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Chapter three hundred and ninety seventh one will succeed and ten thousand bones will die

In the past, Feng Wanli would have been very satisfied if he could serve as a centurion in the army, and he would rarely be tempted. But now, after seeing Shen Ao's commanding ability on the battlefield, where would he be? Have other ideas.

Join the army? If it wasn't led by Shen Ao, he really wouldn't have much confidence in his heart. There are often many factions in the army, and they might become cannon fodder. He, who is very loyal, watched his brothers serve as vanguards on the battlefield. Death is definitely the last thing he wants to see.

That's right, Feng Wanli would rather become the leader of the Sifang Sect and wait for the Duke to call him again than join the army easily.

From this point of view, Mr. Zeng Tong was overly worried. Of course, Shen Ao was also very happy after knowing the result. This proves that Feng Wanli still keeps his promise and is a usable person. If the opportunity is suitable in the future, he may not be given it. A better future.

Not only did Feng Wanli think this way, but Sun Fuhu, another so-called leader of the Guiyi Sect, also made the same choice. He also refused the recruitment of the Ministry of War and prepared to lower his head to develop his own strength. Previously, on the battlefield in the barbarian land, his He started a little later than Feng Wanli, which made him very unconvinced, who had always been proud. Now he wanted to use this time to close the distance between the two, and he also wanted to become someone important in the eyes of the Duke.

In addition to the two people, news spread in Daliang City, and many rangers were eagerly waiting for it.

The existence of the Ranger is a product of an era. When the government and the army disappoint some people or fail to satisfy their desires; with the continuous growth of batches of young people, the bloody men change from teenagers to young adults. , the ranger is like a leek that has been cut off, falling down one after another and growing up again.

Even during this trip to the Barbarian Land, the trip to the Three Thousand Rangers was only a part of the Rangers as a whole. Many of them did not choose to go to the Barbarian Land due to various reasons, and many of them were even waiting to see the Three Thousand Rangers. What a joke, wait and see how they roll back in despair.

The barbarians are so brave and fierce that even a large army can't do anything. How can a few rangers defeat them?

Especially the two hundred rangers who signed up and later became deserters. When they returned to Daliang City after tossing and turning, for the sake of their own face, they didn't want others to look down on them for not being able to endure hardship, and they didn't want others to think they were timid or afraid. , in the end, the truth was turned upside down, but Duke Zhongguo was buried badly.

What about traveling day and night and not caring about the sufferings of the rangers at all? What about being self-sufficient, clearly treating them as cattle, or the kind who don't give them food even if they work hard? What about lack of military discipline and lack of integration, even this If you rush to the barbaric land like this, then there is only one way to go: defeat and so on.

In a word, the ranger who did not escape would definitely suffer a loss after going to the barbarian land, or even suffer a big loss. What's worse, most of them would not be able to come back and would have to die in a foreign land.

Under the propaganda of these rangers, other rangers who did not go were very happy. It was so right not to follow Duke Zhongguo to the barbarian land impulsively before.

Also because of the spread of rumors, many people were unable to say anything after hearing it. It is true that Shen Ao was fighting for the great cause this time, and the young Duke of Guo had indeed done a lot for the people, but this It doesn't prove that he can lead the rangers to victory.

If you go anyway knowing that you will lose, then it is indeed not worth it. Even the rangers who did not follow will not be pointed at or looked down upon by the people when they walk on the street.

Just when everyone is not optimistic about Shen Ao, they think that even if he goes to the barbarian land, he will not have any effect. If he does it well, he will come back safely, but if he does it badly, he will be captured or even killed by the barbarians. It was not impossible. But in the end, Shen Ao came back, and he came back with the power of victory, which shocked many people.

How could he win? How could he win?

They are barbarians, they are instantly invincible, a foreign race that cannot even shake a large army.

As the team disbanded and the rangers returned to the common people, everything that happened in the barbarian land was no longer a secret. They were all revealed one by one. Only then did everyone know that the matter was true. It turned out that the young countryman The prince really led his troops to defeat the tyrannical barbarians.

For a time, Shen Ao's reputation among the people became even greater. But this time when he saw announcements everywhere in the city, saying that a tomb of heroes and a cenotaph would be built for the heroes who died in the war, everyone who heard it It started to boil.

Since ancient times, where have there been no casualties in battles?

It is normal for a general to achieve eternal success and be shrouded in horse leather on the battlefield. If you die in battle, it only proves your bad luck and lack of strength. At most, you will receive some sympathy afterwards, and no one will remember it. what about you?

