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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Convince People with Virtue

Fortunately, such a look flashed through his eyes quickly, and no one except Sha Jie noticed it. But it was this look that made Sha Jie not know what to say. He even There is no doubt that Shen Ao will kill the second prince and his son in a fit of anger. If that is the case, even if he kills Shen Ao, it will not help.

"You...what do you want?" For some reason, such words came out of Sha Jie's mouth.

This was obviously a sign of weakness. Sha Jie's words also attracted the attention of many people, especially the barbarian warriors and Princess Oyadan. They really couldn't understand that Sha Jie had killed people without blinking an eye on the battlefield. Why is General Jie so scared?

Could it be that it is because he is worried about the second prince being in Shen Ao's hands? Yes, that must be the case!

All the Western Barbarian warriors were dissatisfied with Shen Ao's coercion of the second prince to deal with them. In their view, a real man should fight one-on-one, one-on-one, with swords and guns, rather than relying on other shady means. Achieve victory. Even if you win, it will be a weak victory.

Shen Ao saw the performance of these people in his eyes, including the soldiers' dissatisfaction and the trace of fear in Shajie's eyes. He discovered that the barbarians were also human beings. They were not invincible, nor were they without fear. The reason why they came Daliang City is so rampant just because there is no one who can scare them.

Even so, Shen Ao doesn't mind being the scary villain.

"What do you think? Of course I need you to apologize and compensate. You scared so-and-so's guests and smashed so-and-so's restaurant. Shouldn't you compensate me according to the price? Of course, so-and-so knows that you are not convinced, okay. My father-in-law always likes to use virtue. Convince people, that's it, let's have a fight, the loser will be the loser, and the winner will be the winner. The winner can put forward any conditions to the loser, this is not too much." Shen Ao knew what he wanted to do today. It is very difficult to solve it by just using your mouth.

Even if you have the Second Prince card in your hand and make the barbarians temporarily surrender, they will still come back with revenge. Even so, it is better to have a fight and destroy them both psychologically and physically. , so that they will be afraid when they see you in the future, only then can you solve it once and for all.

"How to fight?" Mr. Sha did not expect that Shen Ao would choose to use force to solve the problem despite his superiority. This made him feel relieved. He was very confident in the soldiers he brought.

"Of course it's soldiers against soldiers and generals. Your barbarian soldiers are against your own prince's guard, and General Shajie is against someone's uncle. You get one point for each victory. In the end, the one with more points is the winner." Shen Ao said simply. After telling him the rules of the game, this was also the best solution he came up with.

After hearing this method, Sha Jie felt bright. In his opinion, this method of fighting was fair. If they were barbarians who were not good at anything else but were good at fighting, wouldn't this play into his hands?

As if he was afraid that Shen Ao would regret it, he nodded quickly and said: "Okay, let's do it according to Duke Zhongguo's wishes. But in order to prevent someone from cheating, how about asking Fan Pushe to be fair?"

"Okay, we have to ask Lu Tianguan to be fair here." Shen Ao nodded. The other party was afraid that he would cheat, so why wasn't he afraid that the other party would cheat?

Fan Shitong immediately agreed, but Lu Yuan was a little hesitant. It wasn't that he didn't want to help Shen Ao, but he was afraid that Shen Ao would lose the game. This is Daliang City after all. Once he loses, it means he has lost. Da Qian's face, if this is the case, his face as a just person will be tarnished.

Not only Lu Yuan, but most of the people present were thinking this way. They were just Shen Ao's bodyguards. They were really not optimistic about it and could not see the possibility of victory. You must know that the opponent this time was a barbarian warrior who could There is no doubt that those who came with the mission were elite.

On the other hand, only Shen Ao looked confident.

Yes, if his guards were to go into battle to kill the enemy and compete in military formations, they might not be able to defeat the bloody barbarian warriors. But if they were one-on-one, there would be nothing to fear.

Shen Ao's bodyguard, but he spent a lot of money to make it. Every member is carefully selected. There is an internal competition every three months, and anyone who does not perform well will be kicked out. Eliminate them. In just half a year, more than 30 people have been removed from his bodyguards, and those who have been added to his bodyguards are all Lianjiazi. There are even many who are simply from the border army and have been on the battlefield and seen blood. Elite veterans.

Shen Ao never neglects his own safety. He always chooses the best food and clothing, otherwise his guards would not all be glowing, which is obviously a sign of adequate nutrition.

It has always been training, and now it is finally time for actual combat. Shen Ao is also looking forward to the performance of these people and is full of confidence in them.

