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Chapter 333 The Battle of Hugh City (Part 2)

When encountering their wild cavalry, it would be lucky to escape with one life. Who would have the time to feel sorry for these goods?

"No." The centurion clasped his fists in response, then turned around and shouted to more than a hundred horsemen: "The general has ordered, open the container."

"No." A group of wild horsemen also cheered in unison, and then dismounted their horses one by one, laughing, and surrounded the ten mules and carriages.

According to the rules of the barbarians, whoever finds the loot can get an extra share. Such good things naturally make everyone smile. But they don't know that the door of death is about to be opened in their hands.

They used the swords they brought with them to pry the containers. While the barbarians were still working hard, an arrow suddenly flew out from the dense forest and inserted into the back of an unsuspecting barbarian. The powerful force of inertia

Then, he shot the enemy to the ground with a thud.

This sound of falling down was like a signal. Then more and more arrows appeared, falling into the ranks of the barbarians like a dense network. One after another, the barbarians didn't know what was happening.

, they fell to the ground covered in blood and died. The eyes wide open and staring at the sky seemed to express the unwillingness in their hearts.

A burst of arrows came, and more than forty barbarian soldiers were shot and died on the ground. More than forty people were injured and were hiding next to the mule and carriage, with frightened expressions on their faces.

He looked towards the dense forest.

Xiang Anxi also hid next to the container and looked at the place where the arrows were fired with somewhat frightened eyes. Based on his experience, there were at least hundreds or thousands of archers in the dense forest. Otherwise, how could they have fired so many arrows?

Bows and arrows coming?

Fortunately, he found that hiding next to the container was quite safe. Maybe these people didn't want to hurt the contents of the container, but not a single bow and arrow came down here, which gave him a hiding place.

"Quickly, arrange for people to rush out to report the news. There are too many enemies here. We need reinforcements. Reinforcements." After tentatively showing his head twice and losing more than ten barbarians, Xiang Anxi gave up the idea of ​​rushing out now.

, but decided to invite reinforcements to overwhelm the caravan guards with their numbers.

The general gave the order, and despite the danger, the barbarian knights still took the risk. After all, they knew that if they waited here, they would be annihilated in the end.

Braving the danger of raining arrows, he rushed out, and at the cost of the lives of six more barbarians, one barbarian soldier got on his horse and fled towards Xiucheng.

Seeing someone going out to report the message, Xiang Anxi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. But when he saw the corpses of barbarians lying on the ground, no less than sixty of them, the tears in his eyes flowed out involuntarily. These were all barbarians.

You are such a good boy, even if they die, they should die in the charge and not be killed by hidden arrows.

When he thought about the fact that there was no news from the fifty barbarian knights who had entered the dense forest, they must be in danger. In this way, it was equivalent to the loss of hundreds of barbarian knights. This death toll already gave him a very headache.

In the dense forest, fifty barbarian cavalry were being surrounded by two hundred rangers, engaged in a life-and-death battle.

Originally, Shen Ao could hand these fifty barbarians to the guards around him and let them get rid of them. With the advantage of Shen's small serial crossbow, a powerful weapon that can fire five arrows per crossbow, he could deal with these fifty barbarians.

Riding is not difficult.

But after much deliberation, Shen Ao did not make this decision. Instead, he gave the task to the ranger Feng Wanli and asked him to lead the ranger to complete the task.

When fighting, there will be bloodshed and there will be sacrifices. Shen Ao has long been aware of this problem. If these rangers are always following behind to pick up soup and drink, they will never be trained. Only through bloody battles, life and death can they transform into a warrior. Qualified and excellent warrior.

What Shen Ao needed was not numbers, but real elite men. So he gave the task to Feng Wanli. With his two hundred men, he had a good chance of winning against the fifty barbarian cavalry who were unable to demonstrate their riding skills in the dense forest. .

When Feng Wanli received this order, he looked nonchalant.

The terrain was favorable to them, and they had an advantage in terms of military strength. They also had the upper hand and could strike first. They really couldn't imagine the possibility of failure.

So when the mission came, Feng Wanli accepted it with joy. When he told his fellow rangers about the mission, they all agreed with ease, as if completing the mission was as simple as eating and drinking.

Then they followed the plan and arrived at the predetermined location to set up an ambush. Not long after, the target finally appeared. They were fifty barbarian men with dark skin and fierce eyes.

When they appeared in the encirclement with shining weapons in their hands, Feng Wanli gave an order, and two hundred rangers came from all directions to surround the barbarians.

In the eyes of these rangers, they have a numerical advantage, and they rush out suddenly. They are afraid that the barbarian cavalry will be frightened as soon as they rush out, and they will eventually surrender without fighting. It is like dealing with Su Duisha. The barbarians in the city are like that.

