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Chapter 453 Two decrees

This violent banging sound caused more and more people to watch the excitement outside, and soon they crowded both ends of the street.

"Leader, brothers are here, occupying various positions, ready to take action at any time."

"Sect Master, our brothers are ready to take action at any time. And we also saw people from the Sifang Sect among the crowd."

Mutterings could be heard in the crowd. Taking advantage of this chaotic opportunity, Shen Ao's personally appointed leader of the Sifang Sect, Feng Wanli, and the leader of the Guiyi Sect, Sun Fuhu, were surrounded by more and more brothers.

The development of the situation at the scene made the two men's expressions tighten, and their fists tightened and loosened.

After returning to Daliang City, the two of them did not choose to join the Daqian Army. The moment they became one of them, they had tacitly agreed to join the arms of the Zhongguo Duke's Palace. At this time, seeing that the Duke's Palace was in trouble, Naturally, I won't stand idly by.

But the problem is, I didn't receive any orders before. If I attack rashly now, it would be a trivial matter to expose my own strength. It would be unforgivable to delay the Grand Duke's grand plan.

To take action or not to take action?

The two of them were still hesitating. However, after a series of urgent knocks, the door of the Zhongguo Palace finally opened the side door, and Geng Liang, the guard, appeared again.

Geng Liang, who came out this time, brought with him hundreds of security guards. They filed out of the side door and stood in front of every yamen servant. They stared at them fiercely like wolves and tigers, as if giving an order. If you do it, you can knock the government servant to the ground at any time.

"What are you going to do?" Facing the approaching security guards, the first ones who couldn't stand it were these government officials. They actually asked first, and there seemed to be a hint of trembling in their voices. in.

These are the government officials of Dali Temple. They may bully the common people and show off their power, but when faced with powerful people, especially those who are stronger than them, they soon show their cowardice. It was originally their timid side.

In comparison, the Silver Armored Guards are much more powerful. At least they will not be afraid of the strength of their opponents. It is a pity that the Silver Armored Guards have all gone to Dingzhou City at this moment, and they cannot become the servants of these government officials. backing.

The incompetent performance of the government officials fell into the eyes of the surrounding people, which immediately caused bursts of laughter. In the ears of several ministers, they all looked ugly. Even Fan Shitong and King Qing hated these loyal people. The guards of the duke's palace, they don't take the government servants seriously. In any case, they represent the imperial power. If it weren't for the fact that this time the Zhongguo duke's borrowed a barbarian princess to tie their interests, they really wouldn't want to Never mind such things.

Whether it is Prince Qing or Fan Shitong, they hate each other in their hearts, but they will not speak out. They will not forget the purpose of coming here, and naturally they will not add insult to injury. This is not the case when your right servant shoots Baili Gui. The guards were so strong that they immediately vented their unhappiness, "Look, look, they are just a group of domestic slaves, and they dare to be enemies of the imperial court. This trend is really not good, it's unacceptable." Already."

"Lord Baili is absolutely right. This time I want to enter the palace to arrest someone. Whoever blocks me will also be punished. Humph! Everyone, listen up. Concubine Yuan Huang has this intention. Please listen to the decree. "King Xiang took it out of his arms, and a decree was held in his hand.

"I will receive the order." Although there was no need to kneel down when meeting Yi Zhi, out of courtesy and respect, Baili Gui still bent down, looking respectful.

With Bai Ligui setting an example, Prince Qing and Fan Shitong looked at each other, and no matter how unhappy they were, they could only bend down and salute.

As soon as these ministers took the lead, the people who were watching fell silent for an instant. No one said a word, and they all lowered their heads, as if they were listening, causing the entire street to be quiet, and you could hear a needle drop.


Even Geng Liang and other guards could only put down their fierce gazes at the government officials at this moment, and stand bent over with their hands clasped in fists.

This is the power of Yi Zhi. Unless there is an emperor's will, otherwise it is a decree, an order that people have to accept.

Seeing everyone's performance, King Xiang wanted to look up to the sky and laugh. Can't you? Aren't you awesome? You can even compete with the government servants who represent the emperor's orders. Then ignore Yi's decree if you have the ability. If anyone dares

By doing this, King Xiang could punish the other party for the crime of disrespect and imprison him, or even kill him on the spot, and no one else would be able to say a word "no".

It's a pity that these guard slaves still know how to behave, so King Xiang's idea of ​​killing people in public cannot be implemented. But it doesn't matter, as long as they can enter the house and find the barbarian princess and his party, they will be punished for the crime of deception when they come back. At that time, I guarantee

The Chunguo Duke's Mansion was not much better.

Thinking that when Shen Ao came back, the entire Zhongguo Duke's mansion would be raided, but he could do nothing about it. His face would be very beautiful. Unknowingly, a smile appeared on Prince Xiang's lips, and Jier turned into

Want to laugh.

