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Chapter 1111: Jijinkai, who is serious to the bone


There is a place called Jianzui Cliff twenty miles east of the city. Compared to the darkness outside, it is brightly lit.

It is said that the world is full of wonders and wonders. Jianzui Cliff is like a natural haven. A large protruding stone stands high and blocks external objects, making it like a paradise, very quiet. Often

No matter what kind of disputes there are outside, you only need to hide here and you can become one with the small building.

After Li Chuxiang came here, he got to know such a place because he had an excellent relationship with the local people. When he first came here, he was also shocked by the quiet environment and kept sighing that this place is really natural.

A hiding place for troops.

If there weren't too many snakes and insects here, it would have been occupied by the local people long ago. However, these things that the people are afraid of are nothing to the army. Especially Canglang Camp, which was originally located in the mountains of Dianzhou

Living in the middle of the cliff, there are many poisonous insects that we have never seen, and there are many ways to deal with them. Sure enough, when some sulfur, mint, lavender, rosemary and other substances were sprinkled on the entire bottom of the cliff, most of the snakes and insects disappeared, and the remaining ones disappeared.

They were all manually cleared away by the soldiers of Canglang Camp.

Many of the corpses were cleaned by the soldiers and used to make various delicacies. They tasted delicious and really satisfied the appetites of many people.

With such a good place, no matter whether it is raining or cloudy outside, the soldiers of the Thirty Thousand Canglang Battalion have an excellent place to rest. They are responsible for resting here at ordinary times. When there are fighter planes, they will have a purpose.

Attack. After recharging their energy, they can often better utilize their advantages as soon as they enter the battle.

Just like this time, there were successive attacks. Although each time they sent out small groups of cavalry units, most of them were in companies and platoons to harass the Huns. Occasionally, they were in battalion units, but at most they would not exceed a thousand.

People kept attacking like this, accumulating small victories into big ones, and achieved the result of destroying tens of thousands of enemies.

What is even more gratifying is that the casualties of the soldiers are very slight, so slight that there are only a few injured, and there are usually very few people killed in battle. Once the soldiers are slightly injured, they will be sent back to Jianzui Cliff immediately, and there will be a

A large number of military doctors and guards came forward to "serve" me, and it felt absolutely comfortable.

In this way, the soldiers are not afraid of being injured on the battlefield. When fighting, they become more brave like little tigers, and can bring out their usual training level, so that after experiencing the test of actual combat, their combat capabilities will be stronger.


It is no exaggeration to say that the current Canglang Camp is not much worse than the Shanshan Guard. The only difference is a real face-to-face contest. With such a front, they have taken a step forward and become the Black Dragon Three Claws Banner.

That is a matter of course.

When the Canglang Battalion returned from Dianzhou, in view of the commotion they made there, which effectively curbed the development of the Dianzhou Army and the South Vietnamese Army, Tang Ao awarded them the Black Dragon One Claw Flag. After that, north of Pingcheng

In the battle, they annihilated and captured the Xiongnu's vanguard army of 180,000 people with 30,000 people, and were awarded the Black Dragon Two-Claw Banner.

The speed of its rise was so fast that many other teams followed suit. But this did not satisfy Li Chuxiang. He knew very well that the Shanshan Guards were awarded the Black Dragon Four-Claw Flag. In comparison, they were still

Two claws are missing.

We are all cavalry, so why is the Canglang Battalion worse than them? Isn't it because it took a shorter time to build? But it doesn't matter, as long as they work hard, they can catch up, and even become the Black Dragon Five Claws one step ahead.

The flag is not impossible.

With such a belief, even when there are no combat missions, the soldiers of the Canglang Battalion in Jianzui Cliff still have many training missions. The reason why the lights are bright here tonight is not because they are training. In fact.

, the combination of work and rest is still implemented very well in Canglang Camp. Everyone knows that without good physical strength, it is impossible to exert full strength on the battlefield. Usually at night, the soldiers should go to bed.

Will sleep.

But tonight, everyone couldn't sleep, all because they had a new weapon, which they needed to get familiar with, and then bring it to the battlefield to play its role.

In front of a larger temporary martial arts arena under Jianzui Cliff, Li Chuxiang was wearing a black armor and watching the soldiers below getting familiar with the new weapons. Beside him, besides Chief of Staff Feng Ping, there was another

An armored man stood with his hands behind his back. His face was calm. Although he was not old, his face showed a composure and stability that was inconsistent with him. Especially those sharp eyes like eagles, looking at each other,

It often gives people the feeling that they dare not look directly, or that they can peek into other people's hearts.