But who would have thought that as soon as the rangers rushed out, they only had time to shout the word "surrender" in a loud voice, and before they could even say the words not to kill, the barbarian knights had already charged back, and they were slashing wildly with their swords. They were slashing randomly, and in an instant, three rangers were hit because they didn't react quickly or were careless, and fell directly to the ground.

There was even a ranger whose head was cut off and fell to the ground because he couldn't dodge. It rolled like a ball and blood was spread all over the ground.

This result scared many rangers.

Although they call themselves rangers and fight against injustice, most of them have never killed anyone. They just hugged and fought like street gangsters. At most, they only had some redness and swelling on their bodies. Where have you ever seen such a knife strike? The formation where everyone's heads were chopped off.

"Mom, help me."

"Run quickly, these are not human beings."

"Don't kill me, I surrender..."

For a time, nearly a hundred people turned around and ran away, kneeling down to beg for mercy. This shows that this is really a ragtag group of people.

This sudden change fell in the eyes of Feng Wanli, who was leading the team, but he was so angry. Are these the same warrior warriors who are usually bullish and fearless? Is this any different from a coward?

It's just that Qi returned to Qi, but Feng Wanli didn't give up. After all, he is also a master of dark power. He has killed people before, and the reputation he gained in the world is not for nothing. In addition, he has made a name for himself in front of Shen Ao. After obtaining the military order, if you lose like this, how will you be able to see others in the future?

"Don't be afraid, everyone, everyone is born from the flesh and blood of the human heart. We have the numerical advantage. As long as we work together, we will win." Feng Wanli shouted loudly, cheering everyone up, and faced the barbarian knight with a big sword in his hand. Rushed forward.

Feng Wanli rushed over and was noticed by a barbarian soldier. With a cold snort, he rushed towards him. Soon the two broadswords struck each other. Under the strong force, the barbarian soldier's

He took three steps back involuntarily.

Taking the lead in terms of strength, Feng Wanli's self-confidence greatly increased. Then he slashed away with the sword in his hand, and collided with the barbarian soldiers several times, knocking them back several steps.

Feng Wanli became more and more confident as he fought more and more. He finally used his moves. He became more and more confident in his movements and quickly found the opponent's flaw. He opened a long gash in the opponent's chest with a slash.


Blood spurted out, and Barbarian Cavalry screamed in pain and fell to the ground. How could Feng Wanli let go of such a good opportunity? He stepped forward and slashed with a knife, hitting the neck, and blood flowed everywhere again.

At this point, the barbarian soldier is dead and cannot die anymore.

Feng Wanli killed a barbarian here, and the other remaining rangers also achieved certain results. They either relied on their temporary bravery, if they cooperated with each other, or simply exchanged injuries for injuries, one by one rangers

Hemanqi fell to the ground, and the smell of blood quickly filled the entire dense forest, making people sick to smell it.

After a quarter of an hour, there were very few people left standing. There were less than ten Barbarians left, and there were only thirty-four Rangers. It was obvious that the Barbarians were still very brave, and they caused a lot of damage to the Rangers.


"Kill them, we don't want any prisoners." Feng Wanli's body was covered in blood at this time. Of course, they were all barbarians. In this period of time, he had killed five barbarians, which was considered the most murderous one.


"Kill!" The remaining thirty or so rangers had already been inspired by the blood to be brave. Under Feng Wanli's cry, they all rushed forward. The poor eight remaining knights were already weak.

Jin, how could he be his opponent when he hadn't fully recovered? In one wave, eight people were killed, one of the rangers was killed, and three were injured.

After all the fifty barbarians were killed, Feng Wanli couldn't help but reveal a smile, and then he fell to the ground with a plop. Although he had killed so bravely just now, every breath he took was so thrilling.

Moreover, due to lack of experience and excessive exertion, the whole body almost collapsed.

Not only Feng Wanli, but also the other living rangers also fell to the ground one by one. For many people, this was the first time to kill someone. Inexperience is a given, but more importantly, it was a spiritual baptism.

It is normal for those who feel weak and fall to the ground to vomit.

While the killings in the dense forest were still going on, the Xiucheng area had become chaotic.

After the fleeing barbarians reported that General An was surrounded by bows and arrows, Commander Meng Ding was shocked and wanted to lead his troops to rescue him. At this time, he saw the soldiers in Xiucheng again.

A large number of cavalry appeared in the northwest.

"They are the cavalry of Bahan." The young scout galloped back and came to Captain Meng Ding, saying as if he was shocked.

"That man Bahan, can they finally bear it?" There was no panic in Meng Ding's eyes, but he knew that it was impossible to save General Xiang Anxi personally. "Come, separate into two groups.

The patrol team rescued General An, while the others mounted their horses and formed a formation to show the man Ba ​​Khan the power of our sabers."

This chapter has been completed!
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