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Four hundred and twentieth chapters itchy inner appearance

In fact, Shen Ao also has such strength now. Unless the armies of the Golden Armored Guards and Silver Armored Guards are mobilized, it is really not too difficult for Shen Ao to deal with anyone. But he did not expect that Wu Yonghou, who was dealt with, would He didn't even fart, and even took the initiative to explain that it was a misunderstanding.

Bullshit misunderstanding.

Everyone was injured, and the son was knocked down and fell to his knees. Can this be explained by a misunderstanding?

But Wu Yonghou just swallowed this breath. Then there must be something happening that they didn't know about.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor's Guard has come to report that Duke Zhongguo first went to the Great Barbarian Post House, but did not enter it. Instead, he met the Barbarian Princess outside, and then went straight to the Wuyong Marquis' Mansion." Yan Fu thought of the report he heard before, and whispered a reminder.

"There is such a thing, um." Emperor Qianwen's brain was not in vain. As soon as he said these few words, he thought of some possibility. It seems that the barbarian princess provided something to Duke Zhongguo. But What could that be?

What would make Shen Ao so bold, and what would make Qiu Chun tolerate being bullied right in front of his eyes?

Emperor Qianwen, who was confused for a moment, said to Yan Fu: "Tell the Emperor's Guard to find out what is going on?"

"No." After Yan Fu agreed, he went to deliver the order. Although he didn't think the Tianzi Guard could find out, that was no longer something he should worry about.

Emperor Qianwen couldn't figure it out, so he arranged for the emperor's guards to go secretly investigate. Relatively speaking, the two servants couldn't understand, so they sent someone to inform the three princes, hoping to meet in secret. Now such a big thing has happened The Wuyong Hou Mansion couldn't do anything about it without attracting attention. They didn't want to go to the Hou Mansion now and become the target of public criticism.

What the two servants didn't expect was that their men were sent out, but the three marquises did not agree. Instead, they pushed them away because they had important things to do.

What important matter could be greater than the summons of the two servants? For a moment, both Fan Shitong and Bailigui had a bad feeling in their hearts.



After Shen Ao came back, he seemed to be a lot more relaxed. After all the fuss, he felt a lot of depression in his heart, and it was time to get down to business. Then he came to the backyard of Zhongguo Duke's Mansion and looked at Xu Heng and other great workers are busy with printing matters.

Since the invention of paper in the Han Dynasty, writing materials have been lighter and more economical than the oracle bones, bamboo slips, gold, stone and silk used in the past. However, copying books is still very labor-intensive and far from meeting the needs of society. As late as the Eastern Han Dynasty In the last Xiping period (AD 172-178), the methods of copying and rubbing stone tablets appeared.

But even so, it is still very time-consuming and labor-intensive. It is still a big problem for books to appear in batches. Now that Shen Ao is here, these problems will naturally be solved. He wants to do movable type printing, which will naturally not be what Bi Sheng will do in the future. Something happened.

Separate the engraved lead blocks one by one, rearrange them as required, and add ink to make the book. The process is roughly the same, but there are still many problems, which will be solved by Xu Heng and others. .

Xu Heng is indeed a generalist. As long as you instill the correct ideas into him, he will understand and provide enough raw materials, he can make what you want.

With the help of such a great talent, Shen Ao's ambitions are getting bigger and bigger.

This does not refer to his ambition for power, but to his thoughts on civilization.

There were four major ancient civilizations in ancient times, but why is it that only the Chinese civilization is still alive and well? Isn’t it because we have retained a lot of culture? But even so, many classic civilizations have disappeared. No. In the end, people still don’t have enough understanding of civilization and don’t know that this kind of treasure should be cherished and protected. This also has a lot to do with the fact that there are too few people who can read and write.

Shen Ao is not a saint, and he doesn't know how history will develop in the future. But now that he has come here, he always has to do something within his ability. For example, literacy is one of the things he wants to do.

In history, before the founding of Great China, the illiteracy rate was quite high. It was over 90% in the Qing Dynasty, slightly lower in the Song and Ming Dynasties, probably around 85%, and only higher in other dynasties. Generally speaking, since the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, The literacy rate in the north is generally very low, maybe in the single digits. The literacy rate in the south is relatively higher, especially in Jiangnan, where it is said to reach 15-20%. (Literacy here obviously refers to the level of being able to read ordinary articles. The kind that can only Writing one's own name does not count as literacy)

If people are uneducated, they will become short-sighted. This does not mean short-sightedness in vision, but also in thinking. If you want to change it, make them more literate and understand more about this country, this world is an extremely important thing. .

