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Chapter 124: Chaotang Mutation

King Qing only learned the news after arriving at the inn the next morning.

When he first heard about it, he felt that this was impossible. Shen Ao had been appointed by the imperial grandmother to be the fifth princess's companion. How could he "marry" to the land of the Western Barbarians?

It was just that the matter was so important that he did not refuse it flatly, but wanted to go back to discuss it. After leaving the inn, he went to see his teacher Fan Shitong. When Fan Pushe learned about the request of the Western Barbarians, he was overjoyed. .

"Haha, okay, okay."

"Teacher, is this really okay? Duke Zhongguo was appointed by the Imperial Grandmother to be a companion to the fifth princess. Now he is marrying to the land of the Western Barbarians. How can his father agree?" Prince Qing looked puzzled. As expected. For the royal children, the first thing that comes to mind is the royal face.

"Hey, Your Highness. Compared with the empress dowager's decree, peaceful coexistence with the Western barbarians is more important. Don't worry, familiarity is more important than familiarity, and the emperor will probably weigh it more. Well, this matter is of great importance, and we still need to take care of it. After some discussion, I will go to the inn now and have a good talk with General Shajie and the second prince."

Shen Ao's incident caused Fan Shitong to lose face. Although the emperor did not punish anyone, Fan Shitong still knew that he had lost this time after knowing that so many people were impeaching him. For this reason, he hated Shen Ao deeply. .

If what happened in Xianweiju had not happened, naturally no one would impeach him and affect his status. He has been thinking of ways to deal with this culprit. However, Shen Ao didn't care about the affairs of the court at all, nor did he To participate, he was either at Zhongguo Gongfu or going to Xianweiju or Guochanglong every day, leaving him with no excuse at all.

Now, with the suggestions put forward by the barbarians, Shen Ao can be eliminated from Daliang City as long as he makes good use of it. In this way, it can be regarded as revenge. He wants to let others see that he has offended him. What is the fate of .

Fan Shitong went to the inn, and the next day was the day of the dynasty. General Shajie, the second prince Origi and Prince Qing came to the palace together.

Tai Chi Hall.

Hundreds of officials lined up on both sides, and as Yan Fu chanted loudly, "Invite the barbarian envoys to enter the palace!"

Shajie, who was wearing armor, and Origi, who was wearing brocade clothes, stepped into the main hall, placed their right hand in front of their chests, and saluted Emperor Qianwen.

"Get back on your feet." Emperor Qianwen was wearing a five-claw golden dragon robe, his face was calm, but he was still very happy in his heart.

Yesterday, King Qing and Fan Shitong reported to him, saying that they had completed the alliance with the barbarians and that they would not invade each other in the future. As allies, they would sell food to the Western barbarians at low prices to help them tide over the famine.

Just paying some food can bring peace to the frontier, which is something Emperor Qianwen could accept in his heart.

After Sha Jie got up, he took out the border document between the two sides written yesterday and started reading it. The main idea was that Daqian and the barbarians were friendly neighbors and should live in harmony. It also said that the barbarians paid low prices. He purchased grain from Daqian to reassure the people, and finally wished Emperor Wen of Qian good health.

When the courtiers heard about the credentials of the Western Barbarians, they were all overjoyed. Just by paying low prices for food, they could usher in peace between the two sides. There would be no need for war and no deaths. This was what they were happy to see. .In this way, they can continue to be ministers of the prosperous age and enjoy a wealthy life.

"Good!" Zuo Pushe and Fan Shitong, headed by clasping fists, congratulated each other, indicating the attitude of the ministers.

The other ministers also held fluorene tablets and shouted the word "good". For a moment, the monarch and his ministers were of one mind, creating a peaceful scene.

Emperor Qianwen also had a smile on his face, and he was happy in his heart. Just when he was about to say yes, Origi, the second prince of the barbarians in the palace, suddenly stood up and said loudly: "To express the friendship between the barbarians and Daqian, I would like to invite Duke Zhongguo." Give the barbarian princess as a husband as a sign of peace. The barbarians are willing to be friendly with Daqian from generation to generation and never fight with each other."

Origi said this with excitement. This was exactly what he had dreamed of. Originally, he just wanted to get Shen Ao into the barbarian tribe and deal with him properly, but after talking to King Qing, he finally knew who Shen Ao was. He is very capable, very talented, and has good means of making money. It is not easy to get such a person into the barbarian tribe.

Now that it's fine, given enough reasons, I can deal with him every day while letting him think of ways to make money for the barbarians. Wouldn't that be a wonderful thing? This further confirms the request made by Young Master Oyadan.

There was no hint of the marriage of Shen Ao to the Western Man before. According to the wishes of Prince Qing and Fan Shitong, despite his young age, this Shen Ao still has some weight in the eyes of the current emperor, especially the former emperor. The Queen Mother also granted the marriage, and if it was discussed in advance, it would not be approved. It can only be proposed in public at the court, at the expense of the harmonious coexistence of the two countries. In this way, with the help of the ministers, the chance of victory will increase.

