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Chapter 1250: Dahua Man Descends from the Sky

Of course, Tang Ao never takes such things to heart. What he wants is to leave more wealth to future generations. As for what happens after his death, haha, what does it have to do with him even if there is a flood?

Walking on the street, Ni Shichun, who was accompanying the driver, told what happened in the courtyard. According to him, the two sides are still confronting each other, and Nakamura Yokoi in the courtyard seems to have not reacted yet.

Ni Shichun was very careful when reporting the battle situation, because he didn't know whether Tang Ao would be satisfied with the result. If the other party was dissatisfied and asked him to order a storm, he would definitely carry it out.

"Yes, yes, the life of every one of our soldiers is important. It only extends the operation by a few days, but it can save the lives of more soldiers. This is a very correct decision."

Regarding Ni Shichun's decision, Tang Ao first gave a very high evaluation. Then he said: "Although this is good, the problem still needs to be solved. In many cases, there are many ways to solve the problem. For example,

I saw that there are still many young and strong Japanese people in the city, so why not make use of them?"

Faced with this opinion put forward by Tang Ao, Ni Shichun was stunned for a moment, then thought of something again, and then said as if he suddenly realized, "Your Majesty, I am stupid, so I will go down and make arrangements now.


"Haha, it couldn't be better." Tang Ao chuckled.

Tang Ao's intention is already obvious, which is to use Zi's spear and attack Zi's shield.

To put it bluntly, it is to use the Japanese in the city to attack the compound. In this way, the Japanese attack the Japanese, which can achieve the purpose of eliminating and reducing the Japanese's own strength, and can also capture the compound earlier.

It can be described as killing three birds with one stone without hurting a single soldier of the Great Chinese Army.

Ni Shichun took the order and left. Soon, stimulated by gold and silver, many Japanese people in the city signed up. These people were not only tempted by the money, but more importantly, the Great China Army said that as long as they could establish a

With military exploits, you may gain a certain status. Although it is not comparable to that of the Chinese Army and the Han people, relatively speaking, it can be regarded as a high-level person among the Japanese people.

Many people in the city have been exploited by the Nakamura family for many years, and many of them still have a blood feud with them. Now they have a chance to take revenge. If they do, they can also fight for a future for themselves. There are like a cloud of applicants.

Weapons seized from the arsenal in the city were taken out and distributed to those who signed up. Then the Japanese attacked the Japanese.

Nakamura Yokoi, who was surrounded in the compound, was originally waiting for those people to retreat. To be sure, he was also a person who planned for a rainy day. There was a lot of food stored in the compound, enough to feed their thousands of private soldiers for a while.

. But I never expected that these rebels would dare to take the initiative to attack.

While ordering people to strengthen resistance, Nakamura Yokoi brought Nakamura Hirokami in front of him, "If you want to survive, immediately order the people outside to put down their weapons and surrender."

Facing the clan leader's order, Nakamura Hirokami was completely confused.

It can be said that Nakamura Hirokami was completely unaware of what was going on outside and who was threatening them. Even if he was arrested by Nakamura Yokoi, he still knew nothing. Now he heard the clan leader saying that he ordered himself

Asking people outside to surrender, he was even more confused. Why did this job fall on him? He didn't know those people outside, so why should people listen to his words?

Nakamura Hirokami was completely puzzled, but when all this fell into the eyes of Nakamura Yokoi, he thought that the son did not want to cooperate with him and wanted to take a chance. "Okay, that's the case, then don't blame the father.

He's so ruthless, come on, chop off his right arm."

Most people's right hand is more powerful. Now if it is cut off, it can be said that it will become half a useless person. Naturally, Nakamura Hirokami kept crying out, but those private soldiers were not polite to him, and soon one of them was covered in blood.

His arm fell to the ground.

After just asking someone to briefly treat the wound, Nakamura Yokoi spoke again, "How is it? Can you shout now?"

"Okay, okay." Nakamura Hirokami gave in, and as a last resort, he was escorted up to the courtyard wall. Although he didn't know why the patriarch's father had to let him shout, but since

He wants to be satisfied with himself.

In this way, Nakamura Hirokami stood under the courtyard wall, braving the rain of arrows and loudly urging others to surrender.

If these people are really his subordinates, his appearance will naturally arouse fear in his heart. Unfortunately, the people outside are not private soldiers of the Nakamura family at all. Now when he suddenly sees the future patriarch of the Nakamura family appearing, he actually

They even opened their mouths to surrender, but each of them looked at them face to face, and then they unceremoniously released a wave of arrows towards the place.

