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Chapter 1241 Ning Bei I's Aggression and Infamy

Although there is not enough ventilation in the underground passage, so the smell there is not pleasant, but compared to being able to survive, what is this?

Everyone knew to hide in the underground passage. Outside Jinglong City, Tang Ao looked at the information in his hand and knew that it was time to use his trump card.

"Starting from tomorrow, all birds will carry black oil, and there is no need to carry any leaflets. In addition, the time for bombardment will be changed from one hour to three hours. If the enemy does not surrender, then use fire to destroy them.

"When Tang Ao said these words, there was no emotion at all.

Perhaps now it seems that this approach is a bit cruel. But when I think of the South Vietnamese army entering the land of Dahua not long ago, they burned, killed and looted. They were doing all kinds of evil. Isn't it the time to collect interest now?


What is the final destination of the enemy?

It's not about being defeated, nor like a token apology. The best enemy is the enemy who is already dead. Only such an enemy can make people feel at ease, and they don't have to worry about whether one day they will come back when you are weak and start anew.

hurt you.

Speaking of which, it is not that Tang Ao did not give the South Vietnamese soldiers and civilians in the city a chance. In the past few days, countless printed leaflets have fallen from the sky. It states that as long as they are willing to surrender, open the city gates and give up resistance, they will be free.

The Chinese army can guarantee everyone's safety, and even allow them to keep 10% of their property in their hands.

But the result was nothing, that is to say, no one thought about surrender at all. In this case, Tang Ao no longer had any illusions, just destroy it.

With the emperor's order, countless prepared black oils were pulled out and transported to the firearms regiment and onto the backs of birds.

In the Great China Army, Tang Ao's most loyal army is not the Shanshan Guard, nor the Canglang Camp, nor the Imperial Guard. Facts have proved that people's minds are too complicated, and no one knows what is going on in their minds at this moment.

What is it, and what will it do next moment.

The ones who are truly loyal to Tang Ao are the birds, the animals that have been communicated and subdued by Tang Ao using bestiality. In comparison, their minds are simpler. Once they regard Tang Ao as their master, they will be their master for life.

Do not change until death.

It was precisely with the bird army that Tang Ao had no choice but to bring a small number of troops to conquer South Vietnam. This was his advantage, and now was the time to further expand his advantage.

The next day, the weather was fine and there was no cloud in the sky.

Such good weather is perfect for birds to soar in the sky. When the sky was just getting dark and the sun was rising, more than a thousand bird bombing teams had already taken off.

On the land, the firearms warriors of the two regiments also put the burning sky mines with white scales into the barrels. Just waiting for an order, the entire Jinglong City would be plunged into chaos...

In the fire of the ocean.

Tang Ao got up very early and walked to a high hill outside the city. He held a high-power telescope in his hand and looked into Jinglong City, waiting for the moment when the fire spread.

A battalion of firearms warriors, under normal operation, put some loud thunder mines into the barrel of the cannon and took the lead in launching a bombardment.

After the rumbling sound was heard, the South Vietnamese in the city rushed towards the nearby underground passage. Each of them looked numb and could not be said to be afraid. After all, anyone who had been bombed for half a month should have adapted to this rhythm.


But from their emotionless faces and their blood-red eyes that were obviously not well rested, it could still be seen that they had been having a very difficult time recently.

As soon as the sound of cannons started, everyone, including King Li Yongli, got into the underground passage and waited for the long hour to pass.

But when they entered the tunnel, they didn't know that today was completely different from the past, because today there was not only the sound of explosions, but also the black oil that was pervasive and indestructible.


No one knows that Tang Ao's purpose is to surprise and make everyone unprepared. Only in this way can it have the greatest damage and deterrence.

In this way, in Jinglong City, there were first the usual sounds of explosions, and then countless amounts of black oil fell from the sky, pouring everywhere in Jinglong City like rain.

In the sky, the birds dropped the black oil on their bodies one by one, and then returned. Tang Ao had already told them today's mission in animal language, that is, each bird must fly at least five times to ensure that

Throw enough black oil into the city to have enough killing effect.

Black rain fell from the sky, but not many people noticed this scene. Most people hid in the underground passages. Only some South Vietnamese soldiers who were responsible for guarding the tower saw it, but they did not know this.

What it is, I don’t know how to do it.

