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Chapter 1198 Aoxue Arrives

The Tang Sect before was just a Jianghu sect, or a more powerful and famous Jianghu sect.

They may have some status in the martial arts world, but in the eyes of literati, they really have no status. Now let these warriors lead them, who can be convinced?

Tang Tianhe obviously knew this, but after taking control of the palace, he still made some efforts, such as personally visiting the homes of some aristocratic families and important ministers. He wanted to exchange his sincerity for everyone's support.

However, Tang Tianhe, who was looked down upon by others to his core, was even rejected, so that many people's doors were not opened to him. After being hit by many obstacles one after another, Tang Tianhe finally became angry.

How can the dignity of a master be trampled on easily by others? Even if you are not good at literature, you will be good at martial arts. Then the Tang clan disciples and their sergeants will start knocking on the door from door to door, blackmailing, or charging them with unnecessary charges.

, in short, it’s just a lot of trouble looking for nothing.

The stubborn aristocratic families and ministers were found to have reasons to be imprisoned, and their family properties were confiscated.

The frightened ministers and aristocratic families bowed their heads, but it was still too late. They were still robbed by the Tang clan's disciples, but if they resisted, they would be killed with a single sword.

As a result, the whole Ba Mansion was full of heads, the smell of blood was rising to the sky, and the people in the city were all panic-stricken, fearing that the sword would fall on their necks in the next breath.

The stick of force has fallen, and there is indeed no voice of opposition in the city, but what everyone really thinks in their hearts is probably only known to them.

Tang Tianhe knew very well that it was impossible to truly conquer people's hearts with blood and force alone. He also needed to be gentle and truly get everyone's support.

The best way to maintain the relationship between friends is interests. My husband came up with the idea to force everyone to support them on the grounds that if they disobey, they will attract foreigners into Shu.

Tang Tianhe was forced to kill out of desperation, but once the aliens came, there was no need for a reason to kill.

Needless to say, as soon as this statement came out, the attitudes of many people in the Ba family changed. Although the Tang clan was composed of warriors, they were at least Shu people and would still have a trace of nostalgia. But once the foreigners came, then

He really can do anything.

For a time, in order to protect themselves or survive in the future, some people began to take the initiative to meet Tang Tianhe to express their surrender.

If things continue to develop at this pace, I am afraid that within a few months, Tang Tianhe will be able to control the situation in Ba Mansion, and then he can expand his influence outwards. It can be said that he has caught up with a good time, a

When aliens are rampant.

But he caught up with a bad time, that is, when China was rising,

Just when Tang Tianhe was busy meeting everyone and unifying everyone's thoughts, news suddenly came that Xia Shenchuan, who had returned to Ba's residence to report on his work, had turned against him.

Not only that, he came all the way and also united all the towns outside Bafu. Now he has gathered 100,000 troops under his command, and in the name of Qingjun, he is only two days away from Bafu.

"What's going on? What are the spies we sent out doing? They're going to kill them right under our noses. Why did we just find out?" After receiving the news, Tang Tianhe was furious. He looked at his husband and burst into anger. This was not done before.

, but something that has never happened before.

Mr. Dong Laogui also had a look of loneliness and suspicion on his face.

He had previously sent many disciples of the Tang Sect to inquire about information and monitor the movements of various cities. It is said that Xia Shenchuan is just a martial artist. If there is anything he does, it is impossible to avoid the eyes and ears of these spies. There should be news

It will be sent back. But now, it was not until the enemy was about to approach the city that I realized that this was too wrong.

"Master, I'm afraid that someone among them is helping Xia Shenchuan." As expected of the gentleman, he quickly came up with his own ideas, and he even guessed the facts to a close.

"Is there someone? Who could it be?" Tang Tianhe immediately felt a bad feeling in his heart.

"Well...I'm afraid Vantage took action." The gentleman didn't want to tell the answer, but his feeling told him that except for China and their Dragon Tooth Organization, no one could block the news like this.


"Huadi Tang Ao, what does he want to do? Doesn't he want to interfere in our affairs in Shuzhou?" Tang Tianhe became even more angry after hearing this.

At this moment, Tang Tianhe had already taken the initiative to get involved in the drama, thinking that Shuzhou was already his.

"It seems so. I'm afraid he is not only coming for Shuzhou, but also for you, the sect leader." The gentleman naturally knew that Tang Tianhe was Tang Sanshou, including his grievances with the Ao family.

"What?" After hearing this, Tang Tianhe's face tightened. Compared with losing power in Shuzhou, he was more worried about losing his life.

Tang Tianhe's military power has no rival in the entire Shuzhou, but in the whole world, there are still people who can threaten him, such as the female devil - Aoxue.

He could even think that Aoxue might have already come to Ba's house at this moment.

