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Chapter 251 Han Ce saves himself

Those who come to borrow money may also regard Daqian Bank as an example of people who are stupid and have too much money, and they want to get a share of the money. In the future, the money from the bank will be so easy to borrow, so why don’t they really use it?

But Shen Ao didn't want to pay attention to anyone who came with such thoughts. Although it was impossible for similar institutions to be free of bad debts and bad debts, knowing that the other party had no intention of repaying the money, he still wanted to pay them back. Shen Ao would never agree to lend them money and take the initiative to take advantage of them.

Even if you can't lend money to those who are not qualified, what should you do with the hundreds of millions of silver taels placed in the warehouse? Just leave it there, and Daqian Bank will eventually pay them interest, and you will lose money before your eyes?

Of course not. Shen Ao knows very well that money can only create his value and interests if it flows. Since so much money cannot be spent, he will find a way to force everyone to spend money and come to borrow money. As for how to do it, Shen Ao had already made preparations when planning the bank, which was to build a house.

Han people have a natural feeling of possessing houses. Even in later generations, when housing prices were so expensive, there was not much left of the houses, and most of them were sold?

In the eyes of many people, only having a house can be considered as having a home and settling down. This has also become an urgent need. Shen Ao believes that as long as a house is for sale, there will be no need to worry about finding a buyer.

Especially after Emperor Qianwen came to power seventeen years ago and promulgated a law to encourage childbirth, the population of Daliang City was growing rapidly. With more people, more houses were needed, and this was Shen Ao's opportunity.

This is an excellent opportunity. Shen Ao has already known the entire Daliang City. Among them, the Dongcheng District is dominated by rich people, the Xicheng District is dominated by yamen and military camps, the Nancheng District is dominated by ordinary people, and the Beicheng District is dominated by ordinary people. Most of them are vacant land, which can be used to build a large number of houses for people to buy.

Once the house is built, don't point out that people can buy it immediately with money. At this time, the role of Daqian Bank will be reflected, that is, it can provide installment purchase. With only a part of the down payment, you can live in a satisfactory, spacious and bright house. For a house, you only need to pay some money every month.

This was Shen Ao's plan. When he told Chang Hong this, the latter's eyes widened with admiration on his face.

Although Shen Ao is young, he has ideas and methods one after another. Chang Hong can even imagine that if he really does this, few people will disagree. After all, the method of enjoying first and paying money later is tempting. The power is really too great. You can imagine that by that time, the interest earned by Daqian Bank will be enough to support the interest paid to the depositors.

Chang Hong, who sighed that this was a good idea, had another question in his mind, "Master Guo, what if they move into the house but are unable to pay the remaining balance later?"

With a sigh, Shen Ao said: "Then we can only let them move out and live with those who can support them. By the way, the house deeds cannot be given to them too early. When will the house payment be paid in full? This is very important.”

Although Shen Ao doesn't want to see anyone without a house to live in, there are business rules in business, which cannot be changed by personal will. People who do business especially cannot be soft-hearted and cannot give others opportunities to take advantage of, otherwise it will not be business creation. Wealth will be lost completely and everything will be ruined.

Besides, you can't have any sympathy for those who want to get something for nothing, otherwise it will only encourage the arrogance of some people, ultimately benefiting the bad people and hurting the good people's fighting spirit.

"That's good." Chang Hong nodded in agreement after hearing this, "Master Guo, what will the young one do next?"

"Select a site. Prepare the manpower to go to Beicheng District to measure the land area at any time. Once your majesty agrees with the memorial, we will start construction. When spring comes, we will start building houses. There can be no delay." Shen Ao said in a very firm tone.

When you have an idea and want to prove its results, the best way is to do it immediately. Instead of continuing to hesitate and think, in that case, the so-called idea is just a castle in the air and can never be realized.

"No." Chang Hong clasped his fists in agreement, then turned around and left. Knowing the big plan ahead, he felt that his whole body was full of strength and motivation.

Shen Ao sat down and began to write a memorial. This kind of method of buying a house and paying it in installments is still a pioneering work. He needs to write something clear in the memorial, at least to ensure that the emperor will understand it after reading it. What kind of business model is needed to decide whether to support such actions and policies.

In one morning, Shen Ao wrote the memorial, as well as all the preparations needed to make cement, such as limestone. Since cement is an indispensable thing to build a house, only then can it be done in the shortest possible time. Within a short period of time, the most solid house can be built.

Stretching, he looked at the time and saw that it was time for the lower office. Shen Ao walked out of the Jin Department. After nodding to many officials who greeted him along the way, he came to the ox cart outside the door and saw Xue Fei's pretty figure.

