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Chapter 166 The street meets the prince

Three hundred guards stood neatly behind Shen Ao, posing as if they were ready to fight at any time. Shen Ao crossed his legs. Not only was he not afraid, but he was also relaxed and content. It gave the impression that he was not provoking King Jin. , it was not the Jin army that was killed, but just a few damn gangsters.

Shen Xing had already rushed back, "Master, the things have been put in the bullock cart."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Shen Ao nodded. He had the thunder in his hand. He was even more fearless at this moment. He only hoped that when the Jin army came later, there would be more people, otherwise how could he show the thunder in his hand? The power?

The waiting process was the most tiring. Half an hour later, the Jin army did not see anyone. Instead, they waited for the soldiers beside Zhongcheng Hou. Shen Ao knew this man. He used to serve with his uncle. He was Someone you can trust.

"Young Master." As soon as the visitor appeared from the street, he ran to Shen Ao and half-knelt down in front of Shen Ao. "My Lord Marquis has led people to surround Prince Jin's other courtyard. Lord Marquis, please go to Concubine Zhao temporarily. Take shelter there."

"Uncle is back? Is he okay?" Shen Ao suddenly stood up from the chair and asked anxiously.

"The Marquis is fine, and all the injuries on his body have healed. Young Master, please go to the palace temporarily as the Marquis ordered." After the visitor replied, he repeated his mission again. once.

"Haha, it's fine that uncle is fine. Even so, how can my nephew have any reason to avoid it? Come on, organize the team, and we will go to other courtyards to help uncle." Shen Ao ordered in a deep voice to Shi Lei behind him.

Shen Ao is a pure man, so it is naturally unacceptable for him to do something to avoid. Although he also knows that his uncle is doing it for his own good, but if he hides this time, how can he achieve his reputation as a madman, and how can he let others To be afraid of him so as to avoid provoking yourself?

"Young Master." Seeing that Shen Ao did not listen to Marquis Zhongcheng's words, the soldier who came to report the news said with a look of embarrassment on his face.

"It doesn't matter. When I meet my uncle, he will naturally explain it and won't blame you. Let's go." Shen Ao smiled, and the three hundred guards behind him also quickly lined up in an orderly queue, looking like they were following.

Now that Shen Ao was determined, he could not change his mind with the help of a soldier. At that moment, everyone left Xianweiju and headed towards Jinwang Villa. For the safety of Xianweiju, Shen Ao deliberately stayed behind He hired a hundred guards to protect him.

Two hundred guards protected the bullock cart that Shen Ao was sitting on, and they marched through the streets and alleys of Xianweiju directly to Jinwang Villa. Behind the team, there were also some people watching the excitement. It seems that he is just watching the excitement and is not afraid of big trouble. He wants to see how Crazy Shen teases King Jin's beard.

Shen Ao didn't mean to chase people away. He was worried that no one would publicize his "great achievements". These were free propagandists. He was happy to let these people follow him.

From Xianweiju to Jinwang Courtyard, they had to cross four streets, and everyone walked slowly. As they passed, more and more people knew his destination, and they followed him for a while. The number of people is also increasing.

After passing through two streets and reaching the third Changsheng Street, the number of people behind the team had reached nearly a thousand. Looking from a distance, it seemed extremely majestic. That is to say, when walking in Changsheng Street, there were also people from a distance. A group of people came, and a five-horse carriage in the distance was blocking Shen Ao's path.

"The prince's driver." Shi Lei, who was driving the bullock cart, recognized the identity of the other party and quickly reminded Shen Ao and stopped the team at the same time.

Shen Ao may not be afraid of the prince, but there is a difference between superiority and inferiority. According to the laws of Daqian, when a subordinate sees the superior's car, he must stop immediately and give way. Otherwise, he is unruly and will be punished once he is impeached. .The lighter punishment may range from a fine of silver to the more severe punishment including dismissal from office.

Daqian's law does not tolerate provocation, and Shen Ao will not do anything unreasonable. Hearing that the prince's car was coming from the other side, he acquiesced to Shi Lei's decision to stop the team and wait. A person can be arrogant, but he must be reasonable. Otherwise, it will become domineering and annoying.

"Your Highness, the ox cart of Duke Zhong is opposite." Chen Hou, the new captain of the guard beside the prince, reported to the prince in the carriage at the same time. "Your Highness, the cart opposite has stopped."

"Lord Zhongguo? Humph! I was looking for him, but now I have bumped into him. Go and escort him over. If you dare to resist, you are allowed to use your sword." The prince's angry voice came out from the carriage.

During this period, the prince's life was not very good.

It seems that he has become a very important figure, and it seems that the choice is in his hands, but he knows very well that his uncle King Jin does not really want to hand over the military power of the Jin army to him, he just wants to drive a wedge between himself and his father. It’s just a feeling between each other.