When he thought that the Ba Mansion was in danger now, and if Aoxue came again and brought his son with a large army, it would definitely not be as easy to deal with as before, he felt panic in his heart.

Even at this moment, Tang Tianhe had an idea that since the Ba Mansion could no longer protect him, he should leave here immediately and start his life again in a place where the Chinese army could not reach.

But such thoughts quickly passed away. In fact, he had too many good things in Ba's house, so many that he couldn't give them up at all, so many that he couldn't let them go.

People die for money! The ancients never deceived me.

For the sake of everything in the Ba family, Tang Tianhe did not choose to escape, which meant that he lost his last chance to survive.

Two days later, Xia Shenchuan led an army of 100,000 troops to the city, and the Ba Mansion was in chaos.

Although there are 50,000 defenders in Bafu City, and relying on the strength of the city, the defense will not be a problem, but the people in the city are still panicking.

It's not for anything else, just because everyone has little confidence in Tang Tianhe's merger, and many of them even think that Xia Shenchuan can defeat Tang Tianhe and replace him.

The disciples of the Tang Sect were all sent out to share various important duties and lead the troops to defend the city. There is no problem with the loyalty of these people, but the problem is that they can do it alone when it comes to leading troops to fight.

I have no experience at all.

Not to mention, with the presence of Li Si, a powerful internal force, the city is destined to be unable to hold on.

Tang Tianhe did not know this. He had already sent people out of the city to ask for help from Nanyue and Japan two days ago. He also sent people to report the news to Emperor Qianying and Emperor Qiande.

There is a saying that Mr. Wang said very well, the enemy of his enemy is probably his friend. No one wants to see Dahua become stronger. Everyone knows the truth of death with cold lips and teeth. Even if it is for themselves, those people will not remain indifferent.

As long as the Ba Mansion can hold on for a while, it will definitely wait for the arrival of reinforcements. At that time, it will be easy for the inside and outside to destroy Xia Shenchuan.

The teacher's words gave Tang Tianhe confidence and strengthened his confidence in defending the city.

Outside the city, 100,000 soldiers surrounded Ba Mansion and began to enter a defensive posture. This puzzled many young generals. They could not understand why they were on the defensive now when they should be the attacking party.

Here comes the frame.

Xia Shenchuan heard these questions, but did not give any answers. Only he knew in his heart that Emperor Hua was leading people here, and his mission was to surround Ba Mansion before Emperor Hua arrived and prevent the people here from escaping.

That's good. If you say these words now, the news will inevitably leak out, or Tang Tianhe will escape because of it, which will cause endless troubles.

Xia Shenchuan hated Tang Tianhe. He was the one who destroyed his sect. If he didn't kill him, he would be hard-pressed. Of course, he would fully satisfy Tang Ao's request to only surround him without attacking him.

The army put on a defensive posture, and in the eyes of the Xishu soldiers guarding the city, they were puzzled at first, and then overjoyed. They thought it was because Xia Shenchuan did not have the confidence to capture the city, so they wanted to change it to siege instead of attacking.

However, as the capital of Western Shu and the capital of Western Shu, Ba Mansion has so much food. It is simply a mistake in thinking to adopt a deadly siege, because the various materials in the city are enough to support the city.

Even if the person is more than two years old, why should he be afraid of being surrounded?

The morale of the military and the people in the city became much more stable as a result. Tang Tianhe had a smile on his face again. In his opinion, as long as he was given enough time, reinforcements would arrive. At that time, he would not have to defend, but would have to take the initiative.


He needs a victory to inspire people and establish his influence.

The siege continues. When five days have passed and the army outside the city still has no intention of attacking, the thinking of the soldiers guarding the city has become a little slack. But at this time, at dusk, Tang Ao led Shanshan

Wei finally arrived.

There are a total of four brigades from the Shanshan Guard. Combined, they have 60,000 cavalry. They are still the kind of cavalry with one person and two horses.

Tang Ao did not let the Shanshan Guard get too close to the Ba Mansion. He just brought the Han general to the military camp. What he wanted was a surprise attack. He would not expose the fact that the Shanshan Guard had arrived before the battle, let alone

Give Tang Tianhe more opportunities to react.

"Mother." Just when Tang Ao and his men were approaching the Xia Shenchuan military camp, Aoxue suddenly appeared, riding a snow-white horse in front of Tang Ao.

"Ao'er, you did a great job. This time, we, mother and son, worked together to deal with this enemy Tang Sanshou." Aoxue was still wearing a white veil, but the murderous intent in her eyes was undoubtedly exposed.

After reuniting with his mother, Tang Ao and his party arrived at the military camp, where Xia Shenchuan and others were waiting early. When everyone knew that they would join the Great Chinese Army and live under their hands, all the young generals behaved

They were all humble and seemed to want to leave a better impression on Tang Ao, their future emperor.

This chapter has been completed!
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