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The first thousand one hundred and sixty-eight chapters

Due to the good military plan, there was almost no trouble or decent resistance in this battle. When several battalions guarding the periphery quickly caught hundreds of people who had escaped and killed them all, the entire Gongbu City was

Become owned by the Snow Leopard Brigade.

As the day dawned, some women who were impressed by the large sum of money came out to cook a sumptuous breakfast for the soldiers of the Snow Leopard Brigade. Facts have proved that in many cases, money can allow others to do a lot of things for you.

After resting for a while in Gongbu City, at noon, a large group of cavalry moved diagonally towards Qushui City.

There are no young horses in Zangzhou, let alone cavalry. Tai Shijin is not afraid that someone will rush ahead of them to report the news, so Gongbu City is left far behind by them. They will come back soon, but at that time they will occupy

In this city.

Outside Suo County, the situation is still calm, and there is no sign of a war. Both sides seem to be happy with this, and they are facing each other across the city. You are not in a hurry and I am not in a hurry.

In Qushui City, you can't feel the atmosphere before the war at all. Because just behind Suoxian, in a place later called Dangxiong City, there are eight thousand monk soldiers led by Luo Sang and Zhuo Ji guarding there.

As the second line of defense, it is enough to prove the safety of Qushui City.

The establishment of two lines of defense made the Great Lama Rinpoche completely relieved, and he was able to do whatever he should do in Qushui City. But he did not know that the danger was getting closer and closer, and murderous intentions were coming towards him.


Five days and five nights.

After running for five days and only resting for two hours each day, the Snow Leopard Brigade finally arrived in a dense forest eight miles outside Gongbu City.

Still preparing to take action after dark, it meant that there were still three hours to rest. Tai Shijin took a breath, and his dusty face finally looked relaxed.

In the past few days, Tai Shijin's pressure has been extremely great. His long-range raid this time is indeed a bit risky. Without logistical support, the 15,000 cavalry can still get some of the dragon's teeth at the beginning.

After food support, the later stage is all dependent on yourself.

On the third day after coming out of Gongbu City, I had eaten all the food on my body, and started the process of grabbing while rushing. Fortunately, Tang Ao had thought of this before, and this was included in the order given to the Snow Leopard Brigade.

One thing, the robbery this time is not illegal, but you can't kill people indiscriminately.

With this order, the army came all the way, like locusts passing through the border, almost grabbing every village they passed by. There was nothing that could be done about it. The people in Zangzhou were too poor and had no extra food at all.

Even if you rob a village, you won't be able to get much food rations.

But no matter what, we finally made it through, and then came the most important part of this operation, capturing Qushui, penetrating into the heart of the enemy, and destroying their command center, laying the groundwork for the subsequent division and elimination of other Zangzhou enemies.

Good foundation.

Now that Qushui City is in front of us, Tai Shijin is somewhat excited. This is the first time that the Chinese army has fought remotely without logistical supplies. Once successful, it will be promoted, and the experience they have summarized will be

It is used by the whole army, and his name will also be known by the whole army. It is so exciting to think about it.

"Brigadier, you are tired from traveling all the way. Please take a rest. I will keep an eye on you." Chief of Staff Tang Jun saw Tai Shijin still looking excited and couldn't help but smile and walked over.

"Oh, well, thank you, Chief of Staff." Tai Shijin did not refuse. The next steps were all military operations, and he had to be mentally alert enough to deal with them. On the contrary, after the Chief of Staff arranged the combat tasks, he would be much more relaxed.

, the responsibility is not so heavy.

Leaning against a big tree, Tai Shijin's heavy snoring could be heard in about ten breaths. It was obvious that he was really exhausted.

Eight miles away, in Qushui City, there was a peaceful scene of singing and dancing, the dignitaries were still spending money like water, and the common people were living hard, working hard and paying for a tomorrow that they couldn't see at all, and they didn't know what kind of tomorrow it would be.

As the sun set, the sun finally disappeared from the horizon. Taishi Jin was also gently pushed awake by the guards around him. Then he took a look at the surrounding environment, then thought of where he was, and stood up immediately

He stood up and said, "Where is the Chief of Staff?"

"Brigade commander, I'm here. Come, here's some food prepared for you. Take a bite first. When you get into the city, you'll have everything." Tang Jun walked over with a chuckle.

"Haha, yes, everything is possible." Tai Shijin showed his big white teeth and laughed.

Compared with other cities, Qushui, as the first place governed by Zangzhou at that time, naturally had city walls, but because it was rarely attacked by outsiders, the city was not tall, only symbolically less than two meters.

