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Chapter 402 Congratulations, Your Majesty

Only then did the more than 200 million taels of silver now exist in the treasury.

Nowadays, the economy of Daqian has recovered, and there is money and sufficient food in the national treasury. Emperor Qianwen's ambition to dominate the world has finally begun to emerge. This can be seen from his desire to build an elite cavalry.

"Your Majesty, it should have been like this a long time ago. In the words of Duke Zhongguo, without a strong armed force, the money in our hands will become someone else's pocket at any time." Knowing the emperor's thoughts, Yan Fu naturally knew what to say. What. From his understanding, Emperor Qianwen was a man with a very upright idea. Even if he asked such a question, it meant that he already had an idea in his mind. Even if he stopped him, it would be useless. Even so, why bother to be that evil person? ?

"Oh? Did he say something like that? Haha, he is a man of foresight. Okay, then pass on the decree. I want to build a cavalry. The Lord Protector has been resting for many years. Now is the time to use him. "As if he had made some kind of determination, Emperor Qianwen laughed loudly and then named the Protector of the Country.

Lu Zhi, the Protector of the Country, had followed Emperor Qianwen on various expeditions when he was in his early twenties. Now he is almost forty years old. Now that he finally has the opportunity to be activated, he must be very happy.

Yan Fu saw that the emperor had made up his mind, so he agreed without hesitation. However, he did not immediately go to deliver the order, but said very carefully, "Your Majesty, Duke Zhongguo will leave for Liaozhou early tomorrow morning. You see ..."

"Are you leaving tomorrow? Well, it doesn't matter. Although King Zhong is ambitious, he is not reckless. He knows when to do something. Besides, his only son is in Daliang City, right here. In my hands, I forgive him for not having any second thoughts. In this way, there is nothing wrong with telling Dai Mubai and letting the people of the Liaozhou Emperor's Guard secretly protect his safety."

"No, I understand." Yan Fu finally finished what he wanted to say, and then nodded with relief, then turned around and left the hall, going out to deliver the order.

Emperor Qianwen was left sitting alone in the palace, and said with a hint of amusement in his eyes, "Brother Zhongwang, brother Zhongwang, I just don't know if Liaozhou builds a bank, will it finally help you? Or will it be a blessing?" Where is I?"



Shen Ao will leave for Liaozhou early tomorrow morning. At this time, Bai Qiutong is packing his accompanying clothes.

In this aspect, Bai Qiutong did take away more than Xue Fei. Xue Fei had tried it before, but it was a pity that when she was asked to pack her things, she either pulled this or forgot that. After trying several times, After that, she had to admit that she was really not good at this aspect, so she taught Bai Qiutong everything.

Seeing Bai Qiutong taking care of Shen Ao's clothes piece by piece, he also said that he heard people say that the weather in Liaodong is colder than Liang, so he must put on more clothes when the time comes, and don't let the young master catch a cold. Xue Fei, who had a straight face, couldn't help but laugh out loud, "Sister Tong, why didn't I notice that you are so verbose before? If the young master sees you like this, I'm afraid it will be a joke."

"You dare to talk nonsense." Bai Qiutong's face turned red with embarrassment when Xuefei said that. She didn't even bother to sort out her clothes. Instead, she stood up, stretched out her jade arms, and held her slender jade hand towards Xuefei's armpit. Touch the itchy spot.

"Ah! No." Xuefei has great martial arts skills, but she won't use them on her sisters. And she happens to be very ticklish. Yes, as time went by, Bai Qiutong found her weak point and would often use this trick.

The two started laughing, and they saw Xu Qing, who came to help, jumping to the side, calling Sister Fei to be careful, and calling Sister Tong to hurry up. They were very busy. But no one knew, How much she envied her two sisters in her heart, who could serve on both sides of the young master and express her feelings. In contrast, she, who was already worried about the girl's thoughts, could only suppress all her thoughts in her heart.

What girl doesn’t have a child?

Which girl doesn't have a prince charming in her heart when she's in love?

Being with Bai Qiutong and Xuefei every day, she was naturally affected, especially when she heard that Master Tiantian was taller than Master, which made her ears prick up. Over time, the vague image of Shen Ao has become more and more complex. The more specific it is, the clearer it becomes.

What's even worse is that when they see their parents and brother every day, they also talk about the young master and shut up about the young master, which makes Xu Qing unable to listen even if she wants to. Fortunately, not only is she not annoyed, but on the contrary Also enjoy hearing about anything about Shen Ao.

She didn't know how many nights, when she was lying alone on the bed, she closed her eyes and saw Shen Ao's blurry appearance, which seemed clear and real. When she wanted to reach out to grab it, she was completely gone. Already.

Turning around, Xu Qing was very envious when she saw the scene of Bai Qiutong and Xue Fei having fun. At least they could openly talk about the young master, but she couldn't. Now she is just a slave of the Zhongguo Duke's mansion. , it was because she got along with Sister Bai Qiutong that she had more opportunities to get in touch with her. In terms of identity, she was really far from Shen Ao.

