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Chapter 170 Uncle and nephew happy to meet

Marquis Zhongcheng returned with satisfaction. When he came out of King Jin's Courtyard, his face was still filled with joy, but he saw Qin Qi coming over anxiously, "Master Marquis, things are not going well. Duke Zhongguo was attacked on Changsheng Street. Already."

I was in a happy mood at first, thinking about whether I would finance the five hundred silver-armored guards and all the soldiers to have a good drink in a restaurant to celebrate the victory. Anyway, my nephew has been filial to me in the past year, but now he doesn't. People who were short of money never thought that they would receive this news when they came out, and their expressions suddenly changed, "Changsheng Street is not far from our place, come on, go and have a look."

Yan Fu, who was also standing aside when he heard the news, also changed his expression. He knew that if something happened to Shen Ao, the problem would be more serious than if something happened to King Jin, so he quickly informed the commander of the Golden Armor Guard who was following behind him. , let him lead the team and go to Changsheng Street to have a look.

The two parties left the Jinwang Villa in a hurry, and the place returned to its previous cold state. Looking at Weng Youqi's confused face, he could only sigh at these golden and silver armored guards who were executing the emperor's orders. The order was swift.

Marquis Zhongcheng, Yan Fu, Qin Qi and others rushed towards Changsheng Street with more than a thousand soldiers. Before they had gone far, they met the prince's driver. If it were normal, they would definitely stand aside and greet him first, and then Give way and wait for the prince's car to go first. But now, all the people who are concerned about Shen Ao's safety will care about so many people. They all regard the prince's car as if it is nothing. The army rushes past on the street, from The prince's car passed by on both sides.

"Protect Your Highness." Seeing so many golden-armored guards and silver-armored guards rushing towards the driver without even saying hello, this frightened the captain of the guard, Chen Hou, who even pulled out his saber and held it in front of him. , made a defensive posture.

Everyone passed by quickly. Even Yan Fu, who was walking in the team, only stopped when he came to the side of the prince's carriage, saluted, said that his highness was well, and then continued to trot forward. And go.

Chen Hou had been staring nervously. Even the prince in the carriage had a look of panic on his face. He thought that his father was dissatisfied with him and wanted to send sergeants to arrest him. But until he saw a large number of sergeants passing by , that is, when no one stopped and no one did anything to him, he breathed a sigh of relief. At this moment, he actually ignored the other party's unruly behavior and did not salute to him, but said to Chen Hou in a urgent voice. : "Speed ​​up and get to Jinwang Courtyard, quickly!"

Although what happened just now was a coincidence, it was a wake-up call for the prince. He suddenly realized that the prince himself was so fragile. He seemed to have the name of prince, but in fact he was just a puppet. As long as his father is willing, he can You can take him down at any time.

The feeling of being able to become someone else's food at any time is naturally unpleasant. The prince finally made a decision. He didn't want to be a puppet prince. He wanted to be a powerful prince or even an emperor. This result was probably unexpected. Everyone expected that a chance encounter would make the prince, who had been hesitant, make a decision in favor of Prince Jin.

Naturally, Yan Fu and others did not know this. If they knew, they would definitely cry out for injustice. They really did not ignore the prince's wishes. They were really concerned about Shen Ao's safety, so they did not act according to the rules. That's what it means, but who would have thought that the prince would think too much and make such a stupid decision?

Yan Fu, Marquis Zhongcheng and others hurried forward. Before they reached Changsheng Street, they saw a group of people coming from the opposite side from a distance. The four characters "Zhongguo Gongfu" were hung high in the first car. Extremely conspicuous.

"Stop the army." Shen Yunyi, who was riding in front of the team, shouted loudly, first stopped the team, and then shouted forward, "This person is Lord Zhongguo, is he Ao'er?"


As the voice fell, the curtain of the cattle carriage was opened, revealing Shen Ao's handsome figure with an excited look on his face.

"Ao'er." After seeing the person in the ox cart clearly, Shen Yunyi, regardless of his identity and image as Marquis Zhongcheng, leaped forward on his horse. He would not forget that after he was injured, Shen Ao wanted to avenge himself. Out of anger, he actually opened a knife on the prince and injured the prince.

Even if Marquis Zhongcheng boasts that he is extremely bold, he would not dare to do this kind of means and methods. But Shen Ao not only dares to think, but also really dares to do it. All this is based on the premise that he does not know his own life experience at all, and even more so It's difficult to show that it's valuable.

He dared to do this despite not knowing his life experience. It was obvious that Shen Ao at that time was only thinking about avenging his uncle and did not consider the serious consequences after the incident. This family affection was enough to make him deeply touched.

Marquis Zhongcheng came galloping, and Shen Ao got out of the bullock cart and ran forward. Compared to Shen Yunyi's inner feelings, why wasn't Shen Ao proud of having such an uncle?

I had just killed the Jin army in the center of Xianweiju and lifted the Jin King's beard. My uncle over there had just returned to the capital. He didn't even bother to rest, so he led his troops to surround the Jin King's courtyard. This kind of support was His biological father may not be able to reach him when he is still alive, so a person who thinks only of himself deserves his respect.

