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Chapter 1277: A close call

"No, let's go together, and stay together if we want." Tang Chuyao shook her head stubbornly, how could she leave Shui Qin alone? She had already regarded this maid as a relative.

"Okay, miss, let's kill a few more together." Shui Qin also nodded heavily. I'm afraid she also knows that this is not the time to be humble to each other. Besides, there are more and more Qin Qi around, so

They won't be given time to discuss.

That's right, when the Qin cavalry saw that Tang Chuyao and Shui Qin were women, the number of cavalry besieging them increased.

Even on the battlefield, some people can't help but show off their bestiality. When they see two beautiful women among their targets, the hormones in their bodies are greatly stimulated, and they give up one by one.

The original target was surrounding here.


Looking at the scene in front of her, Tang Chuyao no longer knew how to be afraid, or she also knew that fear was useless at this time. The only right thing to do was to work hard to kill the enemy, inflict as many enemies as possible, and persist until reinforcements arrived.

The darts kept flying towards Qin Qi, who was approaching them one by one. Soon, five or six more corpses fell next to the two women.

But it was hard for two fists to defeat four hands, and in the end the two women were surrounded by more than twenty Qin cavalry. The most important thing was that at this time, the darts in Tang Chuyao's hands were exhausted. When she touched her waist again,

Only then did I realize that there were no more darts available.

This time the battle came suddenly, Tang Chuyao did not make too many preparations, and now that there were no darts in hand, the Qin riders also had lewd smiles on their faces and slowly approached the two women.

"Miss, what should I do?" Shui Qin's face was already pale. Just now, she killed another Qin Qi and injured another Qin Qi. This was already a good performance for her. After all, these Qin Qi also did it.

Soldiers who have fought a hundred battles may not be as good at fighting alone, but on horseback, their combat power will be enhanced on the battlefield.

On the battlefield, fighting alone will not be the mainstream. Cooperation is the way to win.

More than twenty cavalrymen surrounded two seemingly helpless women. This was reality.

"What else can we do? We have killed several people just now, and we have already earned enough. Now we have earned enough by killing one more person. Kill!" Tang Chuyao's face had a strong murderous look. She was born in the Tang Sect since she was a child.

They have long been accustomed to seeing the weak and the strong, but the difference is that now they have become the weaker party.

The two women held the long swords in their hands tightly and stabbed Qin Qi who was approaching. The sound of swords clashing with gold was soon heard on the battlefield.

This scene on the battlefield is just an abbreviation of the entire battlefield. Their military strength is inferior to that of others, their combat power is inferior to that of others, and their strength is inferior to that of others. Apart from about 500 people who are still running away, the thousands of Dahua border guards are half of the others.

It has been cut into dozens or hundreds of parts by Qin Qi, and is being surrounded and killed one by one.

Even where Aoda was, he was surrounded by more than fifty horsemen, performing various battlefield tactics.

Previously, Ao Da easily killed ten Qin cavalry, making no one dare to underestimate him. Soon, a cavalry team of a hundred people rushed over and surrounded him.

Not only did they surround each other, they also released bows and arrows at Aoda in the center of the battlefield, and threw out horse ropes.

But even in such an unfavorable situation, Aoda still raised his sword and killed more than forty people happily. As a result, only half of the original hundred cavalry could still fight on horseback.

Of course, Aoda also paid the price for killing so many people. For example, he now has an arrow stuck in his back, and the wound is already showing bright red blood.

Seriously speaking, Aoda was not hit by one arrow, but by three arrows. He was hit by arrows in his arm and thigh respectively, but he pulled them out immediately.

After being hit by three arrows, Aoda's energy was no longer what it was before, and now his aura became chaotic.

The wound was bleeding, and Aoda knew that if he continued, even if he still had the strength to fight, his body might not allow it.

But at this moment, he has no other choice. Now the entire battlefield is full of Da Qin cavalry. On the other hand, he can see very few of his own people. Occasionally, he can see one or two people.

He was soon beheaded by Qin Qi and fell off his horse.

Aoda didn't even know what Tang Chuyao's situation was now. It wasn't that he didn't want to look for her, but the Qin Qi in front of him wouldn't give him any time at all.

"Surrender, for the sake of you being a man, we can spare your life, how about that." The Qin Cavalry centurion who led the team spoke. Obviously, his arrogant performance just now shocked him and made him feel

This is a talent that can be used, and I have a love for talent.

