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Chapter 1262 Qin Jun Comes Away


Tang Ao, who succeeded with one blow, did not even look at Tahara Keizo who fell to the ground unconscious. He was very confident in his kick. Even if this kick hit a century-old tree, it was enough to break it.

Yes, if someone is kicked, the opponent will definitely be vulnerable. If he didn't intentionally hold back, it would be easy to kill him with just one kick.

What happened on the courtyard wall was too fast, just three moves. It sounds a bit complicated, but in fact it was just a matter of lightning. Everything was over before anyone could react.

Tahara Keizo fell unconscious inside the courtyard wall. Several Han generals ran over quickly and tied him up. Then waves of the emperor's mighty shouts came from the entire courtyard.

Standing under the courtyard wall, a gust of breeze swept by, and Tang Ao was in a surging mood.

When he came to deal with Tahara Keizo this time, he originally wanted to give his mother a gift. He never expected that it would be so thrilling. The most important thing is that his cultivation level finally broke through. Just with this breakthrough, he felt that his body did not know

How much stronger you are.

It’s true that blessings and misfortunes depend on each other!

Looking at the place where he looked, Tang Ao was even more excited. He wanted to turn this land into a land of great China. From now on, there would be no Japan. From now on, there would only be Chinese characters and language here. From now on,

This sea area will also be owned by Dahua. From then on, Dahua will always stand in the east of the world without falling.

And one day, Tang Ao believed that as far as his eyes could see, the land of Great China would be all.

The fighting in Tebu Hall is still going on, and nothing has changed because of Tahara Keizo's capture.

But obviously as time goes by, it will only be a matter of time before this place is destroyed.

Within the city of Tokyo, the war is still breaking out, but with the help of the Dahua Army, the Tanaka family has stabilized the Inoue family, and there is only time left before the final victory.

Once the Tanaka family wins the final victory, it will be time for the Chinese army to extend its tentacles to the entire territory, and by then it will not be far from occupying the entire Japan.


Da Qin.

Also called the Plough, that is, the Roman Empire.

Great Qin, located to the west of Dahua, achieved the purpose of centralizing power with the emergence of Emperor Antony the Great, and Great Qin became more powerful as a result.

Antony was a very ambitious emperor. After he came to power, he centralized power, encouraged population growth, recruited knowledgeable people, and reused virtuous ministers and generals. At the same time, he also recruited the so-called heroes in the world, and heavily rewarded capable people.

Appreciation, regardless of origin, will be entrusted with important tasks based on their talents.

After a series of reforms, Da Qin became more and more powerful.

It is precisely because of this foreign policy that the fled Barbarian King Eguda appeared here after crossing the vast desert and became one of his guests.

Emperor Antony was very interested in what Oguda said about a powerful Chinese country in the east, especially after learning that it was a cultural and wealthy country where officials could wear enviable silks.

Even when the people there had land, houses, and good financial resources, greedy eyes would flash through his eyes from time to time.

For an ambitious person, these words are like drawing a big pie for him, making him want to stop.

If it weren't for the fact that the two sides were too far apart, Antony would probably have launched an attack and invaded soon.

The distance was too far, and Anthony had to forcibly give up his intention of sending troops. At this time, Wei Qian'er arrived, accompanied by tens of thousands of capable Xiongnu troops.

Naturally, Wei Qian'er appeared with such powerful soldiers and soon became Anthony's guest, and learned more about Dahua from her mouth.

When he learned that Dahua now had no financial resources, but was surrounded and besieged from all sides, Anthony finally couldn't suppress his arrogant heart that wanted to grab good things when he saw them.

In his opinion, this is an opportunity for Da Qin. If he does not seize it now, once the war there is over and he begins to recuperate, it will be very difficult to occupy it again.

When Anthony revealed his intention to send troops intentionally or unintentionally, Wei Qian'er and Er Guda naturally strongly agreed. In other words, they are the kind of people who can't survive and were kicked out. Now that they have the opportunity to fight back, how can they go back?

Is there any reason for not wanting to?

Not only that, after learning that Da Qin's military expenditure was insufficient, the two of them also presented a lot of gold and silver to Anthony, which they had brought along all the way, in order to be the capital to rise to power.

They don't feel bad about taking it out now. In their eyes, as long as they can kill it back, there are so many gold and silver treasures in the land of Great China, and this investment is suitable no matter how they look at it.

After having sufficient military expenditures, Antony waved his hand and ordered his general Octavian to take command and lead an army of 300,000 people to go straight to the east to fight.

