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Chapter 358: The Great War

The prisoners were unable to have enough to eat. At this point, the two generals were treated the same as other people. If they did not have enough to eat, their whole body would have no strength. In addition to using their brains, it was impossible to do anything. No more fun.

"I don't know if the king is going to launch an army, but don't let that young man get in his way." An Boli said worriedly after hearing the commotion outside.

In contrast, Xiang Anxi's face was even more serious. He became Shen Ao's prisoner very early. He was also lucky enough to participate in Shen Ao's first meritorious service award ceremony. He also saw how the young man clearly distinguished rewards and punishments, and how he held memorial ceremonies. Will come to calm people's hearts.

That day, Shen Ao's behavior really scared Xiang Anxi and cast a thick shadow on his psychology. He had a feeling that this young prince was very difficult to deal with. He understood people's hearts so well and knew how to deal with them. Taking advantage of people's hearts. Such an opponent might fall into his trap accidentally.

This fear soon became a reality. Xiang Boli was arrested and it proved everything. Before that time, troops in Xiucheng were also mobilized, and now it happened again. Xiang Anxi couldn't help but I am getting more and more worried, wondering who will be unlucky this time?

As the ancients said, a country is easy to change, but a person's nature is hard to change.

After already being afraid of Shen Ao in his heart, Xiang Anxi has already been in a panic. The slightest movement will lead to a lot of fantasy. I don't know why.

"Okay, don't think too much. This time, the Barbarian King is personally leading the army, and there are 20,000 troops. Even if he is powerful, he will not be his opponent." Knowing that the Barbarian King is coming, they also know that they are eating and drinking. Xiang Boli, who was sent by the Barbarian King, comforted him as if speaking to himself.

But his words could not dispel Xiang Anxi's doubts. What he didn't know was that all the worries in his heart would soon come true, and new members would soon be added to his small courtyard.

One day and one night passed in the intense fighting between the two sides. On the third day, it was the day to deliver food to Xiucheng. An Longqiang brought 300 carefully selected barbarians, plus the 200 barbarians hidden in the grain truck, for a total of Five hundred people came to Xiucheng according to the prescribed time.

Above Xiucheng, Shen Ao was watching this scene with a telescope in his hand. When he put down the telescope shortly afterwards, he said with a confident look on his face: "What should have come has finally arrived. I tell everyone to prepare according to the previous plan." Bar."

After hearing this, Shi Lei took the telescope and looked into the distance. He quickly put it down and asked as if he was confused, "Master, why can't my subordinates see anything unusual?"

"Can't you see? Take a closer look and see if the soldiers transporting food and grass this time are all strong and strong. Think about it, why do we need these brave men to transport food? Isn't this the problem?" Shen Ao chuckled. He had seen the food delivery team before, but it was incomparable to the team in front of him. Based on this, there was a big problem.

After Shen Ao's reminder, Shi Lei quickly took out his telescope and looked at it again. Then he looked in agreement and nodded in admiration: "Young Master's eyesight is really good, I admire him."

"This has nothing to do with eyesight. As long as you pay more attention, you can also see it." Shen Ao laughed, then turned around and walked towards the predetermined location. Since he knew that the barbarians were going to take action, he would not You need to be polite, it's time to take care of them, and it's time to solve the problem.

Xiang Longqiang is approaching Xiucheng with three hundred elite barbarians.

As usual, when they came all the way with their food and grass, no one stopped them. No one even checked.

It's not like the first time, when the grain and grass were transported, several groups of people came to check along the way, which made people tireless. Now it's better, maybe it's habit, these soldiers showed such a relaxed attitude, which is exactly what Xi Jinping said. What Long Qiang wanted to see.

While walking among the team, Xiang Longqiang observed, wanting to see if there was anything different from usual. But as far as he could see, there was no difference from before. Most of the soldiers still looked for a shade. He stayed there, not even bothering to take a look at their arrival.

This may be a kind of trust, but why isn't it his own opportunity? Xiang Longqiang's heart was beating fast, and his right hand couldn't help but clenched again and again. He knew that this time his chance to perform was about to come.

They slowly came to the city with the grain and grass. The soldiers responsible for receiving it had already walked over. After they casually glanced at the grain cart, one of them said: "Okay, just put the grain cart here. You can We’re back. Brothers, the sun is shining brightly now, let’s rest for a while and then start working when it gets cooler.”

The leader was Feng Wanli, who had previously received five hundred taels of silver from Xiang Longqiang. After saying this, he ignored the barbarian and turned around to rush towards a cooler place.

