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Chapter 390 Shi Zitong's Hope

In order for that day to come, it is necessary to make some preparations in advance. Isn’t what counselors should do to plan ahead and plan the work in advance? Otherwise, what is the use of supporting them with high salaries?

Zeng Tong really thought about Shen Ao, and that's why he was so anxious. Shen Ao saw all this, and was a little moved in his heart. He also recognized Zeng Tong's identity as a staff member. Because of this, he felt There are certain things that need to be said clearly to the other party, "Mr. Zeng, I understand how you feel. But because of this, the people we need need to be carefully selected. The most important thing is loyalty."

"If they only have ability but no loyalty, then it's okay to not want such people. Because one day, when they face more temptations, their psychology will change, and they will become unrecognizable to us, and they will change to the point where they can return. Go and bite the devil who is your master."

Shen Ao spoke earnestly. But when Zeng Tong heard these words, he did not agree, "Master, loyalty is important. But it also takes a certain amount of time to develop this habit. For example, Give enough benefits. On the contrary, if you don't give anything or do nothing, where will the loyalty come from? It's better to let the subordinates come forward to talk to them, and after taking out a certain amount of silver, they can still do something Some promises at least express our sincerity."

Obviously, Zeng Tong wants to use some tricks. Shen Ao can even think that as long as he agrees, Zeng Tong will make great promises, that is, what kind of bright future will he have after following him. Presumably This was also one of the former prince's common methods to win people's hearts.

However, knowing that the promise he made may not be fulfilled, and still saying that, it cannot be recognized by Shen Ao. He always believes that in life, one should be a person first, and then do things. As long as people do well, there will be success. With integrity and credibility, it will naturally be much easier when you want to do something.

On the other hand, if a person lies continuously, do you still expect others to be honest with you, to be honest with you, and to truly focus on you?

Shen Ao, who didn't bother to do that, shook his head and said, "No need. As the so-called father and mother marry, everyone takes care of themselves. If they are really seduced by the temptation in front of them and can't extricate themselves, it proves that they The most you can do in this life is to be a centurion or a captain of thousands, and you are destined to have no great future. There is no need to invest too much energy in such a person."

Shen Ao finally refused, and Zeng Tong felt anxious.

When I followed the former crown prince, I tried every means to recruit anyone who was capable. But even in the name of the prince, I still couldn't attract many useful talents. After all, Real talents are people who are proud at heart. How can they easily betray themselves because of some petty profits?

In comparison, Shen Ao is just a prince. Although he is talented and can be both literary and military, for most people, social status cannot be changed. If you want to recruit talents, you need to use The only thing is to put your best effort into it. How can you fold your arms and watch the excitement, waiting for the result to happen?

No matter how hard you try, you may not get good results, let alone do nothing. Doesn’t Duke Zhongguo have any greater ambitions at all?

Thinking about it, the Duke is not a prince, let alone a prince. No matter how hard he tries, there is no chance to get involved in the country. Even if he becomes more powerful, he will be suspected by many parties. I am afraid that Shen Ao has such an idea. You don't have any thoughts about those rangers who have made military exploits and won battles.

After some probing, Zeng Tong, who knew that he could not convince Shen Ao, stood up. "Okay, even so, my subordinates will try to contact the other party. If they insist on joining the army, they can only We can let them go."

"Okay." Shen Ao replied with a smile.

Zeng Tong left a little lonely like this. He thought that Shen Ao didn't dare to expand his strength privately because of his identity, but he didn't know that Shen Ao wanted to expand his strength far more than he imagined. For no other reason, San He will be twenty years later. If the emperor really wants him to marry the fifth princess at that time, what should he do?

In terms of blood relationship, the fifth princess is his cousin. How can such a close relationship really live together?

For the happiness of his own life and the happiness of the fifth princess, Shen Ao must and can only fight. And expanding his strength is a manifestation of resistance. He believes that with enough strength, he will be able to make Emperor Qianwen do something. Fear. When things go wrong and he is forced to leave his hometown, with enough strength, he also has more capital to survive, right?

Just wanting to expand and blindly expanding are two different things.

What Shen Ao wants is a loyal person, not a person who will give birth to a second-minded person in the face of a little temptation. If this is the case, as he said to Zeng Tong, it is better not to have such a person.