That's it, if you jump high enough you can see the scenery outside the city.

In some places, due to disrepair, the city walls have collapsed, and a large area has collapsed. However, the great lama paid no attention to it and did not want to spend money on this aspect, so he gave the Snow Leopard Brigade

With the opportunity, they can easily enter the city from these places.

After all, Qushui is the first place governed by Zangzhou. According to the information from Long Ya, the permanent population here is more than 200,000. It is unrealistic to block them all in the city. As things have progressed now, Snow Leopard

The brigade no longer needs to hide any traces. This time, the three regiments have all been upgraded to the main offensive group, and there is no need to intercept them anymore.

"Come, take a look. This is the big temple, and it is also the center of power here. We will capture it first in a while. It would be best if we capture the big lama alive. If not, we can kill him. In short, we must not let him go from here.

It escaped from our hands."

Wang Meng and other three regiment leaders all nodded with solemn expressions. They knew very well that this long-distance attack was all about taking out the heart, and this great lama had the biggest heart. Just capturing Qushui City was not enough.

Yes, if this person cannot be captured, the mission will be half failed, and the process will be imperfect.

"Okay, I'll give you a stick of incense to make preparations." Tai Shijin extinguished the candle in his hand, put away the map, and gave the final order.

Within a moment of burning incense, after each regiment commander assigned the task to each company, the 15,000 cavalrymen put on a ready posture.

"It's time to attack." Looking at the sky, the chief of staff of the Tang Army came to Tai Shijin and whispered.

"Okay, everyone, pay attention, attack!" Tai Shijin, who had been waiting for this moment for a long time, said with a hint of trembling in his voice.

As soon as the military order was given, thousands of horses galloped and thousands of troops moved in unison, surging straight towards Qushui City eight miles away.

In Qushui City, the sudden sound of earth shaking made some people who had not yet fallen asleep look confused. They ran out of the yard one after another, trying to find out whether an earth dragon had really turned over or whether a major earthquake was coming.


But what they never expected was that wherever they looked, they saw a group of black spots approaching them.

"What's that? A pack of beasts?"

"No way, where are there so many wild beasts nearby?"

Some people objected, but they couldn't explain why. They just watched the black spots getting closer and closer, until someone with sharp eyes finally recognized that they were moving cavalry, and their expressions changed greatly and they shouted, "

No, it’s cavalry, it’s enemy cavalry!”

Enemy cavalry unexpectedly appeared here, and everyone's first thought was not to escape, but to face each other?

This is Zangzhou, and it has always been their territory. They have always been the only ones who go out to find trouble for others. When have they ever seen anyone come to cause trouble for them? Let alone the cavalry?

Where did these people come from?

From which direction did they come?

Why were they not discovered along the way?

How could they adapt to the plateau climate here?

Isn't it possible that everything they eat all the way is made of iron?

Various thoughts popped up in his mind. After thinking about them, the cavalry of the Snow Leopard Brigade was getting closer and closer to them, and they were only one mile away.

"Prepare your bows and arrows, shoot!" The company commander and platoon leader who rushed in front estimated the distance and shouted loudly. Then under the galloping horses, bows and arrows were fired continuously towards the target they could see.

Arrows piercing the sky.

The arrow feathers suddenly shot out, fell from the sky, and fell into the crowd who seemed to be watching the fun, killing many people in an instant.

When the blood flowed to the ground and the bloody smell began to disperse everywhere, the other people's faces finally turned ugly. This was not a dream or imagination, but reality. There were really cavalry in front of them.

And he still appears as an enemy.

"Run, run back and fight with them." Someone in the crowd shouted loudly, and then everyone dispersed.

The cavalry of Shanshan Guard no longer cared about the escape of these people. They had a clear goal, which was the most magnificent building in the city - the Great Temple.

The big temple is not only the best building in Qushui City, but also a symbol of the people's faith here. Many times, what Rinpoche, as the great lama, says is the truth and the will of God.

Once something goes wrong with Rinpoche, the people's faith will collapse in an instant, which will have a multiplier effect on Dahua's subsequent occupation of this area.

Therefore, Rinpoche must be captured, and he must be captured if he does not die. There will never be a third outcome.

Everyone understood this truth, and after entering the city, they headed straight for the big temple. At this time, in the big temple, Rinpoche was already panicking.

It was originally a very beautiful night. As a great lama, he was enlightening two innocent girls and enlightening their souls, which was the so-called touching the bones to see how their spirits were. This was something that many girls in the city wanted to do.

Experienced, but usually only the most beautiful ones can let him, the great lama, personally take action.

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