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Chapter 1196 Jianmen Pass

Things were just as Ikeuchi feared. The small number of Japanese troops sent could not stop the advance of the Great Chinese Army. And when he only integrated an army of less than 30,000 people, the Fourth Field Army was like a divine soldier descending from heaven.

appeared on the outskirts of their camp, and countless grenades became the pioneers, blooming with dazzling firelights in the dark night.

When the thunder struck, the Japanese army, which was already panicked, became even more confused. The generals didn't know their troops, and the soldiers didn't know their generals, so it was even harder to organize any effective resistance.

"Failed, defeated." I saw that the entire camp was already in chaos. Many people were running around, even without any purpose. I don't know how many people just bumped into each other and killed each other.


The morale of the army is in chaos, and now I am afraid that no one will be able to reverse the situation of the battle. At this time, it seems that there is only one way left, and that is to escape.

"Withdraw, withdraw." As Chi Nei sighed, the newly assembled army of less than 30,000 troops followed him and helplessly withdrew.

Ikeuchi fled, and the Japanese army, which had lost its command system, was even less able to resist. As the Fourth Field Army came one after another, and the number of people increased and they were surrounded, more and more Co-Prosperity Army chose to lay down their weapons and surrender.

The sudden switch from defense to attack worked. The army won. Suddenly, the unprepared Japanese army was defeated. In just one night and one morning, nearly 150,000 Japanese soldiers were captured and annihilated.

People, achieved a great victory in Zhangcheng.

When the news that the 200,000 Japanese army was defeated and only 50,000 escaped and 150,000 were killed spread to the city thirty miles behind him, Tang Ao showed a smile on his face and said to Shi Lei

: "Pass on my decree to congratulate the Fourth Field Army and the First Firearms Brigade, and order the Military Aircraft Department to draw up a list of rewards. In addition, tell Shen Ping'an and Lei Ming that although this battle has been won, they cannot relax their vigilance. Although the Japanese Army

We lost 150,000 people, but most of them were members of the Co-Prosperity Army. Their own strength has not suffered much loss and they may come back at any time."

After giving these instructions, Tang Ao hurried towards the inner courtyard. Without him, Xue Fei was about to give birth.

It was nearly ten days earlier than expected. Perhaps it was because he also knew that the Chinese army had won another great victory, so he wanted to rush out to see the grand scene.

Xue Fei's shouting came from the inner room. After Tang Ao paced outside the door for several times, he finally couldn't help it and headed straight for the delivery room.

In this era, giving birth to a child is undoubtedly a journey through hell for a woman. According to records, about 20% of women died in childbirth.

But Tang Ao has no such worries. Firstly, Xuefei is already in her twenties, far from being comparable to half-grown children in this era who will give birth at the age of thirteen or fourteen. Secondly, Xuefei herself has the strength of a grandmaster, and her body

Good foundation.

In addition, more than a dozen well-known stable ladies in Dahua were waiting on him, so Tang Ao wasn't too worried at first. But when he heard the shout outside the door, he realized that his endurance was still limited.

When Tang Ao wanted to enter the delivery room, he was naturally blocked by many people. They said it was nothing more than the position of an emperor, being a man and not being able to enter it, being unlucky, etc.

Although Tang Ao never had children in later generations, he also knew that many of his friends' wives accompanied them throughout the birth process. Naturally, he did not believe this statement. After changing into a set of cleaner clothes, he strode towards the house.


Once Tang Ao decided to do something, no one else could stop him. Soon, he came to Xue Fei's side. Looking at her weak look with wet hair, he held her with both hands.


Tang Ao flew away, and Xuefei immediately felt much more comfortable. But what surprised her was that Tang Ao actually accompanied her as the emperor, which made her even more powerful. After a stick of incense, there was a high-pitched cry of a child.

At this moment, Tang Ao's eldest son was born.

"Your Majesty, please give the child a name." Xue Fei, who was gradually recovering, first held her child and looked at it, and then made a request.

"Okay, today coincides with the victory of the army, so why not give it the name Sheng." Tang Ao, who was in a very happy mood, immediately named his eldest son Tang Sheng.


Jianmen Pass.

This is the real gateway of Shu in the eyes of the people. Many old people believe that only by entering here can they truly enter the land of Shu. The previous places were just peripheral places.

Such an important military base, the general guarding here naturally has his name, Zheng Hua.

It's just that this Zheng Hua is not famous for his own ability, but in fact he got his official position through the shadow of his family. He is a member of the Zheng family of Shuzhou, and later because Zheng married his daughter to Zhu Yinglai, the eldest son of the King of Western Shu, he became famous.

Concubine, the relationship between the two families became closer and closer. Therefore, he got this important position.

Knowing that Jianmen Pass is so important and critical, of course it would be more reassuring to arrange for one's own people to guard it.

