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Chapter 301 Agreed

"Yeah." Emperor Qianwen's expression changed again, and he became silent again at this moment. He knew that the barbarian's request could not be concealed no matter what, and it would eventually become known to the whole court. Based on his understanding, he was afraid that Those ministers would really agree to hand over someone else as Tong Gu said. After all, these people just want to live a safe and comfortable life for themselves. For this purpose, they would sacrifice other people without blinking an eye. of.

This may be the shortcoming of promoting culture and suppressing military force. However, Emperor Qianwen was suspicious by nature, and he was unwilling to enhance the status and power of his military ministers. Otherwise, what would happen if someone among them rebelled? Wouldn't it mean that his throne was not guaranteed?

After much deliberation, he couldn't think of a satisfactory solution. Emperor Qianwen couldn't help shaking his head and said with a somewhat unhappy look: "Okay, this matter needs to be discussed in the long term, so let's postpone it for a while."

"No." Tong Gu nodded knowingly and agreed. He didn't even ask Emperor Qianwen how long it would take to delay. In his opinion, he was afraid that once the ministers knew what happened, they would definitely "force the palace", and then they would Even if the emperor wanted to delay it, he couldn't.

Tong Gu finally withdrew from the Yangxin Hall. In fact, outside the hall at this time, the news had already spread. The barbarian spies in Daliang City spread the news so much that they could no longer cover it up.

Ever since Teng Ziju's reply was sent to the hands of the Barbarian King Eguda, the plan to send troops to threaten Da Gan to make friends has been brewing. According to what Teng Ziju wrote, this Shen Ao is indeed very capable. He is not only talented in learning He is outstanding and his ability to make money is top-notch. If this person can be used by the barbarians, it will play an immeasurable role in changing the entire barbarians and making them stronger.

However, due to various reasons, Teng Ziju could not take advantage of Shen Ao, and had to rely on King Man to handle everything.

There are at least two reasons why Teng Ziju did not take action. One is that Shen Ao left Daqian and went to the barbarians, which could benefit the barbarians, but it was a big loss for the Han people. I don’t know how many people will go back to life for this reason. In the days when he had no food, clothing or warmth. Teng Ziju, who was born as an ascetic, naturally did not want his practice to be interrupted because of this, because in a sense, he was also one of the poor, so how could he stop himself? What about the hope of the poor?

Of course, this is not the main reason. The real reason is that the background of Shen Ao mentioned by Master Awakening is the female devil Aoxue. This is an existence that even Teng Ziju cannot afford to offend. If he really dares Instead of robbing people willingly, what would the female devil do if she knew about it?

Will they go to barbarian land and rob people by force?

If that were the case, what kind of damage would it cause to the barbarian land? How many people would die?

He didn't know whether bringing in a talented person could be used by the barbarians, but because this person arrived in the barbarian land, he wanted the barbarians to live in fear and threat. This was not what Teng Ziju wanted to see, Silai I wanted to go, so I got this letter, a letter that stated how powerful Shen Ao was and also made it clear that he was not easy to do anything.

Teng Ziju thought of this way to ask the Barbarian King to take action himself. If Daqian was willing to take the initiative to release people, after Shen Ao went to the barbarian land, the female devil must have known about this matter and would not blame the barbarians. We can only blame the emperor and ministers of Daqian.

After the Barbarian King read the letter, he called a group of people and finally came up with the result of deliberation, which was to invade the territory with troops and force Da Gan to surrender.

Judging from past experience, this approach is very successful. Dagan people like peace and enjoy themselves. It only costs two people to stop a military disaster. No matter how you look at it, it is appropriate. Bar.

As soon as the certificate of credence for the marriage had arrived, the barbarian spies spread the news to the streets, causing the news to spread around the world very quickly. It was impossible for the princes, nobles and ministers not to know about it.

This news was like a spring breeze, blowing through the entire Daliang City, making those who disliked Shen Ao become eager to take action.


Prince Qing's Mansion.

Zuo Pushe and Fan Shitong hurriedly appeared in front of King Qing. While informing King Qing about this matter, he also stated his opinion, which was to send a memorial to the emperor to expel Shen Ao from Daliang City.

King Qing naturally agreed with this. He had already received a secret letter from the barbarian spies, which stated that he requested King Qing to take action. If Shen Ao could be sent to the barbarian land, they would be willing to kill Emperor Wen for a hundred years. After that, he elected King Qing as emperor.

The black and white writing on the paper was very clear, and King Qing kept it as if he had found a treasure. This is the proof. If there comes a day when the barbarians still do nothing, then once the matter is announced, the barbarians will no longer be trusted by people. .

After reading this letter, King Qing had already made his decision. The arrival of his mentor Fan Shitong and the decision he made were in line with his wishes, so he naturally agreed.

