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Chapter 343: The Barbarian King's Response

Everyone below knows such things, and there must be a limit to false reporting. How could Duke Zhongguo not know? Although he inherited the title, his uncle is one of the most capable warriors in Daqian, Marquis Zhongcheng. Let’s set out Will you not tell him this when you are here?

Knowing this, he dared to write such a detailed battle report, which only proves one point. This young loyal Duke must have achieved a great victory. Perhaps his credit is not as exaggerated as written in the letter, but he defeated the barbarian army and captured the barbarians. Nothing can go wrong.

Thinking that even with a half discount, it would still be the victory of at least five thousand barbarians, how could Fei Qingsong not be surprised, and even feel jealous in his heart.

Xinzhou is the closest to the barbarians and has the most friction. Even so, how many barbarians has Fei Qingsong killed in these years?

The total number was only 5,000, and more than 10,000 soldiers died in exchange for this, which cost twice the price.

I read what Shen Ao said in his letter. He dealt with nearly ten thousand barbarians, and his own losses plus the number of injured people were less than five hundred. This was a bit too scary.

This record has completely suppressed his own momentum. How can this make Fei Qingsong, a self-proclaimed veteran, embarrassed?

Now that Shen Ao can write to himself a letter explaining the situation, the same letter will surely be sent to Daliang City. Emperor Qianwen will naturally be able to see it. At that time, will he have opinions about himself because of this?

Do you think that the land you have guarded in Xinzhou all these years is no longer useful?

Thinking of how he always said in his memorials how powerful and invincible the barbarians were. But a young man could actually achieve such great results. Wouldn't it be a judgment call on who is stronger and who is weaker?

If this battle had been fought by Zhongcheng Hou Shen Yunyi, Fei Qingsong would have felt much better mentally. After all, he was also a famous veteran, and the Shen brothers were considered the most capable in fighting. It would not be a shame to lose to him.

But now it was the young Duke himself who had achieved such results, which made Fei Qingsong look very embarrassed.

How could Fei Qingsong be in a better mood at this moment?

Fortunately, at the end of the letter, Shen Ao proposed to unite with the Xinzhou soldiers, saying that if the barbarians came to make peace, he would agree to it. He only had to wait for the barbarian army to retreat, and then he would pursue them and regain the previously lost territory of Congling. He lost all the territory and drove the barbarians back to the barbaric land. This was considered as gaining opportunities and creating conditions for himself to make meritorious deeds.

"Father, do we want to listen to this young prince? If he deceived us and attacked rashly, wouldn't it be easy to fall into the trap of the barbarians? After all, even if we can recover the lost territory, it will cause trouble The grudges of the barbarians are not as good as sitting on a mountain and watching the fight between tigers and tigers, watching the barbarians and the loyal duke fight to the death, wouldn't it be better then for us to look for opportunities to send troops to turn the tide?" Luo Hai spoke. It must be said that he also knows how to fight, otherwise, wouldn't it be better? Wouldn't have thought of such an idea.

Why didn't Fei Qingsong think this way?

But after careful consideration, he immediately killed the idea. Are you kidding me, sitting on a mountain and watching a tiger fight? It seems to be a good move, but if it is really done, it will offend many people. Gone.

First of all, whether it is the Xinzhou soldiers or the soldiers led by Shen Ao, they are the armed forces of Daqian, right? If either party is damaged, how will Emperor Qianwen be happy?

Once the emperor has an opinion about himself, will his current position still be secure?

Besides, if you really do this, it will be the barbarians who get the advantage, and they will not be grateful to you. On the contrary, once they defeat Shen Ao, they will probably send their troops eastward immediately. In this way, the crisis in Xinzhou will still be unresolved. Isn't this asking for trouble?

The last point is that choosing this method is tantamount to completely offending the Shen family. Although Fei Qingsong is not afraid, but because of this, everyone knows who he is. In the future, Xinzhou will be in trouble, and Who would be willing to help me?

Haven't you seen what happened to Duke Zhongguo who wanted to help?

The lessons learned from this experience are in front of me, and I have to think twice about who to ask for help. If this is the case, I am afraid that even if New South Wales is occupied by barbarians in the future, no one will send troops to help. The consequences of this are scary to think about. .

All the consequences were not something Fei Qingsong could bear, so he had only one choice left, which was to cooperate with the young prince's plan. And doing so would also be beneficial, as he could recover what he had lost, and if he had done it, he could suffer heavy losses. The barbarian soldiers are a great achievement no matter how you look at them.

This is the kindness of Shen Ao. Although most of this letter is for his own purposes and plans, it also gives Fei Qingsong enough benefits. In this case, is there any reason to refuse?

"Okay, Hai'er. We and Duke Zhongguo are both ministers of the great cause, and we can't do things that would put pressure on each other. Now that Duke Zhongguo has achieved results, what we have to do is to cooperate with him and strive to expand the results. In this case, you call the other generals over and we can discuss it carefully."

