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Chapter 139 You don't have that much face

"What? Isn't he injured? Aren't people staring at him? Why is he missing?" This time, Emperor Qianwen couldn't hold his breath any longer, and stood up from the dragon chair in a moment. Look. When the incident came out, this incident shocked him very much. It gave him a headache far more than the intervention of the Empress Dowager and Zong Zheng.

Yan Fu did not say where Zhongcheng Hou went, and Emperor Qianwen did not ask. It seemed that both of them knew Shen Yunyi's destination.

"Your Majesty, what do you want to do?" Yan Fu also showed a rare trace of fear on his face, obviously thinking of something and some terrible consequences.

"What else can I do? Call the eldest princess to the palace immediately and ask her to talk to Zhongguo Gong. Asking him to hand over Tianlei can save his life. Remember, the speed must be fast." After Emperor Qianwen panicked, he quickly He quickly calmed down again. He suddenly regretted not going to see the eldest princess before. If he had known what happened, he should have met her instead of turning people away just to consider the prince's feelings. This would inevitably lead to confusion. "She" has arrived.

But will she really come?

Maybe not necessarily. There has been no news from her for so many years. Maybe she has gone to a far away place, or maybe she is no longer alive.

But what if she really appeared? Shen Ao was still imprisoned in the sky prison. Emperor Qianwen didn't dare to think about what would happen. The scene that surprised him sixteen years ago seemed to appear in his mind. And the scene where you can't even close your mouth.

And this Marquis Zhongcheng, for so many years, no matter how hard he tried, he still refused to hand over his contact information. He simply didn't trust himself. Fortunately, he was still the emperor, so even a minister could not do anything.

Now, I just hope that Marquis Zhongcheng can't find anyone. If this is the case, he will know what to do for the stability and overall situation of the Daqian Empire.


Heavenly prison.

Shen Ao was still wearing the same clean green clothes. He was the only one in the sixty-square-meter prison. The ground was covered with a thick layer of straw. He actually had a good sleep last night.

The clothes and bedding were all in the bullock cart and had been prepared a long time ago. Perhaps Shen Ao had thought about such a day, but now he actually used them. I still remember that when Yan Fu asked the Jin Jiawei to escort him to the prison, he actually Yan Fu had a look of surprise on his face when he took out such a package from the cart.

After waking up, Shen Ao judged the time through the sunlight through the only iron window. It should be afternoon. Maybe no one would come to him today, so he slowly closed his eyes.

Shen Ao didn't know how long he would stay in the sky prison. He was also prepared to stay here for a long time. He began to think about various things after arriving in this world, and then made a plan for his future life. .

Maybe it's useful, maybe it's useless, who knows, but there's nothing wrong with thinking more about it.

This time Shen Ao hurt the prince "impulsively". It seemed like a reckless move, but in fact it was not intentional.

Once his uncle is injured, Shen Ao will inevitably become angry and impulsive, so what he does is understandable and can be forgiven.

Secondly, Shen Ao also wanted to leave an impression through this incident. He is the kind of idiot who doesn't care about his life. If anyone dares to deal with him or target him, he will take revenge. No matter what your identity is? He is not even afraid of the prince. Who would dare to cause trouble for him in the future? Will he think carefully before doing so?

If you only have enough wealth but not enough strength, the wealth does not belong to you.

In this world where there are no certain rules and even where the imperial power and strength are overwhelming, Shen Ao will not place all his hopes on the law. If that were the case, he might not be able to figure out how he died.

In a sense, this level must be passed, and this difficulty will definitely occur. The only difference is whether his opponent will be the prince or the king.

Previously, King Xiang, Marquis Baisheng, the Lu family, King Qing, and the prince all suffered losses at his hands. But it was just a loss. Shen Ao's counterattack was not strong, and these people did not have long memories. But this time the injury Unlike the prince, he looked so crazy at that time that he must kill the prince and then quickly. If he could go out again, no one would carelessly provoke him, and he would have the basic ability to save his life. .

Rather than saying that all of this happened suddenly, it was better to say that it was within Shen Ao's expectation.

The prince was injured, but not seriously.

The sky thunder was revealed, but it was not used excessively.

These two points alone were enough to make the emperor want to kill him but couldn't, so he spared his life.

Coupled with the help of my aunt, Concubine Zhao, Marquis Zhongcheng and the eldest princess, I think there is a high possibility of saving my life. If I get it done, I will be demoted from Daliang City, so I don’t even have to do anything to attach a horse. Even if you run away from marriage, wouldn't this solve the problem you have always wanted to solve?

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on Shen Ao's lips, as if he had seen the result of his plan succeeding.

Squeak...squeak...squeak...the only monkey accompanying Shen Ao suddenly screamed. Shen Ao opened his eyes, knowing that someone was coming. Animals are always very sensitive to outside sounds. , the monkey will always issue a warning at the first time, and he is already used to it.

