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Chapter 231 Looking for a leg

Despite his amiable appearance, if anyone dares to underestimate Fan Shixi, he will have no idea why he has no money. He can become the king of iron tools and is one of the top wealthy families in Daqian. How can he be a helmsman? He is Yi Yuren, his appearance is just a disguise.

The moment the disguise is removed, his true face is revealed, the essence of a shrewd businessman.

Shen Ao wants to get the support of the Fan family, which will have a positive effect on the development of Daqian Bank. But that does not mean that in order to get the other party's support, he can accept all the other party's conditions. Mutually beneficial development is what he wants Yes, if one party just wants to take without paying, Shen Ao will not bow his head.

There are business rules in business, and what matters is your will and my will, not the overlord's terms. With the support of Emperor Qianwen, Shen Ao now has the power to reject most people.

Shen Ao talked for the duration of a pot of tea and gave comprehensive and detailed answers to several questions raised by Fan Shixi.

"Mr. Zhongguo, if the Fan family is going to deposit money into Daqian Bank, I don't know how much interest they can get, what kind of benefits they can enjoy, and what the Fan family needs to do."

Fan Shixi deserved to be able to expand the Fan family's business, and the several questions he raised were extremely critical. Regarding this, Shen Ao admired the other party's eyes in his heart, and said without hesitation, "If the Fan family is willing to save money, , depending on how much you deposit to become a high-quality customer, we guarantee that we can give you the highest interest rate, which is not the annual interest rate of 1% for ordinary people, but the annual interest rate of 2%. The benefit is that once the Fan family encounters trouble, Not only can you withdraw all the deposited money, you can also use your assets to get back half of the deposited funds from the bank within three working days to deal with the problem. As for what the Fan family needs to do, it is very simple, that is, in the future The Fan family's ironware sales only accept cash receipts, not cash."

Shen Ao also gave the same conditions to the Su family. They are all the top of the wealthy family. Shen Ao doesn't care how much they deposit. His real purpose is that the Su family will only accept cash receipts when doing business in the future, so that they can It will greatly enhance the promotion and role of banknotes and accelerate people's adaptation to the new money system of banknotes. If the Fan family is also willing to participate, it will definitely accelerate the promotion of banknotes. This is Shen Ao Want to see.

Although Emperor Qianwen just said that transactions involving more than a hundred taels must be done with silver notes, otherwise the government will punish them if they are caught. But this rule does not apply to everyone. It is okay to bully ordinary people, even the Fan family Such top wealthy families are not among them. They can trade with their partners privately. How will the government investigate and deal with it?

By attracting more people to deposit money and use banknotes, Shen Ao is checking for deficiencies and filling them. In this way, it can echo with the emperor's imperial edict, and the effect will be better.

After Shen Ao finished speaking, it was Fan Shixi's turn to ponder for a moment, and finally nodded, "Okay, that's it, the Fan family is willing to agree to Duke Zhongguo's conditions. From tomorrow onwards, all purchases of iron tools will only require large amounts of silver. In addition, I will deposit thirty million taels of silver soon."

Fan Shixi agreed so happily. In addition to the benefit of the two percent interest rate per year, there was also the warning from his brother that he must build a relationship with Shen Ao through this matter. In comparison, what he valued more was the latter. a result.

With an annual interest rate of 2%, 30 million taels is only 600,000 taels. To be honest, this little money is really not in Fan Shixi's eyes. But if you can get Shen Ao's friendship, you can even get his Support, if Jin'er asks him to support Prince Qing, this deal will be cost-effective. Once you reach the position of the Fan family, it is already very difficult to move up to the next level. On the contrary, how to preserve the family business is what needs to be done. .

The whole court knew that his brother supported King Qing. It would be good for King Qing to become the emperor, and the Fan family's status would be more stable. But what if there is no competition for that position? A new emperor is appointed. Will the Fan family be suppressed because of this?

Thinking about it, Fan Shixi is afraid that there is a high probability that this will be the result. If so, the difficulties that the Fan family will face will be unimaginable. And if you can get the friendship of Duke Zhongguo, even if something happens to your brother, the Fan family will be in trouble. There is one more card to play. Shen Ao can be turned to for help. This is Fan Shixi's idea.

It is different from what his brother told him. Fan Shitong can do whatever it takes for King Qing to ascend to the throne, and he can even involve the entire Fan family. However, as the current head of the Fan family, Fan Shixi cannot do this. His responsibility and mission is to protect Fan. The status of the family is unshakable. But whether it is to deal with his brother or for the stability of the Fan family in the future, it is necessary to make peace with Zhongguo Gong now.

Unexpectedly, Fan Shixi was so happy, and a cheerful look appeared on Shen Ao's face, "Okay, thank you very much for the Fan family's support, and please rest assured that Daqian Bank will not let you down."

Shen Ao didn't promise anything, but the benefits that today's incident brought to Fan Shixi were beyond anyone's imagination. When the Fan family encountered a big disaster in the future, Shen Ao really extended a helping hand and saved the Fan family. The foundation also made Fan Shixi sigh how correct and wise his actions today were.


Prince Xiang's Mansion.