"Hmph! Even you... are worthy of it." Seeing the other party's clothes, Aoda recognized that this was just a centurion, and immediately sneered.

Who is Ao Da and what is his identity? If he is willing to stay by Tang Ao's side and serve, there is no problem even if he becomes a centurion of a hundred thousand. When does he need a small centurion to decide?

What about his fate?

"If you don't drink the toast, you'll have to drink wine as a fine, then you will die." The centurion's face was ashen. He thought he had spoken well, but he was arrogant and ignorant of the times, so it was no wonder that he was so arrogant.

"Come together, kill him, everyone has great merit in getting his head." The centurion also knew that even if Aoda was injured now, it was not something he could deal with, so he greeted

He killed all his men and launched a final fierce attack.

The commander gave the order, and more than fifty other Great Qin cavalrymen came from all directions, attacking the proud body with swords, spears, swords and halberds.

In the blink of an eye, the proud steel knife surged several times, knocking out weapons one after another. But in the end, they were outnumbered, and accidentally, they were hit by a lasso.

On the waist.

"Dismount for me." The successful Qin Qi shouted with excitement.

However, this sudden pull had no effect, and Aoda was still sitting motionless on the horse.

"Get off here." Aoda, who was motionless, snorted coldly, and his contemptuous eyes flashed across the Qin Qi's face. Then a strong force came, and the Qin Qi was hit by a blast.

The horse was pulled down with great force.

Even if Aoda was injured and besieged, a simple contest of strength would be far more than a Qin Cavalry soldier could defeat him.

The Qin Qi was pulled off his horse, and then his body was still moving rapidly on the ground, rubbing against the earth. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to Aoda, he had a feeling that death was right in front of him.

But at this moment, when Qin Qi was ready to die, he suddenly pulled his rope and stopped. This surprised him and at the same time, he couldn't help but look up.

At this glance, I saw that Aoda had two more horse ropes on his body.

It turned out that in this short period of time, two more ropes had trapped him, and now the three of them were competing.

When the opportunity came, the fallen Qin Qi quickly stood up, and then used all his strength. As a result, Ao Da was even more stressed. Finally, the horse under him was the first to be unable to bear the strength and plopped down.

With a sound, his knees weakened and he fell to the ground.

People can hold on, but horses can't.

Because of this, Aoda accidentally fell off his horse. Before he could stand firm, several Qin riders rushed over quickly, and the iron sword in their hands also enveloped his body.

No matter how powerful a person is, he will still lose his head when faced with attacks from all directions.

"Hahaha." The face of the Qinqi Centurion was magnified infinitely in Ao Da's eyes, especially since the iron sword in his hand was getting closer and closer to Ao Da...

You can even feel the murderous intent on the iron knife. Aoda is still struggling desperately. However, his legs are still unable to stand still. With his lower body unstable, there are three more horse ropes holding him tight.

If he is pulled tightly, how far can he go?

At this moment, Aoda seemed to see his master in his eyes, and saw Aoxue's appearance when he was a child teaching him kung fu.

Are you going to die here? At this moment, Aoda didn't know what he felt in his heart. He just felt a little unworthy that he would die in the hands of these unknown people.


"Swish swish..."

At this critical moment, countless arrows suddenly enveloped the area.

An arrow with white feathers at the end suddenly appeared and landed accurately on a Daqin cavalryman who was riding a horse.

The Shanshan Guard finally arrived at this critical moment.

Compared with horseback archery, not all of the Shanshan Guards are master archers, but those who dare to release bows and arrows at such a time are confident and confident. In addition, dozens of people at this moment

The Qinqi were unprepared and were still in a still state. These arrows seemed to have eyes, piercing into their bodies one by one.

Thump thump, thump thump...

Within a short period of time, a Qin Qi fell down on his horse, including two Qin Qi holding horse ropes.

Suddenly feeling the pressure on his body lighten, Aoda immediately used force to pull the only Qin Qi who was not riding a horse to his side.

Poor Qin Qi, when he was pulled to Ao Da, he was still holding one end of the rope in his hand. Now that Ao Da caught him in front of his eyes, before he could react, he felt a tightness in his throat.

, a pair of big hands grabbed this place, and then with a fierce force, the soldier felt waves of suffocation, quickly rolled his eyes, and died completely.


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