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Chapter 32 The sudden change of the court

The so-called court meetings usually rarely have any surprises. This is because it not only creates problems for the emperor and proves his lack of control, but if it is not done well, it will also reveal the incompetence of the ministers. If you are not careful, it will even cause chaos in the court. Chaos in the hall.

These are things that the emperor and his ministers do not want to see. In this way, everyone abides by the rules, and any matter will usually be discussed below first, and then brought to the court after a rough result is obtained. In most court meetings, It is a harmonious scene where the king and his ministers know each other.

Only on rare occasions would accidents occur. Just like today, after settling the scheduled matters, Emperor Qianwen glanced at Yan Fu without revealing his expression, and the latter stepped forward and put the whisk on his shoulder. He shook his head and declared loudly: "If there is any problem, please report it early; if there is no problem, withdraw from the court!"

Usually at this time, all the ministers would say "Farewell to the Emperor" in unison, and this would be the end of the morning court.

Today, after Yan Fu shouted these eight characters, someone immediately responded: "I have something to report."

This shout made the prepared ministers who were about to say farewell to the emperor have to close their mouths immediately. After holding back the words, several people's faces became extremely ugly, as if they had suffered "internal injuries".

The person who stood up ignored them, but stood up with a white jade stone board in his hand and said respectfully, "I have my own intention to report."

The sudden change forced Emperor Qianwen, who was about to stand up, to sit upright again, and then his eyes fell on his minister Jiang Dai who stood up.

Jiang Dynasty. Host and guest officer of the Ministry of Rites, fourth-grade official rank. (person of the prince)

The highest authority in the Daqian Dynasty is the emperor, and the highest positions among the ministers are the left and right servants. The Hanlin University Scholars (also known as internal ministers) are all first-rank officials; followed by the six ministers, the second rank; the six ministers, the third rank; the six subordinates and others Each yamen is between the fourth and seventh grades.

Jiang Dai was in charge of the host and guest of the Ministry of Rites. The host and guest department was second only to the Minister, the Minister and the Ministry of Sacrifice. He was also considered a powerful person. Seeing Jiang Dai jump out, Emperor Qianwen was not impatient and thought something had happened. Then he asked with a solemn expression, "What is Jiang Aiqing's intention to report?"

"Last night I recited Chapter 17 of the Analects of Confucius, "Yang Huo", which said that it is difficult to support women and villains. I thought that the sage had already advised me. Our Daqian Dynasty adheres to the teachings of Confucius and Mencius, so how can we not understand this truth? It is better for a woman to stay at home and take care of her husband and raise her children. If she goes out to do things, she will only attract jokes from other countries. For the sake of the imperial court, I am willing to ask the emperor to issue an order to ban the eldest princess in the palace. Guo Changlong is the only royal merchant in the country, and it is of great importance. It would be better for a man to lead him, so as to silence the world and show the emperor's sageness." After saying that, Jiang Dai bowed his head and bowed, as if he would not get up if the emperor did not agree with him.

With Jiang Dai taking the lead, another person soon stood up in the court, "Guan Tai, the director of the household department and the warehouse department, seconded the proposal."

Needless to say, this Guan Tai was also the person arranged by the prince. Then seven or eight courtiers knelt down on the ground and shouted in agreement.

This sudden scene was definitely not in the previous plan. When something happened, Prince Xiang, who had been pretending to be a good boy after Emperor Qianwen appeared, his expression changed. He heard what he said. They are all the prince's people. Even so, it must be the prince who wants to capture Guochanglong. Doesn't that mean he has something to do?

"My son, I have something to say." Based on the idea that what the prince wants, he must cause trouble, King Xiang jumped out.

This scene was not unexpected by the prince, but after seeing King Xiang really jump out, his right eye twitched several times. He really had a headache for this third emperor brother, because this was not possible at all. It's like a mallet, a blow just to hit yourself. Sometimes there is no purpose at all, just to make yourself unhappy.

What does that sentence say? Yes! It means that the loss is not beneficial to oneself.

But knowing this, the prince had no choice but to do anything. Who asked him to sit in the prince's position and not give in? This means that the conflict between the two is destined to be irreconcilable.

King Xiang stood up, and without even waiting for the superior Emperor Qianwen to say anything, he spoke first: "The eldest princess' aunt is still very hardworking, and she has managed the country in an orderly manner. I think the eldest princess' aunt should still be Keep doing it.”

It is a very straightforward language. If it is said like this among other ministers, it will be a sign of lack of knowledge. But King Xiang said it like this. And after he finished speaking, he looked at the ministers a few times. It was very strange. Soon, several officials from King Xiang's family fell to their knees, saying that they agreed with King Xiang's words, saying that the eldest princess was talented and learned, and a hero among women. In their words, it seemed that the eldest princess was omnipotent, so she wanted to become the one who could mend the sky. Nuwa is so ordinary.