Are you kidding? We are surrounding you now, but you actually want to persuade us to surrender. Isn't this the opposite?

Nakamura Hirokami just shouted a few times, and then a wave of arrows flew over. In the past, he could have avoided it, but now that he had just lost his right arm and could not control his body balance well,

Seeing the rain of arrows flying over, he couldn't hide away. Unfortunately, he was hit by three arrows, and one of them hit his heart, causing him to close his eyes forever.

Nakamura Hirokami actually died, killed by a stray arrow.

When this news reached Nakamura Yokoi's ears, he was shocked. He only hated those people for not protecting Nakamura Hirokami. Because until now, he still didn't know who the person from outside was, and he still thought it was someone from outside.

The other party accidentally injured Nakamura Hirokami.

Now that it was fine, Nakamura Yokoi felt that things were getting a little tricky since he no longer had enough hostages. As the saying goes, if you defend for a long time, you will lose, so he began to think about breaking out.

Nakamura Yokoi has not yet made a final decision, but other Nakamura private soldiers have begun to think about it. Previously, they thought that with Nakamura Hirokami in charge, they would not worry about the situation outside.

But now, the most important hostage is dead, and they suddenly have no hope. In addition, there are calls for surrender from outside. The general idea is that as long as they put down their weapons and are willing to surrender, they can be saved.

You will probably die if you defend, but if you surrender, you can live. There is almost nothing to hesitate about. Especially in this era, people become private soldiers just to eat better, and there is no belief at all.


Soon, when the night of the third day just fell, the first batch of more than a dozen private soldiers surrendered during the night.

Darkness is the best cover. More and more private soldiers threw down their weapons and ran away outside the hospital. When dawn appeared again, Nakamura Yokoi, who had not yet made up his mind whether to break out of the encirclement, got the

The bad news is that in one night, there were only a thousand private soldiers guarding the compound.

In yesterday's battle, more than 800 private soldiers were killed, and more than 3,000 people fled overnight, making the compound guards who originally seemed to have some strength suddenly became much weaker.

With only a thousand men, the defense could not be defended, and there was no possibility of breaking out. Although Nakamura Yokoi was very reluctant, he still had to make the decision to surrender.

Even at this time, Nakamura Yokoi was still harboring illusions, thinking that the person who did the crime was a member of his own family. He thought that as long as he was willing to hand over his power, he should be able to survive.

It wasn't until he followed the surrender team out of the compound and saw not the private soldiers of the Nakamura family, but the soldiers of the Great Chinese Army in neat military appearance, that he was completely stunned at this moment.

Chinese people, how come they are here?

What's going on with all this?

Regardless of whether he wanted to understand it or not, the Dahua Army had no obligation to explain anything to him. After learning the true identity of Nakamura Yokoi from others, a special trial meeting began.

There are also poor people in Japan, and they also have grievances in their hearts, but no one has ever made a decision for them. Now that the Chinese army is here and they are willing to do something for them, they naturally stand up. Soon Nakamura Yokoi will be punished for his usual evil deeds.

Paying the price with his life.

In a trial meeting that the Japanese had never seen before, the Dahua Army unexpectedly gained a lot of popular support, and many people expressed their willingness to serve the Dahua Army. This made Ni Shichun, commander of the Third Division, overjoyed.

Tang Ao was already prepared for all this. There were gangsters in Daqian, so why couldn't there be Japanese traitors in Japan?

Tang Ao not only made preparations, but also gave this army a name long ago, that is, "Dog Army."

Yes, it is the dog army. In the future, not only the Japanese, but also all conquered alien hearts will become the new dog army. This is what Tang Ao associates with the sentence that Chinese people and dogs are not allowed to enter.

Of course, this sentence does not yet exist in this era, but it does not mean that Tang Ao cannot make such a decision. He is the emperor of Dahua and the founding emperor, so he naturally has the power to name an army.

In this way, after the Dahua Army occupied Hokurikudo, they were resting and replenishing logistics while forming the dog army. When everything was ready half a month later, the number of the dog army reached 100,000.

, Tang Ao stretched out his hand and set his target on Higashiyama Road, which was not far from Hokuriku Road.

It is not that unexpected that they can get an army of 100,000 this time. The Japanese did not form such a large army before. First of all, they were very strict in the selection of private soldiers. For example, they did not want young men or those who were in poor health.

Don't wait if you are too young.

This is a long-term plan to prevent recruiting too many people into the army at once, which will lead to disadvantages in future recruitment and even an age gap in society.

This chapter has been completed!
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