When the hundreds of guards learned that they finally had a chance to take action, they all took control. Raising troops for thousands of days and using them for a while, they did not forget that Shen Ao had promised them that those who had made great achievements could be promoted. This has almost become a The goal of every slave guard. For this reason, they wake up in the middle of the night and train day and night. Isn't it just this opportunity that they are waiting for?

"Lu Tianguan, please have confidence in me, and please believe that I won't joke about something that concerns Da Gan's face. Please." Shen Ao, who was full of confidence, saw that Lu Yuan on the second floor did not express his position for a long time, so he stood up. He stood up and said with a bow.

What Shen Ao said left Lu Yuan with no way to retreat. Otherwise, wouldn't it appear that Da Gan was afraid of the barbarians? "Okay, I will be the witness. Lord Zhong Guo, let your guards behave well. Don't be afraid." If someone is injured, as long as the attack is good, and something really happens, I will go to the emperor to plead for mercy for these guards."

"Haha, that's great. Thank you, Lu Tianguan!" Shen Ao laughed loudly, then waved his hand forward with pride and said, "Come on, please remove all the tables and chairs in the hall."

With everyone's combined efforts, a large open space soon appeared in front of everyone. Shen Ao looked at it and found that it could accommodate more than twenty people. In order to save time, he suggested to Sha Jie that a family could accommodate ten people at a time. , otherwise these people will have to compete one by one, and I don’t know how long it will take.

"Haha, since Mr. Zhongguo wants to lose the game so quickly, you will be the one to do it. Just do what Mr. Zhongguo said." Sha Jie said confidently. Again, he expressed his confidence in his elite Soldiers have confidence.

All the diners stepped aside, and many people simply went to the second floor, where the view was better and more conducive to watching the entire game. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about being disturbed while eating, and now just wanted to watch. The escort of Shen Ao can help Da Gan gain face.

"The first group is in. The winner will eat meat and be promoted, and the loser will be thrown back to the slave market to fend for themselves." Shi Lei, as Shen Ao's guard captain, stood up and said to the first group of ten guards. Revealing ruthlessness and coldness.

The winner is the king and the loser is the enemy! This is perfectly reflected at this moment.

"No." Indeed, none of the ten guards who had come out objected. On the contrary, everyone's face was shining brightly. They have been training for so long. Isn't it today that they have been waiting for?

"Enter ten of you. Remember, you have to win beautifully." Shajie also pointed out the ten barbarian soldiers, and then he folded his arms and watched. Even if some people were dissatisfied, he didn't mind letting the Dagan people look at them. The strength of the barbarians.

With everyone's expectations, ten people from each side came to the field. As Fan Shitong and Lu Yuan shouted at almost the same time, the twenty people each exerted their strength and collided with each other holding various weapons.

The starting movements of the ten barbarian soldiers are basically the same. They all raise their swords, just like in normal drills, with neat movements and consistent steps. On the other hand, Shen Ao's guards have all kinds of movements, taking the initiative. Those who attack, those who defend with knives, and some who even take the initiative to retreat to distance themselves.

Just the gesture caused a lot of laughter from the onlookers. Then they thought that they should be very serious at this time. Shen Ao's guards represented Daqian's face, so they quickly stopped laughing one by one, Look towards the center of the hall.

With such a moment of attention, someone on the battlefield had already decided the winner. Three barbarian soldiers had fallen to the ground, two of them were injured, and one of them had a long sword on his neck. He did not dare to move at all. Obviously Also lost.

The three Shen Ao's guards did not disappoint and took the initiative to attack. They were originally powerful guards, and they used all their strength when they took action. They did not mean to entangle or test at all. Their full force attack exceeded the expectations of the barbarian soldiers. Unexpectedly, he was injured on the ground and became the loser.

In just one round, he actually lost three points. Sha Jie's face suddenly turned ugly. But what made him even more unexpected was that after several more rounds, the injured who fell to the ground were all his soldiers, but it was Shen Shen. Among the proud guards, except for one who was injured in exchange for injury, but finally won the victory, none of them lost or lost points.

"In the first round, Duke Zhongguo scored ten points." After the last barbarian soldier was knocked to the ground, Lu Yuan's voice rang out in time. There was excitement in the voice, which represented his mood at the moment. .

The other justice, Fan Shitong, looked ugly. He opened his mouth again and again, but still nothing came out. He couldn't call the barbarians innocent, that would only make him more embarrassed.

"Trash, a bunch of trash." Looking at the ten people sent out for the first time, no one was used. Sha Jie's face was as ugly as possible. When he looked at the second group of ten people, there was a little more in his eyes. The expectation of points is, "Perform well and never lose again."

"No." The ten barbarian soldiers nodded, unable to hold the scimitars in their hands tightly.

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