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Chapter 1156: Prison Offering Ceremony

Not only Feng Wanli and Guan Zhi, but also taking advantage of this rare opportunity to calm down, Tang Ao met many military generals and some local magistrate-level officials in the palace. While affirming their work, he also praised them Put forward higher requirements.

In short, in one sentence, we must work together to build Dahua into a better place.

On the twenty-fifth day that Tang Ao was in Jicheng, another army came outside the city, each with a heavy sword in his hand, looking majestic.

But when they were still five miles away from the city, they began to set up camp. Jicheng is equivalent to the current temporary imperial capital of Dahua. In such a place, no army is allowed to enter without an order, otherwise it will Will be punished for rebellion.

At the gate of the West City, a gorgeous carriage is parked here. From time to time, the curtain will be lifted, revealing the anxious faces of the people inside.

"Master, don't worry, the Canglang Camp has returned, and I will definitely follow." Seeing the anxious look on her master Tang Qinglan's face, the maid Zhuyun said with a smile.

"You damn girl, no one will treat you as a mute if you don't speak. Why don't you go find out where he is?" Tang Qinglan pretended to be angry and said.

Zhuyun knew that this was just her master's eagerness and was not really angry, so she agreed with a smile, sat in a soft sedan and headed towards the military camp ahead. It was a coincidence that her sedan had just arrived in front of the military camp. At that time, a cavalry team appeared inside, about a dozen people, and the one at the front was handsome and distinguished. Who else could he be if he wasn't Li Chuxiang, the brigade commander of the Canglang Battalion?

"Uncle." As soon as Zhu Yun saw Li Chuxiang from afar, he immediately ordered the sedan to stop and walked out.

"It turns out to be Zhuyun. Haha, in this case, I will go to the city to see His Majesty now, and I will go home after leaving the palace. I would also like to trouble you to tell the princess." Li Chuxiang laughed. This time he was a big winner. Back. Although the Huns surrendered in the end and took the initiative to find him. But the previous battles were solid achievements, which gave him some confidence when he went to see Tang Ao.

The country comes first, then the family. Generals put state affairs first. Of course, it was impossible for Li Chuxiang to go back first and see the emperor later. Zhuyun also knew this truth, so he nodded and got out of the way. the way.

Li Chuxiang led a dozen cavalrymen towards Ji City and soon appeared in the Ji Palace. Tang Ao had already been waiting in the main hall. Seeing Li Chuxiang in such a place was originally a sign of respect.

"The last general, Li Chuxiang, has met your majesty. Long live your majesty." As soon as he entered the palace, Li Chuxiang gave a big salute.

Although there is a saying in the army that one should not kneel while wearing armor, the Dahua Army needs a military salute to complete the etiquette. But after all, this was the first time I saw Tang Ao just after returning, so it was normal to give a big salute.

"Hurry up and get down quickly. Someone will give General Li a seat." Tang Ao smiled and sat on a golden dragon chair that glowed with golden light. He raised his hand and said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Li Chuxiang stood up and thanked him, and someone immediately brought a chair and placed it in front of him.

The next time was filled with inquiries. Li Chuxiang also told in detail what happened after Canglang Camp entered the north of Pingcheng. Although Tang Ao knew what happened before, But it's not very detailed, and now I understand everything.

After a long time, Li Chuxiang fell silent, and Tang Ao said: "Well, Canglang Camp performed very well this time. It did not disappoint me, nor did it disappoint the people of Dahua." After some encouragement first, Tang Ao said

Ao then asked about the Huns.

"Back to Your Majesty, the new Xiongnu King Hu Yantong is in the Canglang Camp and can hold a prisoner presentation ceremony at any time. By the way, Bu Jie and Bu Xian's father and son are also there. The general will send people to keep an eye on them.

." Li Chuxiang said as he introduced the situation.

After hearing this, Tang Ao nodded with satisfaction and said: "When the Bu family and his son come back, I will arrange for someone to take them into the city. From now on, they will not be the Huns, they will be ordinary Chinese people. As for Huyantong, it will take three days."

.You go back and make preparations. A prisoner dedication ceremony will be held in three days. At that time, the people in the city will see the military might of our Dahua Army, and let others know what the consequences will be if they are enemies of our Dahua Army."

In ancient times, a prisoner dedication ceremony was a very formal matter, which was of great benefit to improving the morale of the army and the confidence of the people. Tang Ao also thought of using this method to inspire everyone, so that he could take advantage of this east wind.

Prepare to send troops to Jizhou.


Canglang camp military camp.

Hu Yantong was tied to a wooden stake with a pale face, and his face was blood red.

Even if he was beaten to death, he would not have thought that the people who killed him in the end were his own people. He could not have imagined why Bu Xian, whom he regarded as a brother, would betray him like this? Is the Great Chinese Army really invincible?

