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The first thousand one hundred and fifty-ninth chapters soldiers approach the city of Daliang

Emperor Qian Ying wanted to kill himself, and Tang Ao was not surprised at all. After all, if he hadn't appeared, he should have been his emperor in Daliang City. It is reasonable to avenge such a big revenge.

Of course, this matter cannot be settled. As long as the opportunity is right, Tang Ao will definitely capture Emperor Qianwen. Anyone who wants him dead, all Tang Ao can do is to send him to the west first. There is no way, since If you take this path, it will be doomed to be full of thorns, and you can only break out of it by letting go of your arms.

Once the traitor incident was over, the guards returned to their posts. Not only that, but their number also doubled, reaching a thousand.

As soon as the news about the expansion of the Imperial Guard spread, countless people rushed to sign up, and then there was an extremely harsh review. Whether it was identity or physical ability, one was selected from a thousand, or even just one in case. In the end, hundreds of people signed up. The addition of new guards.

The number of guards increased to one thousand, and their strength doubled. This also made everyone feel relieved. At least it meant that Tang Ao's safety was more guaranteed.

After this incident, the Imperial Guards were also included in the list of subjects that Longya could investigate at any time. After all, it was related to Vantage's safety, and nothing could be done too much.

After the internal matters were dealt with, it was time for Tang Ao to leave.

Tang Ao was about to leave, and the four ladies naturally came out to see him off. They all showed a reluctance to give up. There was no other way. Although Tang Ao had worked hard in the past two months, none of them fell into the trap. They all had flat stomachs. .

Tang Ao knew that this was his own fault. After all, his body was too strong, and most women couldn't bear it. Only a master like Xue Fei could barely tolerate it. This was also because his cultivation level was not yet at home, so he couldn't do it. If they can't move freely, and one day, when their martial arts breakthrough occurs again, these ladies will surely have a big belly.

Concubine Zhao did not come out to see her off. She was an elder. Tang Ao had already met her before, but when they met, Tang Ao felt like he didn't know what to say.

This time he had to deal with Tang Jia. As the biological mother of Emperor Qiande, Concubine Zhao naturally had her own pain in her heart. But she had no intention of stopping her because she already knew that her unsatisfactory son wanted to intercept him first. Killing Tang Ao prompted Tang Ao to fight back.

In contrast, Concubine Zhao was more optimistic about Tang Ao, believing that only if the world was in his hands, the country would be rich and the people strong. But after all, he was her biological son, so Concubine Zhao also made a request, that is, please do not kill him. If Tang Jia is taken away, even if he is placed under house arrest, it will be fine.

How could Tang Ao have the heart to refuse and say no to this motherly woman who had taken good care of him since he was a child? He immediately nodded and agreed, promising that if Tang Jia was really caught, he would not be killed. He will be sent to Concubine Zhao to enjoy a lifetime of glory. But don't think about power, he will never be able to get even a little bit of it.

In September of the second year of the Hua Kingdom, Tang Ao secretly appeared in Mi City with a battalion of 30,000 Canglang, and sounded the clarion call to attack Jizhou.

After Tang Ao arrived in Secret City, he personally met with the surrendered general Huo Yang. While giving him a reassurance, he also made him completely determined to follow the Great China Army. Of course, the strength of these 30,000 people Ping Ping cannot be incorporated into the elite army for the time being. He can only go to the reserve department for retraining and then be assigned to a new position.

The arrival of the emperor greatly encouraged the 150,000 soldiers in Secret City (the original 30,000 cavalrymen in Secret City, the 30,000 cavalrymen in the Canglang Camp, the 15,000 men from the Stormy Second Brigade who came to support the Shanshan Guards, and the 15,000 men from the Stormy Second Brigade who came to support the army). The 45,000-strong Second Field Army and the 30,000-strong Second Firearms Brigade arrived from Pingcheng).

Although the number of troops was not very large, with them, Tang Ao was already ninety percent confident in taking Daliang City. Otherwise, he would not have left the chariot battalion in Pingcheng without moving.

This battle was fought with surprise and surprise. What he wanted to do was to break the courage of the Daqian army in one battle, not to actually meet them with swords.

Following this idea, countless scouts were sent out, and a bird patrol could be seen not far away in the sky. They used a slow advance method and came straight from Mi City to Daliang City.

No one in Daliang City knew that Huo Yang had surrendered to Tang Ao. In their opinion, there was a secret city to the north. No matter how powerful the Dahua Army was, it would not be possible to attack the officials in the city in front of them all at once. Therefore, they can sit back and relax and still live a life of wine and meat.

The distance from Mi City to Daliang City was only less than two hundred miles, but the Chinese army still walked for seven days. In order to block the news, the scouts arrested tens of thousands of people, most of whom were nearby people, but There are also some capable spies and scouts among them.

