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Chapter 189 Ambition exposed

Jinwang Villa.

Five generals from Jinzhou arrived here.

Tian Yu also came here from the East Palace.

Shortly after dark, shouts of death suddenly came from outside the courtyard. It was Weng Youqi who arrived with 4,000 troops. In addition to the 3,000 Jin soldiers who had already lurked in the city, the number of Jin kings was already Got the advantage.

The King of Jin was already wearing a suit of armor. He was standing in the main hall with a majestic sword, and he looked majestic, yet he looked a little bit terminally ill.

In fact, King Jin's health is indeed not very good, but after all, he is a warrior and has the ability to transform strength. He has no problem suppressing his illness within a certain period of time.

"Are you all ready?" King Jin asked in a thunderous voice.

"Your Majesty, everything is ready. The silver-armored guards are all hiding in the military camp. This time our opponent is only the 20,000 golden-armored guards guarding the palace." Tian Yu stood up. All the plans were discussed with the prince. , naturally there will be no problem.

"Okay, let's go to the palace. Haha, let's go!" King Jin looked up to the sky and roared. He seemed to have seen the emperor's throne waving to him. He believed that as long as Emperor Qianwen died, no one in the entire Daqian could After suppressing him, it was not difficult at that time whether to assist the prince or to become an emperor on his own.

In the King of Jin's Courtyard, following the King of Jin's order, two thousand Jin troops suddenly rushed out from the outside and attacked the five thousand golden armored guards guarding the outside of the Courtyard from two sides.

With insufficient troops and being attacked from two sides, the Golden Armored Guards, although not weak in strength, were still unable to withstand the attack. They had no choice but to give up and flee towards the palace.

"Pursue and take advantage of the attack to invade the palace." King Jin rode on his war horse and slashed forward with a sword in his hand, making an attack posture.

Five thousand Jin cavalry and four thousand Jin infantry followed their king and headed straight towards the palace, chasing the fleeing Jin Jiawei.


Yaohua Palace.

The emperor's family of three came to the main table. When they came here, Emperor Qianwen deliberately slowed down a little, then pointed in the direction of the main seat and said: "Tomorrow after the handover of the Jin army, we will prepare for the ceremony of conferring the queen, my beloved concubine She is about to become the mother of a country, and you should be the one taking charge today."

"Ah! Your Majesty is here, how can I cross the line?" Concubine Li Huang's face showed surprise, but in fact she was very happy in her heart.

On the other hand, Chun Chan, who was standing by and waiting, couldn't help but trembled when she heard this, with a look of surprise on her face.

The condition of the prince behind Emperor Qianwen was not much better, with a look of panic, nervousness, and even fear on his face.

"Haha, this is what I mean. Of course it's not an overstep. Let's celebrate it in advance for my queen tonight." Emperor Qianwen still laughed loudly, and then he personally pulled Concubine Li Huang to the throne. , and pressed her on the main seat and sat down.

Even if it was the emperor's wish, Concubine Li Huang could not refuse, so she had to sit down, and then her face showed excitement, looking very happy.

Emperor Qianwen immediately sat where Emperor Li's concubine should have been sitting, still with a smile on his face and looking at everyone casually.

"Master, please change your wine cup, otherwise you have really gone too far." After Chunchan was nervous and scared at the beginning, she calmed down a little. After all, she had been with Concubine Li Huang for a long time, and she had seen her. Being in a big world, some of the ability to respond to emergencies is quite good.

As Chunchan spoke, she was about to switch the wine cups, but a big hand suddenly pressed on the wine cup, causing Chunchan to tense up all over and not dare to move at all.

The person who took action was Yan Fu. He smiled at Chunchan and said: "Even if the positions have been changed, there is no overstepping the limit. Let's just arrange it like this."

"Yes, I listen to Eunuch Yan." Although her heartbeat was very strong, she still forced a smile on her face, and Chunchan stretched her hand back.

This was just a small episode. Emperor Qianwen glanced at it thoughtfully, but Concubine Li Huang seemed not to notice. She already reached out to lift the wine cup and said to Emperor Qianwen: "Your Majesty, I am really happy today. A toast to Your Majesty."

"Haha, I am also very happy. The prince has grown up, so I can rest assured. After my beloved concubine will also become a country, I am even more happy. Come, let's drink together." Emperor Qianwen laughed and raised his hand. small handless winecup.

The prince on the side seemed very reluctant, but at this moment he did not dare to do anything. He could only raise the wine cup in agreement, but his eyes showed an extremely anxious look, and he opened and closed his mouth several times. A look that is hesitant to speak.

"Done!" Emperor Qianwen laughed and touched a wine cup with Concubine Li Huang. Then he put the wine to his lips and looked at his concubine with a smile on his face. However, he was paying attention to the prince out of the corner of his eye.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Concubine Li Huang was in a really good mood. She didn't notice the changes in the emperor and the prince at all. After clinking glasses, she put the wine cup to her mouth and drank it down.

