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Chapter 406: Big Misunderstanding

King Zhong did not force Shen Ao's rejection. He also knew that this person was now a popular person in Emperor Qianwen's eyes, and there were many spies from the Emperor's Guard in Ningcheng. If Shen Ao came into contact with him too frequently, I'm afraid it will have a bad impact.

Out of consideration for Shen Ao, King Zhong smiled and said, "That's it, I'll treat you to dinner next time I have the chance."

"Thank you, Prince Zhong. I will accompany you next time." Shen Ao agreed with a smile.

After Shen Ao left, King Zhong would not see him off in person because of his identity, but he also watched him leave. After losing sight of the other party's back, King Zhong put away the smile on his face and asked Xiu Zhe beside him: "Sir, how do you feel?"

"Duke Zhongguo is indeed young and promising, and his words are impeccable. It is hard to imagine that he would be a seventeen-year-old boy." Xiu Zhe said with some sigh at this moment.

"Yes, I feel this way too." Prince Zhong sighed, thinking that the look in his eyes would give him a sense of decay, he couldn't help but shook his head and said: "But it doesn't matter, today We have already shown our goodwill, and when we turn back we will trouble you to have more contact with him to find out his preferences. When the time comes, we can recruit him and use him for my king's use."

"No." Xiu Zhe quickly clasped his fists and made a bow. But for some reason, he had a feeling that it was not an easy task to convince Shen Ao to be used by King Zhong.


Shen Ao arrived in Ningcheng, Liaozhou. Daliang City also welcomed a guest.

When a mighty cavalry team of more than 500 people appeared outside the west gate of Daliang City, it caused a commotion among the silver-armored guards guarding the city.

All the officers and soldiers guarding the city looked as if they were facing a powerful enemy. They held their swords in their hands, as if they would attack anyone who came after giving an order.

Until the opponent's cavalry team got closer and closer, and they could clearly see the appearance of the opponent, and most of them were female soldiers, the Silver Armored Guards were in a commotion. Obviously, this was the first time they had seen so many teams composed of women. .

"Where is the general who defends the city? This is Tumasha, the captain of the barbarian princess guard." A heroic female cavalry left the team and came to the west city gate and shouted loudly.

This team was the marriage team headed by the barbarian princess Oyadan. After some discussions between the barbarian king and the national teacher Fu Ru, they came to Oyadan and talked about their plan. Sure enough, after a while, Oyadan With a blush on his face, Dan agreed to go to Daliang City to get married.

According to the original words of the Barbarian King, if you can win the heart of the loyal Duke through marriage, it would be best for him to be used by the barbarians. Even if you can't, you must find a way to make friends with him, at least not to let this person target the barbarians. That would be a big problem. Good things.

Even though it was his father's order, Oyadan already belonged to Shen Ao. There was no reason not to do this kind of thing that had the best of both worlds, so he agreed. Now he has come to Daliang City. And this Once, Oyadan not only brought 500 female riders, but also 5,000 war horses, which he wanted to sell to Shen Ao for business. However, he did not get Shen Ao's permission, so he did not follow them here. Instead of staying under the city, he stayed in a temporary horse farm not far away.

After verifying his true identity, Oyadan and his party went straight into Daliang City and headed towards the barbarian post house. The news soon spread in the city, and flew into thousands of households, as well as into the imperial palace.

Emperor Qianwen, who was approving the memorial in the Yangxin Hall, learned the news from Yan Fu and looked suspicious.

"Your Majesty, the barbarian envoys have come all the way into the city. When they see people, they say that they are here to make peace with us at our invitation. Now the whole city knows it. Many people know that there is no need to fight with the barbarians. , and applauded for it, this... This is really strange." As Yan Fu said, he glanced at Emperor Qianwen with his eyes, wanting to see what the emperor's reaction was.

As someone who follows Emperor Qian Wen every day, if there is such a big deal as wanting to make peace with the barbarians, Yan Fu has no reason not to know about it, so he looked confused.

Not only Yan Fu, Emperor Qianwen was also confused at this moment. He was sure that he had not given the order to get married, but the barbarians still came, and there was a big problem.

Just when Emperor Qianwen and Yan Fu looked puzzled, the young eunuch outside the Yangxin Hall came to report that Lord Zuopushe Fan Shitong was here.

"Please." Emperor Qianwen straightened his body. He knew that Fan Shitong's arrival should clear up his doubts.

Sure enough, as soon as Fan Shitong entered the hall and had not yet walked completely in front of Emperor Qianwen, he said with a joyful expression: "Your Majesty, I am so happy. This time I can marry the barbarian princess. From now on, we will really be a family, at least There won’t be any sword fights for a few years, so the country is very lucky.”

Fan Shitong is reasonably sensible and knows that true peace does not come through marriage. But usually, under a marriage, there is no problem in maintaining peace for a few years.