Could it be that surrendering to the Great Chinese Army, losing power and being an ordinary citizen is really that good? Is it better than becoming the future leader of the Bu clan?

Hu Yantong couldn't understand it, so these days he just made a request, that is, he hopes to meet Bu Xian. As long as this wish is achieved, he will cooperate with Canglang Camp and do whatever needs to be done?

On the other hand, if he didn't agree, he would go on a hunger strike and die, which would ruin the idea of ​​the Chinese army to use him as a prisoner.

Hu Yantong is no longer afraid of death, because he knows that he will definitely die this time. All he wants is to figure out some things before he dies. He doesn't want everyone to die, and he doesn't want to be an unjust ghost.

As expected, Hu Yantong went on a hunger strike. Although there are military doctors in the Canglang camp who can find ways to supplement nutrition, if a person really wants to seek death, it is difficult to prevent it. For this reason, the following

The people reported the information to the police. After Feng Ping, the chief of staff who stayed in the military camp, learned about the incident, he thought about it and decided to arrange for the two of them to meet.

Feng Ping gave the order, and Bu Xian, who had already surrendered, naturally did not dare to disobey. Although Abu and the Emperor of Dahua had finished talking before, Tang Ao would not regret the agreement, but if someone made a request and he refused,

So who knows what will happen?

In this way, Bu Xian appeared in front of Hu Yantong. However, in order to prevent any accidents, Hu Yantong was not loosened, and there were still two soldiers from the Canglang Battalion standing around.

As soon as Bu Xian appeared, Hu Yantong, who seemed to have lost all his energy, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and he didn't know where he got the strength from, and shouted loudly, "Xian Bu, why do you want to harm me, why?"

"Woooooooo..." After Huyantong finished shouting, he started crying, like a child who had been wronged. He thought that Huyan was good to Bu and had always respected him, but he really wanted to I don't understand why the other party wants to betray me.

The look of Hu Yantong crying loudly fell into Bu Xian's eyes, and he who originally wanted to say a few sarcastic words restrained himself from saying anything. Instead, he was speechless for a while, and then uttered a sentence, "I don't want to die." ah."

Yes, Bu Xian doesn’t want to die.

Think about how powerful the Xiongnu were in the past, with 200,000 elite cavalry, they could march across the Great Qiannan without any opponent. Wherever they went, the enemies were always overwhelmed by the wind, or were vulnerable to a blow. At that time, they really dominated the world, and I was the only one who respected them. meaning.

But after encountering the Great Chinese Army, they suffered repeated defeats.

They always win with less and more. When facing the Chinese army, which time did they not have the advantage in strength, but which time did they not end in a big defeat?

As a result, there were fewer and fewer elites in the clan, and the heroes died one after another. In the end, they were no longer even one-fifth of their usual strength.

Facts have long proven that being an enemy of the Chinese army is a process of seeking death. Now that he knows this, Bu Xian, who does not want to die, must find a way out for himself. If he cannot defeat it, then surrender. Anyway, surrendering to Dahua is not a shameful thing.

In fact, this is just a matter of one person's choice. Facing an extremely severe situation, Hu Yantong thought of unrealistically re-strengthening the Xiongnu. Bu Xian chose to give up all resistance and surrender just to survive. .

Everyone has their own choice and their own reasons. It is impossible to say who is definitely right or who is wrong.

When Hu Yantong heard the words "I don't want to die", he didn't know what to say. Originally, he had already thought about how to scold Bu Xian to vent his anger and prove his greatness. But when he heard After saying this, he suddenly understood that Bu Xian just wanted to survive, so he had to betray himself. As far as he was concerned, what was wrong with him?

But the question is, doesn’t Hu Yantong want to live? Does he want to die?

But even as the king of the Huns, he had no choice in this position. The ministers could surrender, but the king could not. Because the latter would be said to be a good minister who chose the right tree to live in, but the former would only be regarded as such. He has no backbone and will be reviled by others.

Bu Xian left the big tent with Hu Yantong. After that, the new Hun king became much more obedient. Maybe he was really despairing, or maybe he no longer had any resentment and only thought about how to be dignified. I want to live out the last few days of my life, so that after dying like this, meeting my father will not be regarded as a loss of face for the Huyan clan.

Three days later, Jicheng was bustling with activity. Canglang Camp entered the city and held a grand prisoner dedication ceremony.

Hu Yantong was imprisoned in a wooden cart and paraded in public. An unknown number of rotten eggs and rotten vegetable leaves were thrown at him. But from the beginning to the end, he never lowered his head. It was just like this that he held his head high and his chest high. It is worthy of Hu Yan's attitude of not having descendants.
This chapter has been completed!
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