Marquis Zhongcheng came on horseback and came to Shen Ao. When uncle and nephew met, they all looked at each other.

Shen Ao wanted to see if his uncle's injuries were completely healed.

Marquis Zhongcheng wanted to see if Shen Ao, who was attacked and killed, was injured.

After the two parties looked at each other for a short time, and saw that the other party was intact as before, they burst out laughing again. "Ao'er, just be fine. By the way, who wants to assassinate you? Have you ever caught him? arrive?"

"No, this person's kung fu is very powerful. Even if Master Awakening takes action, he is no match for him. Fortunately, there are three brothers who saw the injustice on the road and drew their swords to help, which scared the killer away." Shen Ao answered truthfully, and also said to him He waved from behind and wanted to introduce Ao Qi and three others to his uncle.

Yan Fuzheng, who was following closely behind, rushed over and heard what Shen Ao said. When he heard that even the Awakening Master was not his opponent, he couldn't help but look stunned. There was a rare solemn look on his expression.

Yan Fu naturally knows how good the Awakening Master is. He is at the peak of his energy, and he is the most likely person in the capital of Daqian to step into the realm of a grandmaster. There are not many such masters in the entire Daqian. .But such a powerful person is no match for the killer. So what kind of strength is the killer? Is he at the Grandmaster level?

In addition, there were three people who saw injustice on the road and came to help. They must be quite powerful. Otherwise, how could they force the killer away?

But what kind of strength can qualify to fight with the awakening master? Is it also the peak of energy? When did Daliang City have so many masters?

Not only Yan Fu, but also Marquis Zhongcheng was also very curious. He looked in the direction pointed by Shen Ao and saw none other than Ao Qi and three others jumping out of the crowd.

They are both young, in their twenties, with steady steps and calm expressions. Even when they saw the inquiring eyes of Marquis Zhongcheng, his expressions did not change at all. It seemed that they did not care about the identity and identity of the two people at all. Power is in the eyes.

"A master, an absolute master."

The calmness and Qi Kung Fu alone made Yan Fu and Zhong Chenghou sigh in their hearts. The two of them thought of the identities of the three people almost at the same time. After all, such a young master happened to appear when Shen Ao was in danger. Where it can come from is almost obvious.

"Uncle, Ao'er would like to introduce to you, this is the seventh brother, this is the eighth brother, and that is the ninth brother." Shen Ao smiled, happy to have found three good helpers.

As soon as the names came out, they turned out to be in the order of seven, eight, and nine. Marquis Zhongcheng was even more sure of his thoughts. He had some doubts at first, but now he is almost certain that these three are the three of the Eighteen Snow Shadow Cavalry, but... I wonder if all the Eighteen Cavalrymen of Xueying are here. After all, there are rumors that the Eighteen Cavalrymen rarely separate and always move together.

There are questions in their hearts, but they cannot ask such words. Even if they ask, these three people cannot answer themselves. Unless Shen Ao opens his mouth, as the young master, Ao Qi and three people do not dare to refuse, nor do they dare to refuse. , but Shen Ao, who didn't know anything about it, wouldn't ask, so it could only become a mystery, making people confused.

"Thank you three for saving my nephew." Although he guessed their identities, Marquis Zhongcheng had no intention of making it public. After all, there were many smart people in the court, and some of them knew what happened back then, although they didn't understand it. There's an inside story, but I'm afraid it won't be difficult to guess the truth after knowing the details.

In order not to make others suspicious, Shen Yunyi just pretended that he didn't know anything and bowed his hands in thanksgiving.

"You're welcome, Marquis Zhongcheng." Ao Qi and the other three people also clasped their fists in return. This is not because they are afraid of his status, but because they respect Marquis Zhongcheng's contribution to the Young Master over the years. Otherwise, it doesn't matter who you are, whoever you are, or who you are. You won't put it in the eyes of the three of them. If they are unhappy and don't even say hello to you, what can you do?

Yan Fu, for example, was smart and did not come forward to greet him. He just watched from the sidelines and wanted to tell Emperor Qianwen everything he saw. This was his duty.

As soon as Shen Ao was fine, Yan Fu felt relieved. He stepped forward to say hello to Marquis Zhongcheng and Shen Ao, saying that he would return to the palace to resume his duties, and then turned around and left. Of course, Marquis Zhongyi Cheng would not leave. He took the initiative to tell Shen Ao that he wanted to thank Qin Qi and the Five Hundred Silver Armored Guards for their help, and that he wanted to find a restaurant to have a good drink in order to repay his help. After hearing this, Shen Ao raised his hands in agreement, and He said that he could go to Xianweiju. After the murder incident, no one would come to eat here tonight, so it would be better to invite everyone to go. After all, the wine and tea there are the best.

Being able to go to Xianweiju is naturally the best thing. Many Yinjiawei have no chance to dine there. Now that they have the opportunity, they all followed Shen Ao, Zhongchenghou and Qin Qi Qianhu with faces full of joy. Behind him, a group of people headed towards Xianweiju.

This chapter has been completed!
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