Seeing this scene, Chunchan wanted to do something, but when she noticed the prince's stern gaze, she had to lower her head, not daring to speak, and really didn't dare to look at anyone.

Concubine Li Huang drank all the wine in one gulp, and Emperor Qianwen laughed, seemingly very excited, his body trembled violently, and the wine in the glass actually spilled out. Emperor Qianwen said with a sigh, "What a pity. A glass of good wine."

"There is a lot of wine, Your Majesty, don't worry, we are drinking." Concubine Li Huang, who was completely unaware, got up and poured the wine herself without Chunchan and the others waiting on her. Soon, the wine cups for a family of three were poured. Refill.

After doing all this, Concubine Li raised her glass again. She was in a happy mood and obviously wanted to drink more. But when she sat back on her seat, she couldn't help but feel dizzy for a while, and the wine cup in her hand also It fell to the ground due to instability, and the sound it made attracted everyone's attention.

"Master." Chunchan reacted quickly. Concubine Li almost tilted her body and ran over, as if she already knew what would happen.

The prince's reaction was not slow. He called out to his mother in a hurry, his face full of concern.

Emperor Qianwen had already leaned his body on the seat, and his expression became extremely deep. At this time, he was looking at Concubine Li Huang and the prince, as if he was a complete outsider.

"Master, Master, please wake up quickly." Chunchan held onto Concubine Li's shoulders and said with tears in her eyes.

The prince also stood up, but when he noticed that Emperor Qianwen did not stand up, but was looking at him, he sat down again, "Well, help the concubine down to rest quickly."

"Rest? Don't you need to see the imperial doctor?" Emperor Qianwen finally spoke, but his words gave people a cold feeling.

"That's no need, my concubine usually suffers from dizziness." The prince said with a forced smile.

"Is there such a problem? Why don't I know about it? I'm afraid I'm the one who fainted now because I drank that glass of wine just now." Emperor Qianwen finally broke the layer of window paper and looked at the prince. In addition to Leng Ran, there was also deep disappointment.

Once upon a time, Emperor Qianwen really trained the prince as his successor, found the best teachers, gave him the best living environment, and even deliberately elevated the status of Prince Xiang and let him play a kind of sharpening role. The role of stone.

The prince may know this, or he may not understand it. In the end, he reached this stage and even thought of dealing with himself as a father. Emperor Qianwen had already been wary of it, so he changed seats with Concubine Li Huang first, then He didn't pour the questionable glass of wine into his mouth. If he hadn't been prepared, wouldn't he have become a puppet now and be at his mercy?


The prince suddenly stood up, his eyes averted, not daring to look at Emperor Qianwen, and he pretended to be confused and said, "Father, you...what do you mean by this?"

"Do you have to make it clear what you mean?" Emperor Qianwen also stood up at this moment, with overwhelming anger in his eyes. If King Jin wanted to deal with him, he could understand that everyone was not in the same group to begin with, and for the sake of rights, Even if they can use their own methods, now the son he gave birth to has to deal with him, which is really disappointing to him.

Emperor Qianwen's eyes fell fiercely on the prince, making him panic. When the pressure of the emperor's power came, the prince even felt like he could not stand still and was about to kneel to the ground. But then... At this time, suddenly there was a vague cry of killing, and then a golden-armored general ran not far away. He jumped over everyone and ran to Emperor Qianwen, half-kneeling on the ground and saying , "Your Majesty, the Jin army is attacking the city outside the palace."

"Stop them, mobilize all the golden armored guards in the palace to defend the enemy outside the palace, and never allow any enemies to enter the palace." Emperor Qianwen's voice contained a strong sense of determination, and he did not appear to be too panicked. , giving people the impression that he had known this result for a long time.

"No." General Jin Jiawei agreed and then turned around and left without stopping at all.

Yan Fu replaced General Jin Jiawei and stood beside Emperor Qianwen. Although he did not speak, his eyes were full of asking for instructions.

"Hey, let's put the prince in a prison." Emperor Qianwen naturally knew what Yan Fu meant, and after sighing, he wanted to wave his hand.

The prince was still standing next to the big table. Hearing Emperor Qianwen's words, he who was still trembling suddenly became crazy, "Father, the Silver Armored Guard has been controlled, the palace is surrounded again, father is If you can't leave, it's better to meditate in Xin'er. If Xin'er becomes the emperor, you can protect your father's life. Wouldn't it be better?"

"What? You finally couldn't help but tell your ambitions? Haha, do you really think you have a chance to ascend the throne and become emperor? Can't you see that King Jin is clearly taking advantage of you?" At this time, Well, Emperor Qianwen was completely disappointed with the prince, so naturally he no longer held back anything he said, but said whatever he wanted.

This chapter has been completed!
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