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Chapter 336: Clear rewards and punishments

The reason why we do not use banknotes but must use silver is to give everyone a visual impact and shock. As for after going down, the silver must be replaced by banknotes, otherwise it will be difficult to do anything with such a heavy thing on the body. Very inconvenient.

Shi Lei blushed, took a big step forward, and took the silver nugget from Feng Xun who looked envious. To say that he was lucky, in fact, not so many people died at his hands, just because of the thunder that day. It was he who lit the fuse, and many of the barbarian knights were bombed, leaving only half-broken corpses, and even their heads could not be found. All the credit finally fell to him with Shen Ao's permission. Such a great contribution.

This is something Shen Ao knows intentionally. The power of role models is sometimes infinite.

After taking the silver, Shen Ao strode over again and tied a big red flower on Shi Lei's chest to commend him for his contribution.

The red flower represents personal merit. The greater the merit, the larger the size of the red flower. Just like the red flower Shi Lei received is the largest among everyone.

Shi Lei put on the red flowers with excitement on his face, and then bowed to Shen Ao, expressing all his gratitude in this salute.

Shen Ao patted his shoulder and said with emotion, "Do a good job, the young master will take good care of you."

"Yes." Shi Lei, whose voice was choked with sobs, said as if to ensure that his life had been sold to the Duke of Zhongguo a long time ago and would never change again in his life.

After Shi Lei, Feng Wanli walked onto the stage with an excited look on his face.

Thanks to Tianlei, half of the four hundred barbarians were killed and half knocked unconscious. Feng Wanli also took the opportunity to rush forward and cut off the heads of several barbarians in succession. At this point, the number of barbarian heads in his hand reached ten One person was lucky enough to cut off the head of a centurion, which together amounted to exactly two hundred taels.

What does two hundred taels mean? You don't have to buy a house of your own in Daliang Beicheng District and still have some leftover.

Feng Wanli, with a happy face, waited until Shen Ao read out his results, and then two hundred taels of silver were delivered to his hands. There was also a conspicuous big red flower on his chest. Although it was not as big as the one on Shi Lei's chest, it was still beautiful. It’s clear enough for others to see it and envy it.

Sun Fuhu, who was standing in the audience, looked at Feng Wanli's proud look and couldn't help clenching his fists together. He would not admit that he was worse than this man. Since he could kill eleven barbarians, he should be able to do it too, and even Can do better.

"Just wait, the next time I stand on the stage and receive an award for meritorious service, I will be the one." Sun Fuhu thought secretly in his heart. Little did he know that this was exactly the effect Shen Ao wanted.

An army can win battles only if its morale is strong.

The question is, how can we make the morale of the army stronger and the fighting spirit higher? This requires constant victory in battles, which requires the stimulation of role models.

Whether it is Shi Lei or Feng Wanli, Shen Ao has set an example for everyone. The purpose of saying a thousand words and ten thousand is to set a benchmark for everyone so that everyone can learn from it, think about surpassing it, and compete in the next battle. Do it better.

"How's it going? Do you have any thoughts?" Shen Ao looked at Feng Wanli, whose face was flushed with excitement, and asked with a smile.

He knew that this person was quite influential among the rangers, and he knew even better that some words spoken by this person would be far more effective than those spoken by his own mouth.

"Hehe, it feels like the same thing. The barbarian knights are also made of human flesh. They will be dead if they are struck with a knife. So as long as you are not afraid of them and dare to show your usual strength, you will be the winner." Feng Wanli smiled naively, this is not the case. He was usually good at forming cliques and had the demeanor of a general. Of course, this was mainly because he was facing Shen Ao, who was stronger than him, so he had to put aside his noble pride and asked someone else, "What are you doing?" See what his attitude will be like?

"Well said." Shen Ao took the opportunity to encourage him: "Barbarians are also human beings, no different from us. When they have exhausted their strength, they will still feel the pain when they are struck with a knife. In the end, it all depends on who is stronger than the other. You are so brave. Congratulations, you have made a great contribution this time. You can organize a centurion for your use later, and you will be the first centurion among the rangers."

He only led a hundred people. In the past, Feng Wanli had more than this. But the difference is that in the past, everyone gathered together based on loyalty and his name. They could leave at any time without any restrictions. and legal effect. But now that it is said from Shen Ao's mouth, it is equivalent to semi-official recognition, which is very different.

Thinking that he would start his official career from now on, Feng Wanli became even more excited and incoherent, "Thank you, thank you, Mr. Guo. Please rest assured that I will perform better in the future."

