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Two hundred and fifty-fifth chapters when the defense

With the help of hundreds of thousands of people in the city, Beicheng District is changing day by day, with countless foundations rising from the ground, like buds in spring, seemingly ready to grow up at any time and withstand the test of wind and rain.

With the construction site progressing in full swing, more and more people come to Daqian Bank for consultation. They are poor and have little savings. For them, it is likely that they will have to work hard for half a lifetime to be able to buy their own house. Really? At that time, they were also getting old and did not have many happy days to live. But now, they have to live in the house first and then pay the money. The longest period can be divided into fifteen installments, that is, it takes fifteen years to pay the full house payment. This gives Many people hope.

Although in the final calculation, the interest accounts for a large amount, it won't look that big if it can be paid over fifteen years. What the common people are more interested in is owning a house and having their own roots. This kind of situation is far from The thoughts of other nations can be compared.

More and more people are consulting. After learning about the requirements and conditions given by Daqian Bank, the people began to think of various ways to achieve the requirements, so that among the first batch of 10,000 houses, they can have their own. share.

The Hall of Nourishing Heart.

Shen Ao was summoned by a decree. After actually entering the palace, he saw that there were already several important ministers standing here, such as the left and right servants, the internal minister, the official department, the household department, the war department, the minister of industry and others who had already been standing there. Make two shifts.

When Shen Ao walked into the hall, he immediately attracted everyone's attention, and then there were waves of slight sighs that could be heard.

Compared to everyone else, Shen Ao is only seventeen years old. Compared to him, he is often an old man in his fifties. He is so young that he is even almost the same age as some people's grandsons.

Although he is young, no one will look down upon him. Look at what Shen Ao has done in less than two years. With the rise of Guochanglong, various items appeared one after another, and he defeated the Japanese envoys and the Western Barbarian envoys in a row. They also built Daqian Bank, and now they have built tens of thousands of houses without spending a penny from the imperial court. Not only has Daliang City been greatly prosperous, but it has also provided various new taxes to increase the dynasty's national treasury revenue.

Among these things, just doing one of them well is enough to be envied by others and be reused by the emperor. What's more, if these things are done by one person, then it is not jealousy, but only envy. After all, when there is a relationship between people What's the use of jealousy when the difference between them is big enough?

Just like an ordinary citizen is jealous of a billionaire, isn't it because he is full? At that time, all that is left is envy, admiration and admiration.

When Shen Ao walked into the Hall of Cultivation of the Heart, Emperor Qianwen showed a very satisfied look in his eyes. After looking at Shen Ao with a nod and a smile, he looked at the ministers and said: "My dear sirs, Duke Zhongguo has arrived. Why don't you just ask me if you don't understand?"

"No." After all the ministers clasped their fists and saluted Emperor Qianwen, they all turned to look at Shen Ao, who was standing alone. Rui Bu, the Minister of Household Affairs, was the first to speak. "Mr. Zhongguo, the house needs eight to ten Isn’t it too long to take years, or even the longest fifteen years, to pay the money? What will happen if the people cannot come up with the money and end up abandoning their houses?”

Rui Butong's words were quite polite, but he almost wanted to say, wouldn't it be a loss if the people abandoned their houses?

"Haha." Shen Ao, who had been prepared for a long time, smiled brightly and was not stumped by this question. On the contrary, he asked back, "Shang Rui, I would like to ask, if you buy a house, after you have already paid After paying a part of the money, do you agree to force you to leave now and hand over the house?"

"Of course I cannot agree to this. I have already paid part of the money. This house belongs to me. Who would rob it?" Rui Butong answered naturally.

"That's it." Shen Ao nodded with a smile, "I think the people must have the same idea as Lord Shangshu. They will not retreat easily. Not to mention, even if they really retreat, the houses will be gone. No, he still exists here. When the time comes, we can sell it to other people, and the money will still be recovered, not less. There is no need to worry, sir."

"Well, that's exactly the truth. But in this case, for example, those people who pay money in the fifteen-year period are so slow, wouldn't it delay the income of the national inventory? This is the same as what we talked about before about increasing the amount of money. I'm afraid the treasury revenue is not consistent." Rui Butong had no intention of giving up. After one question was solved, the second question was immediately asked.

According to Shen Ao's previous memorial, if Da Gan allocated the land to him, he would build houses and sell them to the people. Shen Ao would lead the entire process, and the distribution ratio would be Da Gan's 70% and Shen Ao's 30%.