But before the smile fully burst out, another voice broke the atmosphere. "Master Du is here!"

Outside the crowd, a soft sedan drove up, accompanied by a dozen guards on the left and right, passing through the ranks of common people and heading towards the gate of the Zhongguo Duke's Mansion.

Internal Prime Minister Du Jin is here. Appearing at such a critical time made Prince Qing, Fan Shitong, Prince Xiang, and Bailigui all a little suspicious. They couldn't understand why Du Jin came when the overall situation was so uncertain.

Do something?

If his appearance before had some effect in preventing King Xiang from taking out Yizhi, now that Yizhi has been taken out, it is impossible for him to save the overall situation if he appears, and it is useless to appear again.

Du Jin appeared when he shouldn't have appeared, which naturally attracted everyone's attention, so much so that King Xiang forgot to read out the imperial edict in his hand. Until the sedan chair stopped in front of the mansion, he was dressed in the red robe of a high-ranking official.

Du Jin walked out, and everyone's eyes followed him.

"Haha, it seems that I'm not too late." Du Jin smiled brightly, his eyes first fell on the unopened Yizhi in King Xiang's hand, then he laughed again, stretched out his hand into his arms, and soon another Yizhi appeared.

He held it in his hand and said, "Unfortunately, I also have a decree from Imperial Concubine Zhao in my hand, but I don't know who will read it out first?"

"What?" King Qing and Fan Shitong heard the words and looked at the raised Yi Zhi again, and they were overjoyed. Concubine Zhao was also a noble concubine, although she was not as good as Concubine Yuan Huang, with an extra word "emperor" in front of it, but her rank was already

It is very high. Unless there is a decree from the queen or the empress dowager, its weight is almost the same as what King Xiang holds.

What's more important is that the imperial court should only make one voice, especially if something like the imperial edict is to be recorded in the history books, then it must be more cautious. If the two imperial edicts represent different meanings, wouldn't it mean that For outsiders, are the Daqian harem not just in a group but scheming among themselves?

If this is the case, I am afraid that Concubine Yuan, who is now the first person in charge of the harem, will bear a great responsibility. On the contrary, Concubine Zhao, who only assists in managing the harem, will have much less responsibility. Even if the emperor comes back and finds out In this matter, the blame will also fall on Concubine Yuan Huang. The most she can do to Concubine Zhao is to reprimand her.

It was precisely after seeing this possible outcome that Du Jin entered the palace early in the morning after thinking about it again and again, and asked to see Concubine Zhao, and obtained such a decree that could protect the Zhongguo Palace from being raided.

He hurried and hurried slowly, because he was afraid that the Zhongguo Duke's mansion had already been raided, so there was no need to bring out this imperial edict. Now it seemed that it was not too late, and Du Jin couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

He was relieved, but falling into the eyes of King Xiang made him furious. He did not expect that Du Jin also invited Yizhi, and thinking about it with his heels, he knew that Concubine Zhao protected Shen Ao. Then we can draw conclusions about what will be written in the decree.

What are the consequences if two different policies appear at the same time?

As the instigator of the incident, what role does King Xiang play? Once the incident reaches the ears of his father, what will be the result?

At this moment, Prince Xiang's expression changed again and again, and in his heart he hated Du Jin who had come up with the imperial edict. He really didn't understand that this internal minister who seemed to only focus on learning and rarely interfered with political affairs Why would you side with Duke Zhongguo?

Why can't he help himself? He is a prince with the honor of three jewels, and he is also the most likely person to inherit the throne. Not only are there many officials in the court who follow him, but even among the vassal kings, there is also the King of Qi. As a big backer, under such a powerful force, Du Jin should choose his own side.

How could King Xiang know that Du Jin would help Shen Ao, which was naturally the result of the "Chronicles of the Kingdoms of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty". Most of that book has been written now, so he certainly has merit, and Shen Ao's merit will only be greater. Many, such a masterpiece will be published. For Du Jin, that is what he wants in his life. For this purpose, he will never allow anyone to threaten Shen Ao now.

Prince Xiang's eyes were still rolling, but Du Jin didn't want to give him too much time to think about it. "Your Highness, Prince Xiang, and His Highness Prince Qing, can you return to your home and office?"

After setting up such a big battle, it seemed that the matter was about to succeed, but now he had to go back and return without success. Naturally, King Xiang was reluctant, his face was red, and he stood there without saying anything for a long time.

Unless King Xiang says to leave, the others cannot leave. After all, no one knows what King Xiang will do when he is angry. If he wants to kill everything, he must enter Zhongguo with the imperial concubine Yuan's decree. The government, they really couldn't stop them. Even if they took out Concubine Zhao's decree, it would still be of no avail. It would only make the conflicts between the royal family public. In the end, when the emperor was angry, everyone present was afraid that I'm about to get slapped.

This chapter has been completed!
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