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Chapter 1102 The might of the cavalry

Therefore, in many cases, gangsters are far more terrifying than aliens. Foreigners come here to strengthen their own nation and revitalize their country. From their perspective, there is nothing wrong with it. But these gangsters have Those who ignore their own nation and beautiful country, go to please foreigners, and forget their ancestors should really deserve to die.

A total of 120,000 troops rushed to the battlefield, and General Kunimura Haru followed them to the battlefield. He wanted to personally lead his troops to win this war. He wanted to be the first Japanese general to enter Zhangcheng. .

More than 100,000 Co-Prosperity Army troops were approaching step by step, and soon they reached the bombardment area of ​​the Dahua Army. The roaring sound was endless for a while. When they fell into the Co-Prosperity Army camp, some people would be taken away from time to time. 's life.

But this deadly rumbling sound of artillery could no longer scare the Communist Army. They had been warned by others before arriving on the battlefield that this thing was just louder, and its actual lethality was not very strong. Moreover, the frequency of the emission of this thing is not very high. As long as everyone does not come together in a dense manner, the possibility of being hit is not very high.

There had been a reminder before, so when the sky thunder came, the Co-Prosperity Army was not very afraid. They still came in a dispersed formation, thinking of rushing through the artillery array area faster.

Being in it, you can feel that the speed of thunder falling is much higher than during the day. Kunimuraji, who is walking among the army, has a smile on his face. He thinks this is the last counterattack of the Chinese army. The louder the sound of cannons, the more it proves that the opponent is really scared and has nothing to do, and it also proves that they are one step closer to victory.

With a smile blooming on his face, Kunimuraji increasingly believed that attacking overnight was the most correct thing. The Chinese army on the opposite side would not get enough time to rest, and they would not be able to exert their true strength. Victory would eventually belong to self.

It was precisely because of the attack in the dark night that what Kunimuraji didn't know at all was that just when the cannons rumbled, the huge sound covered up the sound of the iron hoofs of the Chinese cavalry passing by on both sides of them.

Fully half of the 20,000 Shanshan Guards cavalry were separated, taking advantage of the cover of the night and the roaring sound of cannons to outflank them. At the same time, there were 10,000 cavalry who were already lined up. On both sides of the main battlefield, they would only wait for the rear troops to arrive before charging.

If the war was fought during the day, it would be basically impossible to carry out such a roundabout and outflanking maneuver, but now, the night has become the best cover.

Unknown to him, Kunimuraji, who had fallen into the encirclement, was still dreaming of his spring and autumn dream, and was still directing the Co-Invasion Army to launch a fierce attack. Soon, news came from the front that the Co-independence Army and the Dahua Army were fighting together. .

"Are we fighting together? Very good. We have enough strength advantage. The Chinese Army will not be our opponent." When Kunimura heard the news, he was even more happy to learn that the South Vietnamese Army was so fast. As soon as he fought with the Dahua Army, he no longer had even the last bit of worry.

Time is still moving forward. More than an hour later, that is, at midnight, more and more communist troops have passed through the artillery array area, and the sound of artillery is obviously about to stop. Listen. The sound of thunder from the sky was no longer as intensive as before, but became sporadic. Kunimuraji finally led his people into the artillery array area and began to direct more troops to launch a fierce attack on the eastern front of Zhangcheng.

After another half-quarter of an hour, the sound of artillery finally stopped, and the battlefield became much quieter. There was only the sound of the advancing footsteps of the Communist Army. This was like the most beautiful music in the world. Listening to Kunimuraji

The sound in his ears added a bit of joy to his face.

The Dahua Army doesn't even have the most advantageous advantage of Tianlei, so why should it fight with itself? How can it fight with itself?

When he thought that victory was just around the corner and that he was about to become the first general to break through the defense line of the Chinese army and defeat the Chinese army on the frontal battlefield, he believed that the day was not far away when he would be put to great use by Xiong Meicheng.

Boom boom boom... boom boom boom....

While he was daydreaming about the bright future, suddenly there were rumbling sounds in his ears again, "Huh? What is this sound? Did the Great Chinese Army launch thunder again?" Kunimuraji said this instinctively


Gathered on his left and right were some elite Japanese Japanese ghosts. After they looked at each other, they all shook their heads. They also heard such a sound, but they only heard the sound and did not see the person. Besides,

Well, this doesn't seem to be the sound of thunder exploding from the sky. The sound is so dense and completely different from the sharp exploding sound from before.

Just when everyone was still confused, or had not reacted for a while, a commotion soon broke out behind them, and then they saw a captain of five thousand men with an anxious look, panting and coming to the country.

