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Chapter 1151 The military heart is available

Regarding what happened in the Xiongnu, Long Ya had already investigated clearly, and Tang Ao also knew that Hu Yangai's death was not caused by Bu Jie in front of him, but was related to Wei Qian'er. But the other party insisted on putting gold on his face, and Tang Ao also knew

There is no intention to expose it. If a person is dead, it is no longer important in his eyes, so who killed him is naturally not that important.

All he needed to know was that this Bu Jie really wanted to surrender, and the Xiongnu problem had to be completely solved immediately. Tang Ao then nodded with a smile on his face, "This time, it can be said that the Bu family has done a great job with their hard work."

, but I don’t know what kind of reward you need from me?”

Bu Jie also said with a face of joy, "Your Majesty, all this is what foreign ministers should do, there is no need for rewards or anything, and if we, the Bu family, can be allowed to return to the Northland and Hutuo City,


Before Bu Jie could finish his words, Tang Ao's expression had already changed, and he pretended to be very unhappy and said: "Old Bu Clan, Hutuo City is now the territory of Dahua, and people there have also moved in.

There are so many Chinese people, I’m afraid it won’t be good for you to go back.”

This was a rejection, and Bu Jie sighed in his heart. He had no illusions in the first place, he just wanted to give them a try. Because once they were let back, it wouldn't take long for him, Bu Jie, to take up the banner.


Comparing his feelings, if he wins, he will never allow his former opponent a chance to make a comeback, so he can understand, and therefore is not angry. Instead, he changes his mind and asks, "But I wonder how your majesty will arrange for our Bu family?"

"Bu family disrupts the situation and gives you a Chinese citizenship. From now on, you can enjoy the same treatment as the common people of Great China. Of course, you are a meritorious person. I will not forget this, so I will reward you more."

With the money, I will also give you a big house in Jicheng, which will be enough for you to enjoy the rest of your life." Tang Ao said very generously. You can't blindly suppress your enemies. Candy and sticks are the best checks and balances.


Tang Ao wants to use this incident to set an example for everyone, that is, as long as you surrender sincerely, Dahua is still very generous and can still accept you. Of course, the prerequisite is that you must admit complete failure and be willing to integrate into Dahua.

Only in this way can we treat each other with courtesy in this big family.

If you are still unwilling and want to continue dormant, then I'm sorry, Dahua will not accept your surrender. Even if it wastes some financial resources, it will completely eliminate you.

Tang Ao was willing to accept it and gave him good conditions. Bu Jie breathed a sigh of relief. He had seen the methods of this Vantage before, and he easily preyed on people in Jingguan. Now that he could accept them and spare them from death, it would be good.

As a result, it will give them glory and wealth, which is a complete surprise.

Bu Jie returned satisfied. He had promised that he would personally escort Huyan Gai to Jicheng and beat and kill him at will. This also meant that the Xiongnu would be completely erased from the long river of history.

After receiving the envoys from various forces one by one, Tang Ao also had a clearer understanding of the current world situation. It seemed that those who came had a heart of forbearance or wanted to rule the world together. Such forces are still here.

Being able to maintain a short period of peace allowed him to start making more preparations.

On the other hand, those who did not appear are those who are determined to fight Dahua to the end, such as South Vietnam and Zangzhou.

Due to the climatic conditions, the last time the Dahua Army fought with the Zangzhou Monk Soldiers, they did not take any advantage and almost suffered a big loss. This may have made the Zangzhou Monk Soldiers become arrogant and confident. , that being the case, we must give them a show of strength and let them know what will happen if they anger Dahua.

The war will still have to be fought, and even Tang Ao will eventually achieve the goal of unification. But before that, there is one very important thing to do, and that is to unify the hearts of the people within.

If everyone in your family has different opinions and ideas before doing something, how can such a thing be done well? Don’t you know that everything will be happy if the family is harmonious?

Especially the Huyakou incident this time, which almost caused Tang Ao's loss. With his character of not wanting revenge overnight, this matter will never be settled. This time I come to express my condolences to Shen Xing, Qian De The emperor actually sent only one official from the Ministry of Rites, and even the minister didn't mention it. He didn't mention anything about the previous incident, as if it didn't happen at all.

At this point, how could Tang Ao endure it? Since his brother ignored him so much, no wonder he took action.

Of course, this is private. As for the public, Jizhou is very important to Dahua, and it is the only place to enter the Central Plains. If we cannot capture it, many supplies must go far away, and a lot of money will be wasted every time. Money, time and manpower. And if Jizhou can be captured, it will completely open up a broad road, which will be very beneficial to the mobilization of the army.