This person is Ji Jinkai, the magistrate of Heizhou, and an important talent discovered by Emperor Tang Ao in Longyuan.

Ji Jinkai's talent may not be bright, at least there is a certain gap compared to those prodigies, but he is willing to work hard. What others can do once, he can do it twice, three times, five times or even more, and he will work hard.

We have done it, and we will do it even better.

It was this kind of perseverance that enabled him to deliver a perfect answer every time he did something. This was true when he first went to Goryeo to be a supervisor, and it was still the same when he went to Heizhou and became a magistrate.

In a short period of time, Heizhou, which was originally very poor and had very chaotic public security, was brought to peace by him. Under Ji Jinkai's hand of candy and the stick, he quickly divided some local forces. First,

Let them attack each other and consume themselves. Then, seeing the opportunity, Ji Jinkai took his carefully trained soldiers and suddenly took action, eliminating the most popular local forces one by one.

He was killed when he needed to be killed, exiled when he needed to be exiled, and worked hard when he needed to, so within a short period of time, he was given the title of a judge.

Of course, these were all taken by the powerful and those who opposed the forces of Great China. However, the real local people called him Ji Qingtian and thanked him for coming and making decisions for the people and making their lives better.

It's getting better day by day.

Speaking of which, in addition to Ji Jinkai's own efforts and never showing favoritism, this is also because Heizhou is close to Jizhou.

Because of the short distance, you can get more and better resources, and whatever you need can be replenished immediately. When a large amount of Jizhou's grain passed through Heizhou and filled many newly built granaries, Ji Jinkai built one

Visit action.

That is, as long as they are ordinary people and have identity certificates of Chinese nationality, they can visit the granary for free for one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon the next day. What he wants is to calm the people's hearts through this method.

As the old saying goes, food is the most important thing for people.

As long as they can be satisfied with food and have food to eat, everyone's hearts will settle down, and then the people's hearts will be ready.

And once the people and the government think in the same direction and work hard in the same direction, there really is no way to stop them.

When the people were at peace and had their hearts set on what they wanted, the local dignitaries were severely suppressed again. Some of them had danced happily before, and even some forces that even Beidi and the King of the Huns were afraid of were eventually defeated by Ji Jinkai.

After cleaning up, a lot of money was confiscated. According to regulations, half was given to the imperial court of Dahua, and the remaining half was used by him to improve people's livelihood, such as building houses, bridges and roads, and subsidizing

The seeds for people to farm, the cattle for farming, etc.

In many cases, the appearance of a good official can change the local economy and the spiritual outlook of the people. This is what Qingtian said. Just like Di Renjie in history was a capable official in governing the world. Every time he went to a place, it often didn't take long.

, the local economy will develop rapidly and the social order will become extremely stable. Ji Jinkai is such a person.

When Tang Ao handed the power into his hands and said bluntly, as long as you do the right thing, just do it. Don't worry about anyone stumbling you or holding you back. If there is such a person, how should you deal with it?

How to deal with it, Tang Ao is willing to be his biggest backer.

It is precisely because of this that the situation in Heizhou quickly improved, and there were indeed some people and things that wanted to hinder it. When everyone saw that Heizhou was developing well, they especially found that the land there was the most vast.

At that time, some people had the idea of ​​​​enclosing land here under various names, and some of them were officials who had helped Tang Ao, or had made certain achievements, or family members of officials.


Since ancient times, officials have protected each other. This is an unavoidable problem. After all, everyone looks up and looks down. If you make it easier for others today, others will make it easier for you in the future. When people are alive, they have to face the world, and no one can be independent in the world.

But Ji Jinkai is such a person, a person who is serious about his work to the core. Since Tang Ao once said that he would be his colleague for the rest of his life and be his backend, then he did not sell it to anyone while he was in Heizhou.

Face. In his opinion, many times government orders are good, but it is because of bad people who implement them that they lead to bad results. And he himself will never be an unqualified executor.

It is precisely because of Ji Jinkai's actions that Heizhou has become better, but there are countless tricks to impeach him. After a while, a pile will be placed on the desk of Shen Yunyi, the Minister of Military and Aircraft who handles major military and political affairs in Jizhou, and then things will begin.

The news would reach the ears of Tang Ao, who was still fighting abroad, but Tang Ao said nothing about all this, as if he had never heard of it.

Such an attitude came back to Shen Yunyi's ears. How could he not know what his Majesty meant, so he immediately kept these impeachment tips in mind.

The impeachment was useless, and many officials were naturally itchy with hatred, but the people at that time cheered endlessly, praising their good fortune for having such a good parent and official.

This chapter has been completed!
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