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Chapter 1126: The panicked Huns

Originally, when Qi Huai expressed his worries, Hu Yantong couldn't help but follow his train of thought and became worried. But when Jing Bu first said this, the heart that was just about to rise was relieved. "Yes, General Qi Huai,

The main force of the Dahua Army is in Heping City in Xiangzhou, so there will not be many who can appear in front of us. Are you too cautious?"

There is no evidence, everything is just his own guess, and even the prince said so, what else can Qi Huai say, he can only admit: "Maybe the general is overthinking, the terrain here is flat.

It’s difficult to hide an ambush, and besides, there are scouts clearing the way, so there won’t be any problems.”

Since there is no evidence to prove your thoughts, it is better to say something nice and make Prince Bo and Young Master happy.

Sure enough, after these words were spoken, Bu Xian's face looked much better, and Hu Yantong's expression also became calmer. "Okay, that being the case, let's order the army to move forward to clear the way. Hey, say

The army is still moving too slowly. Also, I don’t know what happened to Badao and the others at the rear. Did they repel the pursuing Dahua cavalry?”

At this time, Hu Yantong began to care about the safety of Ba Dao and the others. It was obvious that this was a cat crying like a mouse and it was a fake mercy. When Ba Dao was asked to stay behind, his attitude was very urgent and there was no trace of concern.

But these words were spoken by Hu Yantong. Even if they were just going through the motions and going through the motions, it was difficult for others to say anything. Whether it was Bu Xian or Qi Huai, they had to lower their heads slightly so that others could not see their current appearance clearly.

After sighing, he still had to walk the road that should be taken and continue to do the things that should be done. Qi Huai began to order the army to move forward in the rain.

The rain was not heavy, but it lasted for a while, so that the trail became slightly muddy, and the horses would walk out of a hole when walking on it. Those in front were fine, but when they reached the back, it became difficult to walk.

This made everyone scramble to get to the front, and the team seemed a bit chaotic. When Qi Huai saw this, he originally wanted to stop it, but considering that everyone was tired, there was no point in scolding anyone at this time. Fortunately, he did not stop here.

If there are no enemies, it will be chaotic.

If the general above did not stop them, the Hun cavalry became even more chaotic, and some horses even bumped into each other because they were fighting for the road. Fortunately, this was only a small probability event and did not affect the overall situation.

Because everyone's speed increased involuntarily, they quickly reached the official road from the small road. Once they entered here, the ground under their feet became more solid, and everyone suddenly felt relaxed.

And just when everyone felt relaxed, it was also the time when their bodies and spirits were the most relaxed. Ji Jinkai, who saw this scene from the tunnel, felt happy and looked at the guards aside and asked: "Are you ready for the grenade?"


"Sir, we are ready, but only two are too few. How many enemies can be killed?" The guard answered seriously at first, but as he spoke, he started to hug him.


"Okay, you have two pills which is already a lot. Many people don't even have one. Only those who are deputy squad leader or above only have one." Ji Jinkai smiled and shook his head. He came in a hurry this time, so

Naturally, you don’t bring too many grenades. Another reason is that many recruits have never been exposed to these grenades. Once they are used rashly, it will be bad if they blow up their own people. Therefore, only experienced veterans, deputy squad leaders and above can have them.


It doesn’t matter if only one person gets his turn, but among the 50,000 soldiers, there are fully 10,000 small grenades. And once these are suddenly thrown out in a short period of time, it can be imagined that the Huns cavalry will not blow up their nests.


At that time, it was time for their entire army to attack and go out to harvest the fruits.

Obtaining the greatest victory at the smallest cost is something Tang Ao often talks about.

Tang Ao loves his soldiers as much as his own son. This is known to everyone in the Great China Army. He has always believed that injuring one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred to himself is a defeat, not a victory. Such a general who leads the army is also incompetent. For this reason, he is really

I have dealt with several battalion commanders and a regiment commander who suffered heavy losses despite winning the battle. With this example in front of me, no one dares not to take this sentence seriously.

As a firm supporter of Tang Ao and one of his favorite outstanding students, Ji Jinkai naturally unconditionally supports any move Tang Ao makes. Therefore, he has always had a thought in his mind, that is, how to do it at the minimum cost.

to gain the greatest victory.

"Don't have any emotions. Remember, when I ask you to throw the grenade, you must throw it out as soon as possible. This is a signal for the entire army to attack. Do you understand?" He didn't say anything more to the guard.