From Anthony's point of view, this is still the first army he has sent. Once they have established a firm foothold in Dahua and gained enough benefits there, he will continue to send troops. If possible, he will

Dahua was included in the territory of Daqin.


Fuzhou, Central Plains.

A very magnificent palace within Fucheng is standing here.

This place was originally the residence of the King of Nan Wu. Now that the King of Nan Wu is dead, his power has long since collapsed. The current owner here is Tumei Chengyi, a Japanese Japanese ghost who made his fortune as a pirate.

After failing to plunder Goryeo, Tie Meichengyi, who had nowhere to go, chose to attack the then Daqian.

At that time, he was so beautiful that he just wanted to grab some necessary necessities and leave. However, he never thought that Daqian's army would be so vulnerable that he could easily get his own.

wanted, and quickly established a foothold here.

The first person to eat crabs is naturally risky, but once he succeeds, there are many benefits. Just like his current beauty, he has undoubtedly become the largest force in Japan. When he brings countless people who belong to Daqian

After the good things were sent back to Japan, everyone bowed their heads to show their goodwill to him. It can be said that he asked for soldiers for soldiers and money for money.

It is precisely with the support of the entire Japan that Xiong Meichengyi continues to grow. Until now, he has become a huge force in the Central Plains, and has become someone who can compete with Dahua. Even now, he has become a powerful force in the Central Plains.

When Emperor De and Emperor Qian'an came into contact, they all used the same identity and status.

This once made him proud of his beauty, and also made his heart swell more and more.

Or without the appearance of Tang Ao, without the founding of Dahua, I am afraid that this moment of beauty and beauty would have to dream of being the Lord of the Central Plains.

He was once extremely ambitious. After successive battles with the Great Chinese Army and defeats, Xiong Meicheng became less confident. Especially recently, news came back from the country that the Great Chinese Army suddenly appeared in Japan and moved very quickly. He captured the Hokuriku Road at a very fast speed, and when he saw that Higashiyama Road, Tokaido Road, and even Kinai, the richest place, were about to be occupied by him, his mood became even worse.

At this time, what was in front of Mitsukiichi was a letter of request for help from the Matsushita family of Sanin Road, the Ito family of Nankaido, and the Kawamura family of Saikaido, which had not yet been affected. They all wanted to ask Mitsumiichi. We can send troops back to our country to help them fight against the Chinese army.

Send troops to rescue them?

Tie Meicheng shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't want to save them. In fact, saving these people was also saving himself. But the problem was that he had no troops to send at all.

He knew very well how powerful the Dahua Army was. If there were too few troops, it would not be effective. If there were too many troops, his base camp would become dangerous.

Besides, the two sides are still separated by a sea, and it remains to be seen whether the reinforcements can be sent there safely.

The thought of these things turning into a beautiful situation gave him a headache. When he thought about it, the only thing to blame was Tang Ao's sudden rise. Otherwise, he was afraid that he would have divided the Central Plains with other alien races. Where did these things come from? What about headaches?

Dahua has risen, and not long ago it destroyed Xishu and Nanyue. This also forced the territory it occupied to border with Dahua. And it was this border that some news about Dahua spread. , when the people here learned that everyone in Dahua had land and food to eat, I don’t know how many people were moved by this. Even now, the people who secretly flee to Dahua every day It's countless.

For this matter, the Japanese soldiers killed countless people who wanted to abscond, and hung their bodies high to warn others. But this did not seem to be very effective, and there were still people who escaped every day. , and sometimes even hundreds or even thousands of people from a village fled together.

Tie Meicheng didn't dare to think about it. If things were allowed to continue, would there come a day when he would have no one left in his hands?

When I think about it, once all the people run away, even if he occupies a land of plenty and plenty, there will be a day when there will be no food to eat. If that happens, let alone fighting for hegemony, it depends on whether he can keep his current territory. Already.

In the previous state, Chengyi didn't care much about the people under his rule. He didn't have soldiers, so he just bought them from Japan. There were countless people there who couldn't afford food or clothing. As long as he had money and food, he wasn't afraid of being without people. It is precisely because of this that he usually does not even take a second look at the people under his rule, and exploits them as much as he can.

So much so that the land under his rule is now in great chaos, and people are starving to death every day. Due to the cruel policies, many fields have been left uncultivated. Now that I think about it, I still regret it a little. .

"Why is this Emperor of Great China so bold that he dares to attack Japan? Isn't he afraid that the army will capsize at sea and the whole army will be wiped out?" Tie Meicheng said in a conjecture when he was angry.


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