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Chapter 1114 The muscles of the wolf camp

The voice passed on, and everyone nodded nervously, but no one knew how many people could really hear it. The people in the crowd were all farmers, and there were some people who usually did farm work.

It’s about strength, but fighting is not just about having strength, you also have to learn to use it.

As for the soldiers, they are some trained sergeants, but most of them have never participated in actual combat. They are just new recruits in the regular army. They are useful in dealing with some bandits, such as against the powerful Xiongnu.

The cavalry is obviously not enough.

Fortunately, they have the city wall to rely on and there are a lot of them. In addition, the cavalry from the Canglang Battalion has already arrived outside. They only need to persist for a while, which gives everyone hope.

The iron city gate cannot be destroyed by thunder. Qi Huai gave up the idea of ​​entering through the city gate and simply ordered to build ladders to attack the city. At one time, hundreds of ladders were taken out, and then shields

Soldiers, archers, and swordsmen moved in groups, and once again rushed towards the south tower of Wangcheng in large numbers.


Seeing that the enemy was coming again, the general guarding the city shouted, and then arrows rained down, but the effect was obviously not very good. After a certain lack of accuracy, the arrows fell on the shield in the hands of the Huns.

There were bursts of crackling sounds, and the number of people who were really injured was very limited. It was like loud thunder and small raindrops.

On the contrary, it was the Huns soldiers who used their shields to block the arrows fired from the city. Some of the archers hiding behind them reflected the arrows back to the city. Instead, there was a sound of wailing and screaming from the city tower.

"Hurry and hide behind the battlements, don't show your head, don't show your head." Seeing that the wave of people standing in front of the tower fell down after just one fight, the general guarding the city became a little anxious and shouted loudly,

Then let the shield soldiers move forward and form an iron wall to block more bows and arrows from shooting down.


Under the city tower, when the Huns soldiers saw this scene, they couldn't help laughing.

Just a burst of bows and arrows fell, and the Dahua army defending the city was killed and injured a lot. They stopped firing arrows and had to switch from offense to defense. They seemed to have seen what they were like when they were raging in the south. They seemed to have seen it again.

The scene where they were running rampant across the world.

"Come on, attack the city. If anyone shows up, shoot them to death." A captain of five thousand men in charge of the siege jumped out and said arrogantly.

Hundreds of ladders poured towards the city tower, and then the Huns soldiers holding swords quickly climbed up. They had already seen the strength of the Chinese army on the city tower. They were confident that as long as

A large number of warriors went up to the city tower, and it would not be difficult to drive these people down from the city, or even rush into the city and open the city gate from the inside.

Kick, kick, kick, thousands of Huns soldiers climbed up on the ladder, climbing step by step, getting closer and closer to their goal.

"Hurry up and throw rocks and fire oil." The general guarding the city did have combat experience. He was originally a company commander in the Quartet Army. It was only because he was injured in the battle that he was assigned to Wangcheng as a commander.

Generals who defend the city, such people will not be frightened when they go to the battlefield.

With his shouting, everyone remembered what to do, and immediately the prepared sleepers, stones and kerosene began to be thrown towards the exposed ladders one by one.

They may still remember the fact that the Huns were very good at bow shooting. None of them dared to show their heads too much. They just dodged after hitting things without even looking at whether they hit the enemy. Ordinarily, the effect of such a counterattack would not be too great.

Okay, but the problem is that there are a lot of Dahua soldiers and civilians guarding the city, and the supplies are sufficient. In this way, under the change of quantity, it can form a certain scale and deal a heavy blow to the Huns army who is climbing the tower.

As they were climbing the ladder, the Hun soldiers, who had already accomplished a great deal and were looking forward to victory, were suddenly faced with countless things coming towards them, and they all looked a little panicked.

Unexpectedly, the Dahua army had the ability to counterattack, and the counterattack was so fast and violent, especially when there were so many objects thrown, making it impossible for the Huns soldiers standing on the ladder with limited space to dodge.

He could only watch as he was hit and then fell from the ladder to the ground.

The first thousand Huns soldiers who rushed out were defeated without even climbing up the tower. Nearly half of them were killed or injured, and only about 500 people withdrew safely. Looking at this result, the captain of the 5,000 soldiers was naturally

They were so angry that they originally thought this was an easy-to-capture city, but they didn't expect that they still had some ability to fight back.

But so what, he didn't believe that the things on the tower would be inexhaustible, and he didn't believe that the Chinese people were not afraid of death. As long as the number of attacks increased and the number of casualties on the other side began to increase, they would inevitably be afraid. At that time, Wangcheng was still

If it fell into their hands, they would definitely go on a killing spree after entering the city. He wanted everyone in the world to know what would happen to the Huns who angered them.