Don't underestimate Shen Ao, who worked so hard and only got 30%. You must know that without the support of Da Gan, where did he get these lands?

Without Da Gan's support, who would allow him to sell these houses?

Shen Ao is just in charge of the overall situation. In fact, apart from the tens of millions of taels of expenses in the early stage, all that is left is to make money. And there are interest dividends every year, which can be said to be a steady flow of money. Compared with the efforts and gains, It's definitely worth it and it's a very profitable business.

It was precisely because of the agreement that the court could get 70% of the benefits. But now it takes eight to ten years, or even up to fifteen years to complete the payment of the house. It is no wonder that Rui Butong is anxious and has opinions. After all, this is The results are different from what they had imagined before. One is a one-time intersection, and the other takes eight to fifteen years to collect. The difference in interests is not the slightest.

Different from what was said in the memorial, there was this court debate. Everyone asked the questions in their minds to see if Shen Ao's answer would solve their doubts. After all, this matter was a matter of fact from beginning to end. Shen Ao is taking the lead, and others have the idea. There must be no one who understands the twists and turns better than him.

"Wrong." Facing Rui Butong's doubts, Shen Ao bluntly said that he was wrong and said: "It seems that the money that should be paid in one lump sum is now divided into eight or even fifteen years to receive. It is a bit of a disadvantage. , but that’s not how the account is calculated.”

"I would like to hear the details." Rui Butong knew that Shen Ao had his own thoughts, and then asked with wide eyes.

Shen Ao didn't mean to be too big, but showed a smile to Rui Butong, and then said: "I dare to ask all your lords, if these houses were built by the imperial court, can more than 10,000 houses be sold? go out?"

"This..." The ministers looked at me and I looked at you, but they all didn't know how to answer. Most of the people are not rich, which is related to the current system. After years of development, the wealthy family has already become a phenomenon. Now he controls at least 30% of the dynasty's fertile land.

Since the enfeoffment system, in order to commend the contributions of meritorious ministers, the emperor has enfeoffed many powerful people, and they have occupied about 30% of the fertile land.

As the leaders of the Daqian Dynasty, the royal family had its own privileges, and they took about 20% of the fertile land. In this way, the people who really depended on the land for their livelihood only occupied 20% of the fertile land. So many people controlled it. With such few resources, how can you make them rich and wealthy? People have no money, so where can they get the money to buy a house? They can only crowd in Nancheng District, making the environment there even worse. Sometimes even a There are several families living in the small courtyard, and there are often six or seven people living in a house of more than ten square meters. It is very inconvenient to do anything.

If you just want to change the conditions, you need money. Without better income, you can barely make ends meet. Where can you get the money to buy a house? This creates a vicious circle. If you don’t have money to buy a house, the court will not spend it. Work hard to build houses.

This is something that everyone knows. When Shen Ao asked now, everyone was naturally unable to answer, so they had to look at each other and stay silent.

Others couldn't answer, so Shen Ao asked himself and said, "The answer is obvious. Everyone knows that the people are very poor. Even if the house is built, they have no money to buy it. In the end, it will only cost the court's money." If it becomes real estate, Jier will suffer huge losses. So why can't we think of a way to get the best of both worlds?"

Shen Ao, who seemed to be talking about rising up, continued: "Now there is an opportunity for the court to build many houses without spending a single penny, and prosper the economy of Daliang City. Why not? Have you ever thought about it? Once there are enough houses in Daliang City, and how many people can be attracted, no matter whether they work or farm, the money they earn will be spent here. Wouldn't it be a strong boost to the local economy?"

After saying this, everyone including Rui Butong, the Minister of the Ministry of Finance who knew the most about economics, was confused. You can imagine what the other people were like.

Before everyone could come to their senses, Shen Ao continued: "There are many benefits. As the population increases, it will be easier to do anything in the future. Even if we really have to fight a war in the future, Come on, in order to protect their property from being violated, will the common people take the initiative to sign up to join the army? There is no need to elaborate on the powerful help to Da Gan. What's more, they will not repay the money, but will repay it in installments. With a high interest rate, wouldn’t this allow the court to continue to make a fortune? Why not do it?”

After Shen Ao finished speaking these words, he looked at the ministers simply. For a moment, everyone only had their mouths wide open, looking surprised.

Some of what Shen Ao said, they have already thought of, but some have not. Thinking about it carefully, what he said does make sense. It seems that all the benefits were taken by the imperial court, and they only paid for three thousand acres of land. It's just capital. If the land is not used, it will be a waste, right?

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