"Huh? Fan Aiqing knows the details?" Emperor Qianwen asked in a questioning tone, waiting for the other party to answer his questions.

"Oh, look at what happened. I was so excited that I forgot to tell His Majesty for a moment. Here's what happened..." Fan Shitong began to explain, to the effect that the barbarian princess Oyadan came last time. After Daliang City, His Highness King Qing was shocked when he saw it. Then he stopped thinking about tea and food, and fell into lovesickness. In order to relieve His Highness, Fan Shitong thought of proposing a marriage to the barbarians, but he just didn't know what was going on. Whether it was possible or not, I didn't tell the emperor in advance. I didn't expect that the barbarian princess would come after receiving the letter. This was really an unexpected surprise.

After Fan Shitong explained, he still had a smile on his face and looked very happy. But at this moment, Emperor Qianwen was indeed not happy at all.

What does it mean to not know whether something will work or not and not tell yourself? Marriage is a major matter for the country, how can it be decided privately by the ministers below?

It can be said that when doing this, Fan Shitong and Prince Qing probably did not take him as the emperor seriously at all.

But even though he knew this, Emperor Qianwen couldn't get angry. The barbarian princess had already arrived. If he denies this matter now, where would that put the barbarian's face? Wouldn't it be tantamount to forcing the other party to go to war with him?

If this is the case, the results of the previous battle that the loyal Duke Shen Ao won will be greatly compromised, which is not what Emperor Qianwen wants to see.

Especially now that he has begun to prepare for military affairs and has already thought about training his cavalry, when the time is right to attack the King of Jin, he will not allow any extraneous matters.

It was very uncomfortable to feel the fire in his heart that could not be released. He wanted to show happiness at this moment, so Emperor Qianwen had to say with a bitter look: "I see, this is a good thing. That's right. This marriage was brought about by Mr. Fan, so I will leave it to you to handle it."

Changing the name from Fan Aiqing to Lord Fan was Emperor Qianwen's way of expressing his displeasure. Fan Shitong may or may not have understood, but this did not prevent him from agreeing. "Promise, I will obey the order."

The story that the barbarian princess entered the city, and then Zuo Pushe and Fan Shitong entered the palace to meet His Majesty, soon spread out.

This incident quickly spread among the senior officials. When the news reached Prince Xiang's Mansion, Prince Xiang, who was still pretending to be ill, was really pissed off.

All this time, King Xiang had never put King Qing, the eldest brother, in his eyes.

First of all, King Qing was a lame man with a physical disability, so theoretically he could not accept the throne.

Secondly, there is no support from big figures behind King Qing, mainly from the military group. There is only one person who shoots at Zuo Pu. Others may be afraid of him. But in the eyes of King Xiang, it is really nothing. Once King Xiang comes to power, He can be dismissed from office at any time, or even punished.

But things are different now. Once King Qing really marries a barbarian, it will be equivalent to having a big backer from the barbarians behind him. Even if he doesn't pay attention to it, he will not be a duckweed without roots.

When I think about King Qing having just been praised by his father for returning the money from the bank, and now he has a barbarian as his backer, doesn't it mean that one of his shortcomings has been filled, and in this case, it will threaten Your own status?

At this moment, Prince Xiang was so angry that he fell down on the bed in anger. He didn't want to get up, let alone go out to see the proud face of Brother Qing.

Compared to Prince Xiang's depression, Prince Qing's Mansion was full of joy. Prince Qing was walking back and forth in the courtyard excitedly at this moment, giving the impression that his leg was no longer so lame.

Joy falls from heaven.

Prince Qing just sent the letter of marriage with the intention of giving it a try. He didn't get a reply for so long, so he thought it was something serious. Unexpectedly, Oyadan actually came to Daliang City in person, and said yes to everyone he met. Coming here for the sake of marriage, isn't that equivalent to agreeing to your own marriage?

When he thought that from now on, Prince Qing would also have the help of a military group behind him, Prince Qing felt that he was much closer to the throne at this moment.

Just when King Qing was rejoicing, a group of barbarian cavalry came outside the Zhongguo Duke's mansion. The leader was the barbarian princess guard chief Tumasha who was shouting under the city gate.

This time she came to the Duke Zhong's mansion to recognize her family on the order of the princess. In addition, she also used this opportunity to tell Duke Shen Ao that the princess is here, but she is here for you. You should hurry up and apply to your emperor to propose marriage. Let's do it.

In fact, Oyadan originally planned to come to the house in person. He only heard that Han women are extremely reserved and followed the local customs, so he suppressed his excitement and did not go in person. He just sent the guard chief to stand in front of him.

People in the Zhongguo Palace were full of surprise at the arrival of the barbarian female cavalry. Out of courtesy, Bai Qiutong received Tumasa as a half-host. Then he learned the purpose of her visit from her mouth. I was shocked on the spot.

This chapter has been completed!
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