shen Ao is only sixteen years old, how can he be so different from himself?

Awakening and full of confidence, Shen Ao was just asking questions. He had a lot of things in his mind. "Master, where is the West?"

The West is a Buddhist term that refers to the paradise where the Pure Land is located. In the past, Buddhists believed that when the sun rises in the east, it is the place where all things breed; when it sets in the west, it is where all things end up. Therefore, traditional teachings believe that Buddhists should use the west to (or called the Western Heaven) is its destination.

The monk just talks about the West, but no one knows what the West is or where it is. Shen Ao's question is like asking which came first, the chicken or the egg. You can answer it any way you like. , but any answer is wrong.

Xingxing did not expect that Shen Ao would ask such a tricky question. In fact, it was not that he had never thought about it before. He even wanted to go to the west, but where was the west? Before he understood the problem, he did not casually Okay. It can’t be the west or the west.

Facing this common question with no real answer, Xingxing quickly shook his head, "Mr. Zhongguo, I can't give you an answer to this question right now, and no one can give you an answer."

The subtext means that there is no answer to this question now. It is too clever and unreasonable for you to ask such a question.

Most of the people present were human beings. After hearing what Ao Xing said, it became clear. I thought Shen Ao was so powerful, but it turned out that he was being unreasonable and asking a question that no one could answer.

Prince Xiang did not grab any limelight today, and when he criticized others again, he was laughed at by others. Now he finally saw the opportunity again, and jumped out regardless of other things, "Master Awakening, this statement is wrong, Master If you can't answer it, it doesn't mean that others can't answer it. Especially one of the questions is whether you are Duke Zhongguo. You must have the answer already."

"It's natural, the teacher has solved the doubts. Since he asked the question, of course he must have the answer first. It seems that Duke Zhongguo has also done a lot of research on Zen, which is very exciting." The prince also stood up. When they came out, the two joined forces again.

On the surface, these words seem to be praising Shen Ao, but in fact they are just putting him there. If Shen Ao can't answer this question, it will not only be embarrassing, but also be regarded as a provocation to the awakened master. Once things happen, If it is spread, I am afraid that all Buddhists will have a bad feeling towards Shen Ao and even make some irrational actions.

Concubine Zhao's face showed an anxious look involuntarily. Although she hated the actions of the Crown Prince and Prince Xiang, she was even more worried about Shen Ao. What kind of person is Master Awakening? How can you be allowed to act clever in front of him? Yes Even if he knows it, he doesn't know it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, Shen Ao is still young, and others won't use it to embarrass him. But if you don't understand, you can't pretend to understand. This is tantamount to using a handle. Delivered to people's hands.

Emperor Qianwen's face also showed displeasure. He hated the prince and Prince Xiang even more. How could Shen Ao be a subject of Daqian? How could he try to bully one of his own people in front of Master Awakening? This is internal coaxing and will only serve Make people laugh.

It was a sign of not having an overall view of the situation. Emperor Qianwen was a little disappointed with the performance of his two sons. His eyes involuntarily fell on the fifth prince Tang Jun, the sixth prince Tang Jia and the seventh prince Tang Jian who had just turned ten. , perhaps his position in the future will come from these three sons.

Everyone has different thoughts, some are worried, and more are gloating. After all, Shen Ao's performance today has attracted enough attention, and he has successfully won the favor of the Empress Dowager, but he has also become a target that everyone should target unanimously.

Facing the different eyes and looks, Shen Ao, who was wearing a purple robe with a title of nobility, suddenly laughed out loud. He seemed to be proud of the world, but also seemed to be overlooking the world. His bold laughter went straight to Yunxiao, right there. echoed above the auspicious palace.

This laughter together gave everyone the feeling that he was at the end of his game. He was clearly trying to divert everyone's attention through laughter. How could this little trick deceive him? King Xiang's mouth was already He was about to open his mouth again and taunt Shen Ao a few words.

At this moment, Shen Ao opened his mouth first and said with strong confidence in his loud voice:

No Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror.

Buddha nature is always pure, no matter where there is dust!

The heart is the bodhi tree, and the body is the mirror stand.

The bright mirror is originally pure, but it is stained with dust!

No Bodhi tree, nor stand mirror.

There is nothing there, so where is the dust?

Bodhi is only sought from the heart, so why bother seeking mysteries from outside?

I heard that if you practice this way, the West will only exist now!

After these words, Shen Ao just elaborated on the idea that as long as there is a Buddha in one's heart, one can be a Westerner everywhere. This is actually a denial of the Western "Pure Land" and provides a rationale for "sudden enlightenment" to become a Buddha.

After these words, everyone shut their mouths. It sounded like a good poem, but after all, it was related to Buddha. Whether it was good or not depends on the judgment of the awakening master.

At this time, the Awakening Master had already closed his eyes, and was still muttering to himself, "There is nothing in the first place, so where is the dust!"

The West is only for now!

"I know." After an unexpected shout, he opened his eyes again and his eyes seemed to become clearer and more powerful at this moment.

The ones who felt the deepest feeling were Emperor Qianwen, Yan Fu and others. They seemed to feel that the awakened master's martial arts had become more advanced and his strength was more powerful than before.

Ignoring the others, Xingxing looked at Shen Ao with grateful eyes, clasped his hands together and said: "Zhongguo Gong is a master of Buddhism, and I am not as good as him."

"Master Awakening is too polite. This is just a trick taken by our country. Master Awakening doesn't know the true face of Mount Lu because he was born in this mountain. Once he jumps out, he will definitely be able to see it more clearly." Shen Ao cupped his hand and said Said politely.

This chapter has been completed!
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