This scene fell into Xiang Longqiang's eyes, with a hint of murderous intent. He quickly touched the saber with his right hand, and shouted loudly, "Brothers, do it."

This shout also kicked off the barbarian attack. Hundreds of barbarians shouted, holding weapons in hand and rushed towards the nearest wooden fence.

In addition to these barbarian soldiers who were pioneers, some barbarians were left behind. They pushed away the grain carts, and one after another barbarians jumped out from inside. They also held weapons in their hands and shouted. It rushed straight down towards the inside of Xiucheng.

All these movements were so skillful and fast that the soldiers who were enjoying the shade under the big trees were stunned and seemed to be stunned and at a loss.

Xiang Longqiang didn't pay attention to those people at all. Instead, he led his team into the city and headed straight for the east city. He wanted to find the imprisoned barbarians first and lead them to resist, so that they would have a numerical advantage. That Even if the main force of the barbarians has not yet arrived, they still have the ability to resist for a longer period of time.

I rushed into Xiucheng and ran through a street. Wherever I saw it, everything was extremely quiet. It was this quietness that gave people a somewhat abnormal feeling.

If it were normal times, Xiang Longqiang would definitely be alert. But now, seeing Dongcheng right in front of him and victory right in front of him, how could he have time to think about so many things. "Quick, quick, everyone speed up, now The soldiers are all looking for a shady place to cool off, and once they react, they will come and surround us."

As he spoke, Xiang Longqiang found a reason to convince himself of the quiet street, and then led his troops to rush eastward. When they came to a main street without any obstruction, they suddenly saw someone on the wide road. A deep pit appeared, and without any preparation, at least fifty or sixty barbarians at the front fell into it unprepared.

"There is a trap here." Someone had already shouted to remind everyone.

"Go that way." He pointed in a direction and shouted loudly to Long Qiang. Even though there was a little accident, he didn't think it was deliberately targeting him. It should be a deep hole dug before. It is specially used to deal with barbarian prisoners who want to escape.

But this idea soon changed. When they ran to another street, a huge pit was also exposed there, and dozens of barbarians fell into it, and they would be unable to climb out for a while.

"What's going on? Break out over there, point to the right and forward, which is also the last direction of the assault, and shouted orders to Long Qiang.

The barbarian soldiers who rushed to the front next walked cautiously. Fortunately, there were no deep pits here, which made everyone feel at ease. The speed of advancement was accelerating again.

The company ran forward for more than a mile, and then turned a corner. Suddenly, the barbarian soldiers rushing in front stopped their progress, causing Xiang Longqiang, who was coming from behind, to look angrily, "What's going on?" , how to stop..." He couldn't say the next words. Just in front of the road, a row of dry crossbowmen were waiting. Not only that, but on the houses on the left and right of their street, there were also A lot of crossbowmen were revealed.

"This is a trap, run back." This time, before Xiang Long Qiang could say anything, someone among the barbarian soldiers had already shouted. However, before most of them turned around, another shout came from behind them. A voice came out, "Oh no, there are enemies behind us. We are surrounded."

When Xiang Qiang turned around, what he saw was this scene. Hundreds of crossbowmen rushed out from behind, and those crossbows and bows they had never seen before were facing them, sending out a cold sound. meaning.

At this point, how could Xiang Longqiang still not know that this was basically a trap?

But now it was too late to regret, thinking that after all, he still had 400 people under his command, they could still charge forward and give it a try. Xiang Long Qiang's face turned red, and he shouted loudly, "Brothers, we Rush out, the army will be here soon, as long as we can join them, the soldiers in the city will be vulnerable."

Xiang Longqiang's shouting reached the ears of the barbarian soldiers, giving them confidence. The dozen or so people at the front shouted loudly, and took advantage of this momentum to rush forward.

Just when these people were charging forward, crossbow arrows came in a row and hit the dozen barbarian soldiers in the first row, causing them to fall to the ground almost in unison. Each of them was hit by an average of two arrows.

This sudden change frightened the other barbarian soldiers, making them a little confused and unable to understand why these crossbow arrows were so powerful and powerful.

"Surrender without killing. After five breaths, all those who do not surrender will be killed." Shi Lei, who was leading the team, spoke. He knew in his heart that these were just the first batch of barbarian soldiers. If they could not be dealt with quickly, they would not be able to take them with them. Before the guards return to reinforce the city gate, the pressure there will be much greater.

This chapter has been completed!
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