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Chapter 264: Tangled Tengziju

As King Xiang, he has his own sources of information and knows more. For example, his father specifically approved the upgrade of the number of guards at Daqian Bank, adding 1,700 people. As a result, Shen Ao still has 300 guards. , together they have the power of two thousand people, which is far beyond his strength. If he keeps looking for trouble with him, with Shen Ao's donkey nature, who knows what slap in the face he will do.

The two of them fought not once or twice, but when did King Xiang gain any advantage? Now that the crown prince's position was still vacant, he didn't want anything to happen and arouse his father's dissatisfaction. In that case, he would There is really no hope at all.

If you can't afford to provoke him, just don't provoke him. As for his uncle King Qi, it's not that he didn't take action, but he didn't succeed, so he had an explanation. If his uncle is still dissatisfied, he can send people to deal with Shen Ao, as long as he can really deal with it Dear Duke Zhongguo, he was happy to watch the show from the sidelines.

Prince Xiang no longer had any intention of looking for trouble. The others were still talking and became bystanders. They wanted to see what Daqian Qianzhuang would do next? What was important was what Shen Ao would do?

People are just people. Although they are one of the important components of the Daqian Dynasty, one thing cannot be denied, that is, they are really too poor. Do such people have the money to buy a house?

Even if they can afford the so-called down payment, what happens next? What should they do? If there is no money left to pay, the house will not be theirs in the end. By then, Shen Ao will probably be scolded by everyone.

Everyone fell into a traditional thinking. They believed that the people were very poor and could only survive by farming or working for others. Little did they know that Shen Ao wanted to completely change them. lifestyle and provide them with more job opportunities, thereby changing the face of poverty.

As soon as the notice came out, the situation stabilized. There was a long queue before Daqian Bank. But this was not Shen Ao's purpose. On the next day, everyone thought that the matter was over and the situation was calm. The 12th branch of Daqian Bank and The 36th branch of Guochanglong jointly posted a notice, proposing ways to generate income for the people. Among the options are building houses, building roads, and family-style textile workshops.

There are many courageous people among the common people. They suffer from the lack of capital to do business and cannot change their lives. The emergence of Daqian Bank has given hope to such a group of people. Many of them have already passed the Five-Household Alliance. They borrowed money through guarantees to realize their dreams. However, such people are still a minority, and more people still have very little courage, or they have resigned themselves to their fate and never thought about what they would do. In their eyes, Just go to work and make money through your own hard work.

For these more people, Shen Ao gave them the opportunity to choose to work.

As soon as the notice came out, the whole Daliang City went crazy. Some people were still hesitant at first, thinking that even if they tightened their belts and bought a new house, they would have monthly income and be able to afford it. When they arrived, the content on the notice made them completely reassured.

According to the notice, anyone who works can be guaranteed a basic salary of no less than one or two and a half per month. Those who perform well and are willing to contribute will get more. In this way, as long as the common people are hard-working, they can It is equivalent to finding an opportunity to make profits. Usually, a house buyer has four or five people in his family, otherwise he would not be in a hurry to buy a house. So excluding children, which family can provide two to three people, or even more, to work? So After one month, the income is only about 40 taels, or even more, so why worry about the repayment of the house?

This is equivalent to Shen Ao first drawing a piece of cake, and then giving them chopsticks, knives and forks. The food has been brought to their mouths, and they can eat it by just opening their mouths. Who else will refuse at this time, and who else will worry? ?

In this way, there were so many applicants that the number of applicants was about to overwhelm the forty-eight stores. After all, the notice said that as long as you are willing to put in the effort, these jobs do not have any additional requirements for the workers. In other words By the way, you can make money by working hard, so what are you waiting for?

When the forty-eight shops were packed with people, a recruitment notice was also posted in the imperial city, and five thousand people were recruited at one time as a supplement to the Silver Armored Guards. After all, once the soldiers get older, their physical strength will decrease. There will be a tendency to be unable to keep up, and it is common sense to replace soldiers when necessary.

The difference is that this time the number of conscripts is larger and the treatment is better.

For example, the notice states that as long as someone in the family is selected into the army, they can be the first to get the right to purchase a house, eliminating the trouble of queuing up to buy a house. At the same time, those who become soldiers in the army will receive a monthly salary of three taels, excluding deductions. In addition to the house payment, the remaining money will be distributed to the soldiers at the end of each month without default.

