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Chapter 1286: The Commonwealth Army's Rebellion

When he saw that the officers were the first to rush forward, and their speed was still extremely fast, without any hesitation, Tang Ao smiled and let go of Thousand Miles Realm. He knew that the overall situation was decided.

The other army commanders and division commanders were also watching this scene. Many people were sighing at the speed of the New Fifth Army's siege.

Some people are also making comparisons in their minds. If their own troops launched an attack, would they be as violent as the New Fifth Army?

When they saw that the first batch of people who charged were all officers, some generals even made the decision that they should learn from this the next time they charge and let the officers take the lead in the charge. In this way, there are

An unassailable fortress, is there an unbeatable enemy?

Let's talk about the construction of the city tower. When the Chinese army borrowed the ladder to climb the tower, a hand-to-hand battle between the two sides began.

Ordinarily, as the defender of the city, even if the city tower is temporarily occupied by the enemy, as long as they react quickly enough and the army rushes to rescue in time, there is still a high possibility that the enemy will be killed on the city tower in the future.

Perhaps because of the suddenness of the incident, the Communist Army was stunned by the bombing and could not form a large scale at all. Even if there was resistance, it was not very fierce. It was just some nearby soldiers who came over to block the hole.

It turned out that here at the Great Chinese Army, the first people to rush up were officers. Their abilities were certainly stronger than those of ordinary soldiers. When they saw them raising their knives, pieces of the Co-Prosperity Army were killed and fell to the ground.

On the ground.

Behind them, there was a steady stream of soldiers from the Chinese Army who rushed up. When the number of people reached a certain level, they completely established a foothold on the city tower. At this time, even the Co-Prosperity Army reacted

Come over here and try to blow them off the city, but I'm afraid I won't be able to do it.

A group of officers of the New Fifth Army charged forward, waving their swords and spears, and slashed or stabbed a Co-Prosperity Army member who was rushing towards the gap. In just a moment, the smell of blood filled the air.

in the surrounding air.

Waves of Co-Prosperity Army fell to the ground, and a new batch of Co-Prosperity Army rushed forward.

The officers of the New Fifth Army were also replaced several times. Some were injured and were helped down, some were replaced due to exhaustion, and a few died on the battlefield and could never return.

If you fight, people will die.

This is an eternal truth, like zero casualties, that only exists in novels.

"Charge, blast these Chinese troops down, or we will all die." The Japanese army guarding the tower saw more and more Chinese soldiers in the gap, and when the trend became unstoppable, they

He yelled and commanded the Co-Prosperity Army around him to launch a counterattack.

At the beginning, some people obeyed the order and rushed towards the gap. However, when everyone discovered that no one who went there could come back, some people finally felt scared and began to cower and not move forward.

The Japanese troops holding the battle line were also fierce. Seeing that no one was listening to their orders, they grabbed a few Co-glory soldiers around them and beheaded them directly, intending to intimidate the other Co-royal troops so that they would obey the military orders.

In normal times, such tactics are naturally useful. During wars, it is rare to not send supervisory troops, even when the Great Chinese Army is at war.

The existence of the supervisory army is to keep an eye on those who are timid to ensure that military orders are passed smoothly. When necessary, they will kill people to establish their authority.

However, the existence of the supervisory army only applies when the strength of both sides is equal, or when the situation is stable. When it is obvious that the situation is over, as it is now, if the supervisory army still wants to use murder to establish its authority, it will only be counterproductive.

Just like now, when other members of the Co-Prosperity Army saw that the Japanese started killing people here again, they all had angry looks in their eyes.

Tie Meicheng is a great figure, and his grasp of people's hearts is also very accurate. He proposed the idea of ​​improving the treatment of the Co-Prosperous Army and giving full respect to it, which indeed played a role in stabilizing the morale of the military and made the combat power of the Co-Prosperity Army better than that of other foreign races. When he commanded the Chinese army, he became much stronger.

But not many Japanese soldiers have such a consciousness. Most of them still look down on the Communist Army, thinking that they have no backbone and that they are easy to bully.

Now they were killing people on the spot, finally attracting some brave people from the Co-Prosperity Army, who didn't know who shouted, "Damn, we sacrificed our lives for them, in exchange for being killed by them, we Quit."

"Yes, we quit. We could have become Chinese people, so why do we have to work hard for these Japanese ghosts?"

"Yes, we are human beings too and have our own nation. Why should we sacrifice our lives for foreigners?"

All kinds of shouts suddenly came from everywhere, and more echoing voices were also attracted.