Since the last incident with Mr. Xiaoyao, the relationship between the two has progressed very quickly. Although Shen Ao has never made a move on Xue Fei, the two of them can be more candid when talking and don't have to worry about anything.

If it can be said that when Xue Fei first followed Shen Ao to protect his safety, she had to do so under the order of Aunt Xue. Then she is already willing to do so now. A person who is obviously not strong enough, but has the courage Isn't it worth cherishing a man who takes risks for himself?

"Let's go to Xianweiju. I'm hungry." As soon as he saw Xuefei, Shen Ao said with laughter.

"Yes." After Xue Fei agreed obediently, she opened the car curtain and let Shen Ao get in first. Then she also moved her body and jumped into it. Then the sound of Ao Qi's horse riding followed. sounded.

The distance from Hubu to Xianweiju is not far. Even if the ox cart is moving slowly, it can be reached in two quarters of an hour. It only needs to cross three streets. But usually, the journey is very smooth and smooth. People were blocking each other. But today, there was already a man in a cotton robe standing there on the road, looking like he was blocking the road.

Ao Ba and Ao Jiu, who were standing next to the bullock cart, had already raised their right hands to their waists. They looked like they would draw their swords at any time if the situation was not right. The other twenty guards who followed also responded quickly and protected the bullock cart. A solid one.

Originally, according to the wishes of Marquis Zhongcheng, Shen Ao usually needed hundreds of guards to protect him to ensure his safety. However, after some bargaining by Shen Ao, the number of personnel was reduced from one hundred to twenty. But even if In this way, Shen Ao still found it troublesome, but he knew clearly that this was his uncle's kindness. It was really hard to refuse.

The bullock cart stopped, and the curtain was opened from the inside. Shen Ao's eyes fell on the quilt man, his face was very calm, and the surprise in his eyes flashed, "It turned out to be Mr. Han, but I didn't know What do you mean by blocking a car like this?"

The person who came was none other than Han Ce, King Xiang's chief aide, and he came to see Shen Ao out of necessity.

These days, every move is under the surveillance of others. Thanks to Han Ce's big heart, it is possible for anyone else to fall into madness.

But no matter what, it still greatly affected Han Ce's life. Needless to say, the pressure on his family, and more importantly, those who had interacted with him in the past, after knowing that the eldest princess sent people to watch Han Ce every day, Who dares to come again? In just one visit, the Han Mansion has changed from a bustling place with busy traffic to the deserted place it is today.

As a staff member, he needs to contact different people to obtain more information, thereby increasing his amount of information, so that he can make the most correct judgments and come up with more ideas when encountering problems. But now, no one wants to work with him. After he came into contact, Han Ce seemed to have become an isolated person. What else could he do?

Once he has no use value, King Xiang will probably be kicked aside soon due to his urinary nature. In that case, Han Ce will become a complete useless person.

Not wanting to have such an ending, Han Ce decided to meet Shen Ao and come to ask for help after much deliberation.

It's not like Han Ce has never thought about finding the real owner, the eldest princess. But the woman's heart is deep in the sea, and he is not sure that the other party will let him go. If the time comes, he will be humiliated, and he will really have no shame in living. In comparison , Shen Ao's here is the best place for help.

Although Shen Ao is young, he still has a broad mind.

Even though Shen Ao seems to have offended a lot of powerful people, if you analyze it carefully, you will find that it was basically the other party who provoked him first and then received the counterattack. In a sense, this is a man of his own duty. , and I don’t like to fight. Some things are just helpless actions.

After analysis, Han Ce found that Shen Ao seemed to be a person who was willing to keep his head down and do things. And what such people usually dislike most is trouble. Such people are the best targets for him to ask for help. What's more, he is not just talking in vain, but Come with sincerity.

"Mr. Zhongguo, I want to talk to you about something alone. I wonder if there is such an opportunity." Han Ce, who was standing in the middle of the road, said in a neither humble nor condescending manner, giving no impression that he was here for help.

Just like Han Ce had studied Shen Ao, why didn't Shen Ao understand this person?

It is precisely because of his understanding that he has a high opinion of Han Ce. For example, when the former prince made the rumor at the earliest, he deliberately wanted to make things difficult for him for King Xiang. It was this person's idea. Don't be fooled, and be on good terms with yourself. Later, he wanted to let King Xiang enter the country and become a supreme member, which was also his intention, but it was a pity that he was spoiled by two scum, Shi Zitong and Lou Bucheng.

This chapter has been completed!
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