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Chapter 1248: Sakatake Castle

"No, enemy attack, enemy attack."

Early in the morning, I suddenly saw so many warships appearing on the sea. Everyone knew that they were coming with bad intentions. At that moment, countless shouts started to sound, one after another.

Many private soldiers from the wharf came over quickly and pushed the small wooden boats piled on the shore toward the sea. This was also a means of emergency response to the enemy at the wharf. Often when a large number of small wooden boats were released,

This can prevent large ships from docking. With this period of time, people on the shore can organize soldiers to fight back with bows and arrows.

The reaction of the private soldiers of the Nakamura family was acceptable, but the speed of the Dahua Navy was faster. Especially the 10,000-material warship called the Mieru, which rushed at the front, borrowed its huge hull, and was ahead of the

The sails of this era and the heavy bronze cannons loaded on the hull make it very powerful when viewed from a distance.


In the captain's cabin of the Mielu, Xiao Zaiyin, commander of the Second Division of the First Army of the Dahua Navy, roared, and the sound of cannons rumbled directly towards the private soldiers of the Nakamura family who were busy on the shore.


The moment the cannon sounded, it was the order to attack. At that moment, all the warships of the entire second division fired their cannons in unison, and countless thunderbolts rose into the sky and fell straight towards the target.

Boom boom boom~ boom boom boom...

Under the gunfire, the target area was quickly exploded into a sea of ​​​​fire, and many private soldiers who had no idea about the power of thunder were hiding in it.

Some were directly blown to pieces, and some even had their heads blown off. In comparison, they were lucky. Those who were injured by artillery or ignited by incendiary bombs were still struggling to run.

, but compared to the private soldiers who were covered in fire, they died a happy death.

Looking at this bloody and cruel scene, Xiao Zaiyin showed a look of satisfaction on his face. He was able to get this vanguard mission, but it took a lot of effort to snatch it from four division commanders. For

He secretly did not know how much he had to pay before letting the other three division commanders give him the vanguard position.

Even after putting in so much effort, of course he had to do his best, otherwise, not only would he be sorry for the emperor and Dahua, but he would also be sorry for himself.

"Inform the first brigade and ask them to speed up and rush forward. If they encounter any resistance, they will be killed without mercy!" Xiao Zaiyin watched as a batch of sky thunders were fired and shattered the enemy's counterattack. He immediately ordered the first brigade to attack.

Two orders.

The Dahua Marine Division has more than 200,000 people, so when they formed an army, they were fully staffed. For example, an army has four divisions, one division has three brigades, and one brigade has four

Regiments, four battalions per regiment, etc. are definitely the organization of large group armies in later generations.

Compared with the orderly advance of the Dahua Navy, the dock has already turned into a mess. The corpses of private soldiers can be seen everywhere, and the smell of burning corpses is scattered everywhere, accompanied by the smell of blood and the moist feeling of the sea breeze.

, making this place feel like Shura Hell, leaving people with no master.

There was already a mess on the shore, and there was no one on the dock. Obviously, the people here were frightened by the loud sound of cannons. In their view, this was God punishing them for listening to

After hearing the sound of cannon fire, they lost their will to resist.

People in this era are still very superstitious. Sometimes when they are sick, they will not go to the doctor. Instead, they will use prayers or some folk wizards to recite words to cure the disease. This also makes people in this era not live very long.

If you live to be fifty years old, you are considered a long-lived person.

They had no culture at all, let alone what science meant. After hearing the rumbling sound of cannons that sounded like thunder in the sky, they were already at a loss. Pointing them to resist something that was simply unrealistic.

Speaking of which, this also involves the selfish motives of fan owners like Nakamura Yokoi. Of course they knew that there was a thunder incident in Dahua, but they did not tell the people below in order to prevent the people below from being afraid and facing Dahua.

Born out of a fear of not fighting, the people completely lost their will to resist when they saw thunder from the sky.

On the pier, there were only a few scattered wooden boats floating here. The sudden appearance of thunder disrupted the defense deployment of the private soldiers, and also made the next second

The division can start disembarking smoothly.

Under the chaos and without resistance, the warships docked one after another. Members of the Longya Operation Team who had been waiting on the shore to take advantage of the chaos rushed up, took the rope thrown to the shore, and helped them

Fixed. Then countless soldiers from the Great China Navy came ashore and quickly took control of various strategic locations.

"Your Majesty, the second division has landed." Borrowing the telescope in his hand, Feng Wanli saw this scene, with a victor's smile on his face, and reported.

