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Chapter 350 The Importance of Military Posture

This time, when the war stopped again, it was also the moment when the two men stopped fighting and made peace.

Shajie expressed their king's intention, that is, the two sides ceased fighting and would not launch any attacks.

Congling was almost captured, and Fei Qingsong was under great pressure before. Now that the barbarians are willing to stop, he is naturally happy. But after receiving Shen Ao's letter, Fei Qingsong was not so excited. On the contrary, he was Some of them were angry, all because Sha Jie proposed that after the withdrawal of troops, the two sides would use the territory they currently occupy as the boundary.

In other words, the barbarians had no intention of returning the areas near Congling that they had previously occupied. How could this make Fei Qingsong happy? Without these places, wouldn't it mean that Congling would be in danger at any time?

Is it possible that you can start a war when you say you want to fight and stop when you say you want to stop?

Fei Qingsong knew something in his heart, but did not show it on his face. He wanted to confuse Sha Jie, and as Shen Ao said, he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the barbarian soldiers to move north and suddenly send troops to take back all the previously occupied territory.

Doing so would be responsible for tearing up the agreement. But think about it, wasn't the agreement made just for the purpose of tearing it up?

How did Shajie know this? In his opinion, the northern border was far away from Xinzhou. Even if there was any news there, it would not be possible for Fei Qingsong to reach him so quickly. After the barbarian king sent troops to deal with the enemies in the northern border, Fei Qingsong would Qingsong was thinking of a two-sided attack, but he had already lost his best opportunity.

Under Fei Qingsong's deliberate confusion, the two had a very happy conversation, and finally their fingerprints were pressed on an agreement. Shajie headed towards Mandu with joy, and he wanted to pay a favor to the King of Man. At the same time, he wanted to see if he could have the opportunity to go to the north together. He was also becoming more and more interested in this young Duke Zhongguo, and wanted to see if he was really good at leading troops in war.

Shajie returned to Mandu the night before the Man King sent out troops and met with the Man King.

Seeing the armistice agreement that Shajie got back, the Barbarian King was very satisfied. If nothing happened in the east, he could go to the north with peace of mind. After taking care of Shen Ao, he would go back and deal with Fei Qingsong. At that time, he would tear up this It's time for an agreement.

"Your Majesty, please allow me to go to the northern border." Shajie said, putting his right hand on his chest and bowing respectfully.

"That's good, the Chinese army is still short of one general, so I'll leave it to you." The Man King thought for a moment before nodding his head and agreed. Sha Jie has good abilities, and he has fought against the soldiers of Xinzhou all the year round, so he is very good at overall planning. With experience, and with him here, he can worry less. As for the Xinzhou matter, Man Wang is still very relieved. It would be good if he does not go to the other party to cause trouble. How dare Fei Qingsong come to him? Not happy.

"Thank you, Your Majesty." After hearing this, Sha Jie's face lit up with joy and he answered immediately.

Early the next morning, the Man King personally marched and led an army of 20,000 people from Mandu to Xiucheng in the north. With Ran Chaoming as the vanguard general, Shajie as the general of the middle army, and the second prince Origi as the quartermaster, the Man King took Princess Er Yadan and his party left the city.

The eldest prince Obik stayed in the city to supervise the country.


Hugh city.

The ditches outside the city are like the blood vessels of the human body, criss-crossing and filling the area with a radius of five kilometers, completely protecting the city.

When he learned that the barbarian king was personally conquering and leading 20,000 barbarian soldiers, Shen Ao knew that fighting head-on was not an option and could only fight a defensive battle. So he asked General Ila to return to the Bahan capital to send out Su brought a batch of grain and grass in exchange for Shana City.

In addition, the food and grass originally hoarded by the barbarians were seized in the city, which was enough to feed the army for a year. With such confidence, Shen Ao had people prepare sufficient black oil for the enemy to attack the city. Next Then he drilled the soldiers in the city and began to make various preparations before the war.

With a three-year military career, Shen Ao had a pretty good understanding of the military situation of later generations. After he discovered that good discipline and military posture could better improve combat effectiveness and cohesion, he quoted it. He was the first to be trained in military posture. It's the 1,200 guards.

"The heels are close together, and the toes are about 60 degrees apart; the feet are straight; the lower abdomen is slightly drawn in, and the chest is naturally raised; the upper body is upright, leaning slightly forward; the shoulders should be flat and slightly stretched back; the arms should be natural Droop, keep your fingers together and naturally slightly flexed, put the tip of your thumb on the second joint of your index finger, and put your middle finger on the seam of your trousers; your head should be upright, your neck should be straight, your mouth should be closed, your mandible should be slightly retracted, and your eyes should be looking straight forward." Shen Ao stood. At the martial arts field in the city, he held a soft whip in his hand, glanced at the 1,200 guards, and spoke out the key points of the movements.