What Shen Ao has to do is to create printing work first, and then he will create some books, such as the early Three Character Classic and Hundred Family Surnames. As long as the people have culture, they will promote the development of the world, even if it is One day, Shen Ao is gone, and the Han people with sufficient cultural heritage can continue to move forward. One day, they will create more miracles, reach the pinnacle of the world, and be respected by all races.

For this big cause, Shen Ao has decided to print more books and distribute them for free in the early stage, or charge low-cost literature to promote them. For such a big cause that benefits the Han people, even if he has to lose some money, he is still willing to do it. This kind of magnanimity is something that contemporary people do not have, even the internal minister Du Jin, who is known as a great literary figure of the time.

Du Jin is talented.

But being talented doesn't mean you have far-sighted vision, and it doesn't mean you can accomplish great things.

Du Jin's talent can be used to teach and educate people, letting them know what is right and wrong, what is good and evil. But if he is really allowed to govern a country, or even a whole place, his ability will not be enough.

But Du Jin didn't think so, or he didn't think about governing a place. What he was thinking about now was how to create a work that would be handed down from generation to generation. The opening chapter of "The Chronicles of the Kingdoms of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty" sent by Zeng Tong before was really exciting. Touching his itchy spot made him excited.

Although there were only two articles sent this time, and most of them told that period of history in vernacular, it was enough to shock Du Jin. After reading it repeatedly, he began to think about what he would write next.

With his talent and knowledge, he naturally understands that period of history, but he thinks that he cannot write such words, or that he is not used to this way of writing. He needs to read more chapters before he can Decide on this style approach.

However, after waiting for two days, Duke Zhongguo seemed to be in charge of digging and not burying, and there was no movement. This made Du Jin even more heartbroken.

Ordinarily, Du Jin is not an impatient person. On the contrary, he does things in an orderly manner. Oh, he can also be said to be slow. But when he encounters a good article, his whole person changes. Seeing that two days have passed, Zeng Tong Before he came to find him, he sent his servants to find Zeng Tong.

After Zeng Tong received the letter, he was also shocked by Du Jin's reaction. He also read the "Records of the Kingdoms of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty", but because it was only the beginning and not complete, he did not pay too much attention to it. Perhaps this was the reason for the two of them. The biggest difference between people is that one wants to be a scholar, while the other is addicted to power.

Zeng Tong felt good about this book, but it was not heart-breaking. According to the wishes of the Duke, Du Jin should be left alone for a few days.

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, people ignore me at all. In that case, you have to consider other methods. But what I didn't expect was that there was a response so quickly.

Fast is a good thing. Zeng Tong knew that the opportunity had come, and immediately took the third chapter given to him by Shen Ao. The Dog Rong Lord made a big fuss in Haojing, and King Ping of Zhou moved east to Luoyi and headed straight for the Du Mansion.

Compared with the last time, the standard of this reception was much higher. Du Jin personally greeted him at the door, which gave Zeng Tong enough face. It also made him more confident about his guess.

Unlike the last time, Zeng Tong didn't want to leave so quickly. Instead, the two of them sat in the main hall drinking tea and chatting for two sticks of incense. Finally, Du Jin couldn't help it and took a pinch. Hand, asked about the "Chronicle of the Nations of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty".

"Oh, look at someone's memory." Zeng Tong smiled as if he just remembered it, and then took out a few pages of manuscript paper from his arms. Du Jin, despite his age, is very fast with his hands and feet. It was snatched away.

After unfolding it, it was the third chapter. Regardless of Zeng Tong's presence, Du Jin picked it up and looked at it carefully. But it didn't take long and he finished reading it. After rummaging around, he found nothing. , raised his head and looked at Zeng Tong with a puzzled expression.

"Hey." Zeng Tong knew that it was time for his performance, so he sighed and said: "Brother Du, you also know that Duke Zhongguo is very annoyed now. Marquis Zhongcheng raised him up like a father, and now he has Without trouble, a nephew would have no time to think about other things. Even these were written by him in his spare time, and the language in them is far less exciting than the previous two times."

"Well, yes, I feel the same way." Du Jin nodded after hearing this.

The writing is not exciting enough. In fact, Shen Ao can't remember that much at all. People are often like this. When reading a good article, they will only remember the most exciting moments and the beginning. Shen Ao The same is true for Ao, I remember the first two episodes more clearly, but by the third episode it was a little blurry.

How did Du Jin know this? He really thought that Shen Ao was upset. But he didn't intend to help in this matter. The two parties just had a little friendship. If this was the reason, he would be asked to stand up and speak for the other party. , he was unwilling to do so.

This chapter has been completed!
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