Instead, he issued military orders in a commanding tone.

"No." The guard's expression became serious, and he saluted with a military salute. Then several other guards in a tunnel took out the grenades and pulled out the fuse.

It looks like they will throw this thing out as soon as you give the order.

In the other tunnels, it was impossible to see what was happening outside. They only left limited breathing holes to ensure the circulation of air. But everyone remained alert because they could faintly hear the footsteps of horse hooves.

The voice of the earth.

Although there was some water accumulation in some tunnels due to the rain, no one cared about it. Everyone raised their ears and were on full alert, and some soldiers above the deputy squad leader also put grenades in their hands.

He took it out and was ready to rush out of the tunnel and throw it at any time.

The Huns cavalry were completely unaware of everything that happened underground. They could not imagine that there would be such a large enemy army underground. But because of the rain, all traces were covered up, so that anyone who wanted to discover them

, have become impossible.

The ignorant are fearless!

Because they don’t know, no one feels afraid, and they are still satisfied with the sense of security they felt when they first stepped onto the official path.

"It's time! Drop the bomb!" Ji Jinkai saw everything outside, especially when he saw that many Huns cavalry looked lazy after entering the official road, and they didn't even form a formation.

, he knew that it was time to launch a general attack.

Attacking at this time is completely unorganized and undisciplined by the opponent. This can better achieve the effect of mixing the enemy's morale and winning in one battle.

Several guards standing next to Ji Jinkai had been waiting for this order. When they heard this voice, two guards first pushed away the wooden board with a thin layer of soil on their heads, and then

Several guards jumped out with great skill, and then pulled off the fuses of the grenades in their hands almost at the same time, and threw them hard towards the target within their sight.

A beautiful arc was drawn in the sky, during which raindrops should have fallen on the grenades, but this did not prevent them from exploding with their own power.

Boom, boom boom, boom boom boom...

The sound of explosions suddenly started, without any warning, just appeared on the official road and fell into the camp of the Huns cavalry who were walking there.

"what happened?"

"What happened? Was it thunder?"

"Where is the thunder? Is it going to rain heavily?"

Many of the Huns cavalry who had not woken up at all were still looking up to the sky, as if they wanted to see if heavy rain was coming. Otherwise, how could there be thunder?

Even at the center of the team, Hu Yantong and others were confused when they heard the sound of the explosion. At first, they thought it was thunder from the sky, and they looked up at the sky. But only Qi

Huai instinctively glanced at the sky first, and when he found that there was no gloomy sign, he suddenly looked straight ahead. A very bad feeling suddenly arose in his mind.

He still remembers that when he heard the explosion of thunder for the first time, he thought it was thunder. This is also a common feeling of many people. Otherwise, there would be no so-called thunder.

The sound of thunder was so familiar that Qi Huai couldn't help but wonder, could this not be thunder, but the sound of thunder?

It’s not about whether it will be, it must be.

This idea just appeared in my mind. On both sides of the official road, 50,000 soldiers of the Chinese Army rushed out of the tunnel. Countless grenades flew out of their hands, heading straight towards the nearest

The officer threw it away on the road.

The other recruits who didn't have grenades also had the courage to shout the word "kill", and tens of thousands of people ran forward in unison, trampling on the rain and splashing all over their clothes, but no one paid attention.

They only knew that by charging forward again and again, they would use their momentum to overwhelm the Huns in front of them.

The squad and platoon leaders around them had already told them that this time they were facing elite Hun cavalry, probably tens of thousands of them. And they only had 50,000 infantry. If they couldn't fight at the beginning

If the opponent is confused and allowed to react and counterattack, they will be the ones at a disadvantage.

In order to win, in order to seize the initiative, they must charge, and they must charge forward in an unstoppable manner. They must use their momentum to overwhelm the enemy and overcome all difficulties.

All 50,000 infantrymen launched a charge, suddenly emerging from thousands of tunnels, like bamboo shoots springing up after the rain. Their sudden appearance gave people a sense of endlessness, and at the same time, they were like locusts.

The pressure came.

This was completely unexpected. A scene that no one expected happened like this. Some Huns cavalry were still stunned on the spot. They really didn't understand where these enemies came from. There were so many

Where are people hiding?

Why haven't I discovered it before?

Completely unprepared, with explosions everywhere and shouts of charging, the Huns cavalry panicked.

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