Don't underestimate the action of standing in the military posture, it has too many benefits.

Standing in the military posture is to temper the soldier's tenacious will, temper the soldier's unyielding perseverance, and develop steel-like discipline.

Standing in a military posture, they are like stakes, connected by flowing green Great Wall. Wherever there are needs of the country and people, there will be this overwhelming momentum.

Standing in a military posture, I am like a poplar tree beside an outpost, rising up from the dry land and reaching into the clouds. With my feet on the earth and the blue sky above my head, my heroic spirit is overwhelming. No matter how strong the wind is, I will remain unmoved.

Standing in a military posture, standing on the windy and snowy training field is a state of selflessness. Even if your legs are sore and stiff, even if you have become an ice sculpture, the heat of the warm blood in your body bursting out from your pores is enough to melt the whole winter.

Standing in a military posture is like a lighthouse on the voyage, never afraid of strong winds, high waves, and storms; like a thousands-mile border defense line or a checkpoint on the snowy plateau, it always maintains a high degree of vigilance and is inviolable.

Standing in a military posture, standing ideals leap in the blue sky, and standing beliefs rise on the earth.

Stand in a military posture, stand out with a military flavor, stand out as a soldier, and stand out with a soldier's bold loyalty!

It was the first time he stood in a military posture, and he was not used to this method. Soon some of the guards couldn't bear it, and their bodies couldn't help but squirm. In this way, Captain Shi Lei and the supervisors took effect. They would If you remind the other party loudly, points will be deducted immediately.

It is said that once the 100-point score is deducted, he will be kicked out of the escort team and become a slave who is looked down upon by everyone.

Under strong pressure, everyone is trying their best to persevere. This is exactly what Shen Ao wants. His identity means that he cannot bring too many troops, otherwise it will only arouse tension from all parties. That's it. , he can only take the elite soldier route, and whoever can persevere in the end will become his guard. While enjoying the best treatment, he will also be respected and live a personal life.

On the contrary, if he cannot persevere, it will only prove that his will is not firm enough. In this case, he will give up the best opportunity to become his bodyguard.

Among the 1,200 guards, some people were constantly being deducted points. Some even fell to the ground due to physical and willpower problems after standing for an hour. It was no wonder that Shen Ao chose to stand in the military posture at noon and the sun was shining. The hottest time is June, and the sun is already very scorching. In such an environment, the conditions are much harsher and more difficult.

People kept fainting, and people kept carrying the racks to take the fainted people aside to rest. During the intervening period, the heat-relieving soup would be put into the mouth, and the refreshing feeling after a sip would make the whole body feel very comfortable.

An hour and a half later, there were less than 400 people left in the audience, two-thirds of whom had been eliminated. But Shen Ao still had no intention of stopping. He just wanted to see where the limits of these people were. , after persevering this time, I will definitely be able to persist longer the next time I stand in a military posture.

The commotion in the square soon attracted the rangers and the cavalry from Bukhan's unit to come and watch. But the latter just took a look and left indifferently, just standing. What's so difficult about this, I really don't know. Why did Lord Daqian Zhongguo do such training?

On the other hand, many of the rangers were left behind, and they all looked at the scene with curious expressions. People like Feng Wanli, Sun Fuhu, and others were even more interested.

It goes without saying what Shen Ao's abilities are. Three wins in three battles is enough to explain everything. They don't believe that such a wise person can do anything useless. There must be other knowledge in this so-called standing. .

"Master, those rangers seem to be eager to give it a try." Shi Lei noticed that many rangers were already standing around and followed suit, so he reported to Shen Ao in a low voice.

"Well, since they want to learn, just let them come over and learn. Tell them, whoever can stand for two hours will be rewarded with fifty taels of silver." Shen Ao glanced at the rangers and thought of training them. idea.

In addition to the unsatisfactory performance of the rangers in the first battle, many rangers achieved military exploits in the remaining two battles. Facts have also proved that they are usable people.

Since they are talented people, Shen Ao will not take too much. If they are willing to take refuge, Shen Ao is also willing to accept them. But there is a premise. These rangers are used to being free and loose. I am afraid they will not be so obedient and stand still. Military posture is a way to temper their will. Perhaps in this way, they can be trained to become qualified and excellent soldiers.

"Nuo." Shi Lei was extremely loyal and obedient. After Shen Ao gave the order, he carried it out. Then he went to the rangers and told them about the Duke's request.

"Two hours?" After hearing this, many rangers showed excitement on their faces.

"Yes, it's only two hours. Whoever can persist will be rewarded fifty taels of silver, and at the same time, you can consider joining the escort team." Shi Lei nodded and told the benefit that Shen Ao added later.

"Can I join the escort team?" At this moment, many rangers were excited.

The reason why the escort brigade is so powerful in combat is that up to now, no one has died and only a few have been injured. This is inseparable from their excellent equipment.

This chapter has been completed!
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