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Chapter 1279 Take the initiative to come to the door

To be able to make the proud Er Gu type out the word "final general" already proves that he is already aware of his guilt.

It is true that he is the king of the Western Barbarians, but without the foundation of the barbarians, how can he be called a king?

"What's going on? Come here quickly." Hearing Erguda's plea for mercy, Octavian's voice contained a hint of chilling.

Don't think that he, a commander-in-chief, is just a jobber. He can be trusted by Emperor Antony so much and entrusted with the military power of 300,000 troops. He himself is also a very capable person.

"No." After Er Guda clenched his fists and agreed, he told the story of how everything went smoothly at first, but then he encountered the Dahua Shanshan Guard and was defeated.

"Shaking Mountain Guards?" Octavian fell silent upon hearing this name. Long before he came, he had learned some things about the Great China Army from the mouths of Er Guda, Wei Qian'er and others. Especially this Shanshan Guards

I listened to it the most.

We know that this is the strongest cavalry in the Great Chinese Army. From its formation to the present, it has rarely suffered a defeat.

Thinking about it, if it is really the Dahua Shanshan Guard, then it is not a surprise that the 5,000 people who beat them with their Russian bones will be defeated at the hands of the opponent.

Octavian was silent and did not say anything. Naturally, it was difficult for the others to say anything. The atmosphere in the general's tent became much heavier for a while. Until another report came, saying that Meng was going to the south of Tucheng to pursue the Chinese army.

General Luo came back, and everyone was in high spirits, hoping that there would be good news.

Meng Luo entered the tent, saluted first, and then told what happened. When it was said that he still killed hundreds of Dahua cavalry despite being surrounded by the Shanshan Guards, everyone was excited.

There was finally a hint of relaxation on his face.

In any case, this time it cannot be said that it was a complete defeat, at least hundreds of people from the Dahua Army were killed.

Although the two sides fought and Qin Qi suffered more than 2,000 casualties, achievements are achievements and cannot be denied.

At this moment, Octavian's expression became better. He looked at Meng Luo and said, "Thank you for your hard work, general."

Hearing these words, Wei Qian'er, who was standing in the tent, couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. In any case, her generals performed quite well, and Octavian probably didn't have such a strong hatred for her.

Of course, Wei Qian'er didn't know that if the Shanshan Guard appeared in the south first, Meng Luo would be unlucky first, and how could he not get the credit he had now.

However, no matter how Meng Luo performed, it must be admitted that the Qin army was defeated in its first battle after entering Dahua.

"Report." Another call from the soldiers came from outside the tent, saying that they had found a living person in the city, and that this person wanted to see the commander.

"Bring him in." Hearing that there were still living people who wanted to see him, Octavian also became interested. He also wanted to see who he was and what he wanted to say.

Needless to say, the only one who could survive the fire was Mr. Dong.

He was very smart and stored enough water in the tunnel he dug. When the fire came, he blocked the entrance of the tunnel with a bedding soaked in water, which allowed him to survive.

Of course, this is also the reason why the fire is not very big. Otherwise, without sufficient air, no matter how prepared he is, he will definitely die.

Old Ghost Dong was quickly escorted to the tent and introduced himself.

"Oh, so you are very familiar with the current situation in Dahua?" Octavian was very happy to finally have someone familiar with the current situation in Dahua.

Although Er Guda and Wei Qian'er also know some of Dahua's situation, they are all based on the old man's history after all, and are far less clear than what Old Ghost Dong said.

"The villain does know a thing or two about Dahua." Old Ghost Dong said humbly. He knew very well that whether he would be a popular person or a black noodle next depends on his performance today to see if he can get into this place.

The handsome man's eyes are wide open.

As Mr. Dong who has planned so many big things for the Tang Sect, he naturally talks about things in an orderly manner. Soon through his explanation, the current situation of Dahua was reflected in the hearts of everyone in the account. Among them

It also included the fact that the Great Chinese Army had just returned victoriously from the expedition to Japan.

Er Gu, who was standing by the side, heard this and sighed in his heart. He suddenly had a feeling. Facing his son-in-law Tang Ao who had such revenge, could he possibly win?

Needless to say, the destruction of South Vietnam was what Er Guda had wanted to do his whole life, but now Tang Ao had done it.

Also thinking a lot is Wei Qian'er.

I originally thought that when I left, the land of Dahua was already full of wars. Even if the Xiongnu were destroyed, Tang Ao's situation would not be much better. But I never thought that just how long had passed, and it turned out that

Let them defeat Japan?