"I believe that closing hundreds of households will be able to do what we say." Shen Ao patted the other party on the shoulder. Although he was much younger than the other party in terms of age, no one felt uncomfortable with this move. On the contrary, everyone was I envy Feng Wanli. It is really a blessing for our ancestors to be so valued by the Duke of the country.

Just when everyone was looking at Feng Wanli with envy, Shen Ao turned around, faced everyone, and said again: "Everyone, Feng Wanli is a role model for everyone. As long as you can perform well in the future, we will win immediately." When your military exploits are great enough, why can't you become a hundred households, or even a thousand households, or a few thousand households, or even ten thousand households? In a word, your destiny is up to you, and your performance will determine it. Your own status and achievements. Here, my father-in-law can promise you that meritorious service must be rewarded as the most important article of military discipline. There will be no false behavior in front of military merit, and there will be no personal emotions involved. To ensure that everyone can achieve the achievements they deserve in a fair, just and open environment."


Hearing Shen Ao say that he would treat everyone equally, the people below all screamed with joy. What they were afraid of was that they had worked hard, but had their credit taken away by others. By the way, this kind of thing often happens in the army. .

It often doesn’t require much personal effort on your part. As long as you have a good relationship with your superior, you will naturally share in the benefits. On the contrary, if your superior does not like you, no matter how great your achievements are, it will be in vain. .

This is also the reason why many rangers have no idea of ​​joining the army to serve the country despite their abilities. Most of them are unruly people, so it is no problem for them to perform well, but if they do things well and there is no good result, That's what they cannot accept.

Just because they saw too many dark things in the army, these people simply gave up the idea of ​​joining the army and became a free ranger.

Now that Feng Wanli has set an example, it's completely different. Everyone has seen hope again. For some people, perhaps serving the country by joining the army has become a very important thing again.

Everyone's thoughts are changing, and the awarding of generals on the stage is still going on. Every warrior who has killed the barbarian knights has been verbally commended by Shen Ao himself, and has a red flower on his chest from Shen Ao himself. After nearly a hundred people had received their respective rewards, Shen Ao's smiling face was replaced by a serious look when he looked at everyone.

"Any meritorious deeds will be rewarded, and any deeds will be punished. Those who have just been commended are those who have made meritorious deeds, and they are indeed role models for us all to learn from. But there are also some people who have only seven feet of body. When facing the barbarian cavalry, Instead of attacking the opponent with the weapon in his hand, he turned around and ran away, even shouting for help while running. Not only did he lose the face of our gangsters, but he almost made the situation get out of control and ruined the good situation. Putting their companions into danger and causing them unnecessary losses. This is desertion. According to military discipline, what should be done?"

The more Shen Ao spoke, the louder he became. When asked what should be done, the whole place fell into silence.

At this moment, Sun Fuhu and others finally knew why hundreds of Ranger Brotherhood members were kidnapped by Wuhuada. They felt that these people were deserters.

Emotionally speaking, these people are their companions. Although some of them are not known to everyone, they are all rangers after all. When they see something happen to them, everyone can't bear it. But if we talk about it on the battlefield, because of the escape of their companions, they will be implicated. If he were defeated or even died, he would definitely hate these people.

He wanted to beg for mercy but knew that he shouldn't do it. For a moment, everyone had hesitation on their faces. But all this was seen in Shen Ao's eyes. He took a deep breath and thought to himself, indeed, the ranger is Rangers, the emotional atmosphere of Jianghu is still too strong. If it is an elite army, facing those who are fleeing on the battlefield, I am afraid they will only feel hatred, and it will be difficult to feel sympathy.

"According to military law, how should these people be dealt with when they run away on the battlefield?" Shen Ao ignored the changes in the rangers' expressions and instead shouted and asked.

"Behead, behead!" 1,200 guards of the loyal government said in unison.

"Kill, kill!" The two thousand soldiers of Bukhan's unit also made a chorus of voices.

"Kill, kill!" A few people in the ranger team shouted loudly in agreement, but after just shouting a few times, when they saw that no one around them made any move, they put down their swings in embarrassment. fist and closed his mouth.

Feng Wanli, who was wearing a big red flower, saw all this in his eyes, and his originally hesitant look became determined.

Speaking of which, these one hundred deserters were all followers of him, and they were even familiar to him. These people had a common language with him in the past. They were all rangers, and they acted in a righteous manner. Shi Er spoke out loudly.

He is usually a bitch-like person, but what he didn't expect was that when he saw Zhen Zhang, he turned out to be a coward one by one, and his performance was so poor.

This chapter has been completed!
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