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Chapter 360 Capture the enemy first capture the king

Entering the city from the outside, there are trenches everywhere, and it is impossible to ride a horse. But in front of the city gate is a flat river, which can still allow the cavalry to gallop. The two thousand Bahan cavalry who had been waiting for a long time, after hearing Shen Ao's order, immediately The two generals La and Hedage rushed out from the left and right sides with two thousand cavalry, and attacked the approaching barbarian infantry.

The advantage of using cavalry against infantry on the battlefield is quite obvious. The cavalry cuts into the battlefield at an extremely fast speed and can hit any point of the opponent at the fastest speed to complete the encirclement of the battlefield. With the speed of the horse, it can go anywhere. unfavorable.

Speaking of which, this was the first time that the Bukhan cavalry under the leadership of Shen Ao had made a serious charge. In the previous battles, they were just playing side games and playing soy sauce, and were not intended to be the main force. , there is no loss.

It was also under Shen Ao's leadership that they realized that fighting was such a simple matter. There was no need to work hard or fight hard, and they could achieve the greatest victory.

While admiring Duke Dagan Zhongguo in his heart, this time when they learned that they had to use cavalry against infantry, cut into the battlefield, and implement cutting and encirclement, both Ila and Hedage looked full of confidence, which was equivalent to giving full play to their abilities. Using your strengths to attack your opponent's weaknesses is a very comfortable thing.

The two generals are full of confidence, as are the cavalry below. They also want to show their strength through this battle, otherwise people will always think that they are picking up leftovers from behind, and their face will be ugly. .

With the intention of performing well, the two thousand cavalry attacked like tigers coming out of their cages. As soon as they appeared, they gave the barbarian infantry a slap in the face.

Under the wave of attacks from bows and arrows, the momentum of the three thousand barbarians was suppressed. The soldiers in the front row fell one by one. Seeing Ran Chaoming's eyes, he almost shed blood. These were all elite barbarians. Warriors, they are like eagles on the battlefield, they can soar at will, find their own targets, and inflict heavy damage on the enemy.

Now without the help of war horses and without the speed advantage, they can only rely on their legs. At this moment, they are like eagles with broken wings, unable to spread their wings and fly high, and can only run on the ground. This greatly It hindered their performance ability and also caused their combat power to drop a lot.

With their combat power unable to be used, they faced the two thousand Bakhan cavalry who were eyeing them. The moment the two sides came into contact, the barbarian soldiers were hit hard and hundreds of corpses were thrown away. Soon, this disadvantage became The situation began to spread, and the extremely fast cavalry of Bukhan quickly cut it into pieces, and it was difficult to form any joint force.

On the battlefield in ancient times, what was important was to go all out and use force to overwhelm others.

When morale is high, it is not impossible to defeat 500 people with 1,000 people. On the contrary, when morale is low, even 1,000 people may not be able to defeat 500 people. This shows the importance of morale.

Under the double blow of bows and arrows and cavalry, the barbarian soldiers were now cut into pieces. It was difficult for the barbarian soldiers to form a combined force, and their combat effectiveness had dropped a lot. There was no rout, which proved that the barbarian soldiers' personal will was good. .

"The rangers attack from the left and right, surround the enemy's small forces with superior force, and annihilate them one by one." Watching the changes on the battlefield, Shen Ao said with his eyebrows slightly raised. He knew that now was his opportunity. While the opponent was being beaten, If you are confused and can't stand still, injure them as much as possible. Only in this way can you ensure that this battle will win the greatest victory at the least cost.

Shen Ao uses the wave tactic when using his troops. Even if he doesn't launch, once he launches the attack, it will be continuous, just like the waves on the sea, one wave after another, the bow and arrow attack is the first wave, and the cavalry attack is the second wave. If so, the Ranger Attack would be the third wave.

Relying on these multiple blows, the momentum of the barbarian soldiers' charge was indeed suppressed, causing them to fall into chaos. The soldiers did not know the generals, and the generals did not know the soldiers. The combined force could not be formed. While the combat effectiveness was greatly weakened, the people surrounded in the middle Vanguard General Ran Chaoming was even more confused and his face was as deep as water.

Doesn’t it mean that Ganjun is unprepared?

Doesn't it mean that this is not a regular army and has no experience on the battlefield?

Doesn't it mean that they should catch their opponents by surprise by appearing suddenly, and then win a devastating victory?

Didn't it mean that they should be the ones who suddenly burst out?

Doesn't it mean that the enemy should be extremely confused now?

But why, they are the ones in confusion now.

Seeing first the bows and arrows, then the cavalry assault, and then a large number of cadres rushing in, it didn't look like they were unprepared. It was clearly planned and fully prepared.

At this time, Ran Chaoming still didn't know that Gan Ren had been prepared for it. His so-called lack of defense was just doing what they saw, in order to lure them into being deceived.