Fei Qingsong made a decision quickly, and it was also the most correct decision.

After his adoptive father said this, Luo Hai naturally did not dare to question. After making a promise, he turned around and made arrangements.


Barbarian military camp.

The letter from the Barbarian King was received two days later. In the main tent, the eldest prince Obike, the second prince Origi, the princess Oyadan and the general Shajie sat together to read the letter from the Barbarian King. Afterwards, everyone looked confused. One, the complexion is different.

Needless to say, the two princes were shocked by the results of the battle in the letter. Su's loss of Shana and Xiucheng made them feel as if they were in a dream. Even now, they still don't believe it.

Barbarians are just like their name, they are very arrogant. They have always been the only ones to bully others. How could they be bullied by others?

Apart from suffering a big loss at the hands of South Vietnam, which was because South Vietnam suddenly sent out troops and caught them off guard when their rear was depleted of troops, forcing them to leave their homeland, what other defeats had there been?

Just like this time, they took advantage by sending troops to Xinzhou. Fei Qingsong, who was fighting an army of 30,000, was giving in step by step. If they continued, the Congling area would be owned by them, and their territory would also be lost. It will expand because of this. It was at this good time that Shen Ao appeared, fought two cities in a row, and threatened the northern border of the barbarian land. How could this make them comfortable?

Doesn't it mean Ganren is weak? Why is the powerful Barbarian Cavalry not his opponent?

Compared to the two princes, General Shajie also had a much deeper feeling.

As the leading general, Shajie worked his way up to his current position with sword and gun. When it comes to leading the army, he obviously has more say.

Because of this, he can better understand the horror of Shen Ao.

Whether it was Niu Su'an or General Xiang Anxi, Shajie knew them all, and was even familiar with them. These were not incompetent people, otherwise they would not have been favored by the barbarian king and had the power to lead troops.

But they all lost to Shen Ao one after another. What on earth is going on?

It seems that when Shen Ao came out of Daliang City this time, he did not bring any of Da Gan's soldiers, but only summoned three thousand rangers. To be honest, when he first got the news, Sha Jie laughed out loud. With.

War is not a child's play, people will die at any time. Even the regular army may have a large number of deserters when the situation is not good, let alone the temporary ranger team that has no military discipline at all. I am afraid that they will not even be able to I have no idea what military discipline is.

This was not so much an army as a group of rabble. This was just a whim of the young Duke.

Before that, Sha Jie had thought that once he knew where Shen Ao was, he would send troops to teach him a lesson. Firstly, it would show the power of their barbarian soldiers; secondly, it would also help his son Sha, who had been beaten. He kept venting his anger; San Ye also told Shen Ao that you are still just a young man, leading troops to fight is very dangerous, it is better not to get involved, otherwise your life will be lost here one day.

Who would have thought that they had no intention of showing up in Xinzhou, but instead went to the northern border and achieved such results.

This actually makes Sha Jie a little lucky. If Shen Ao's target is himself, will he be the opponent's opponent if he is careless? Will he also suffer a loss?

Compared to Sha Jie, who was overjoyed in her heart, Princess Oyadan looked shy and full of joy at this meeting.

If she hadn't considered the feelings of the two royal brothers and General Shajie, she would have burst out laughing at this moment.

The education method of the barbarians is destined to be different from that of the Gan people. They value force more and respect the strong more.

If Oyadan was attracted by Shen Ao's handsome appearance and talent before, now he is also attracted by the other's heroic spirit.

Unexpectedly, what he likes is actually a hero, a commander who can strategize thousands of miles away on the battlefield. Although the barbarians suffered a loss this time, as long as Shen Ao stays by his side, he can make anyone who underestimates him in the future The barbarians suffered a lot, right?

From this moment on, Oyadan values ​​Shen Ao even more, and her love becomes more unwavering. Now, she just wants to leave here immediately and go to the north. She wants to see Shen Ao, and then use her Beauty makes the other party fall under the pomegranate skirt.

I believe that given Shen Ao's previous performance, if he is talking about marrying Shen Ao, his father will be very supportive, right?

The four of them each had their own thoughts. After looking at each other, their eyes fell on Sha Jie. "General Sha, I will leave the matters here to you. The negotiations with Fei Qingsong will also be handed over. We are going to the north." Go and meet Shen Ao and see if he is really smart."

The person who spoke was none other than the eldest prince Obike. He didn't want to wait any longer. He wanted to defeat Shen Ao and prove that he was the strongest among the younger generation. He wanted to take this opportunity to impress his father.

Not only the eldest prince, but also the second prince Origi also had the same idea. After Obik stood up, he also stood up and walked out of the big tent. Accompanying him was Oyadan, who didn't even have a reason.

If you don’t give them, you just leave like this and go out with your own five hundred female soldiers. This may be the power of women. Don’t try to reason with them. The moment you want to speak, you are already


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