January 30, 2020, food, shelter, and housing, and priority in room allocation. All kinds of benefits are there, and it’s hard not to be tempted. For a time, the Ministry of War, which was originally not easy to recruit soldiers, One time, they were faced with a flood of applicants, and the officials of the Ministry of War were overjoyed. Cheng Bolin, Minister of the Ministry of War, even wrote a memorial to congratulate the emperor and stated that the quality of the soldiers this time was also the best. You can let them choose carefully. After training, they will undoubtedly be elite soldiers.

The memorial was delivered to Emperor Qianwen. Looking at the contents, the emperor was naturally overjoyed. He even more lamented the accuracy of Shen Aozhi's words. He said that day that the people were powerful and had the lowest requirements. As long as they can be fed, clothed, housed, and employed, they will naturally fall in love with this country and contribute to the cause.

At that time, Emperor Qianwen just heard about it and didn't have high hopes. But now it seems that Shen Ao was right after all. Originally, Daqian had never developed national power. It turns out that this is what the people have. The power.

Some people are happy and some are worried.

In Hanshan Temple, Master Awakening, after being depressed for a day, is now replaced by Teng Ziju who looks ugly.

He did not forget his mission to Daliang City this time, nor the expectant look on King Man's face when he left.

To be honest, when Teng Ziju first came to Daliang City, he didn't take this matter seriously. He once thought that the loyal Duke Shen Ao was just an empty name, and that his praises were all touted by everyone.

How capable can a boy who is only seventeen years old be? It seems to be the same thing. In the past few years, Teng Ziju has been traveling around as an ascetic. I don’t know how many times he has heard the name of the so-called child prodigy. Is it really necessary? After getting to know and understand him, he realized that this so-called god is only a little better than ordinary people. As time goes by, he will probably return to being ordinary and disappear into oblivion.

After having these experiences, Teng Ziju did not feel the slightest pressure when he came. On the contrary, he also thought that this loyal Duke was probably touted by others. After all, he was still a mortal. If such a person was sent to the barbarians If you go, not only will it not work, but it will also cause bad things.

If so, not bringing this person to the presence of the Barbarian King would be regarded as a credit. After all, placing the hope of the Barbarians' development on a young man is extremely unreliable. It would be better not to do such a thing.

With this thought in my mind, I naturally don't feel any pressure at all. But now, I have discovered that this loyal Duke is indeed talented, or a great talent. This can be seen from the mental outlook of the people when he goes out on the streets. Not to mention He said that in the past few days, more and more people have come to Hanshan Temple to visit the countryside, and there are also all kinds of prayers among them.

Some asked the Buddha to let them win the house and move in first; some asked the Buddha to assign him a good job, and he would definitely work hard; and some came to thank the Buddha. The loyal Duke Shen Ao indeed has the compassion to benefit the world. With heart and ability, thank you for sending him to Daliang City and bringing him to your side.

There are many ways to make wishes, but the results are all related to Shen Ao. In this way, how can Teng Ziju remain indifferent?

But the question arises again. If he captures Shen Ao as a barbarian, what will happen to the people of Daliang City?

Are they just seeing a little hope of changing their lives and they are going to be destroyed? He can't do such a thing, and he doesn't bother to do it.

There is only one Shen Ao. If he goes to the barbarians, the people of Daliang City will suffer. But if he stays in Daliang City, once Dagan becomes stronger, the barbarian people will suffer again in the future.

This was originally a dilemma. Teng Ziju didn't know what to choose. He had been standing in the courtyard like this for more than an hour. The tangled look also attracted Xingxing's attention. He seemed to have thought of something and took a step forward. When he came to Teng Ziju's side, he said with a solemn face: "Brother Teng, no matter what our friendship is? If you want to take him away, I will risk my life to stop him, and I will try my best to stop him. And if I still have breath, I will She will tell the devil what happened, and then you, including the barbarians, will be waiting for her wrath."

Awakening lives in Daliang City and is blessed by Daqian, so his heart naturally wants to be here. Now the people's lives are about to change. If someone wants to stop it, how can he agree? Even if he is not Teng Ziju's opponent , but the ability to report news is always there. Once the female devil is attracted, haha, Tengzi will definitely not be his opponent for these two days, and will only bring disaster to him and the entire barbarian tribe.

"Awakening, don't be so cruel." Teng Ziju said with a face as bitter as a melon. He knew this monk very well, and once he said it, he could do it. To say that Awakening really couldn't stop him, Even the little girl in white next to Shen Ao couldn't stop him. But if he really attracted a female devil, then she wasn't someone he couldn't afford to offend.

Although everyone is the same master, their strength is not the same. I am afraid that if he really takes action, he will definitely lose. If he is not the opponent of the female devil, who can other barbarians do it?

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