Without anyone stopping it, or unable to stop it at all, the black oil first fell onto the ground in the city, and when the amount increased, it inevitably began to seep toward the ground.

Not long after, after the birds had flown five times and dropped the black oil they carried, the entire Jinglong City was filled with the unique smell of gasoline.

The smell hit their nostrils and was smelled by many people. Some people were at a loss, but others seemed to have thought of something and had a look of horror on their faces.

"No, it's black oil. Get out quickly, hurry up..." Someone who knew this thing immediately shouted loudly.

Just reacting is one thing, but it is not that easy to escape from the underground passage immediately. All the tunnels are full of people, and it is simply impossible for those who enter first to get out first.

Usually, everyone is eager to come in because they all know that it is safe to enter first, but this is not without its disadvantages. For example, those who come in can only go out last.

But now, some people have reacted, but they are basically the first group of people who rushed into the tunnel. They are well-informed, but they also cherish their lives the most. Now they feel that something is wrong and want to get out immediately, but

How could it be that easy?

On the contrary, not only did these people not escape, but because they were eager to get out, they caused chaos in the tunnel, making the traffic here more crowded, making everyone want to go back when they realized the danger.

Escape was a bit more difficult than usual.

Outside Jinglong City, the muzzle of the bronze cannon was raised high, and incendiary bombs were loaded into the barrel.

With the skillful operation of the soldiers, everything was soon ready. Just waiting for an order, the target Jinglong City could turn into a sea of ​​fire. Riding on the snow-jade white dragon

Tang Ao's eyes narrowed slightly. Of course he knew what the consequences would be if he gave the order. This was a matter involving tens or even hundreds of thousands of lives.

If left to future generations, whoever dares to do this will definitely be accused of a crime against humanity, and will be ostracized and hostile by everyone, so that they will no longer have a foothold.

But now, due to the poor transportation and communication, if he really did this, there would not be such big sequelae. Just like Bai Qi killed 300,000 Zhao prisoners, wouldn't there be no one to blame him at that time?

But no one blamed him, which didn't mean that Tang Ao wouldn't blame himself in his heart, but some tragedies that happened in China in history began to flash through his mind like a movie.

Ever since the Five Husties invaded China, foreigners have never stopped invading the land of China. Even in the long history, there were times when the Han people were ruled by foreigners for many years.

At that time, the life of the Han people was undoubtedly very miserable. They had no human rights and no self-esteem. Even when they walked on the street, they had to worry about whether they could return home safely at night.

In that era, the backbone of the Han people seemed to be bent. And among those suppressed Han people, it was inevitable that there might be his descendants.

For the sake of future generations, for China to stand at the top of the forest of the world, and for more descendants to not be oppressed in future generations, Tang Ao's eyes slowly became firm.

It is better to bear the infamy of aggression in one lifetime than to let descendants enjoy happiness for generations to come.

This thought that had been in his mind flashed out again, and Tang Ao's voice became firmer, "Deliver the order, the bombardment begins!"

Under the firm voice, the cannon roared, making a whistling sound across the air, and fell towards the target, Jinglong City.

At this time, the smell of black oil has spread in the city. Some experienced and knowledgeable people are already panicking and are thinking of ways to get out of the underground passage?

It's just that it's easier to go up the mountain than it is to go down, so it's not the same in the tunnel. It's easy to hide in the tunnel, but it's not easy to get out immediately, especially if you want to rush out past so many people.

Originally, the tunnel was not very spacious, and it was just like two people walking side by side. Normally, there would be no problem if those who entered first went out last, and those who came later went out first. But now the one in the innermost part wants to go out first, so there is no problem.

It's easier.

"Give way, give way." At the beginning, it was easy to talk and discuss, but I found that this seemed to be of no use. On the contrary, it attracted a lot of abuse, and some people even stood up and asked what was going on.

What happened was that the originally not spacious passage suddenly became crowded.

When the outside was crowded, it became even more difficult to get out, which made the people inside even more anxious. Some of the impatient ones couldn't help but pull out a knife and slashed at the person blocking the way.

The knife came out of its sheath and saw blood. This was a terrible moment. I don’t know how many shouts and screams were caused at that moment. And when these screams came out, the passage immediately became even more chaotic.

, at this time, it will only be more difficult to get out of the passage. Because everyone feels the danger and wants to run out.

This chapter has been completed!
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