Similarly, the father has no intention of letting him take charge of the military power. He is also using himself. Once he really seizes the military power of King Jin, I am afraid that it will not be long before these military power will fall into the hands of the father. , then it is true that as his uncle said, without a backer, once he does something to make his father unhappy, I am afraid that the position of the prince will not be guaranteed.

In other words, whether he seizes the military power or not, he may end up in a situation where he will not be pleased with both sides. Even so, he might as well not do anything and wait and see how things get better. The best outcome would be for his uncle. It would be best if we can return to Jinju safely and restore everything to the original state.

The prince also heard about the Jin army's mischief in Daliang City. He knew in his heart that this was a way for his uncle to force his father to allow him to withdraw from Kyoto. Even after knowing this, the prince certainly would not care about it. This was his Something to wish for.

If the quarrel continues like this, it is very likely that the father will be angered. In the end, either the swordsman will speak out, or King Jin will be allowed to leave. According to the prince's analysis, the latter is more likely. After all, King Jin should If he is summoned and forced to stay without sufficient reasons, it will only arouse the vigilance of other lords, and even cause other lords to rebel. This is not the result that the father wants to see.

After seeing everything, the prince was waiting for his father to issue a decree allowing the King of Jin to leave the capital. But before the decree was issued, he did not dare to relax at all, and kept sending people to watch every move of the Jin army.

At this time, when the heat was almost over, and the emperor could not stand the collective impeachment of other ministers, and was about to issue an order for the King of Jin to go back, Shen Ao suddenly came out and killed three Jin soldiers in a row and injured more than 30 people. , this is tantamount to igniting a powder keg and causing great changes in things.

How will King Jin respond, how will he retaliate against Duke Zhong, and will his father intervene? Will this incident increase the rift between the two and change the direction of things?

The prince didn't know and couldn't guess, but he hated Shen Ao in his heart.

If it weren't for this person, how could the balanced situation be broken? Maybe the father would be forced by King Jin to hand over the military power of the Silver Armor Guard to himself. If this is the case, he holds the second secret of King Jin. With one hundred thousand troops plus fifty thousand silver-armored guards, they are truly the most powerful beings in the entire Dagan, so they are not afraid of anyone.

This time he heard that Marquis Zhongcheng led people to surround King Jin's other courtyard. He was originally very anxious. But when he knew that the person coming the other way was Shen Ao, Lord Zhongguo, he decided to take action to deal with him. Now he is a key figure , even the father is waiting for his statement. If he takes care of Shen Ao at this time, no one will say anything.

When Chen Hou heard the prince's order to bring Shen Ao here, he nodded without much feeling. His master was the prince of the East Palace. From now on, the whole Daqian would be his master, just a little loyal Duke. He was escorted here. Isn't it a matter of catching him by hand?

At that moment, Chen Hou led four East Palace guards and headed towards Shen Ao's ox cart directly in front.

At this time, Shen Ao was still waiting for the East Palace carriage to drive forward, and he was still thinking about his uncle. The last time his uncle blocked disaster for him and was seriously injured, and now he stood up for himself again. No matter what, he had to perform well. Even if he only brings two hundred guards, his strength is still a little smaller, but he still has to contribute.

"Young Master, the people from the East Palace are here. It seems they are here with bad intentions." Shi Lei had been paying attention to the movement on the other side. When he saw the prince's car also stopped and five guards approaching from a distance, he also He involuntarily grasped the handle of the steel knife on his waist.

It is well known that the prince does not deal with his master. The last time the prince was injured, he lost a lot of face. Who knows what will happen this time, but no matter what, he will protect him. With the young master, he would not allow the same thing to happen a second time.

"Huh?" Shen Ao was surprised when he heard Shi Lei's words, so he opened the curtain door and saw Chen Hou walking up to him.

Although Chen Hou didn't take Shen Ao seriously, the two hundred real guards around him were not fake. He was not stupid enough to attack Shen Ao in such a place. He hid his thoughts and looked at Shen Ao's face. At that moment, he actually bowed down respectfully, and then said: "Young man, I have met Duke Zhongguo. The prince has invited Duke Zhongguo to come and speak."

People treated each other with courtesy. Regardless of whether Shen Ao wanted to or not, he had to get out of the car and leave at this time. Otherwise, he would not be in charge, and no one else could say anything about how the prince would deal with him next.

"Okay." Shen Ao also wanted to see what the prince was going to say to him. The martial arts practice at Hanshan Temple in January gave him a lot more confidence in self-preservation. But Shen Ao also knew that the prince was used to being domineering. Who knows what sudden bastard things will happen, so when he agreed, he didn't forget to look at Feng Xun, Geng Liang and others on the side, and then under the protection of Captain Shi Lei, he took the spirit The monkey got off the bullock cart and walked towards the prince's five-horse carriage.

This chapter has been completed!
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