Thinking of this, Ran Chaoming became worried for Xiang Longqiang and his party. If the Qian army had been prepared, the five hundred of them would be in trouble. Fortunately, the Barbarian King had already arrived with his army. As long as he could If you persist for a while, you will surely see the dawn of victory.

At this time, Ran Chaoming did not give up. He knew that the barbarian army had a huge advantage in strength. As long as the large barbarian army could rush to Xiucheng, the so-called conspiracy would soon fall apart in the face of absolute power. , then he would lead his men into the city of Xiu, to give back to these Gan people and the people of Bukhan who dared to rebel against them, and let them know how miserable the outcome would be if they offended the barbarians.

His heart was still full of fantasies about the future, and he was still thinking about revenge, but he didn't know that every move he made had already been noticed by interested people. At this time, Shen Ao was pointing at his figure and said to Ao Qi beside him: "Qi Brother, if you see that person, there is no problem in rushing over and catching him."

"No problem." Ao Qi smiled confidently, and then jumped out. In just a few jumps, he flew several feet away and headed towards the battlefield.

To capture the thief, capture the king first.

With his troops outnumbered by the opponent, Shen Ao did not have time to fight a protracted battle with the opponent. He remembered that the main force of the barbarian army had not yet moved. If he could not resolve the battle in front of him in a short time, the situation would be very different once the main force of the barbarian army came to the city. It will become dangerous.

Capturing the barbarian general will play a vital role in quickly solving battlefield problems. Without the command system, the barbarians will fly around like headless flies. In this way, the combat effectiveness will be reduced. will decline faster, and the promotion effect on resolving this battle faster will be very obvious.

This is the so-called beheading operation in later wars.

Barbarian soldiers have a strict hierarchy. There are certain rules for who wears what kind of military uniforms and what kind of armor. The general armor worn by Ran Chaoming is very different from the cloth armor worn by other barbarians. If you want to It was naturally not difficult to find him among the thousands of troops. Ao Qi spotted his target and kept leaping up and down. The distance between the two parties was getting closer and closer.

Ran Chaoming, who had become a target, did not realize this. He was still yelling at the barbarians, asking them to hold on, claiming that the barbarian king would arrive soon with the main force, and he only needed to hold on to win. .

The role of the general is still very obvious. Ran Chaoming's shouts fell into the ears of the barbarian soldiers. They held their breath and concentrated, changing from rushing to defending. Hundreds of people gathered in a circle, forming a temporary, but it could be regarded as An effective defensive circle blocked the charge of Ganjun and Bukhan's cavalry.

If you persist like this, it is really not possible to solve the problem in a short time. After all, there are three thousand barbarian troops, and all of them are selected elite warriors. Many of them have rich battlefield experience. If you want to solve the problem, They were all eliminated, and the difficulty was not small.

Seeing that the battlefield was developing into a stalemate, Ao Qi had already jumped over several small formations and came to the formation where Ran Chaoming was.

Ran Chaoming held on with more than 300 barbarian soldiers. After forming a circular defense circle, the barbarian soldiers cuddled and relied on each other. They did not need to consider the safety behind them. They only needed to defend the front, which put them under great pressure. Minus, the rangers who surrounded them charged several times, but after killing and wounding more than a dozen people, they still could not break through this layer of defense.

"Get out of the way." With a cry, Ao Qi took action. The sword in his hand had been replaced by a copper whip, and it swept forward like a spiritual snake spitting a message. It hit an unprepared barbarian soldier on the head, and immediately It was a split head, with red and white splatters everywhere.

After a successful blow, the copper whip fell to the ground and suddenly swung to the right. Under the great strength of the energy master, the whip swept four barbarian soldiers one after another, knocking them over to the ground. Only then did it lose its momentum and stop. Come down.

With just a whip, a gap was opened on the battlefield. The rangers were all excited. They rushed into the circle and began to cooperate with each other to snatch their own merits.

When there was a gap, it was like a dyke had burst, causing the rangers to rush in one after another, forcefully breaking through the defense circle of the barbarians. Taking this opportunity, Ao Qi mingled with the crowd and rushed towards Ran Chaoming at high speed. Close.

Ran Chaoming still didn't know that the danger was approaching. At this time, he was constantly directing the barbarian soldiers to rush towards the gap, intending to re-establish a defensive circle to withstand the enemy's sharp edge. However, he didn't know that while he was shouting, a sudden burst of copper The whip appeared in front of him, and one of the soldiers protecting him was taken away by the bronze whip because he could not dodge in time. His body was thrown high into the air, and then fell heavily.

"Who?" Ran Chaoming could be the vanguard general personally appointed by the Barbarian King, so he naturally had some strength of his own, and his secret strength made him not afraid of ordinary attacks.

This chapter has been completed!
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