Prince Qing may or may not know that Fan Shitong had his own selfish motives when he made this decision. With Shen Ao's support, Zhao extended his tentacles to the iron tool industry, which caused a considerable impact on the Fan family. In the face of threats and interests, of course I hope that Shen Ao, the instigator, will leave Daliang City. It is best if he disappears forever and cannot be seen.

With their own thoughts, the old man and the young man thought about one thing and worked hard in one place. They quickly made a decision and began to write a memorial to the officials of King Qing's family.


Prince Xiang's Mansion.

No one can tell what decision King Xiang Tang Xiu will make after learning about this matter.

In the eyes of King Xiang, Shen Ao has long been a thorn in his flesh. But now, this person has been reused by his father and cannot be killed.

It is not that King Xiang has never used his brains. For example, he thought of sending a killer to kill Shen Ao. However, the existence of Xue Fei, Ao Qi and others made it impossible for King Xiang to do anything. The so-called master he sent reported back after some observation, saying The people around Duke Zhongguo are very powerful and beyond their reach. Unless the army is mobilized for encirclement and suppression, there is no chance of victory.

In Daliang City, King Xiang could not mobilize the army without the consent of his father. If he did this step by force, what would his father think afterwards? Would he think that he was going to rebel? The incident of the former prince was a lesson for Xiang. How could the king commit a minor offence?

Even if you can't use force, you can't convince your father. Seeing that under the auspices of Shen Ao, Daqian Bank is getting bigger day by day. More and more wealthy people deposit their gold and silver in the bank and exchange them for silver notes. So many With the benefits right in front of him, how could King Xiang be so willing?

At this time, King Xiang received the news from the barbarians. He was really dozing off and someone brought him a pillow. How could King Xiang not know what to do? So he ordered people to notify his courtiers and write a letter to his father. Your Majesty, please agree to the barbarians' request, stop the barbarians' anger, and ensure the peace of Daqian.


Baili Mansion.

The servant on the right, Bailigui, was sitting on the throne. His younger brother, Bailixiang, looked up expectantly, as if he was waiting for something.

After an unknown amount of time, Baili Gui opened his thoughtful eyes and asked, "Did that businessman named Yin Qu really threaten our Baijia's business in such a short period of time?"

"Yes, brother. Yin Qu alone is nothing, but he has the support of Duke Zhongguo, and he doesn't know how that Shen Ao's head grew, so he made a horizontal loom. The efficiency of weaving has been improved, which will naturally have an impact on our garment and cloth business. If it is not curbed, I am afraid that in a few years, the name of this silk king will be lifted from the top of our Baili family. went."

Bailixiang spoke as if he was crying. His brother asked him to support Shen Ao before. Although he was reluctant, he still did it. Facts have proved that this move was not very correct. Although Shen Ao also asked Baili The Baili family ordered some raw materials such as hemp and kudzu fiber, but it is true that he supported Yin Qu. With the help of that horizontal loom, I am afraid that it will one day replace it. The Baili family is simply raising a tiger. To cause trouble.

"Hey..." With a long sigh, Baili Gui raised his eyebrows. He wanted to make Shen Ao stronger, so that he could attract the attention of King Qing and King Xiang, so that he could help He secretly cultivated the power of the fifth prince, waiting for the fifth prince to spy on the emperor's great treasure when he came of age. But now it seems that Shen Ao is an uncontrollable chess piece. If he is not controlled, his power will affect the interests of the Baili family. , this is something he must not ignore.

The power of the fifth prince and the money of the Baili family are like two legs for a person to walk in the world. One is indispensable, otherwise he will fall down or even never get up again. In contrast, Shen Ao The restraining effect is far less important than the immediate interests. Baili Gui has no choice but to give up on Shen Ao.

Seemingly making up his mind, Bailigui spoke again: "Well, my brother knows about this, so it's time to move Duke Zhongguo."

Although he did not explain how to move, in Bailixiang's eyes, his brother has always been very reliable in his actions and words. Now that he said this, there must be a way, so he agreed with a smile. "That's it. Very good, I am just waiting for the good news about my brother."

The three major forces, King Qing, King Xiang, and the Fifth Prince, surprisingly reached a consensus on one matter. When the officials of the three forces gathered together, even if a torrent was formed and rushed straight towards the palace hall, the remaining waves would not be able to Avoid affecting the Juhe Palace in the harem.

Concubine Zhao was sitting in the palace, looking at the letter sent by Zhao Yuanji of the Zhao family. The fifth princess Tang Min was standing on one side, still sobbing softly.

Beside the Fifth Princess, the Sixth Prince Tang Jia looked very angry and clenched his fists, looking like he wanted to fight with his life.

This chapter has been completed!
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