Zheng Hua got this good job. Speaking of which, Jianmen Pass is not only a battleground for military families, but also a must-pass for merchants. If you stay here, you will get a lot of taxes and money alone. Plus Zheng Hua is also a must-have.

He is a greedy man. He has been here for two years and has eaten a lot.

I heard from the local sergeant that the carriage that went to Zheng's house every month was loaded with money. But even though he was so rich, Zheng Hua never shared it with others, so the income of the soldiers here was still very pitiful.

If everyone is poor, it doesn't matter. If I don't have it, don't you have it too? This can bring balance to the heart.

But when some people make a lot of money and others have nothing, the psychological imbalance will become more and more serious. At this time, Xia Shenchuan, who was returning to Ba Mansion to report on his work, came out with nearly a hundred soldiers.

Jianmen Pass.

Xia Shenchuan was the general of Western Shu. In a sense, he had control over all armies and could mobilize them without the king's orders when necessary.

When someone with such an identity came here, Zheng Hua naturally had to come out to greet him. The city gates were wide open, and Zheng Hua, who was wearing a general's armor, personally led two captains of ten thousand and more than a dozen captains of thousands who were guarding the city out of the city to greet him.

"Haha, thank you for your hard work, General Zheng and everyone." Xia Shenchuan's expression remained unchanged. He had already recovered from the massacre of his family, and his heart was now filled with the flame of revenge.

"General, you have worked hard, please come into the city. The general has already prepared food and wine to welcome the wind." Zheng Hua said with a very respectful attitude.

"Okay, that's it, let's all come together. Haha, General Zheng will not miss these bowls and chopsticks." Still laughing, Xia Shenchuan looked at Zheng Hua, waiting for his answer.

Zheng Hua did prepare food and wine, but there was only one table. After all, he was a stingy person at heart. For this reason, he had been here for two years, but he had never invited his subordinates to have a meal. In his opinion,

Come on, these people are not as good as him, why waste money to entertain them?

It's just that Xia Shenchuan opened his mouth, but he couldn't refuse. This was a general. If he offended him, he would go back and report to the new king, which would be enough for him to drink a pot.

Yes, at this time, due to lack of information, Zheng Hua only knew that Lao Wang died of illness and Zhu Yingjie came to power, but he had no idea that the Tang Sect actually controlled the overall situation.

"Okay, that's it, everyone go, everyone go." After saying this with some pain, Zheng Hua called a soldier and asked him to go back to the house immediately to make arrangements, and then accompanied Xia Xia with a forced smile.

Kamikawa entered the city together.

The Zheng Mansion is very large, and Zheng Hua enjoys this aspect. The maids in the Mansion are all extremely beautiful, and some of the generals who had taken advantage of Xia Shenchuan's reputation couldn't help but be amazed after entering the Mansion.

Xia Shenchuan kept smiling as he watched the scene in front of him, but in his heart he had already seen the entire Zheng Mansion's terrain, and the soldiers he brought calmly controlled the main outward movements.


There were many people in the house, and the food was quickly prepared. On the main table, Xia Shenchuan sat in the middle, and beside him was Zheng Hua. He raised the first glass and toasted to Xia Shenchuan on behalf of everyone to show their respect.


There are very few people who are in the military who are not good at drinking. The moment a large bowl was poured into their stomachs, many people even said a "good word" proudly.

Xia Shenchuan seemed to be very considerate to him as he poured a bowl of wine into his mouth. At the same time as the other generals applauded, some people came up to propose a toast with the intention of making good friends.

Xia Shenchuan refused to refuse anyone who came, but every time he drank, he would bring Zheng Hua with him. He spoke very highly of him, saying that he was a famous general in Shu, and that Jianmen Pass was so stable.

Indispensable contribution.

No one dislikes someone who is obedient, not to mention that the person who said this has a high status. During this time, Zheng Hua drank a lot, his eyes were already showing drunkenness, and his body was a little shaken. After all, he was not

A tough guy like Xia Shenchuan, who has been wallowing in the military camp since he was a child, cannot drink too much.

Zheng Hua drank a little too much, and when his eyes looked dull from time to time, Xia knew the time had come. He first winked at the soldiers standing not far away, and then when he saw the soldiers

After taking the order and leaving, he turned to Zheng Hua's side and whispered something.

Zheng Hua smiled and nodded at first. This was actually just out of habit. He thought Shangguan was making some joke, but when he heard the meaning of the words clearly, his whole expression changed, and then he looked like he was under his butt.

It's like a spring is installed, and it jumps up immediately.

"General, what did you just say? As a minister, how dare you make such nonsense?" Chen Hua jumped up and shouted loudly, regardless of the fact that there were so many people here.

No wonder he was so excited. Who made Xia Shenchuan tell him that now the real leader of Xishu is the Tang family, and the king of Xishu, Zhu Yingjie, is just a puppet. Even the Zheng family has suffered and was blackmailed by the Tang family.

Got a lot of money.
This chapter has been completed!
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