For this reason, it is time for Jizhou to take it back. If we don't take it now, when the foreign races in the south have rested again and the army is approaching, it will be hard to do even if they want to.

Tang Ao is determined to take action against Da Gan, but before that, he needs to unify the internal opinions. After all, this is not a war with aliens. You can do whatever you want. Everyone will support him, and those who don't support him will be called... Being a traitor is a very unpleasant feeling.

But this time it is a battle between colleagues. Without righteousness, who knows whether the people below will support it? Even if he is the emperor who issued the holy order, but if the people below follow the yin and yin, he will still be helpless.

In this way, a page of rice paper appeared in front of Tang Ao, and some names of people were recorded on it. These were all people who needed to be interviewed in person.

Shen Yunyi, as the uncle of Shen Ao, was one of the people Tang Ao trusted the most now. He was also the Minister of Military and Aircraft of the Great China Kingdom. Even if he wanted to mobilize troops for war, he would certainly not be able to get around this hurdle.

In the palace of Jicheng, Tang Ao held a family banquet here. He would only treat Shen Yunyi like this, and no one would say anything if word spread. Who doesn't know that Tang Ao was still Shen Ao, or Duke Zhongguo before? How close was the uncle-nephew relationship between them when they were young?

Even if it is a family banquet, Princess Shen Min will naturally attend. She is Shen Yunyi's biological niece.

In this way, Tang Ao, Shen Yunyi, and Shen Min sat together like this. There was no need for a servant. Shen Min poured the wine himself. The two men enjoyed it happily.

Shen Min was the first to know Tang Ao, and was also the first to fall in love with her. In addition, her identity was kept there, so she became Tang Ao's royal concubine. However, because there is no real capital yet, Shen Min is still just the emperor. A concubine, not a queen.

But almost everyone knows that as long as the capital is settled, Shen Min's position will be corrected if nothing unexpected happens. On this point, both Aoxue and Xue Fei support it.

The former has an attitude that anyone can do it. Shen Min is usually very filial to her, virtuous, and not too scheming. When such a person becomes a queen, it is also a blessing to the country and the harem.

Xuefei has never thought about fighting for these things. She has the aura of a child of the world, and she doesn't care much about status. As long as Tang Ao treats her well, she is satisfied. Especially now that she has a child. She will not argue about this anymore. She has already thought about training her son to be a martial arts master. When the time comes, the treatment may not be any worse than that of the emperor who is deep in the palace. At least he will be more comfortable.

Tang Ao also hinted to Shen Yunyi that Shen Min's status would not be shaken, which made the latter very happy, and he naturally worked harder when doing things for Tang Ao.

When the three of them got together, they chatted about daily life and then talked about what happened at Huyakou in Yuzhou. Even though a long time had passed, Shen Yunyi still said with a serious face, "Your Majesty, you don't know, When this news came back, it really frightened us. You must be busy now, Dahua cannot do without your presence."

"Haha, it's just a bunch of foreigners, nothing to worry about." Tang Ao laughed and seemed not to take this matter seriously. But only he knew in his heart that those elite cavalry were very difficult to fight. Brave, if Shi Lei and the others hadn't recovered their strength in time and rushed forward to help, they might not have been able to pass this level.

It can be seen from this that there are people in Daqian who know how to train soldiers and they should not be underestimated.

Tang Ao looked indifferent, but Shen Yunyi obviously had no intention of reading this article, and continued to say in a serious voice: "Your Majesty, this time Emperor Qiande actually committed fratricide, which is really unforgivable. But I don’t know how your Majesty is going to do it?”

Tang Ao called the other party here and was talking about this matter. He never thought that he would bring it up first, which naturally made Tang Ao very happy. Of course, he also knew that Shen Yunyi must have seen what he was thinking. Only then did he reciprocate the love intentionally. Even so, he fulfilled the other party and himself. "Oh, but I don't know how Shen Aiqing wants to do it?"

Facing the rhetorical question, Shen Yunyi was not surprised at all. Instead, he said very calmly, "Your Majesty, from what I can see, the other party provoked us first, so we can take this opportunity to fight back. Jizhou It is very important and should be in our hands."

"Well, that's right. What Shen Aiqing said is in my heart. But I just don't know what the generals in the army think." Now that Shen Yunyi has already spoken out, Tang Ao naturally won't. Even though he was being pretentious, he immediately expressed his thoughts and worries.

"Haha." Shen Yunyi laughed after hearing this, and then said: "Your Majesty, you can rest assured that the generals of the army will never have other ideas on this point. They have long been eager to lay down the beam and occupy Jizhou. .I believe that as long as His Majesty gives an order, everyone will definitely respond."

This chapter has been completed!
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