"The eldest princess's aunt is very powerful, and the poetry show she held was so wonderful that some people were so ashamed and angry that they had to jump into the river and escape." Seeing that King Xiang jumped out to ruin his own affairs again, the prince also fought back angrily, Mentioned the incident of Shi Zitong, a staff member of King Xiang, who jumped into the Luoshui River after losing the battle.

"You..." After saying these words, King Xiang's face changed drastically, and he became very ugly. As the saying goes, "Hit someone without slapping someone in the face, scold someone without exposing someone's shortcomings." This move of the prince really made King Xiang very angry. But this matter It was useless to go up to him, and it was not easy to refute him for a while. He could only say angrily: "Anyway, the eldest princess has taken care of the country very well. Some people should stop making decisions, otherwise , it really makes people doubt whether his ability can manage it well. If a great situation is left in his hands and then suffers a loss a few days later, it will really disgrace the royal family."

King Xiang exposed the prince's thoughts in public, which also made the prince look angry.

There are some things that everyone knows well and cannot be spoken out. Once spoken out, there is no room for maneuver. Just like the prince's thoughts, who can't see it? He can stand in this court. Master, which one is not a human spirit?

But it's one thing to see it, and it's another thing to be told in public. Now the prince's purpose is laid out here. If the emperor doesn't agree to it, it may be interpreted as the prince losing power. This is not good for the situation of the DPRK, and may even cause unexpected chaos.

In other words, before the subject was clarified, the emperor could still be careless and confuse the matter. But now, it is impossible to pretend not to know.

Emperor Qianwen, who was sitting on the golden dragon chair, looked livid at the moment.

First, he looked at the prince who had already been rejected and brought up the old matter again. He was so angry that he went even further. He had already clearly refused and was still thinking about Guochanglong's fortune.

Then he looked at King Xiang who was standing there looking like a cockfighter. He was very angry. If he objected, just object. He also made the matter clear. Now, if he doesn't agree, it will greatly affect the power of the prince, which will be detrimental to the situation of the court. Now he is really in a dilemma.

But he was unwilling to let him hand over Guochanglong to the prince like this. He didn't know how big the prince's appetite was over the years. Once this profitable business was handed over to him, he would really do a good job. ?

Can he live in peace with Shen Ao?

Can he fulfill the June 4th split that was agreed upon before?

If not, what will be the consequences? What will happen to Shen Ao? Will he be hit hard?

He felt very uncomfortable when he thought that Shen Ao had finally accomplished something in the past fifteen years, but now he was going to smash it to pieces personally.


After taking a long breath, Emperor Qianwen decided to think carefully and see if he could create a situation where both parties could live in harmony.

"Retreat from the court. This matter will be discussed later." Emperor Qianwen, who decided to think carefully about it after returning, did not make a decision immediately. Instead, he snorted and stood up from the golden dragon chair and left.

Yan Fu next to him immediately shouted, "Retreat from the court and send me off to the emperor!"

"I will respectfully send you off to the Emperor." The officials shouted repeatedly. But when they looked up, there was no trace of the Emperor. Above the main hall, only the Crown Prince and Prince Xiang in the front row were still glaring at each other angrily, and the picture was still going on. The fight continues.

Emperor Qianwen went down to court and returned to the back of the Yangxin Hall. After thinking for a while, he knocked away the paperweight and pen and ink in front of the Dragon Case. Yan Fu, who was following in a hurry, was frightened.

"What do you want to do if you don't worry about it? I'm not dead yet, are you thinking of seizing the family property?" The angry Emperor Qianwen cursed for a while, and his mood seemed to be getting better, and then he looked back. Yan Fu, who was picking up things on the ground, said: "Old man, you don't need to clean up here. I will send a decree immediately for the eldest princess to enter the palace."


Forgetful Mansion.

The female officer Zhuyun hurriedly came to the eldest princess who was feeding goldfish in the backyard, and said in a hurried voice: "Master, something is wrong."

Zhuyun then told the whole story of the court meeting, which made the eldest princess frown again and again, and finally sighed: "I thought I could live a quiet life for a few days, and take care of my brother's worries. .Now it seems that I have thought of things too simply. Even so, in order to avoid the emperor's brother being embarrassed, what if we hand over Guochanglong?"

The eldest princess is a capable woman. But she is just a woman. In this feudal dynasty, in this era, women have no status. Even if you are capable, you are nothing more than a appendage of a man.

After thinking everything through, although the eldest princess was a little sad, she still made a decision. She could not embarrass the emperor, because everything she had was given by the emperor. Without his favor, she would probably have nothing.

A maid hurriedly came to the small bridge in the back garden and lowered her head to report that a eunuch had come to the palace and said that the emperor wanted to see his master.

"Arrange the sedan chair and go to the palace." The eldest princess sighed again. She knew that the person who should come came anyway.


Thanks to Ji Ping'an for the red envelope support, and thanks to Doudou for the reward. The prodigal son expresses his thanks.

Your support is the motivation for Liangzi to work hard to create. The greater the support, the better the writing will be and the stronger the motivation will be.

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