Although the former Dagan was not very kind to them, and most of the time they exploited them, making it difficult for them to feel a sense of belonging. But at their core, they are still Han people. Now that they have learned about the rise of China, all the former If Gan people and Han people join them, they will not only be respected, but they will also be assigned fields and houses to lead a promising life. I don’t know how many people will be moved.

However, they were too far apart, and the place they were in was occupied by Japan. They were under the roof and had to bow their heads.

But now even the Japanese army doesn't treat them as human beings, so what else do they have to be polite about? They didn't want to do it in the first place, but their current approach is equivalent to forcing them to make a decision. Even so, it's just the opposite. .

How can a person who surrendered to an alien army in order to survive have any backbone and point fingers at them?

When they saw that Japan was weak, they made a new choice.

"What? Do you want to rebel?" Holding the Japanese sword still stained with blood, a Japanese pirate said with a fierce look.

As he spoke, he glanced at the several Co-War soldiers standing in front of him, as if to say, if you dare to disobey orders, your heads will be chopped off.

This Japanese pirate made a wrong decision. He did not speak softly when he should have been gentle, but instead continued to be tough.

Perhaps if he tried to persuade them nicely at this time, considering that the Japanese had treated them well before, and their families were also in the city, there was no Co-Prosperity Army that would actually rebel. Even if there were, the number would be too small to create a good atmosphere.

But now, when it seems that the Japanese army is already outnumbered, the Japanese army may be finished at any time. At this time, if you still want to force and squeeze the Communist Army, it will only be counterproductive.

"Brothers, do you see that they are forcing us to die? If we don't rush forward to die or die under their swords, then we might as well do the opposite. No matter what, we are also old people. We have common ancestors with today’s Chinese people, so even if they hate us, they probably won’t kill us.”

"Yes, since there is no way to survive, it's really the opposite. At worst, I will go to China to work as a laborer for a few years, but at least my life will be saved, right?"

"Then go against it!"


There were more and more shouts, and within a while, more and more people stood up. Then, under the leadership of some bolder people, they walked towards the few Japanese soldiers with knives. come over.

The Japanese are indeed very good to the Co-Prosperity Army, at least they do their best in terms of weapons and equipment. This makes all the Co-Prosperity Army have a handy weapon, so what do they have to fear?

At the gap in the city tower, the officers leading the team saw this scene. One of the battalion commanders rolled his eyes, thought of something, and shouted loudly: "Common glory army, we are all veterans, As long as you put down your weapons, I guarantee that no one will kill you. And if you can cut off the heads of the Japanese army, you will have achieved military exploits and you will be rewarded after the war."

The battalion commander took the lead in shouting, and the other smart-minded officers also came to their senses and started shouting loudly to persuade them to surrender.

At this moment, even without these words, the Gongrong Army was ready to rebel. Now that they had received the guarantee, they had no worries, especially after hearing that killing the Japanese army was considered a meritorious service, they all looked at the Japanese army. When you look at it, it's like a wolf looking at a little sheep.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Seeing that the expressions of the Communist Army had changed, some Japanese soldiers finally felt scared, and when they spoke again, they lost their previous momentum.

When the Gongrong Army discovered that the Japanese people were also afraid, they became even more courageous. It was not known who swung the first sword first, and then the tower became chaotic.

This kind of chaos turned the New Fifth Army that originally attacked the city into spectators. They all looked at each other with knives in hand, neither taking the opportunity to advance nor intending to rush down.

Perhaps they also know that the nerves of the Communist Army at this time are fragile, and any external factor may irritate them. It is better to do nothing and wait until they have decided the winner and their emotions have stabilized.

Relying on their superior strength, the Co-Prosperity Army quickly surrounded the Japanese soldiers, and then pitted five against one, or ten against one, and hacked the Japanese to death.

Pity these Japanese soldiers, they did not die on the battlefield or on the way forward, but they died at the hands of the Co-Prosperity Army, which they had been good to.

As the Communist Army rebelled, the New Fifth Army attacking the city progressed faster, and more and more soldiers rushed to the tower. When they saw this scene, Army Commander Song Changliang and Chief of Staff Liang Yanshan couldn't help but relax. Take a breath.

They know that when the battle reaches this point, the overall situation is decided. Next, it depends on how far the results can be expanded, and how many casualties there will be.

The New Fifth Army became happy, but in exchange for the fear on the face of Sogo Kawamura in the city.

Knowing that the Chinese army is very powerful, it is even more powerful to have the help of thunder from heaven when attacking the city.

This chapter has been completed!
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