Shi Zitong walked out of the Zhongguo Duke's Mansion with a look of silence on his face. He was walking alone on the street, his eyes were dull and his whole body was weak.

King Xiang asked him to come and settle the matter, but now that he has not persuaded Shen Ao to stop, what will he do after he returns?

Thinking about King Xiang's temper, it is very possible that in a fit of anger, instead of killing himself, he would reward himself with some military sticks and beat himself to a lifelong disability. If that were the case, his life would be completely over.

And he is only in his twenties, and he still has a lot of ambitions to display, and he doesn't want to become a useless person so quickly. But the current situation is not something he can control. What should he do? How should he do it?

Shi Zitong didn't know how to face King Xiang, nor did he know what was waiting for him. He did not know that in a carriage not far away, someone was paying close attention to him.

"Your Highness, that person is Shi Zitong. Judging from his appearance, he must have been kicked out by Duke Zhongguo." A guard with a knife was saying this in a low voice to a young man in the carriage, and from time to time he would point to where Shi Zitong was. direction.

"Well, it's good to be down and out. This will make it easier to win over. In this way, you call him to the carriage." The young man's eyebrows are like swords. He is quite handsome, but his thin lips do appear to be incompatible with his good facial features. Somewhat inconsistent. Usually people with thin lips are regarded as a symbol of unrighteousness. In fact, he is originally a selfish person who only has interests in his eyes.

This young man called the Crown Prince is Tang Xiu, whose father is Tang Qinghe, the royal family member of the Daqian Dynasty.

From the time Tang Xiu could remember, what he saw most was his father's face, as deep as water.

When he was young, he was ignorant and didn't know why his father didn't like to laugh. But as he grew up and learned more and more things, he finally understood that his father was also a man who almost became an emperor. One of the three people most likely to rise to power that year.

When he thought that if his father really became the emperor, wouldn't he be a prince, or even a prince, and the future king of a country? Not only did he understand his father, Tang Xiu's ambition began to expand infinitely. .

Unbeknownst to anyone else, Tang Xiu had the idea that he would work hard to get back what his father had lost. To achieve this goal, he tried his best to look as elegant as a young man in front of others. , giving people an excellent affinity. Slowly, some people really gathered around him, and those people were willing to use him and help him.

Just relying on these is not enough to spy on the emperor's throne. Especially today's Emperor Qianwen is in the heyday of the Spring and Autumn Period, and under the monopoly of power, it is even more difficult to make plans for him. As a last resort, Tang Dynasty Xio then set his sights on several princes, looking for opportunities that might belong to him.

From the beginning, Tang Xiu's first target was the former crown prince Tang Xin. In his opinion, the former crown prince was the most likely person to inherit the throne. Once he had a good relationship with him, he would probably benefit a lot. More. And as long as you have more contact with him, you won't have to worry about finding the opponent's weaknesses. If you hit him with a sure hit at the right time, you can seize the opportunity to ascend to the throne, and great things can happen.

Regrettably, after several attempts and a lot of efforts, the former prince had no intention of contacting him. Not only the former prince, but also Prince Xiang and Prince Qing were dissatisfied with the olive branch he extended. Ignore it.

Tang Xiu also finally knew that these princes were probably like himself, influenced by their fathers, and would not easily trust him or contact him.

Difficulties were right in front of him. If it were someone else, he would probably be discouraged, and it would be possible to become a peaceful prince. But the seeds of ambition in Tang Xiu's heart had already been planted, so how could he stop just by saying he stopped?

He was still working hard, trying, and waiting for opportunities. But now, the opportunity appeared. King Xiang encountered a problem and sent his trusted aide Shi Zitong to solve the problem. But now Shi Zitong obviously has no solution, and is about to With no other way out, this might be his chance to get in.

Based on the idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, Tang Xiu decided to meet Shi Zitong to see if he could convince him to own it, and then established a certain relationship with King Xiang to lay the foundation for realizing his ambition.

Shi Zitong didn't know that he was being targeted. He was still walking on the street unconsciously. Suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder. When he looked up, he found that it was someone he didn't know, and he had someone on his waist. He was also carrying a sword, and he looked like a ranger or a guard. At that moment, Shi Zitong said with an unhappy face, "Who are you? Why do you dare to block someone's way? You are just a person with well-developed limbs, and you don't even have basic etiquette." Don’t you understand?”

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