"Come here, prepare to attack the city again." The captain of the five thousand soldiers said unwillingly and ordered the archers to look for opportunities to release arrows, trying to inflict more damage to the Chinese army defending the city.

In the following time, the offensive and defensive sides went back and forth, and the fighting was very lively. The number of casualties on the battlefield was also increasing, but in general, the Dahua army suffered more casualties. The Huns' bow shooting level

It was so accurate that as soon as the soldiers and civilians of Dahua showed their heads, they would be shot, injured and carried down to the city by their comrades.

On the contrary, the Huns have become more sophisticated in military science. The number of people attacking the city at one time will not be too many, so even if something falls on the tower, the number of people who can hurt them is limited. That is to say, the Chinese army has such financial and material resources.

I just threw the things away as if they were free of charge and replaced them with ordinary troops. I'm afraid they wouldn't dare to waste them like this.

The siege battle was very lively. Although the troops invested by both sides did not seem to be very large, in fact they were just testing each other. Once one side showed its intention to lose, the other side would definitely take advantage of the victory and pursue it, expanding the scale of the war.

But in the eyes of all the Huns, they were sure to win this battle. All that was needed was a matter of time. Sixty thousand Huns cavalry troops came for just a small town. They really couldn't think of anything.

The reason will not be able to take it here.

In the temporary tent, Hu Yantong, Bu Xian, Qi Huai and others were gathering here, drinking and chatting. It seemed that the siege battle not far away, the killings there, and the fact that people would die anytime and anywhere had nothing to do with them.

Nothing the same.

They were waiting in the big tent for good news from the front, and then they would enter the city in glory, plunder, and grab all the good things they wanted.

However, this atmosphere did not last long. After a night guard ran into the big tent, everything changed.

"What? You mean the cavalry of the Great Chinese Army were found outside our perimeter?" After hearing this, Hu Yantong stood up immediately and said with surprise and a hint of panic on his face.

"Yes, our Ye Bushou discovered the Dahua cavalry approaching our outer positions. Now we only know that there are a lot of them, but how many people are there, what is their combat strength, what is the Dahua army number they are fighting, and what are the numbers?

We need to go investigate again." Ye Bushuang told everything he knew.

"Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you go and investigate." Hu Yantong waved his hand impatiently and asked Ye Bu to retreat. Compared with his father, Hu Yantong obviously had many disadvantages, no matter it was

His courage and ability are much smaller. But he also has his own advantages, that is, he is cautious in doing things, which can also be said to be timid.

Whenever encountering danger, he would run away if he could and rarely take risks. For example, when Huyangai was young, he would definitely order the entire army to prepare for an attack, and he would also take the lead and be the first to attack.

Ahead, boost the morale of the army.

What Hu Yantong was thinking about was why the Chinese cavalry appeared here. Is it a coincidence that they were so fast? Or were they waiting for him here intentionally?

"Swallowing the Starry Sky: Sign in to Become a God"

If it's the former, then there's no need to worry. Presumably by coincidence, the other party won't be too well-prepared and can handle it. But if it's the latter, then you need to think about it carefully and do it if it doesn't work.

Be prepared to retreat at any time. After all, people can only do more things if they are alive. Otherwise, no matter how many good things you have, what is the use if your life is gone?

Ye Bushuang was sent out, but the news would not come out so quickly. Drinking continued in the big tent, but it was obvious that Hu Yantong was a little absent-minded. But Bu Xian did not think about it so much.

.Most of the Shanshan Guards of the Dahua Army are in Xiangzhou, and as long as they are not there, it is really impossible to imagine who will be their opponent. At that time, whether to advance or retreat is just a matter of one's own thoughts. Who can

How can he stop his own army?

As for the news that came before, saying that there was a cavalry of the Chinese Army called Canglang Camp here, he didn't take it to heart at all. Although he also heard that this Canglang Camp had caused a lot of trouble in Dianzhou before.

movement, but they were only dealing with the Dianzhou Army. Such a third-rate army would not be taken seriously by him at all.

And the Canglang Camp, which was not looked down upon by anyone, under the leadership of brigade commander Li Chuxiang, was getting closer to the Xiongnu camp.

The 60,000-strong Xiongnu camp did not take any other actions at this time except attacking the city. Even when the elites of the Canglang camp appeared from afar, they only sent some Ye Bushou to maintain the defense.

Just observing them from a certain distance.

"They didn't even send a single cavalry to fight. These Huns cavalry are really arrogant." Li Chuxiang, who was riding a horse, looked at this scene and said with indignation.

This chapter has been completed!
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