Just when everyone was thinking differently, Diocletian, the pioneer general, spoke, "Japan is probably just a small island. As long as there are warships, taking it is nothing. Huh, actually this is also

It's a good thing, how big a territory Dahua can occupy now, everything here will be ours in the future, he is busy for us, hahaha."

When Diocletian said this, everyone in the tent was stunned at first, and then the generals of the Qin Dynasty burst out laughing, followed by Er Guda and Wei Qian'er who also laughed in agreement.


It’s not that these people are short-sighted and limited to transportation. In this era, from birth to death, the furthest place many people travel is to nearby counties and towns. Even Wei Qian’er and Er Guda, the place they know is

It’s just a place I’ve been to.

Like Japan, an island country that needs to cross the sea, it is a matter of course that we don't understand it.

In history, it is precisely because Japan is an island country that it has avoided many disasters. If they had lived in the Central Plains, they would have been destroyed countless times.

This can also be said to be a blessing and a curse.

Everyone didn't know, so of course they didn't think too much of Dong Ying, thinking that since the Chinese army could destroy the country in such a short period of time, it shouldn't be very big.

Of course, regardless of the size of Japan, the destruction of South Vietnam is true.

Others don't know the strength of South Vietnam, and how could Russia, as its old enemy, not know it? This is enough to show how powerful Da Hua is.

"No problem, please keep in mind that our 300,000 people are just the first batch of troops. As long as we can be sure that this place is indeed rich and has what our Great Qin needs, reinforcements will continue to come. One day,

We will occupy this place." As if sensing everyone's thoughts, Octavian spoke.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armies, what Octavian had to do was to continuously inject morale into the army, and then lead them to fight more victorious battles.

"Send the order. The army will camp outside Tucheng tonight. Tomorrow morning, the army will set off. I don't believe that they can destroy a Tucheng and destroy all the places we want to go. Can't they still?

Yes, all officers and soldiers are informed that from now on, whenever they see Chinese, they can kill them at will without asking for instructions. After grabbing good things, according to the custom, they will be credited with thirty-seven cents."


This is not a very nice name, but it is the most effective way to improve morale in the ancient army.

In history, there have been many times when people were told that the sword would not be sealed for a few days.

It means that after the army enters the city, they can burn, kill, loot, and plunder at will without being punished.

Doing so will naturally cause serious damage to the local area, but it cannot be denied that this is one of the best ways to boost the morale of the army. Often after the general makes such a promise, all the soldiers below will sacrifice their lives.

Use all your fighting power.

Dahua is the enemy now, and nothing he can do to the enemy is too much. When Octavian issued this order, he naturally felt no psychological pressure.

Just like in the Western world, the Qin Dynasty continued to grow stronger by deploying troops and looting.

In fact, in this era, there is no civilization at all in the West. When they really develop, it will be hundreds and thousands of years later. They are still very barbaric now.

But many times, the more barbaric the army's style, the more they can use their advantages on the battlefield and win more battles.

Just like now, when Octavian's military order arrived at the military camp, all the soldiers became extremely excited. By early the next morning, a large army broke away from the main force, with thousands or thousands of people.

One unit began to sweep away in several directions.

Here, while the Dahua Army was making preparations to continuously retreat and fortify the walls to clear the country, Aoda and Xinghai also reported to the superiors what happened in Tucheng in their own way.

After having the birds, the communication time of the Dahua Army was greatly reduced. Tang Ao only received Ao Da's secret message on the second night and learned about what happened in Tucheng.

That same night, Shen Yunyi, Wei Chao and Feng Xun from the Military Aircraft Department, as well as Zeng Tong, Han Ce and Geng Liang from the Government Affairs Council, all came to the Dahua Palace to meet Emperor Tang Ao.

To the west, where there should be no problems, 300,000 enemy troops suddenly appeared. This really caught everyone off guard. Everyone ran out of ideas for a while, so they thought of going to see Tang Ao and see what the emperor would do.

How to say.

Tang Ao was a little surprised when he got the news. But compared to others, he calmed down quickly.

Da Qin was the predecessor of the Roman Empire. Tang Ao did not expect that he would run into them now.

Tang Ao's ambition was so great that others could not know it. In addition, he was originally a master who took one step at a time and saw the next step. He had already considered where the next military attack would be after the entire Central Plains was pacified.

Speaking of which, there are still many choices. For example, go to the north, where there are many Belarusians. Although their number is not large, they occupy a large amount of land, and it is very fertile. Once they occupy it, they will

Having more fertile farmland is actually the best way to solve the problem of insufficient land.

This chapter has been completed!
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