Mururaji said in front of him: "General...General, something bad has happened. Behind us...there are a lot of cavalry...cavalry behind us."

"What?" When he heard that there would be cavalry behind him, Kunimuraji was naturally in disbelief.

Didn't the vanguard soldiers (Japanese scouts) say that the cavalry of the Chinese Army rushed towards the South Vietnamese Army with cavalry? How could there be cavalry appearing behind them?

Could it be that the Chinese Army had already defeated the South Vietnamese Army, so they transferred these cavalry to deal with them?

This is impossible. Even if the cavalry of the Chinese Army can defeat the South Vietnamese Army, it is impossible for them to appear behind them so quickly. The battlefields on the Eastern Front and the Southern Front are far apart. Even the cavalry cannot

It's better to arrive so quickly.

Since it couldn't be the cavalry on the southern front of the Great Chinese Army, then the vanguard soldiers below must have made a mistake. Thinking of this, Kunimuraji's face turned cold and he said to the five thousand captain: "Send more troops."

Let's check and see how many cavalry there are. It's probably just a small group of cavalry, which won't make any difference at all. Don't be afraid just because the cavalry appears. This will only lose our Japanese warriors.


Kunimuraji said with confidence. He didn't believe that any cavalry from the Great Chinese Army would appear. If the Great Chinese Army really had such a background, why bothered to start a fierce fight with him before? Could it be that all this was just to attract the attention of others?

Should I continue to attack by myself? This is simply unreasonable and unreasonable.

The Great Chinese Army would not make fun of its own soldiers. Didn't they say that Emperor Huat loved his soldiers as much as his own children? Then such a thing would be even less likely to happen to them.

The fact is that Tang Ao is very strict in managing his troops. Problems that can be solved with sky thunder will never let the soldiers take risks. Even if the use of sky thunder will cost a lot of gold and silver, he still can't.

I have never been stingy.

But this time, things were not like that at all. Feng Xun and his 20,000 Shanshan Guard light cavalry had just arrived, which showed the disadvantage of lagging information at this point. There were birds in the sky, there were scouts on the ground, and

After Longya's spies sealed off the Dongda Camp area, the Japanese vanguards could not get close to it at all. Naturally, they would not know that their opponent, the Great Chinese Army, had 20,000 Shanshan Guards cavalry.

After being reprimanded, the captain of the Five Thousand Captain quickly admitted his mistake in a low voice, and then turned around to investigate the truth. But in fact, there was no need for him to investigate anything, because the rear of the Co-Prosperous Army was already in chaos.

The 10,000 Shanshan Guard light cavalry suddenly appeared. As soon as they appeared in the darkness, they transformed into a sharp knife and pierced straight into the heart of the Co-Prosperity Army.

Countless bows and arrows were suddenly shot from their hands and fell on the Co-Prosperity Rear Army. I don’t know how many people were knocked down here in the dark night, and they would never wake up. Then, the cavalry came in large numbers.


It was also because the Communist Army was worried that the Chinese army would be attacked by thunder. When they were walking, the team was not dense and was still a bit loose. This better fulfilled the Shanshan Guards and allowed them to rush over easily.

Break through their formation, come among them, wield a sharp bright silver spear, stab, poke, swing or shoot.

The cavalry of the Dahua Army appeared too suddenly, and the cavalry had a huge advantage over the infantry. One side was well prepared, but the other side was not aware of it. This battle was unequal from the very beginning.

When the 10,000 Shanshan Guards actually rushed into the Japanese army camp, it was like 10,000 sharp swords inserted into the body of a huge beast, and it was immediately riddled with holes and devastation.


The Co-Prosperity Army has been reminded before that the most powerful thing about the Great Chinese Army is their sky thunder, but because of the limited number, attack range and distance, it is not that terrifying. Although it is inevitable that some people will be killed due to bad luck.

Death, but most people are lucky enough to survive and progress smoothly.

This made them not very nervous after hearing the roar of thunder, and the army was still advancing in an orderly manner. But in fact, what they needed to face was not thunder, not the kind that would make a loud noise after landing.

The explosive object that stopped the movement was actually very flexible, and he could rush in front of him at will and kill his own cavalry at close range. They were completely stunned.

The cavalry is the natural enemy of the infantry. This has been going on for thousands of years. Often a cavalry team of a thousand people can cut and surround a group of thousands of infantry. If the infantry is unprepared,

, then you can only be beaten passively.

"Rebirth of the Great Era of Fighting Waves"

This is the situation now. They are completely unprepared, and even the team is somewhat scattered. It is also in the dark night. It is simply impossible for them to form a joint force to resist.

This chapter has been completed!
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