Origi also followed the plan. When the dynasty came, he killed Emperor Qianwen by surprise and killed all the other ministers. Shen Ao had not been granted a marriage by the Empress Dowager, and would become the fifth princess in the future. Has the horse been attached to you? Why do you want to give it to the Western Barbarians now?

Although they are doubtful, most people don't feel anything. In their view, peace between the two countries is a major event. As for a hereditary Duke, whether he has become a horse attached to Da Qian or a horse attached to the Western Barbarians. It doesn't matter.

There are even some smart people who think this is the emperor's intention. Otherwise, why would the Western Barbarian envoy make this request? The reason for doing this is just to let Shen Ao exert greater value.

The Crown Prince and Prince Xiang, who were standing in the front row, looked at each other in a tacit understanding and said nothing. They did not have the slightest fondness for Shen Ao. It would be a good thing if he could be allowed to go to the Western Barbarians.

The Crown Prince and Prince Xiang did not object. Some officials had been reminded by Fan Shitong. For a time, most people in the main hall stood there with the idea of ​​​​waiting and watching what would happen. However, Zhongcheng, who came to attend the court meeting among the generals, Hou Chen Yunyi strode out of the office and said in a booming voice: "Your Majesty, Duke Zhongguo has been granted a marriage by the Empress Dowager. This is known to the whole country. How can the order be suddenly changed overnight? How will other people view us?"

"Hey. What Zhongchenghou said is wrong. The matter of Zhongguogong is just what the Empress Dowager said, and there is no concrete text. Now that I have said that the Western Barbarians want to marry Zhongguo, this involves the diplomatic relations and peace between the two countries. , it is a big matter, it should be more important." Censor Min Fu, who had been prepared for a long time, waited for Shen Yunyi's words and then stood up. His speed was so fast that he was obviously prepared for it.

Someone stood up to express support. The prince and King Xiang quickly exchanged glances, and then King Xiang was the first to step forward and said: "I think this is a good thing. It can contribute to the great cause of peace between the two countries. As a minister, Duke Zhongguo will surely be very happy to receive the emperor's favor."

"My son, I second the proposal. This is a major matter involving the diplomatic relations between the two countries. I believe the imperial grandmother will be happy to agree after knowing it." The prince followed closely behind King Xiang and stood up.

"I second the proposal."

"I also second the proposal."

A large group of ministers looked at King Qing, the prince and King Xiang all stood up to express their support. How could they not understand what to do? They all jumped out one by one, shouted in agreement and then fell to their knees on the ground.

Among the courtiers, Shen Yunyi's existence seems too unique. Apart from the neutral people, he seems to be the only one who opposes it now. However, he did not show the slightest sign of anger. On the contrary, he silently retreated to the train. It was as if Shen Ao was not his nephew and he didn't care about these things.

But if someone observes him carefully, they will find a hint of teasing in Shen Yunyi's eyes.

In the Jinluan Palace, the expression of Emperor Qianwen, who was sitting on the Golden Dragon Chair, remained unchanged. After becoming an emperor, he could hide his emotions very well unless something big happened.

In fact, at this time, he was furious in his heart, and there were too many things that he didn't expect.

He didn't expect that the Western Barbarian envoys would kill him by surprise, so he was not informed about Shen Ao in advance. Now it seems that King Qing and Fan Shitong must have known about it, but they did not inform him in advance. This is Want to rebel?

Er did not expect that the Crown Prince and Prince Xiang would be so jealous. They knew that Shen Ao had been married to the Empress Dowager, but they dared to change it openly. Are they not dead yet? What if they become emperors after their death? , then wouldn’t it mean that some of your own government decrees would be changed in a mess?

Third, he did not expect that the power of the three princes was so great. He took a quick look and saw that about two-thirds of the officials in the court were kneeling on the ground, which meant that there were less than three officials he could really control. One of them. There should be some people from other departments among them. For example, the right servant She Bailigui did not come forward. Only the six ministers who were appointed by him did not come forward. For example, the officials belonging to the eldest princess also did not come forward. They did not come forward, and there were several generals who were good friends with Marquis Zhongcheng who did not come forward.

Unexpectedly, the influence of the three princes is so huge. Does that mean that if one day, they want to deal with him together, he, the emperor, will not even be able to parry?

Emperor Qianwen broke into a cold sweat when he thought of this terrible result.

As for the matter of sending Shen Ao to the Western Man and marrying the Princess of the Western Man, there is no need to think about it. This may have something to do with Shen Ao's strong ability to make money, but it is not the main thing. The main thing is. ..

Forget it, Emperor Qianwen no longer thinks about it. He is now trembling with anger and looking at the courtiers coldly.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." Yan Fu, who was nearest, felt the anger on Emperor Qianwen, and was afraid that he would get angry in front of the court, so he reminded him in a low voice.

This chapter has been completed!
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