As soon as these people appear in this area and are targeted by the Chinese army, none of them can escape. No matter what the reason is, they must be imprisoned first in order to protect the secret of the army's appearance here.

Almost all the scouts in the army were sent out, and the task was finally completed. When the army arrived at the foot of Daliang City in the middle of the night, the defenders on the city still knew nothing about it, and there was no sense of tension before the war.

There are torches lit everywhere on the towers of Daliang City. Looking from the bottom up, you can clearly see the figures of patrolling soldiers walking back and forth.

"They are not prepared and are preparing to set up artillery." Through the telescope, he saw a real firearm on the tower a few miles away. The Second Brigade Changjiang Fenghua gave the order.

Long Ya had already heard the news. After the failed interception of Tang Ao at Hu Yakou, Emperor Qian De seemed a little scared and transferred many troops to Daliang City. The number of Daqian troops in the city exceeded 100,000. .

Facing such a large number, if a large army rushes into the city, it will inevitably be a melee. With such an unknown number of people involved, it is possible that the entire Daliang City will eventually be destroyed.

In this way, Tang Ao ordered not to directly attack Daliang City, but to drive them out. After all, Daliang City was an imperial capital for a hundred years. Once it was destroyed, it would need to be rebuilt. How much money would be needed? .

That is to say, it is just to chase people away, but not to really fight. The firearms brigade becomes the main player. The entire brigade has hundreds of artillery set up, and it is a formation and a momentum.

As for the other infantry and cavalry, everyone lit up two torches according to the order, which was also a move to build momentum, in order to overcome the determination of the large army to resist.

The preparations took a full two hours. Just after midnight, after Tang Ao gave the order to start the attack, there was a sudden roar, and then countless artillery fire fell on the north gate of Daliang City. The torches were also lit at this moment, and they were constantly moving on horseback and on foot according to orders, making it look like hundreds of thousands of troops were approaching the city from a distance.

In Daliang City in September, the weather was already very cool at night, and people who did not have much entertainment life got into bed early. But when the sound of cannons suddenly rang out, almost everyone was shocked.

It's thundering?

Earth Dragon turned over?

In the end, people finally determined that it was the Chinese army approaching the city and storming the north gate.

The Great Chinese Army came unexpectedly, and it came so silently. There was no news at all before, and it was beyond everyone's expectation. Inevitably, the whole city became panicked. Especially the officials and ministers, They were even more panicked. They had money and food, and they cherished their lives far more than ordinary people.

In the palace, Emperor Qiande was resting with a concubine who had just been brought into the palace. The sudden sound of cannons woke him up.

Like everyone else, he thought it was thunder at first, but after hearing the dense sound, he quickly dismissed it. How could the thunder last for so long and be so dense?

"Come here, come and see what's going on?" He shouted outside the bedroom, and immediately a eunuch ran away. But after a while, the eunuch ran back, trembling and knelt down on the ground and said : "Your Majesty, it's the Great Chinese Army. The Great Chinese Army is here and is approaching the city."

"What?" When Emperor Qiande suddenly heard this, he was so frightened that his whole body trembled involuntarily.

The Dahua Army actually arrived at Daliang City. What happened?

How did they appear under the city? What do the people in the secret city do for food? Are all the guards and soldiers there dead?

No wonder Tang Jia would be so angry. He had always thought that Daliang City was a safe haven. No matter what the fighting was like outside, it would be extremely safe to stay here. But who would have thought that while he was sleeping, the enemy would suddenly appear like soldiers from heaven. Is something like a descendant about to appear in front of me?

Numerous questions arose in his mind. Tang Jia put on the royal robes with a group of eunuchs and maids waiting on her. Kong Fu and Jin Jiawei General Mo Chengyu had also rushed over outside the palace.

What happened outside was also beyond their expectations. After Mo Chengyu heard the news, he even went up to the tower to take a look around, and then retreated from the tower with a pale face. Only from the outside Judging from the momentum, this time the Chinese army does not seem to be just making a fuss but is serious about it.

In the main hall, Tang Jia's footsteps had just entered here, and the angry voice was already heard, "What's going on? What is going on? Can any of you explain it clearly to me?"

Facing the angry Tang Jia, Kong Fu quickly lowered his head, not daring to look into his eyes. However, even as he lowered his head, he did not forget to add: "Your Majesty, I never know much about military matters. Let General Mo talk about it."

This was clearly about pushing the blame, and Mo Chengyu's beard on the side was trembling with anger. Before he could get angry, Tang Jia's voice came out, "Mo Aiqing, what on earth is going on? You Can you tell me clearly?"
This chapter has been completed!
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