Sure enough, in about ten breaths, the eldest princess appeared outside the iron bars and appeared in Shen Ao's sight.

The female officer Zhuyun held a key in her hand, opened the iron door, and led the eldest princess to enter. Then she placed the food she brought on the ground and turned around to leave. Only Shen Ao and the eldest princess were left in the prison.

"Thank you." Shen Ao had a gentle smile on his face. After thanking him, he opened the food box, picked up the silver chopsticks, and started eating.

Someone brought a meal in the morning, but it was breakfast after all. It didn't have much nutrition. Shen Ao didn't feel comfortable eating it. It didn't look like what the eldest princess had sent. It contained fish and meat. It looked like it was made by Xianweiju. Let him Great appetite.

Shen Ao ate so deliciously that the eldest princess who was watching from the side was a little hungry. But then she laughed again, "What? Can you still eat in a place like this?"

"Why can't you eat?" Shen Ao raised his head and asked, "If you don't eat, you will be hungry. In the end, you will suffer the consequences, why don't you want to eat more."

The eldest princess was infected by Shen Ao's optimism and chuckled. But then she thought of the purpose of her visit and had to say in a deep voice, "This time you actually hurt the prince, have you ever thought about the consequences? ?”

"Consequences? Since he wants to kill someone and also hurt someone's uncle, has he considered the consequences?" Shen Ao answered while eating, without any trace of fear on his face.

This rhetorical question actually left the eldest princess speechless. Yes, what Shen Ao did was just to fight back, and it was not his fault. But his fault was that the person he used to fight back should not be the prince, but the future prince. .

Thinking about this for most of the day, the prince's side frequently made various moves. First the empress dowager intervened, then Zong Zheng also intervened, and then the leader of the officials who had just taken office, Zuo Pushe Xia Youran Bringing hundreds of officials to impeachment, the momentum is so great that in the eyes of the eldest princess, even if the person being pressured is the powerful King Xiang, it will be a huge headache, let alone just a duke, in the court Shen Ao no longer has any power.

This time the prince clearly wanted to put Shen Ao to death. Fortunately, Shen Ao was still so indifferent. Is he really not afraid of death? Or does he think that having a powerful thunder in his hand can make the emperor's brother surrender?

Thinking of the purpose of the emperor's brother sending her here, the eldest princess took a deep breath and said, "Shen Ao, were you the one who made the sky thunder?"

"Huh? Yes. I made it when I had nothing to do. I didn't expect it to be quite powerful." Shen Ao quickly understood that the eldest princess called the explosive "Tian Lei". Thinking about it, the name seemed appropriate, so he would just call it this name from now on. Already.

It was done when she had nothing to do. Listening to this answer, the eldest princess was quite dumbfounded. This thing that made even the imperial brother marvel at its power seemed to be very ordinary and ordinary in Shen Ao's eyes.

Shen Ao admitted everything, and the eldest princess did not hide it, and said bluntly: "Shen Ao, the Emperor of Tianlei values ​​​​very much. In this way, if you show the method of making Tianlei, I will intercede on your behalf, and you can be guaranteed How about your life?"

Can you finally bear it no longer?

Shen Ao sneered in his heart, then raised his head and smiled, "Okay. But I just don't know if Her Royal Highness the Princess is so proud."

The eldest princess originally had a smile on her face when she heard the words "Okay", but when she heard Shen Ao's next words, her face suddenly darkened. This was clearly Shen Ao teasing herself and looking down on herself. This behavior It's really annoying.

In the past year, since Shen Ao took over Guochanglong, his cooperation with the eldest princess has been very pleasant. In other words, this woman knows what she is good at and what she does not understand. Therefore, in the management of Guochanglong I never interfere, I am just responsible for checking the accounts and ensuring that my own interests are not damaged.

In the final analysis, the relationship between the two is just cooperation. Although Shen Ao once helped the eldest princess, when the prince wanted to become the head of Guochanglong, it was Shen Ao who helped him maintain his position. But so what?

There is no family affection among the royal family, only interests.

When Shen Ao helps the eldest princess, he is actually helping himself. After all, once the prince becomes the person behind the scenes, Shen Ao will definitely be restricted in what he wants to do. And even if the eldest princess owes Shen Ao a favor, when the prince is injured like this In the face of major events, this little friendship is of no use at all.

Just like the eldest princess came to see Shen Ao this time, it was not because of friendship, but because the emperor gave an order for her to get the method of making Tianlei, so she appeared here. Since she came here, it means With the emperor's attitude that she was here to fight for benefits, Shen Ao naturally wanted to treat her as a negotiating opponent rather than a friend.

This chapter has been completed!
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