"Yes." Tang Ao also put down the telescope in his hand and nodded with satisfaction.

As the warships docked one by one, the control of the dock quickly passed to the Great China Army. Not only that, some war horses also appeared on the warships. These were the cavalry of the Great China Navy. Although considering

Due to the difficulty of transportation, the number is not very large, but the number of 10,000 horses for an army is still terrifying.

The war horses began to gather in battalion units. Whenever they gathered a thousand horses, they would gather and start patrolling around the dock. Their mission was to prevent any Japanese people on the dock from escaping from here. They wanted to

Completely block the fact that the Chinese army appeared here and captured the dock.

Just two hours later, the dock became quiet again. In this battle, the Dahua Navy easily captured the target without losing a single soldier. The result was more than a thousand enemies killed and four thousand Japanese civilians captured.


Seeing that the first goal was achieved, Feng Wanli, after asking Tang Ao for instructions, issued the purpose of the second combat mission, which was to quickly advance deep into the Hokuriku Road. He also tried to stay out day and night to make a sudden attack on the Nakamura family.


The place where the Nakamura family is located is Hanbu Castle, the core area of ​​Hokurikudo.

This place is surrounded by plains on all sides, which is the most suitable place for growing crops. In Japan, food always comes first, which means whoever occupies the most land often has great power and force.

The land around Hanbu Castle was the best location, so it was naturally owned by the Nakamura family. Over time, they built a city here and became the family's headquarters.

Because it is not close to the sea, the people here are still very relaxed. Probably because they also know that anyone who wants to invade here or have ideas here can only come along the sea, and as long as the sea defense

If nothing happens, they will be fine.

Unexpectedly, the people in the city who had lost the dock were still doing whatever they should do as usual, especially the children of the Nakamura family who were still living a life of enjoyment.

A good background and a good life will allow them to have no worries about food and clothing from the moment they are born. Except for those children of the family who have great goals, they need to put in some hard work, but most of them live a life of dissipation and extravagance, thinking about what to do every day.

Just eating, drinking and having fun.

It seems that Japan's poverty, suffering, war and death have nothing to do with them.

Until the cavalry of the Great China Marine Division appeared outside Hanwu City and blocked all the passages leading to the outside world, they still knew nothing about the situation outside.

It was the Second Division that attacked the pier, and this time it was the Third Division that was responsible for the siege of Hanwu Castle. Division commander Ni Shichun personally deployed the siege mission. By the evening, when all the troops had arrived at the designated positions, he ordered the siege.

The command.

For Hanwu City, which was not vigilant at all, Ni Shichun did not issue an order for bombardment. Instead, he first contacted the members of the Dragon Tooth Action Group in the city, waited for them to open the city gate, and then entered the city in a coordinated manner.

Now that Tang Ao is here, he always needs a place to rest. Of course, the place where the emperor lives must not be too shabby. It would be best if a intact Hanwu City can be preserved. In fact, the third division also has

With such ability.

Again, without any vigilance in Hanwu Castle, members of the action team easily rushed out when night came and took control of the north gate. Then the city gate opened wide, and a whole brigade of the third division came.

More than 10,000 soldiers entered the city armed with weapons.

The weapons used were all cold weapons, mainly bows, arrows and spears, so there was no movement. It was not until the infantry completely entered the city and the cavalry began to charge into the inner city that the sound of horse hooves woke up some people.

But this time

Wait, it’s too late to know.

No one thought that enemies would fall from the sky.

No one thought that the Chinese army would come without any trace.

When the entire city was shrouded in darkness, torches were already lit outside the Nakamura family's compound, and three thousand infantry and one thousand cavalry surrounded the place.

"What is going on outside?" When the first courtyard door was forcibly broken open by the Chinese army, the noise finally woke up the people in the courtyard. But even at this time, the people here never thought that there would be an invasion by foreign enemies.

But I just thought that someone accidentally made a noise. This also caused the patriarch Nakamura Yokoi to make a very dissatisfied voice.

The clan leader was angry, and the people below naturally wanted to see the situation and report back, but before they could figure out what happened, there were already bursts of shouts of death coming from outside.

"What's going on?" Nakamura Yokoi's expression changed drastically this time. He knew that someone was attacking the compound, but he just thought that someone was rebelling below. He still never thought that the Chinese army would appear here.


After the shouting this time, a young man came quickly. Although he was still as tall as most Japanese people, not very tall, his body was very strong.

The person who came was none other than the young and powerful Nakamura Hirokami, the so-called leader of the next generation of the Nakamura clan. This time he also got the news and rushed over.

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