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Chapter 472 King Xiang provokes anger

King Xiang will be established as the crown prince, and he will be the crown prince of Daqian in the future. The future emperor will have the power of life and death. With such a big name displayed here, the other four ministers who oversee the country collectively lost their voices. The other ministers have also become mute, and no one dares to lift their beards. As for the situation before it becomes completely clear, no one will act rashly.

The emperor is not in the palace, and the empress dowager is not in good health. According to the news from the palace, she is in bed to recuperate. Therefore, she has the highest rank originally, and she will be the mother of the prince. In the future, she is likely to be the queen, the empress dowager's imperial concubine Yuan. Immediately he started to tremble, and no one dared to stop him.

The originally good situation was completely destroyed because of an order from King Xiang and a decree from the imperial concubine. Whether it was a large bank or a prosperous country, many masters came to check the accounts. It seemed that some of them were not found. What won't give up.

This is clearly an attempt to take control of Daqian, the two most profitable industries, but everyone can see it, but they can't stop it. For this matter, the eldest princess came to the Zhongguo Palace early in the morning and wanted to I need to discuss countermeasures with Shen Ao.

I got up early as usual, ran some exercises, and trained with the Five Hundred Mountain Guards. After breakfast, Shen Ao was about to leave the Duke's Mansion and go to the New Army Training Center when he was stopped by the eldest princess. .

"Mr. Zhongguo, why do you still have the time to go to the training ground for the new army? Don't you know that a disaster is about to happen?" In the main hall of the Duke's mansion, the eldest princess looked at her anxiously and said that she hated iron but could not make steel. Shen Ao asked.

"The sky won't fall." Shen Ao, on the other hand, was unhurried and even had the air of a general, speaking calmly.

After he got the news the day before yesterday, he immediately ordered Chang Hong, who was in charge of Daqian Bank, to withdraw all his money. At the same time, Chang Hong himself also took out the account books in advance and made preparations, fearing that when King Xiang sent out After checking the accounts, those account books should have been given to the visitor.

As for Guo Changlong, Shen Ao also arranged to be in charge there, and Fan Bai, who had taken refuge in him early, asked him to transfer the funds from the account and send them to the Duke of Guo's house. Although there was still some money that could not be recovered quickly, the overall situation was good. No problem.

Even if his boss is about to be changed, Shen Ao will certainly not let others take advantage of him. What he has to do is to withdraw first and stay out of the matter, and then watch how King Xiang continues to play and how he messes up the good situation. When the time comes, People complained, but they didn’t believe that no one stood up to take care of it.

Anyway, in Shen Ao's eyes, Da Qian belongs to the Tang family and has nothing to do with him in the first place. He only needs to protect himself and his relatives from losses. As for other people, he is not the savior and cannot protect everyone. Peace and future.

"Can it collapse? Do you know that King Xiang has sent out a large number of audit personnel early this morning. For this reason, many people from the household department have been transferred. They are clearly here for us. According to this palace, I'm afraid that this is just the first step. After they master a large amount of gold and silver, they will use money to punish people like us who he doesn't like. With the tense relationship between Zhongguo Gong and Xiang Wang, don't you think you can do it at all? Aren't you in a hurry?" The eldest princess stared into Shen Ao's eyes and said, wanting to see what was inside her.

"Urgent? What's the use of being anxious? You can't eat hot tofu if you're anxious." Shen Ao smiled and shook his head. No one knew better than him. Just how many people were involved in a large bank. He used to be in charge. Everyone believed that He also knew that Duke Zhong was always trustworthy in business, so he trusted him very much and was willing to put his money in it to earn interest. But now, it was Prince Xiang who was in charge. He was a greedy and extravagant lord, and he wanted to dig out the money he had swallowed. How difficult it is to get out.

I'm afraid that it won't be long before conflicts between the two sides arise. At that time, countless people will stand up without having to take action. It is said that cutting off people's money is like killing their parents. At that time, don't say you may become a prince, even if If you become a prince or even an emperor, blocking everyone's way of making money, how many people will sell your face?

At this time, Shen Ao seems to have seen the consequences of the disaster caused by King Xiang. Unless he can change his temper, otherwise, he is afraid that this time he may be promoted to the crown prince. It’s still a big disaster.

The eldest princess returned without success. She really couldn't figure out why Shen Ao was not worried at all when King Xiang was already threatening. Is there no other way out or is there something to rely on?

It's a pity that Shen Ao didn't say anything, and the eldest princess couldn't ask, so she had to leave the Zhongguo Palace and began to contact other people to put pressure on Prince Xiang. The two had a confrontation before, which can be said to be extremely She didn't like it, and the eldest princess definitely didn't want King Xiang to take the throne. But she couldn't get involved in such a matter at all, so she could only do some other work, find more like-minded people, and set up various resistances for King Xiang. .