Not long after Prince Xiang returned to his palace with a gloomy look, he received a request from the Fan family, known as the King of Iron Tools, to invest 30 million taels in Daqian Bank. Those with iron tools will only accept cash checks, not cash.

After the news came, all the ornaments in the main hall were damaged and smashed by King Xiang. Many of the valuable porcelains became pieces, which attracted the attention of Han Ce and Shi Zitong, the staff in the hall. The people had a trembling look on their faces, and even their breathing became much softer, as if they were afraid that King Xiang would vent his anger on them.

"Does Shen Ao really want to join forces with that cripple King Qing? Does he really think that a cripple can become the emperor?" Tired from smashing things, King Xiang returned to the big chair and sat down, his chest heaving violently. To express his anger at this moment.

If we talk about the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, who does King Xiang hate the most now? The first one is King Qing, and the second one is Lord Zhongguo Shen Ao.

He hates Prince Qing because he blocks his way. The former crown prince has been taken down, so he is the best candidate for crown prince. You, Prince Qing, already have a lame leg. You should know the time and things and take the initiative to bow to yourself. It would be best to take the initiative to submit a memorial to your father to express your support for your appointment as the crown prince. In this way, when he becomes the emperor, for the sake of our brotherhood, wouldn't it be better for you to be a Prince of Taiping and live a prosperous life?

If you have to confront each other like this, what are your chances of winning? Do you have to have brothers turn against each other?

As for hating Shen Ao, it means hating him for being against me in everything, not to mention how he has hurt his face several times, and now he is still together with Prince Qing. What do you mean? He is just a minister, a young man. You really don’t know how high the sky is. When the day comes that you inherit the throne, you must attack this person first and let everyone know what the consequences will be if you offend him, Prince Xiang?

King Xiang was thinking about this with hatred, but he sadly discovered that he had no means of counterattack against Shen Ao. The boss of Guo Changlong and the boss of Xianweiju, Shen Ao, was not short of money, and now he had become the boss. Even his father took a high look at the opportunity to work in the bank. It was definitely not a wise move to attack him at this moment. Otherwise, his father would be criticized. What's more terrible is that after Shen Ao's death, There is also the Lord Zhongcheng who is not afraid of anything. If Shen Ao is offended, this person will definitely take action. Thinking about the scene where the carriage was smashed last time, Prince Xiang felt a wave of heart palpitations.

Although Shen Ao was rich, powerful and powerful, King Xiang was so angry that he couldn't do anything about it. He could only keep this matter in mind and wait for the right time to settle the accounts.

"Mr. Han, contact other officials immediately and submit a memorial. I want to be the prince, the prince!" If Shen Ao can't be touched, the anger will not be released. King Xiang no longer thinks about this matter, but decides to launch an attack in advance. He wanted to express his attitude to his ministers, and also to show others that the position of prince belonged to him alone. Anyone who dared to spy on this position would be in trouble with him, Prince Xiang.

"No." Han Ce, the chief staff officer, wanted to persuade him, but the time is not ripe now. The emperor has not yet come out of the incident of the former prince's rebellion. He should wait until the emperor has the idea of ​​re-establishing a prince before taking action. In that case , the success rate will be higher.

But now that King Xiang was very angry, he would definitely not listen to these suggestions, so Han Ce had no choice but to agree and turn around to do it.

Shen Ao naturally didn't know how angry Prince Xiang was in the palace. He and Prince Xiang had already been incompatible with each other. From that day when Prince Xiang personally came to ask questions, the relationship between the two was destined to be irreconcilable. .In addition, Concubine Yuan also wanted to betroth her aunt's daughter to the Western Man King as his wife and concubine, so they were destined to be rivals.

Since they were rivals, Shen Ao had no intention of easing the relationship. It was natural for him to accept Prince Qing's overtures this time.

After sending Fan Shixi away, Shen Ao came to the front hall of the bank. What he saw was a lot of money being exchanged for banknotes. The corners of his mouth were raised with a smile. First, Emperor Daqian expressed his support, and then the Su family With the support of the Fan family, the first shot of Daqian Bank has been fired. If this continues, there is no need to worry that everyone will not accept banknotes. By then, Daqian Bank will control at least half of the economy of Daqian, and once it exerts its power If so, what kind of power would it have?

Since ancient times, people have only seen the alliance between Su Qin and Zhang Yi; they have seen Zhuge Liang's verbal battles with Confucian scholars; they have seen the changes brought to the Qin State by Shang Yang's reforms; they have seen the erudition of Confucius and Mencius; but no one has seen the economy. The role and power of wealth are all accomplished by Shen Ao. Let everyone see how huge the role of wealth is.

The establishment of Daqian Bank has given Shen Ao a foundation to stand on in the world. He believes that as long as Daqian Bank is still in his hands, no one can easily shake his position, so his safety is guaranteed. , you can do more things.

But just walking on one leg could not make Shen Ao completely relieved. He also needed the support of the military, preferably the vassal king. A lonely figure flashed in his mind. Thinking of this, he I called Xue Fei and took the monkey with me out of the main store of Daqian Bank and headed straight to the east of Daliang City.

This chapter has been completed!
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