When people die on the battlefield, they just dig a hole and bury them hastily. This does not mean respect for the deceased. Most of them are just because they are afraid of the plague if the corpse is exposed to the sun. But this time Shen Ao But they brought back the ashes of all the people who died in the war and placed them together. As soon as the news came out, all the people became excited. This was the first time in the world that people died for ordinary people. Soldiers build tombs. This is enough to attract everyone's attention.

For a time, many people decided that they must go and see for themselves what would happen that day and what kind of scenery it would be.

The people were looking forward to it, but Shen Ao was busy.

Time was too tight, with only three days of preparation time, so Shen Ao had to make various preparations non-stop.

The reason for being so anxious is that Shen Ao wants to use the east wind of victory to settle some things. If the time is delayed too long, the effect and influence will inevitably be greatly reduced.

Shen Ao wants to use this incident to create a good impression that he means what he says and people can be reassured by following him. In this way, even if the time is tight, it doesn't matter.

Fortunately, the Duke of Zhongguo is now a big business and has a lot of available manpower. Thanks to Emperor Qianwen's promise to have countless followers, Shen Ao has been much less constrained in doing things.

The Tomb of the Heroes was finally built before evening. This was also due to the fact that the workmen were all experienced craftsmen. They were all selected from the craftsmen who built houses in Beicheng. It was easy to build a tomb that was not difficult. .

Next comes the cleaning. Shen Ao's requirement is that it be spotless. Even if it is a place for heroes, where can dirt and evil practices hide?

Bai Qiutong took the initiative to take on this matter. She led her sisters into the tomb with water and rags, and soon made the place look brand new and extremely clean.

After everything was done, it was already dark. In the study room of Duke Zhongguo's mansion, Shen Ao was looking at each other with his uncle, Marquis Zhongcheng, explaining some procedures for tomorrow.

In line with the idea of ​​​​doing things with a high profile and being a low-key person, Shen Ao decided not to attend tomorrow's memorial meeting. He is already famous enough now, and he is so young. If all the good things are taken away by himself, there is no guarantee that he will not be able to attend. Make others jealous.

Shen Ao is naturally not afraid of trouble, but it is completely unnecessary to incur the jealousy of others for no reason, or even get into trouble because of it. Even so, it is better to give the opportunity to show off to the people closest to him. This is also a problem. a way of repaying.

When Shen Yunyi first heard that Shen Ao was going to leave the matter to him, he was surprised and a little excited, but he quickly became calm again.

Even if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them.

Shen Yunyi also knows this truth, and he also knows how powerful it is. Shen Ao's ability to retreat is a correct strategy. Moreover, the victory was originally won by Shen Ao, and this cannot be erased by anyone. In fact, even if his master did not host this memorial meeting, the result would be the same.

"Uncle, the memorial meeting is very important. Once things are done, when Daqian encounters trouble in the future, it will be the time when the people's support can be used. With the help of the people, all difficulties will no longer be difficult. Please uncle It must be done beautifully and well." Shen Ao said with an extremely serious expression.

The victory over the barbarians in this battle was not due to how powerful Shen Ao was. There were actually too many factors involved. Looking back now, if any of them were not done well, I am afraid it would lead to unpredictable and serious consequences. .

Afterwards, Shen Ao also concluded that the victory this time was mainly due to five major factors.

First, the barbarians underestimated the enemy and did not treat them as a piece of cake. They lost Jingzhou due to carelessness.

Second, Shen Ao caught him off guard and used night attacks, sneak attacks, closing doors, beating dogs, and setting fires. Only then did he stun the opponent.

Third, with reasonable preparation, there is no room for the Barbarian Cavalry to perform. When the opponent's strengths cannot be used, the combat effectiveness will naturally be greatly reduced.

Fourth, rewards and punishments are clear. Not only can it be said, but it can be done, which greatly mobilizes everyone's enthusiasm and improves the morale of the rangers, making them fear war at the beginning and long for war at the end.

Fifth, well-equipped. There are not only advanced weapons such as Shen's small repeating crossbow that can give full play to the advantages of close attack, but also extremely strong defensive equipment such as chain armor. With the sharpness of the spear and the strength of the shield, it can maximize Kill the enemy as much as possible and save yourself.

The victory of this battle was achieved only with the five major advantages. And this does not prove that the barbarians cannot fight, but it just does not give them room to display. If the two sides really set up their battle formations, the two sides will face each other with their generals. Shen Ao really didn't dare to think about what the consequences would be.

This chapter has been completed!
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