Looking down at her chest, it seemed that it was far less stature than Bai Qiutong's Xuefei, and she couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. But she didn't know that she was still growing, and the size of her chest should still be okay. Expanding in a circle.

Shen Ao is also busy. At this time, he is talking to Zeng Tong in the study.

"Mr. Zeng, I will leave Daliang temporarily tomorrow. You still have to worry about things here. If there is anything urgent, please notify me by carrier pigeon. Remember." Shen Ao said seriously, because as time passed, As time goes by, there are too many people in Daliang City that he needs to care about. If something happens to any one of them, he will be heartbroken. So if possible, he does not want anything to happen to anyone.

"Don't worry, young master, I've written it down." Zeng Tong also said with a serious face. He could feel Shen Ao's concern for his relatives. It was completely from the bottom of his heart, unlike the former prince, who cared about Only himself.

"Okay, I can rest assured that Mr. Zeng will stay in Daliang City." Shen Ao nodded with satisfaction. A thought flashed through his mind. Should he tell Zeng Tong the contact information with Feng Wanli and Sun Fuhu? This is really possible. When something happens, these people should be considered a good force. But in the end, he still did not make this decision. Some things can only have unexpected effects if they are hidden.

If everyone knew about it, the effect would not be so obvious. Besides, everyone needs to have secrets, and the same is true for Shen Ao. He will not reveal all his power unless absolutely necessary.


On the same day and night, in the palace of Mandu, King Man was looking at this urgent report from King Qing.

King Qing wanted to use the power of the barbarians to stand up and become the future emperor of Daqian. Why didn't the barbarian king want to use him to detect the situation of Daqian?

Speaking of which, the two parties were in a cooperative relationship, and it was still an extremely unstable cooperation. But now, this letter from King Qing actually proposed that he wanted to marry his daughter and marry him, which made King Barbarian's face show An unhappy attitude.

My daughter is a barbarian princess, the most beautiful gem of the barbarians, how could she marry a cripple?

Although this lame man has the status of the eldest prince of Dagan, it still cannot change the fact that he is a useless person. Not to mention, hasn't he not yet become the emperor of Dagan?

"Humph! What a whim." As the Barbarian King spoke, he threw the letter aside with a look of disdain.

The Imperial Master Fu Ru on the side happened to see this scene, so he reached out to pick up the letter, read it carefully, then closed his eyes, and then read it again, and then a smile appeared on his face, "Congratulations, King , Congratulations, Your Majesty."

"Huh? Why are you so happy? Imperial Master, I will never let Yadan marry a cripple. This matter is non-negotiable." The Barbarian King looked a little unkind. These words were what the Imperial Master said. If it were replaced by something else As a human being, I'm afraid he would have been angry already.

"No! No! Look, Your Majesty, in this letter, King Qing only wrote about marrying the princess, but did not explain who was marrying the princess. So can we understand more?" His expression remained unchanged, and he still spoke with a smile on his face.

"Oh?" Hearing what he said, the Barbarian King took the letter and read it carefully. Sure enough, as the imperial master said, it only talked about marriage, and also mentioned the princess, but the man was not specified. Although the meaning between the lines can be understood Look, it was said that Prince Qing and the princess were getting married, but after all, it didn’t say otherwise.

When he thought of the congratulatory voice of the Imperial Master just now, the Barbarian King became more energetic. He sat up and asked, "What do the Imperial Master mean?"

"Haha, Your Majesty, marriage is just a situation. As for who the protagonist is, it doesn't matter, right? Even so, the princess can choose to marry Prince Qing, or she can choose to marry someone else, for example That young prince?"

"Oh!" The Barbarian King once again made a sound of surprise, and then his eyes became brighter and brighter. "Yes, yes, what the Imperial Master said is absolutely true. Haha, although I have never seen that young Duke, The princess has feelings for him, but I can see it. Moreover, I have also heard from Xiang Boli, Xiang Anxi, Xiang Longqiang, Ran Chaoming and Shajie that this person is indeed very capable. At the age of seventeen, he can calculate every step that will happen on the battlefield. This is definitely a talent."

"By the way, Teng Ziju also mentioned many times in his letters that that boy is very capable and is good at making money. Such a person is indeed worthy of our barbarian princess." The Barbarian King laughed after hearing this. . He could even imagine that as long as he raised this matter, Oyadan would definitely agree and offer to go to Daliang City.

The Barbarian King has always regretted that Shen Ao was so capable but could not use it for himself. Now that it was better, if he became his son-in-law, how could he not take care of the Barbarian? This would be a powerful helper, wouldn't it?

"Hahaha." The Barbarian King, who became more and more happy as he thought about it, couldn't help laughing. "Here, go and invite the princess."

This chapter has been completed!
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