It's not that Shen Ao doesn't want to say it, but he doesn't know how to say it. If everyone does nothing like him, then no one will restrain King Xiang, let alone be his enemy, so what? Overthrow him.

As for Shen Ao not taking action, it was because he was afraid that making too much noise would scare King Xiang, which would prevent him from being arrogant, offending so many people, and provoking so much hatred, and things would not be fun.

Knowing that it was normal for King Yixiang to be abandoned by everyone due to his urinary nature, Shen Ao simply did not set his sights on him and continued to wander among the workshops and the new military camp. What matters now It is to defeat the Jin army. Only in this way can Daliang City regain its former peace, so that business and trade can have a better development environment and space.

Shen Ao didn't mean to criticize King Xiang hard. He thought it was unnecessary. He had already offended many people, so there was no need for him to go out and make enemies of King Xiang. Besides, this time they were not targeting him alone, but again. For everyone, there is no need for him to stand out and be the villain.

How did King Xiang know this? He just saw that Daqian Bank and Guochanglong were in his hands. The next step was to audit the accounts. Once problems were found, it was time for him to take action to deal with people and show his authority as the future prince.

As for whether this move would attract opposition from other people, King Xiang was not afraid. He was about to become the crown prince. If he was still afraid of a minister, then what would he say? What's the point?

It has to be said that King Xiang has a lot of nerves, and he seems to be very single-minded. After he stopped two of the most profitable businesses, he even did a bastard thing out of complacency. It is stipulated that before the accounts are checked, the money deposited by the person in Daqian Bank will not be charged any interest. On the contrary, the interest that those who borrow money should pay back must not be short of one penny. And once it is returned, it will be paid in a short period of time. I am not prepared to put money out.

As soon as this decree came out, it was like poking a hornet's nest, and it attracted angry scoldings from many powerful people.

The power and wealth of a country are always in the hands of a small number of people, and the powerful are the representatives of this group of people.

Since the establishment of Daqian Bank, Emperor Qianwen issued a series of imperial edicts. For example, in any public place involving transactions involving more than a hundred taels, silver taels are not allowed. Otherwise, if you are caught, you will be severely fined, etc. There are also For example, Guo Changlong and the members of the Chamber of Commerce are mainly cashiers, especially since the Chamber of Commerce is constantly expanding. Its members have grown from the original four to the current 20 people, and they have been involved in various fields of clothing, food, housing and transportation. , if the powerful wanted to do business with them, they could only use banknotes to do business, and they could only deposit the money into Daqian Bank.

Over time, when people get used to this method of banknote transactions, they find that it is indeed very convenient and does not waste their own silver. On the contrary, when the money is deposited in the bank, there is still interest to be earned. Although the interest rate is not high, it can't hold you back. There is a lot of money. If you save hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars, the monthly interest will be a considerable amount.

Just as people are used to depositing money in banks, especially these powerful people, when they go out, they often don't have slaves carrying boxes following behind them like before, which looks very cumbersome. On the contrary, one by one It's a time when you feel relaxed, and all you need to do to buy something is to put your hand into your arms and make a cool gesture of taking out a banknote to solve all problems. There are more and more silver deposits in Daqian Bank, and just this part of them can It has already reached a huge amount of 100 million taels.

It can be seen from this that how much wealth do these powerful people have in their hands? But at this time, King Xiang suddenly closed Daqian Bank and was not allowed to carry out any business. For a while, they were just powerful people holding a pile of banknotes. I was anxious.

It is impossible for the powerful and powerful people to not know what kind of person King Xiang is. Especially the many people who have watched King Xiang grow up. They have already experienced the greed of the third prince. Seeing Daqian Qianzhuang, If the power is going to fall into the hands of this person, how about leaving it to them? I'm afraid it won't be long before all they have in their hands are destined to be silver notes instead of silver coins that can be used for buying, selling and trading.

Thinking that this was tantamount to cutting their own flesh, the powerful people were very angry. At this time, plus the eldest princess and Prince Qing and others came forward to actively collude, in a short period of time, the impeachment memorials came out one after another like snowflakes. He pressed on Emperor Qianwen who was on the front line in Dingzhou.

Although they were on the front line of Dingzhou, the Tianzi Guards still reported what happened in Daliang City once a day. When urgent matters occurred, they often reported twice or even three times a day. Naturally, they could not escape King Xiang's actions. Emperor Wen's eyes and ears.

When a large number of memorials were piled up in front of him, Emperor Qianwen just opened them and read a few of them. After discovering that the contents written on them were all about Datong and Xiaoyi, he ignored them and chose to put them aside as "leaving them in". .

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